The moment The Flash stepped through the door, Dane had already sensed him. Not only him, but also Superman who was sneaking behind him was discovered by him.

Dane thought to himself: You are trying to divert trouble away from me! Then I can let you take advantage of this?

So when The Flash appeared in front of Dane with a ray of light, Pandora's Box had appeared in his hand again.

The Flash thought the other party was going to imprison him again, so he couldn't help but wave his hand and said,"Wait a minute!"

I didn't wait.

Dane thought this, the magic box had taken effect, and a beam of light was launched behind the Flash.

When the Flash saw that the target was not him, he couldn't help but look behind him, and was shocked to find that there was someone following him.


The Flash trembled all over. He was truly frightened when he thought that he was followed by someone who could kill him anytime and anywhere.

Superman knew that he had been discovered and started to accelerate without hesitation. He is still some distance away from the exit of time and space.

But this distance is now a chasm.

The red light from the magic box hit Superman, causing some strange interactions with the mother box in his hand, and a beam of light burst out from Superman. The light completely engulfed it.

Before disappearing completely, Superman stretched his arm forward and tried to catch the Flash, which made the Flash couldn't help but take a step back.

But Superman was at the end of his strength. The next moment, He completely disappeared into the space of time, not knowing where he went.

"Tell me you didn't bring this guy into this world on purpose."

This time, the Flash's shuttle skills seem to be better, and he has been able to stay in this world very stably. Of course, it may also be because this is hell, and unlike the previous universe, there is no restriction on the speed force.

The Flash quickly explained after hearing this:"That's not the case, I didn't even know he was behind me....wrong! How did he do that? Dane saw the reason from the sudden glimpse,"It's the Mother Box. He used the technology of Apokolips."..."

He glanced at the Flash and saw that the equipment on him was obviously not a combat weapon. It should be specially designed for time and space travel.

"Although your technology has some merits, in terms of technical reserves, you are still far from Apokolips."

The Flash suddenly realized, no wonder, he clearly traveled through time under the cover of Victor's technology, but he was still caught up by Superman.

"By the way, where did you throw him?

Dane said with a meaningful smile on his face:"A good place.""

Sector 2813, ruins of Krypton.

A space-time passage suddenly appeared here, and a figure flew out of the passage. It was Superman.

But as soon as he flew out of the space-time passage, Superman immediately felt that his body was gradually getting weaker. Although Slowly but surely his superpowers were declining.

Superman suddenly raised his head and found a huge red sun hanging in the center of the star dust.

He immediately wanted to find the Mother Box! Let it take him away from this place.

Just when he was passing through the time and space channel, an energy conflict broke out between the Magic Box and the Mother Box, which separated him from the Mother Box.

He must find the Mother Box immediately and leave here, otherwise he will be red even if there are no enemies. The sun kills like a blunt knife cutting flesh!

Before his abilities were completely whittled away, Superman had already found the Mother Box through his clairvoyance eyes, but its location was not good.

When he opened his clairvoyance eyes, he discovered that there were countless Densely packed kryptonite is hidden among the large and small star fragments.

Superman has already had a bad association at this time. This place, with such a large reserve of kryptonite minerals, is most likely his home planet, Krypton. Ruins.

Apart from this place, there will not be another place in the universe full of kryptonite.

This is simply the worst environment for him. The red sun is already very uncomfortable, and now there is another kryptonite. No, he must leave this place as soon as possible!

But what he doesn't know is that he is not the only creature in this universe.

When Superman teleported to this area, the space fluctuations caused awakened Superman who had been living here for a long time. Ba.

He also saw Superman through his clairvoyance eyes.

"who?"Supermaster frowned.

What surprised him was that the newcomer had the same face as him and wore a uniform similar to his.

If Supermaster hadn't been able to see the organs in the other person's body, he would have wanted to He thought that the other party was his own bionic robot.

And he also discovered an interesting thing. The position of the other party's organs was opposite to his own, and his heart was on the left side!

Just like those people!

So of course, Speedmaster will Superman thought he was a member of the Justice League, and he was his peer.

At this time, Superboy was very angry. I was kicked out of the earth by you, and you still haven't let me go! Then let's fight to the death!

