After Dane got the magic book, he began to study the magic in it.

It is easy to cast these magics. He can basically use them at a glance, but the principles behind them need to be carefully considered.

Because of this, he didn't have time to take care of Luna's irritable Xiugou himself, so he dumped her to Angel, the only free person in the hotel.

But what he doesn't know is that Angel is actually a Furui control...

So when he received this order, not only was he not dissatisfied at all, but he was full of impatience.

"Oh, look at her, how cute she looks!"

When Luna saw Angel, she had a look of disgust on her face. She roared crazily at Dane:"You actually left me to a male prostitute!"

As a senior netizen, Luna has of course heard of Angel's name. He has a great reputation in the other world.

Normally Luna doesn't think it's anything, because the XP in hell is originally full of flowers. The master of the lust ring, Si Don't Prince Trust and other demon nobles also control little demons? She accepted it too.

But once this matter was brought to her, she couldn't hold back.

Just when she was yelling, Angel couldn't control it anymore. He stopped his hand that was about to move and started to play with the dog.

"Get away from me! You pervert!"Luna resisted, but she was cursed by Dane. Not only did her magic power become condensed, but her physical strength was also greatly weakened. Now she is no match for Angel at all. Besides,

Luna only has two hands, but Angel had six of them, and she couldn't resist, so he was dragged away by Angel on the spot.

In the corridor, Vicky, who was passing by, saw Angel pulling one of them with a weird smile on his face. Cerberus walked away.

She walked into Dane's office and handed Dane the performance report of the recent exchange.

Just as Dane thought, there were so many demons attracted by the dream exchange. In just a few days, The exchange is already crowded with demons who want to experience it.

If the payment method is money, Dane should be promoted to the richest man in hell as quickly as possible.

But as a hell demon, material things Money is worthless waste paper to Dane. He feels that hell should regain its past glorious traditions, and souls should be the only currency in this world.

To this end, he also wants to do a large-scale experiment in this hell.

Now that hell has developed to the level of modern technological civilization, why do we still use paper currency? Why not use more convenient digital currency?

Dane did a market survey on this and found out the reason.

Digital currency itself is more dependent on paper currency than A perfect credit system, but credit is very luxurious in hell.

Maybe the demons have some trustworthy companions, but when it comes to the entire hell environment, very few demons are willing to trust a complete stranger. Devil.

Even the current currency system was finally established with the joint efforts of Lucifer, other noble demons, and ring masters. It took a long time to build such a body of faith throughout hell.

And such a currency system The credit of the whole hell has been basically exhausted, and it is unrealistic to launch a digital currency.

Unless Dane can come up with another thing that can replace the existing currency system, Dane is a little confused about the human world. Currency is either bound to gold, or to oil, or to credit. These are things that people only dare to do at a relatively late stage of development.

Why is Hell so brave? To do it all at once?

In addition to credit, does their currency also have to be tied to other things? Things are bound?

Otherwise, it would be hard for Dane to imagine that these demons would obediently accept the credit exchange.

In order to figure out this problem, he asked Cortana to check all the network base stations in the entire hell and review all the server information inside. Finally, After big data analysis, he finally discovered that thing

"Angel dust?"

Dane looked at the small bag of powder in his hand curiously. This kind of packaging gave him some bad associations.

Cortana nodded affirmatively when facing Dane's eyes.

Dane was speechless at that time, Angel Dust, this name What sounds good is actually a stimulant that can stimulate the demon's central nervous system, which is a drug.

And Dane suddenly remembered at this time, doesn't Angel's full name Angel Dust mean angel dust?

He He seems to be a heavy addict of angel dust.......

Although Dane had imagined that hell would have its own general equivalent, he never imagined that the general equivalent here would be something like this.

It's very characteristic of hell.

And he can also understand why those demons take this kind of thing so seriously.

Hell is not an easy place to mess around. Although most of the sinners who can go to hell are those who have committed unforgivable sins, they are not necessarily capable people.

To survive in a place like hell where demons eat demons, if you don't have the ability, you will become the prey of other demons.

Even capable demons will experience the evils of human nature in this world that are more cruel than those in the human world. Betrayal, killing, illness, hunger, poverty and other misfortunes in the human world are all available in us version here.

So for ordinary demons, maintaining a life itself is a very difficult thing, which forces them to find something to help them escape from these pains.

The drug is the best medicine to relieve their pain. For many demons, they can skip food, but they can't stop sucking angel dust.

Therefore, this kind of blasphemous product has become the most trustworthy commodity recognized by demons.......

Like the blasphemous substances in the world, angel dust can also poison the brains of demons, but neither sinner demons nor original demons actually need to worry about this. Their recovery ability is fully able to withstand the poison of this kind of thing.

So angel dust is as ubiquitous in hell as tobacco and alcohol.

By the way, Greedy Ring is an important industrial production base for Angel Dust, but the Angel Dust industry is not controlled by Mammon alone.

It is actually an industry jointly held by all the major forces in hell. Mammon cannot completely capture it in his arms, and he does not dare to cause public outrage.

But this proves Dane's idea that it is not only impossible to influence the demons in hell, but it is also extremely difficult and the success rate is too low.

Even if he succeeds, Dane doubts that those souls who have completed the atonement will eventually fall back into sin because they broke the commandments in heaven.

Dane knew from the beginning that what Charlie was doing was thankless.

