What can Bilitz say?

He was as curious about this question as Dane. Sometimes he felt like there was a generation gap between himself and Luna. He couldn't understand what was going on in his adopted daughter's mind.

But in order to help Luna cover up the matter, he could only make it up, hoping to fool it.

And he racked his brains for a long time, and the excuse he finally gave was......

"I send wrong."


Is this little devil taking me for a fool?

Dane knocked on the table and whispered:"Come here."

Biliz's mind was instantly taken away. He felt that Dane's voice seemed to come from the horizon, elusive and hard to find, but still vaguely audible.

In confusion, he followed the guidance of Dane's voice and walked to him.

Dane said again at this time:"Kneel down."

Bilizzi knelt down in response, completely involuntarily, and he suddenly woke up when he felt the familiar pain coming from his knee.

At this moment, he suddenly said something out of nowhere:"I swear, I will never suck your dick again!"

Dane was silent.......

A chilling atmosphere suddenly rose in the air.

Dane felt a little annoyed. Why were there two of these demons always thinking about the lower body?

You said it would be fine if the succubus said so. What a devilish person it would take for a little devil to be in love with this thing!

He was now seriously considering whether to just kill Bilizzi. This little devil was too dirty in his mind.

Bilitz's unusually keen perception saved his life again, and he quickly begged for mercy.

"Wait, that's not what I meant...No, I'm not talking about you..."

Dane couldn't bear to listen to his explanation. As soon as his magic power came to him, he planned to hang this guy who spoke freely. Anyway, the other party's name was in his hands. As long as he needed it, he could pull this guy back from death at any time. return.

But just when Dane was about to put an end to this little devil with a mind full of filthy things, he suddenly felt an abnormal magic power rising around him, and his movements slowed down for a moment.

Suddenly, Biliz's feet suddenly became empty, and a strong sense of weightlessness pulled his body downwards. This familiar feeling made his expression change, and he suddenly realized that Luna was helping him.

Normally he would be very happy, but not now!

Because he knew how terrifying the man in front of him was, and it was definitely not something Luna could deal with now.

Dane lightly snapped his fingers, and the surrounding space suddenly came to a standstill. Biliz stopped falling and stopped in mid-air, still maintaining a solemn expression on his face.

Through magic perception, Dane found the strange spell caster hiding nearby, and grabbed the spell caster with his magic hand.

"Interesting, a hellhound?"

This demon breed is a hellhound, with gray-white hair and obvious female characteristics.

She has long hair and combs it to one side, giving her an unruly temperament.

Her clothes have an obvious rock style, full of With a sense of rebellion, the Choker with steel spikes worn around her neck was like a dog ring. The spell caster was Luna. She had red eyes and grinned at Dane, as if a dog wanted to bite someone. puppy.

Dane smiled and said softly:"Naughty."

His fingers slightly moved inward, and Luna walked over uncontrollably, and knelt down beside him obediently.

Dane smiled and rubbed the dog's head...

Luna was so angry that her lungs almost exploded. Although she was a race It's a Cerberus, but it's completely different from a canine!

The space stagnation was lifted.

Billizzi was afraid that Dane would hurt his adopted daughter, so he quickly said:"Sir, she is just a willful and confused Cerberus. You don't have to Meet her in general."

Luna turned and looked at Bilizzi fiercely, I am here to save you!

"Ordinary hellhounds don't have such magic power, and...this skillful spell-casting skill is obviously not something that just a hellhound can achieve."

Dane's eyes could easily see what Revina had hidden. As soon as his mind moved, the hidden magic book flew to his hand automatically.

After just flipping through it, Dane discovered a few very interesting things on it. Practical magic, such as magic that can open passages between hell and earth at will, and magic that travels between major galaxies.

Dane discovered that most of the magic recorded in this magic book comes from the power of the stars. An application of the power of nature.

It even involves the power of power.

This high-end power should not appear in the hands of a hellhound.

So Dane flipped forward, and on the title page, he found this book The name of the book's real owner

"Storas Getia, I remember this is one of the 72 Demonic Pillars?"

Stolas, the 36th demon god among King Solomon's 72 demon gods, is a noble son and commands 26 legions. He often appears in the form of an owl.

In the hell of this universe, Solomon does not exist, but The Seventy-Two Demon Gods exist, but they are not included in a book. They cannot be counted as the Seventy-two Demon Gods. They are still just wild demons.

But it is obvious that these demons have formed their own class in hell.

They are among the demons. The nobles possess powerful magic power passed down from generation to generation.

And legend has it that each noble is in charge of a vital power.

If hell is compared to a game, then ordinary native demons are NPCs, and ordinary sinner demons are clouds. Players.

The senior sinner demon (the strongest among the sinner demons) is the high player, the demon noble is the GM (the authority is not complete and is divided), the ring master is the GD (game planner), and Lucifer is not included.

Therefore, in In the world view of hell, demon nobles can actually be regarded as"gods" who use a certain symbolic power. Like Storas, he represents the power of the"stars", and his strength and power also come from here.

But it is different from real gods. , the demon nobles are not"spirits" born from nature, nor are they"gods" born from human belief. They are living creatures, but they just happen to have mastered the method of controlling a natural force.

And Dane has reason to doubt, This book is one of the sources of Stolas' power.

How could such an important thing be in the hands of a hellhound?

"Where did you get this book?"

Dane pinched Luna's chin with two fingers and raised the puppy's face.

Luna still bared her teeth and stared at Dane without speaking.

But Bilize was startled, and he quickly said :"I stole this book from a demon noble! It's just that my magic talent is limited, so I leave it to Luna to use."

Dane could see that Bilizzi seemed to care about Luna very much, and it was not just a master-servant relationship.

