"Please note that once you sign this contract, you cannot go back on it. Please make sure you absolutely understand this matter."

"Can I ask, what price should I pay for signing this contract?"

The sinner demon's eyelids twitched. This should have been something that the other party took the initiative to explain, but he waited for a long time and the other party didn't say anything.

He really thought that the other party would realize the explanation, but now it seems that he is overthinking, don't you Asking the other party has no intention of answering at all

"whispering sound!"

What he didn't expect was that the female demon seemed to be very troublesome and showed a very smelly black face.

But the male demon chose to forgive her, who made her look good.

Then he heard the other party Speak

"After signing this contract, part of your soul will become currency, which is the fee you pay for this dream."

The sinner demon was shocked when he heard this. He traded his soul. Are you a demon?

What? Me too?


The male demon was a little retreated. He had just gone to hell, and he still had a lot of demon life to squander. He really didn't want to Give your soul to someone who doesn't understand.

Besides, even God can't get his soul. If he is so stingy, how could he give his soul to other demons?

It seems that he has read his thoughts. , the face of the female demon who acted as a waiter suddenly became extremely scary.

She took out a chain saw knife from somewhere and turned on the power supply. A terrifying mechanical sound sounded, making the male demon's heart beat with fear.

"You...what do you want to do?"

"What to do? You came in and didn't do any projects. Are you kidding me? I'm going to cut you into pieces and feed them to the dogs!"

"Etc., etc! I do! Isn’t it okay if I do it?"The male demon was sweating profusely.

Even though he was taller than the female demon, he had no doubt that the other party could easily kill him. As a new demon, he still had some good eyesight.

"Can I at least ask one more question?"

"Ask!"The female demon said impatiently, holding the chain saw knife loudly on her shoulder.

The male demon hesitated for a moment before asking:"You just said that this time the dream requires me to give up part of my soul. How much is this part?"

The female devil paused for a while, then took out a small notebook from her gully. The male devil's eyes almost didn't sink in.

The female devil flipped through the small notebook, and then said:"About a thousand One-thousandth of the soul, this is the price you have to pay for this dream..."

The devil's heart moved when he heard this. If it is only one-thousandth, it seems to be nothing.

After all, he doesn't know what the soul is. How precious. I just instinctively feel that it would be a bit of a disadvantage to hand over something as important as my soul.

"By the way, it says that if you are willing to apply for a VIP card, the price can be reduced to one ten thousandth... Are you willing to apply for it?"

VIP card... The devil said blankly:"Is it possible that the dreams here can be consumed repeatedly?"

"Of course! The female devil looked like you were talking nonsense,"Of course it can be customized repeatedly. If you want to have a different type of dream next time, just do it again.""

Although the male devil was a little moved, he decided to give it a try first.

"Okay, let me try it first and see how it works this time.…"

"So you've decided?"The female devil looked unkind, and the sword on her shoulder was gesticulating back and forth on the male devil, with the intention of snapping him if she disagreed. The male devil nodded quickly, and then signed his name on the parchment document handed over by the female devil.

In The moment the name was signed, the magic of the dream was activated.

The expression of the female devil in front of the sinner devil suddenly changed, her dark and stinky face disappeared, and she became extremely charming. She suddenly pressed against the man without any warning. On the devil.

The male devil's eyes once again fell into the ditch and couldn't extricate himself, but he still felt very surprised. He just signed a name. Why did the other party change so much?

But he had long been interested in this female devil. He was salivating. Now that the other party came to his door, of course he couldn't refuse.

So he picked up the female devil with his backhand, and then felt very good in this exchange.

Above From then on, he simply forgot about the dream.

Until he walked out of the exchange, it seemed that the matter had been completely forgotten by him.

Then the demon began to encounter some very strange things.

When He feels that when he is short of money, he can always get a sum of money out of nowhere without paying any price.

When he wants a beautiful woman, no matter how big the status gap between the two parties is, there are always various accidents that can Let him get his wish and have a happy kiss.

And he discovered something. Whenever he felt a little powerless, he would suddenly become brave. This also made him more and more confident, and he could win over the girls he got. He is also getting higher and higher.

His ambitions have been growing all the time, and he is no longer satisfied with just playing small things. He wants to be a lord...

In the real world, the female devil saw the devil who had fallen into a dream in front of her with her mouth slightly open, with a lewd expression. Her expression was drooling, and she couldn't help but feel contempt in her heart. She moved her gaze downwards, which was so dirty that she almost couldn't help but cut it open.

But fortunately, she still held back, not because she couldn't bear it, but because Afraid of being reprimanded by his superiors, he could only leave bitterly.

I don’t know how long it had passed before the devil who was immersed in the dream suddenly woke up from his dream.

A spring dream, wonderful and exciting.

Although the real world has only passed a few years ago It was a short period of time, but in the dream, at least nearly a hundred years had passed for him. This dream world was even longer than his real life experience, so that he couldn't distinguish between reality and reality for a moment. False.

He hurriedly ran outside. When he saw the female devil who had received him at the front desk, he rushed towards her.

In his impression, this female devil was also one of his P friends, or The one he liked better.

But it was unbearable for the female devil, and she cursed"WTF`!"After that, he took out the chain saw knife and split the male demon in half with quick eyes and hands.

Blood and internal organs were instantly spread all over the floor, and the fishy smell was everywhere.

The other waiters were inevitably splashed with blood and flesh, and they all started to curse.

"what the hell!"

"What the hell are you doing!"

The whole exchange was filled with fragrance.

The female demon saw the appearance of the demon from the two halves of the body's head. Only then did she realize that she had just killed a sinner, which actually made her breathe a sigh of relief. Fortunately, the one she chopped was a human being. Sinner, he will not die.

