"Please don't get me wrong, I have no ill intentions towards your hell."

It's weird if you believe me!

Storas didn't believe a word of what Dane said, but as a mature demon noble, he had to be conceited.

Therefore, he could only nod and believe Dane's words.

Dane could see Storas's distrust, so in order to win his trust, he could only use Lucifer's name. Anyway, it was impossible for him to refute Dane now.

"You don’t have to be so wary of me. I made an agreement with Lucifer not to use force to do anything to this hell, let alone......"

Suddenly, an abyss-like magic power condensed around him. It pressed heavily on Storas' head like a mountain and squeezed around his body, making him unable to move.

Dane's Moon Ring Eye brought a great sense of oppression to Storas, almost making him breathless. His four red magic eyes also opened to their maximum, with magical light flashing on them. He seemed to want to do something..

But the biological instinct of fear prevented him from moving, and he could only watch Dane's magic eroding his body.

"As you feel now, if I want to do something, I can do it long ago, and there is no demon in all hell who can stop me except Lucifer."

His magic power is very convincing. Stolas wanted to say, I know the boss, please accept your magical power!

I don't know if he heard his voice, but the next moment, the heavy magic power suddenly became like a tide. As if it subsided.

Storas got a chance to breathe, and finally he could take a good breath.

In Stolas's impression, even his father could not achieve such terrifying magic power.

Demons all have a tradition of being strong, so Storas His attitude became more respectful. He must treat the other party as a big shot like Lucifer.

"Great, it seems you understand the situation."Dane nodded with satisfaction.

Just as he said to Lucifer, hell is always a world where the strong is supreme, so when facing a single individual, even if you don't need to take action, just showing the level can still deter the opponent.

Especially In this hell where the demons are more rational, this trick is even more useful, and the iron-headed boys are always in the minority. 20 But Stolas is different from other demons after all. Behind him is the ancient power of hell, so Dane's The attitude is quite friendly

"The reason I invite you here in this way this time is because I want to achieve something, which cannot be accomplished without the help of the demon nobles."

Stolas said cautiously:"Actually, with your relationship with Lord Lucifer, you should be able to tell us through him. As long as we can do it, we will definitely try our best to do it!"

Just like when the demon nobles were frightened by Lucifer's power, Storas believes that with the flexible bottom line of those nobles, they will agree to all Dane's requests, as long as those requests are not too excessive.

Dane nodded. , he felt that the other party's guarantee was made too quickly, but since the other party said so, he simply stopped being secretive and spoke directly.

"I have some different views on the existing financial market and economic structure of hell. I hope to change the current monetary system...."

Storas immediately twitched his eyelids. This was a major event that would shake the economy of all demons!

Does it really have to be so difficult right from the start?

Even though he is a member of the Goetia family, his little arms and legs cannot withstand the anger of those nobles!

So he could only vaguely remind:"I think you should think about this matter carefully...."

This reaction was expected by Dane, so he didn't pay attention to it, but this plan was related to whether he could successfully control hell, so he would not give up.

Storas felt very troubled, but suddenly he thought of something

"Excuse me, have you discussed this matter with Lord Lucifer? Dane shrugged:"He may not appear in hell again for a long time, so..."

Storas was a little shuddered, but the amount of information revealed in just one sentence was huge.

Dane thought about it and felt that it was not a good idea to just let these demons do things without giving any benefits. It would be best to use benefits to tie everyone together.

So he revealed a few details of his plan to Storas.

He waved over Vicky who was bringing tea. When Vicky approached with a confused look on her face, he used his fingers to use magic power and touched her arm.

The next moment, a string of numbers appeared on top, extending from her wrist to the joint of her forearm.

"This is the new monetary policy I want to implement. This string of numbers represents the value of the soul.…"

"You want to use your soul as currency!"

Before Dane could say anything, Storas spoke in shock.

He said in his heart, good guy, other demons only want money and labor, but this one wants his life!

Spending his life as money, this is better than Demons return demons.

But... there is a saying. If the soul is used as currency, it will naturally become an equivalent with extremely high credibility and will be recognized by all demons.

And the soul is not a consumable product like angel dust. For demons who don't know how to use magic, its function is only to increase the opponent's"essence".

The higher the quality of the soul, usually it will gradually feed back the material body, but this process does not happen overnight, but is gradual. Expand.

Storas thought that once this method is passed, the demon aristocrats will probably no longer be the group that always controls the most violence in hell.

As long as any native demon can"earn" more souls through legal means, Theoretically, they all have the possibility to surpass the nobles. Dane's move will have a greater impact on Storas than his previous attempt to reform the monetary policy. The former is only affecting the interests of the various big demons, while the latter is shaking the demons. The foundation of the nobility, especially the royal family!

The former is already difficult to get the approval of the demon nobles. If it were the latter, there would be no hope of even talking about it.

But Dane had different opinions from him.

"I know what you're thinking, but that's not how it should be thought of.

Think about it, with the current potential of your nobles, it may be difficult to give birth to a demon stronger than the Lord of the Seven Rings for a long time to come, especially Lucifer."

In hell, although there are many races of demons, the strongest combat power levels can be roughly divided into four levels. The first one is Lucifer. He exclusively occupies this level and is the strongest in all hells. He has the strength to challenge all hells alone, and has the ability to cause devastating blows to hell itself.

Dane is also in this position. As for who is stronger between him and Lucifer, if it is Lucifer's body, Dane is now Of course, they are not opponents yet, but if they are just split parts of this universe, it would be hard to say.

In the second position are the six ring masters except Lucifer. They have their own abilities in the rings they rule. The power blessing of the ring of hell also has extremely powerful power.