He let go of Luna and continued to read the magic book in his hand.

There were many interesting things recorded in this book. Magic, and there are also many dazzling ideas written down.

But the only pity is that most of the magic requires the magic book itself as a spell-casting medium, otherwise it cannot be activated.

But even so, this The book itself still has research significance, which forced Dane to re-examine the value of the demon nobles.

He seemed to have overlooked these aboriginal people, the demons who can keep the family alive to this day. Who doesn't have two unique skills?

And Dane I have also noticed that the idea of ​​72 Demonic Pillars does not seem to exist in this world. In other words, the special god King Solomon does not exist in the history of this world.

There is no power of this person in the Power of Zansha either. This gave Dane an idea.

Could he gather 72 most powerful demons and combine them into 72 demon gods? In this way, he could bypass the restrictions set by God on him and become the king of demons. ?

At that time, he will bring the power of all the demons in hell to legally conquer the seven ring lords and become the lord of the entire territory. Even if he cannot obtain the authority of hell, he will actually rule hell.

At that time, even if hell itself does not agree, But it couldn't stop the demons from selling their souls to Dane.

He thought carefully and thought he could give this method a try!

So he looked at Billizzi again, opened his palm, and a string of letters appeared, exactly Bilizio's real name.

He opened his mouth and blew gently, and Bilizio's name flew up with the wind and flew into Biliz's body. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!

) Liz suddenly had a strange feeling, as if he had suddenly become complete. He knew that his name finally belonged to him again, and he couldn't help but feel happy.

"Don't be too happy. Even if you have completed this task, since your completion is not to my liking, I am going to add a new task to you."

Bilize was a little worried:"What mission?"

"This magic book belongs to Storas Getia. He can never lend it out at will, nor can he keep it with outsiders without taking it back.

Since it is in your hands, it proves that you should be someone he can trust. The task this time is very simple. You go find him and introduce this nobleman to me."

Although Dane is a powerful dragon, except for a few demons, no other demons know who he is. Since he has decided to follow the rules, he doesn't mind a little trouble. It is always good to have an intermediary to introduce him. a little

"This task should be easy, right?"

Bilize nodded subconsciously, but soon he felt as if he was involved in something very dangerous, which made him instinctively want to retreat.

Dane seemed to have noticed his thoughts and set his sights on On Cerberus

"Until you complete your mission, leave this hellhound with me."


Bizz wanted to say something more, but Dane directly used the magic in the magic book to teleport him out.

The Little Devil Instantly Murdered. Suddenly, a space-time door opened inside the company. Bilizzi was thrown out of it and fell directly to the floor like a dog eating shit.

"Luna!"Bilize raised his head and shouted, but the portal had already disappeared without a trace.[]

Moses and Milly immediately ran out to check, only to see a demon named Blitz yelling like a madman in the office.

"What are you doing?"Moses was so noisy that he had a headache.

"Luna! That guy took Luna away from me!"Bilize was still yelling.

Milly wondered:"Please tell me clearly, who took Luna away?"

"That demon who looks almost exactly like a normal human being!"

Milly and Moses instantly realized the seriousness of the problem.

"Why was Luna captured by him?

Biliz jumped up and down anxiously:"Because she followed me quietly!""

Moses and Milly understood that with Luna's ability, if they wanted to follow Billizzi without anyone noticing, it couldn't be easier, just open the door..

"Now what?"

Biliz immediately calmed down after hearing this, and began to calmly think about countermeasures. After thinking about it, he finally found that the breakthrough point was Storas. He lost the magic book, he couldn't be anxious, right?

However, Biliz was worried that he would be killed by Storas first. To kill him, although the other party is infatuated with the little devil and is a pervert.

But as a demon noble, he should have basic reason. As long as the other party's brain is normal, his focus must be on the magic book rather than the little devil.

When he puts this When Worry told his two men, he received two puzzled looks.

Moses wondered:"How did you get that book out in the first place? Can't you just repeat the same trick now?""

Biliz pinched his eyebrows, and he said to Moses earnestly:"Moses, although my job is not bad, it is not good enough to be able to take care of this kind of thing."

Even if he is willing to allow Stolas to play some more perverted games, he still feels that he is more likely to be torn into pieces.

But when he thinks of what kind of abuse Luna will receive in the hands of the other party, Bliss can hardly sit still. Ann, in the end, he gritted his teeth and made a call to Stolas.

When he told Storas about the matter with trepidation, the next step, Stolas opened the portal and came to the interior of IMP Company.

Imagine with Bilize The difference was that Stolas did not immediately think of killing him, but instead had a solemn expression on his face.

"You said it was a new demon who asked you to deliver this news to me?"

"That's right!"

"Do you know his name?"

Biliz was stunned, and suddenly remembered that he did not know the other party's name. At that time, he was completely shocked by the strong sense of oppression from the other party, and completely forgot about it.

Storas did not mean to blame Biliz, he After all, he is just a little devil, and what he can do is very limited.

But he also has a rare headache. Not long ago, he and Stella were still guessing who caused all this, but they didn't expect that now he would have to consider whether to Go meet him with this problem.

Stolas's own strength can only be said to be average among the nobles, not the weakest, but not the strongest either, probably only at the middle level.

He heard that this legendary demon has the ability to compete with Luci Although the power of the opponent is only a rumor in the market, it is enough to show that the opponent's strength is definitely very high in hell. With his small arms and legs, I am afraid that he will never be the opponent's opponent, but when I think of his magic book......

That was an extremely important thing. When he received this book from his father, he had been warned that it must not be lost or allowed to be accessed by others at will. This was the responsibility of a demon noble.

If you go, you are afraid that the other party will do something bad to you. If you don't go, you may be punished for losing important items.

Bilize has really given himself a big problem!.

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