So she said to the others:"Throw his body out quickly, he stinks to death.""

"Didn't you fucking do this? Go clean it up!"

Just when several waiters were cursing and you were pushing me and I was pushing you, the male devil who was divided into two halves finally woke up.

He also finally remembered that he had not really become an invincible big shot. He It was just a dream.

But the dream was so wonderful that it made people completely intoxicated and unable to extricate themselves.

He was willing to exchange one thousandth of his soul for another dream. This time he wanted to be bolder and have a more top-notch dream.!

So when he was roughly kicked out by the female demons of the exchange, he didn't take it seriously. Instead, he returned here again after recovering.

"You actually recovered so quickly?"The female demon who cut him in half by herself was very surprised.

You must know that yesterday she was a killer with all her strength and cut this guy in half on the spot. Even with the sinner's immortality, he would not be able to survive for ten days. It is impossible to recover in half a month, but how long has it been?

The male devil said proudly:"My ability is not good at other things, but my recovery power is great! It's just split in half, it's not painful at all."

In the dream world, the male demon also relied on this ability to secure his position as the demon lord.

He rubbed his hands and quietly walked to the female demon.

"That...I want to be a VIP!"(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The female devil immediately put down her disgusted expression and showed a"kind" smile

"Of course you can. Are you sure you want to apply for it now?"

The devil nodded quickly, as if he was afraid that the female devil would regret it.

"Okay, please come with me and sign here..."

The male devil complied completely, completely different from yesterday when he threatened his life before signing his name.

In the end, he successfully signed his name and became the leader of the Dream Exchange since its opening. The first customer and VIP user.

This matter was not kept secret for long, and soon, the demons in the entire Arrogance Ring knew about this customer. In the Demon Bar, a group of demons were expressing their opinions on the matter

"But there is no other information about him except that he often goes to that store. Could this be the trap they are looking for?"

"That was a sinner who had just gone to hell. How could he be a trustee?"

"Why can't it be? Wouldn't it be easy if someone had discussed this matter in advance while he was still alive, and then killed him and sent him to hell?"

"What a devil you are!"

"Hey Hey…"

"But there is also a possibility that he really feels that it is good there, so he is not willing to share it with us."

Based on the selfishness of the devil, this is not impossible.[]

"Shall we give it a try?"

"I don’t want to go, I always feel like there’s something unspeakably evil there…"

".This is fucking hell, evil things are everywhere."

Similar discussions are everywhere, but no matter what, the first crab-eating devil has appeared, and other devils who also want to try will soon follow.

So, it didn't take long for several more to come. The devil also entered the Dream Exchange and experienced dreams he had never seen before.

Since the beginning of civilization in hell, although materials have become increasingly abundant, pure magic products are still very rare. What is sold in the Dream Exchange is something that is not available on the market. A unique product for any competing product.

Not only demon mages, but even demon nobles and major ring masters cannot copy this product... Of course, Lucifer is not included, but his relationship with Dane is pretty good, so it won't be a problem. Turning against him for this petty gain

"I don't understand, if you have such power, why would you use it to lure these demons into corruption?"Charlie almost watched Dane open the store.

"Doesn't this make these demons more and more depraved?"

Dane has returned to this world at some point. He needs to find a way to solve the problem of time flow between the two worlds.

At least the sense of time in the two worlds must be consistent, otherwise it will easily cause many problems.

Faced with When Charlie asked, Dane patiently explained:"This thing is also a test to a certain extent. It is very valuable to the devil.""

"Test what?"Charlie was puzzled.

Dane used the power of dreams. This time, he brought the core of Cortana's body, the Dream Stone, into this hell.

"Imagine if it were you, if you could realize anything in your dream that you usually dare to think about but dare not do, your first reaction would of course be to realize it as soon as possible, but what about after you realize it?"

Dane's words made Charlie fall into deep thought.

"What if you realize your ideal? How do you want to live the rest of your life?"

Charlie couldn't help but think of herself. If all the sinners in hell succeeded in ascending to heaven as she thought in her heart, then she would have fulfilled her ideal (Mano's), and in the short-term satisfaction After that, you will inevitably fall into endless emptiness.

"Of course, for these demonsFor example, they may not have such luxury as ideals. Scumbags can still live without ideals.

But people without ideals can only indulge in material desires. Although we often say that demons have endless desires, but limited by their own knowledge, there are limits to the material desires they can imagine, so their material desires also have limits. of.

Even perfect beauties will get tired of sleeping with them thousands of times, and after these demons have exhausted their lust, what is left for them is still an emptiness. At this time, they will need something else to fill this void. The army of emptiness within."

Charlie's eyes lit up when she heard this.

Dane did not live up to her expectations. He said what Charlie wanted to hear:"By then, these demons may be able to listen to your reasoning and follow your wishes. way to atone for sins."

Only after being tired of the fallen state of life, the devil has the need to yearn for heaven.

Just like Angel, he looks like he is enjoying the current life, but both Dane and Charlie can see that he In fact, he doesn't like his current life, but he can't escape this kind of life. He has become accustomed to it.

Habitual depravity is really a very terrible force. Even if he has the intention to change for the better, he can't help it. The land was trapped by the indulgent life of the past, and finally returned to the old ways.

And Dane's method sounds a little bit reasonable?

As long as it can satisfy all the evil and dirty thoughts in the hearts of the demons, sooner or later they will do this She was bored with her life and began to seek inner transcendence. This was of course something Charlie would like to see happen.

However, Dane himself knew that this statement was nonsense!.

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