It is not a coincidence that the seven rings are named after the seven sins. Each level of hell named after the seven sins itself represents the symbolic power of this sin.

They are the seven sins. Primitive state.

Dane seriously doubts that the seven Seven Sins who were once sealed in the Rock of Eternity were originally the ring masters of each level of hell.

They integrated the characteristics of each sin, and finally themselves were destroyed by the power of"sin" Assimilated, he became the incarnation of sin.

Then he traveled through time and space under the influence of Pandora's Box and came to Dane's world... (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

If this guess is correct, So today's Seven Ring Lords are very likely to eventually become the new incarnation of the Seven Sins and the conceptualization of the Seven Sins.

Although not as strong as Dane and Lucifer, they are infinitely close to the Trinity. Satan.

If the seven sins can be combined into one, then maybe another demon can be created to reach the first level. The third level is the level of demon aristocrats.

As mentioned before, every demon aristocratic family is very likely to He holds a kind of power, which is not as strong as the power of original sin possessed by the Ring Lord, but it can already control various natural elements.

This way of controlling power is very similar to the old gods, but what is different from the old gods is that these The Demon Nobles do not come from human faith, but are more like abilities taken from some gods using some magical means unknown to Dane.

Similar to the power of Shazam, but without the divine body of Shazam.The demon noble's body is still that of a demon and has not been upgraded. At most, it is far superior to other demons under the amplification of magic power.

Compared with the power of Shazam, the demon noble's power is stronger, within their respective fields of power. He is extremely powerful, but his physical body is relatively weak, relying entirely on his talent.

Stolas has a relatively average physical talent, and his spells are pretty good. The power of the stars can ensure that his magic power is never in danger of being exhausted, but his physical talent is relatively average. In terms of power, Dane seriously doubts that it is even inferior to some sinner lords.

As for the fourth level, they are sinner lord-level demons. They come from the world, and their abilities are derived from their sins during their lifetime and the characteristics of their souls. They often produce some special individuals..

Generally, the randomly generated superpowers of sinners and demons are usually the ability to control elements, such as wind control, water control, fire control, etc. However, a small number of sinners will obtain rule-based abilities. For example, if you meet some specific conditions, you can obtain some Extra power.

After he conquered the TV head Vox, he heard a piece of information from him.

The broadcast demon Alastor possesses this rule-based ability. The more demons know his name, the stronger he becomes.

This is why he wanted to spread his reputation when he killed a native demon lord. He was using this to expand his reputation and enhance his strength.

This kind of rule-based ability is, to some extent, even more powerful than the power of the demon nobles, because there is still an upper limit to the power, and the rule-based ability seems to have no upper limit.

As long as certain rules are met, the power can be increased infinitely, and the only limit may be the rules themselves.

Therefore, there are often strong men among sinner demons who can defeat demon nobles.

There are also fierce men who can challenge the"Great Purge", and the three strongest among them are the three sinner lords that Dane conquered. They have ruled their respective territories for a long time.

And their strength has been trained over the years to the point where they can rival the demon nobles.

To a certain extent, they have actually surpassed the fourth level and reached the third level.

It's just that there are only a few sinners who can reach this level, and their enemies are not only other demons, but also angels from heaven.

As a soul who committed sins on earth and went to hell to suffer, how could heaven allow you to dominate and prosper comfortably in hell?

Therefore, in every"Great Purge", these sinner lords are the focus of attention. If their strength retreats even a little, they will be beaten to death by a large group of angels with weapons.

However, except for the sinners with rule-based power, most of the 170 lords are actually not as strong as the nobles among the original demons. They can only dominate among ordinary demons. This is the real fourth level.

These four levels are the strongest four groups of power in today's hell. The other demons below these four, no matter what race they are, are basically ants, and they can be beaten to death by the strong ones in the above four levels.

It is worth mentioning that judging from the strength of her strength, Xia Li's true strength should be at the level of a demon noble. With the blessing of the power of original sin, she can instantly jump to the level of a ring master.

This is also what Lucifer expects from herConsidering Lucifer's own strength level, this requirement is already very low.

There is a huge difference between these levels of strength. Of course, excluding Dane and Lucifer, there is an almost insurmountable gap in strength between other levels.[]

Rules-based abilities are the Sinner Demon's only chance to overtake in corners, but this ability is innate. If you have it, you have it, if you don't have it, you don't have it. You can't force it.

But this new currency system proposed by Dane gives all demons the possibility to transcend class again.

As long as they can accumulate more souls, their own"essence" will continue to improve. Over time, quantitative changes may lead to qualitative changes.

Even a devil with extremely low race value, such as a little devil, has the opportunity to generate more power than the noble through the qualitative change of soul quality.

After all, if the nobles do not have the power of authority, they are just big demons with more magic power. Their spells can be learned and copied.

This will be a major event that will subvert the entire hell pattern!

But as Dane said, this matter is not entirely a bad thing for the nobles.

Ordinary demons cannot reach the nobles across class, but the nobles cannot reach the ring master across the class gap.

For the nobles who have continued from the long past to the present, order is just a short-lived lie, and what they believe in is always the violence in their hands.

However, the power of the Ring Lord eludes them. They have worked hard for thousands of years, but they have not been able to find a way to cross this class.

But the plan provided by Dane made Stolas see the possibility. Ordinary demons can cross classes by accumulating souls, and of course nobles can too!

And since the soul strength of the nobles is naturally stronger than that of ordinary demons, once this plan is implemented, the nobles will still have an absolute first-mover advantage. As long as they are not stupid, they can take advantage of this advantage to take one step further.

Until the ring master is overthrown!

Just thinking about it, how much bloodshed will be unleashed in hell, and the price that will be paid to destroy the current order, makes Stolas shudder..

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