Unknown parallel universe, Earth.

Batman, wearing a khaki wasteland-style coat, heard that the Free Army recently obtained a piece of kryptonite, which is as big as two fists!

This is the first good news Superman has heard about Kryptonite since he claimed to have destroyed all the Kryptonite in the world.

"I don't understand, if Superman had destroyed all the Kryptonite on Earth, where did they find that piece?"The Flash was very puzzled.

Batman patiently explained:"They said that the kryptonite was wrapped in lead. I think the kryptonite must have melted into a certain lead mine when it fell. This was preserved."

The Flash was surprised. It sounded like God's will.

Batman was also very excited. If they could find this kryptonite, they could find a way to subdue Superman themselves without having to consider bringing in helpers from another world who didn't know the details.

"You stay here, I'll bring that piece of kryptonite back!"

"Our little bat has to be a lone hero again, hahahahaha!"The clown started to enjoy himself again.

Batman went up and punched the clown, knocking him unconscious. The clown's hands were cuffed at this time, and he couldn't resist the rough Batman. At this time, standing aside, the steel frame shrouded in a cloak I couldn't help but said:"Do we have to take him with us?"

Deathstroke on the other side turned his head:"If you feel it is inconvenient to do it, I can do it for you."

Batman didn't answer, but just said to Flash and Cyborg:"He should be in a coma for a while, you don't have to worry about him causing trouble."

"Do you really plan to go there alone? Batman nodded silently:"If this is a scam, at least we won't be wiped out.""

So he said goodbye to his teammates, and led a small group of rebels who voluntarily joined them to meet with the Free Army, trying to trade the kryptonite.

Not all humans in this world obey the rule of the Superman regime, and there are still a considerable number of them. People are willing to resist him for freedom.

There were no major twists and turns along the way. Batman and the rebels found the transaction location smoothly.

It was a little too smooth.

But when Batman saw the"kryptonite" At that moment, he knew he had been fooled.

That was not kryptonite at all, just a green light bulb connected to a battery.

The leader of the 113th Freedom Army who introduced Batman into the car immediately raised the automatic weapon in his hand, perhaps a little ashamed, he He said sorry to Batman.

Then gunfire broke out outside the car, and the people Batman brought were immediately bloody massacre.

"No——!"Batman shouted angrily.

Then he used his hard-earned skills to quickly knock down the leader of the Free Army in front of him.

In this world controlled by the darkened Superman, Batman has no principle of not killing people. He strikes decisively and ruthlessly, killing the opponent almost instantly.

Then he quickly ran out of the car and began to drive unparalleled in the hail of bullets, sometimes with fists and kicks, sometimes with American style, beating the nearby superhuman guards to their knees, leaving almost no one invincible.

However, the situation began to reverse after the army of demonoids arrived. No matter how strong Batman was, he was only a human being. He was swarmed by multiple demonoids. This bat suit could not allow him to defeat these monsters, so in the end he was helplessly killed by the demonoids. The demons caught on.

When Batman woke up again, in front of him was a bunker prison common in battlefields.

Suddenly, an ominous sound broke through the sky, which was still clearly audible despite being separated by the ceiling and granite.

Batman's heartbeat couldn't help but speed up a little

"With a bang, a blue figure with a red cloak descended from the sky and landed at the entrance of the bunker. The surrounding Superman guards immediately knelt down on one knee, offering loyalty and awe to their master.

Superman walked into the prison in defiance. , although he did not speak, the air seemed to be solidified, and a terrifying atmosphere filled the air around the space.

It was like a giant walking into the little people. He didn't need to do anything, just walking made the little people think of a natural disaster..Superman walked on the passage in the center of the prison, his eyes emitting red rays without warning, sweeping away other rebel prisoners who were also imprisoned here and burning them to ashes.

Screams and pleas for mercy came one after another, but Superman turned a deaf ear. , slaughtering these mortals like a cold executioner, he seems to no longer regard these people as human beings, but as garbage that can be killed easily.

After clearing the surrounding area with heat vision, other superhuman guards have also withdrawn, and will This place was left to Superman and Batman.