Back to the issue of currency, Dane disdains the existing hell currencies, because these money actually have the same functions as the human world.

But even if Dane doesn't have the money, he will not lack material resources. Resource allocation is always a game for the strong. As long as he still has the violence to overturn the table, he will not worry about the lack of these things.

As a general equivalent, angel dust is actually very frivolous, because it is not a non-renewable resource, and it is actually a consumable that consumes a lot of money, making it difficult to maintain a stable interest rate.

That is to say, the devils do not completely rely on the operation of the economic system to endure today's bad financial environment.

In response to these pain points, Dane has found a new general equivalent, which has extremely high stability and will not be consumed in large quantities like angel dust. It will greatly change the way hell trades and is also beneficial. Dane plots against the souls of hellish creatures.

The new"currency" that Dane chose for the demons is their souls themselves!

""Soul" is the most important essential dependence of a living body, so its value can be recognized by all demons, and every demon is born with these currencies. However, due to different levels of life, the amount of currency they possess is also different.

Dane From the moment I became the God of Death, I already understood that the souls of life are essentially the same, and there is no distinction between them.

Even from a scientific perspective,"soul" is essentially a kind of substance, a kind of substance. The basic substances involved in building life are essentially the same as amino acids, protein molecules and the like.

If Dane's eyes can penetrate the quantum fog and explore the uncertainty principle, then he can see the basic composition of the soul. Particles, by that time, even if he does not have the power of death, he will be able to deeply process the soul.

So since the basic particles of the soul are the same, it means that they can also be used for material exchange.

Through some method, every demon Processing the soul so that it can show quantum characteristics, then the soul can be transformed from a complete state into pieces, and material exchange can be carried out on a macro level.

Dane wants to try to convert the demons The digitization of their souls allows the quality of their souls to be expressed in the form of numbers. The number of souls is the amount of wealth, and any of their trading activities can be settled through their souls...........

Only then can Dane's behavior of accumulating wealth be transformed into the behavior of plundering the power of hell, and this kind of productive activity will become meaningful to him.

But to achieve this, he cannot do it alone. The promotion of any kind of popularization plan will inevitably be difficult to spread if all demons cannot actively participate.

Dane had calculated that to realize this plan, he needed the demons to actively sign a magical contract, which could not be replaced by a forced contract.

Because monetizing the soul means that the subject and object are not just Dane and other demons, but the sum total of all demons. This kind of contract cannot be forcibly signed.

For example, Dane can force others to trade with him through a forced contract, but he cannot force others to trade with others through a contract. This requires the initiative of others, and a contract cannot force this to happen.

Dane can force the other party to obey his own interests, but he cannot force the other party to sacrifice himself and obey the interests of another demon. This would violate the free will of life and violate the underlying logic of contract magic.

Therefore, in order to solve this problem, Dane needs all hell to advance this plan.

It's like if human society wants to promote a law, it's not enough for just one person to enact it. The entire society must be willing to cooperate.

Otherwise, it is just a piece of paper and has no effect.

This is why Dane wants to conquer Stolas after seeing his magic book. As a member of the demon aristocracy, Dane can completely extend his claws to other demon aristocrats by controlling him. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

In this way, he does not break the agreement with Lucifer and achieves his goal by methods within the rules.

Dane checked and found that there was no locating magic in this magic book. The devil Storas was also very ambitious, so he wasn't afraid that the little devils would lose this book?

But apparently Storas also had his own way of finding the location of the magic book. Vicky suddenly walked into his office and told him that the devil from the Goetia family was visiting.

"Let him in."

The image of Storas is just as described in the Book of Solomon. It is the image of an owl, or a four-eyed owl.

"I believe you took something that was mine, sir."

When they met for the first time, Storas didn't look very angry, even though he actually had such a reason. He was different from the demons Dane had met before. He had an innate aristocratic air about him. If he had to describe it, he was different from Lu. Xifa is a bit similar, but worse.

Since he is asking for help from others, Dane's attitude is rare. He stretched out his hand and moved a handful of sofas over with his telekinesis.

"Please take a seat."

StolasHow many people sit down after 2.1 hesitation.

Vicky saw this and went down to bring tea.

Dane first returned the magic book in his hand to Stolas. He had already read all of this book and memorized the contents inside. It didn't matter if it was in his hand or not.

Storas never thought it would go so smoothly, so he quickly took the book, opened it and read it, with a subtle expression on his face.

In addition to the original notes, there are some other handwritings in the book. Obviously, they come from Dane.[]

Because a demon with insufficient strength would not be able to leave writing on it, Danenlu's move not only showed his strength, but also demonstrated his magical attainments, which made Stolas even more afraid to neglect it.

And he knew in his heart that when Dane asked Bilizzi to find him this time, he would never just return the magic book to him.

As expected, Dane spoke immediately.

"I believe you have all heard about me recently, but you must not know my real name."

Unlike the broadcast demon who started to publicize his reputation after defeating the lord for the first time, there has been only rumors circulating about Dane's identity, and the specific information, such as his name, identity, origin, etc. It's a mystery

"Here, let me introduce myself, you can call me Zansha, I come from another hell and am the ruler of another world."

Stolas was immediately shocked. He immediately thought of something bad, such as the invasion of foreign enemies.

But from the perspective of the purpose, his idea was not wrong.

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