Superman's face still had the residual murderous look from the previous murder, and he could hear Batman's heartbeat, which was beating very fast. (cbcd)

He pulled off Batman's mask. , revealing that haggard and vicissitudes of life face.

Batman tried his best to control himself, but the physical fear could not be suppressed, and he was breathing heavily.

Superman turned his head to look at the mask in his hand, and then back to Batman

"She was everything to me."

Batman knew who she was that Superman was talking about. He pursed his lips tightly and said nothing.

Superman continued to look at Batman with murderous eyes:"And you took her away."

If Batman had not allowed the Joker to commit crimes over and over again, but had killed him early, maybe Lois would have had a different ending.

"Do you have a heart? Superman pressed his palm on Batman's chest,"Have you ever had a lover in your life?""

As he spoke, Superman's five fingers exerted slight force, and the force of his fingertips grabbing his ribs made Bruce scream. He even suspected that his ribs were broken.

Batman thought he was doomed, but the pain in his chest The pain suddenly faded quickly, but Superman didn't kill him

"I'm not going to kill you, Bruce, you're still useful to me."

Superman sneered and turned away.

This puzzled Bruce. He knew that the current Superman was definitely not a merciful person. There must be something he had overlooked.

And he quickly thought of it and put himself in his shoes. For a moment, if he catches his opponent but doesn't kill him, there is only one possibility to save his life, and that is to lure out other accomplices.

Superman wants to lure out Batman's other teammates!

But! Batman couldn't convey his feelings to the other teammates. He could only pray that others would not fall into the trap.

Unfortunately, it backfired. When the other teammates saw that Batman did not return, they immediately knew that something had changed.

"What should we do now?"The Flash was panicked.

Batman has always been the brains of Zhenglian. Now that his brain has been hijacked, where should they go?"

"Now we can only abandon him. If he falls into Superman's hands, he is already dead."

Deathstroke, who was traveling with him, made this cold-blooded suggestion without hesitation. There was no comradeship between him and Batman. They were just a temporary team, but there was no relationship.

Cyborg was very conflicted. His electronic reason told him that Deathstroke What he said was correct, but Cyborg's human sensibility was telling him that he should save Batman.

But none of them, tied together, could be Superman's opponent.

When the Justice League was founded, Several giants joined forces and failed to defeat the newly resurrected Superman. Now that the giants are incomplete, it is even more impossible for him to be Superman's opponent.

So after careful consideration, Cyborg finally thought with difficulty that he could only give up the idea of ​​rescuing Batman.

"Deathstroke was right."

The Flash looked at Cyborg who said this in disbelief. How could he say such cold words?

But Cyborg said calmly:"Don't look at me like that, Barry, you should know, with us The current strength is simply incapable of defeating Superman."

The Flash was moved when he heard this, and he couldn't help but ask:"What if we can?"

Cyborg and Deathstroke cast puzzled looks at the same time. Only the Joker suddenly let out a strange laugh. He woke up.

"Let's give him a good time."

When Deathstroke said this, he had already taken out the gun from his waist.

But the Flash suddenly turned into a flash of thunderous light and snatched away the gun from Deathstroke's hand.

"But you can't do this, at least not in front of me."

Deathstroke is just an enhanced person. His reflexes can't keep up with the speed of the Flash, so the weapon changes hands as soon as his vision blurs.

He frowned a little unhappily. He hates others grabbing his weapon.

After the clown laughed, Suddenly he spoke:"This red boy scout, he means to invite the Justice League from another world to come over and deal with that stupid guy."

The Flash frowned and turned around, dissatisfied:"You should be more respectful when you speak."

"What can I say, I'm so bad..."As he talked, the clown became happy again, and he didn't know what he was laughing about all day long.

The Flash couldn't stand him, so he could only turn back to Cyborg

"He was right, Victor, this may be our last chance."

Cyborg's electronic brain is running rapidly. This idea has both risks and opportunities, but we have to admit that there is a possibility of success.

And they lack the most possibility now.

"Hey! If you are going to do such a dangerous thing, I must quit!"Deathstroke quickly wanted to draw a line with them.

What a joke is it to introduce another Justice League? The other party might not be the first to catch him when they arrive. He is a super villain in name.

The Joker secretly poked at him at this time. The reminder:"If you leave now, you will be discovered by the stupid guy in less than half an hour."

Deathstroke stiffened, and immediately blurted out the word"Fuck", but no longer said anything about leaving.

Seeing this scene, Cyborg didn't need to think about it anymore. With the current situation of the earth, there are worse things happening than now. ?

So he made up his mind:"Okay, let's try again. Do you still need that machine?""

The Flash said confidently:"No need, I have memorized the characteristics of that time and space, as long as I have this shuttle suit, it is enough. Cyborg nodded:"Then you must be fast. I'm worried that he will find out if you stay outside for too long.""

The mask on the Flash's face closed, completely covering his head. He nodded to Cyborg, and then lightning burst out from his whole body, and the Speed ​​Force was activated!

At the same time, on the watchtower in space, Superman was closely Pay attention to Barry on the big screen.

Not only is Superman here, but beside him, there is also a tall alien, the Steppenwolf of Apokolips.

"What exactly are you going to do with the mother box?"Steppenwolf wondered.

He was called by Superman from Apokolips. After Darkseid conquered the planet, he handed over the management of the earth to the Kryptonians and returned to Apokolips.

Because he got Knowing the Anti-Life Equation, Darkseid was happy and spared Steppenwolf from exile, allowing him to return to Apokolips.

However, Steppenwolf has not returned to Apokolips for too long, and his strength is not yet complete. Recovery, and therefore, he is not Superman's opponent yet.

In addition, Superman is now the popular man in front of Darkseid, and Steppenwolf is now the number one licker under Darkseid, so naturally he does not dare to offend him. This is also The reason why he rushed over as soon as he received the news from Superman.

Superman didn't respond. Suddenly, his finger pointed at an energy peak on the big screen.

"That's it!"

This watchtower has been remodeled by Apokolips technology. The power of technology now is far stronger than in the past. Here, Superman can completely ignore the ultrasonic transmitters made by Cyborg. Once

Superman does not use his abilities but uses Intelligence and technology, even Cyborg, couldn't do anything.

Seeing the parameters on the screen, Steppenwolf could only take out the Mother Box, and then he activated the power of the Mother Box. The power of space was instantly linked to the Flash's Speed ​​Force. Now he can share the power of speed

"Incredible divine power!"The original wolf sighed with emotion, even though the earth is so weak, the power bred on it is very advanced.

He handed the Mother Box to Superman:"Hold the Mother Box, she can read your thoughts and control it according to your will."

Since Superman has surrendered to the Apokolips camp, he also has the authority to use the Mother Box, and everything is fine. It's Darkseid's will.

Superman took the Mother Box with both hands, and the power of the Mother Box was connected to his mind through his palms, allowing him to instantly understand how to use it.

With a thought, Superman's body disappeared along the sound blast channel.

On Earth, the Flash had no idea that his electricity had been"stolen." He only felt a little tired from running this time.

Is it because you have been too tired recently?

He was a little puzzled, so he quickly fed himself two more pieces of chocolate and felt much better immediately.

After finishing the supplies, the Flash started running again. The surrounding time and space quickly began to distort and change, the light and shadow stretched backwards, and the invisible road extended in front, as if forming a runway.

The Flash runs on a track formed by light, and the world begins to disintegrate and reshape around him!

He tried to recall the feeling he had felt before, that feeling was like a road sign, and that road sign was Dane.

Even in the entire multiverse, his aura is very recognizable. The Flash quickly found the direction and ran towards it with all his strength.

At this time, Superman also entered the Speed ​​Force along the sonic tunnel. He saw Barry running and followed him calmly.

Superman may not be as fast as The Flash, but he is still extremely fast. Even without the special blessing of the Speed ​​Force, Barry may not be his opponent in terms of physical speed alone.

In this Speed ​​Force, as long as Barry doesn't look back, he can't find Superman, and Superman's speed is just enough to follow him without being left behind.

The Flash felt that he was getting closer and closer. He adjusted his speed force slightly, and a"door" suddenly opened in front of him, and he glided across it!.

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