It has been some time since Speedmaster left the earth. Although it has not been long, in this place where Kryptonite is everywhere, his strength has been completely restored and has reached a higher level. The red sun is coming to him. Said it had no effect, neither increased nor weakened.

Speedmaster deliberately found the largest meteorite nearby, hollowed out its interior, and arranged it into a residence.

He originally planned to"level up" here first, and then wait. After reaching the full level, he can return to Earth to take revenge!

But since his opponent is unwilling to let him go, he no longer has to hide his capabilities and bide his time. He wants to kill this"fake". There can only be one superpower, except for himself. All Kryptonians must die!

But before taking action, Supermaster carefully observed the surrounding star area to ensure that there were no other hidden enemies, and then quietly flew out and approached Superman from the blind spot of Superman's vision.

Superman was here At that time, all his attention was on the Mother Box, and he did not notice the threat from behind at all. Moreover, he was also deceived by his own experience. He thought that there would be no other intelligent creatures besides him in this ruins.

Because of this, when Superboy and Superman were so close, he still didn't realize the danger.

Until an inexplicable sense of crisis suddenly came to his heart, Superman turned around suddenly, but Superboy's fist was already in front of him. It hit him in the face, knocking him away.

Superman flew backwards uncontrollably, directly smashing into the asteroid belt along the way. Countless kryptonite fragments scraped against him like blades, cutting his indestructible body into pieces. Blood was dripping.

Superman opened his mouth to scream, but the vacuum did not transmit sound, so he couldn't say anything.

When Speedmaster saw this, he was very surprised. He thought that the other person, as a peer, should be somewhat capable, right? This is what happened. ?

His self-confidence swelled unprecedentedly, and he continued to chase forward. Soon he caught up with Superman who was flying upside down, and smashed him away with another fist.

Superman didn't understand. When he saw the other person's appearance, he first It occurred to him that he should be the"Superman" of this world, but he didn't understand why the other person was completely unaffected by kryptonite and the red sun.

And he noticed that there were no letters on the chest of this"Superman""S", but"U, what does this mean?

Although there are too many doubts in his heart, Superman has no time to waste here. If he doesn't think of a solution quickly, he will be beaten to death by the other party here! So he was the first in his life He turned around and ran away, choosing to retreat temporarily.

But despite this, his target was still the Mother Box.

Seeing the opponent start to run away, Supermaster couldn't help but sneer at the corner of his mouth. His eyes lit up, and he fired out his red heat vision, directly hitting Hit Superman in the back.

Superman endured unimaginable pain. Only now did he discover what it felt like to be burned by heat vision.

But this attack by Speedmaster helped him to a certain extent. The sight gave Superman a powerful push, causing his body to reach the location of the Mother Box faster than expected.

He stretched out his hand and snatched the Mother Box directly into his arms.

Looking back, he saw the one that was the same as his. A man who looked very similar also chased after him. When Speedmaster raised his fist to attack Superman again, Superman activated the teleportation function of the mother box, and a beam of sonic white light captured both of them at the same time.

But at the same time, the hidden In the Mother Box, the power belonging to the Magic Box came into play again. It corrected the transmission position of the Mother Box, allowing it to travel upstream along its previous time and space trajectory and return to that wasteland-like world.


As soon as he appeared on the wasteland earth, Speedmaster couldn't help covering his face and screamed. The sunlight here was too dazzling and too powerful for him!

On the contrary, Superman recovered quickly from his injuries under the sunlight of the yellow sun, and was completely healed within a few seconds.

The back burned by heat vision also healed directly.Restore healthy skin. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Now that the state has recovered, it is time to start calculating the total ledger. Superman turned around and looked at Speedmaster who collapsed on the ground, with a hint of violence on his face. gas.

Asking for flowers.

Since that battle with Batman on a rainy night, he has never felt as embarrassed as before.

He picked up the Speedmaster with one hand, and the Speedmaster screamed again


Superman noticed that the opponent's physical energy was rapidly declining under the sunlight, and he had a very absurd guess in his mind. Isn't this guy afraid of the sun?

In order to verify this guess, he flew directly into the sky with the powerless Speedmaster, and it didn't take long for him to break through the atmosphere. In the space environment, the radiation of the sun was more violent, and the sunburn made the Speedmaster even more painful.

"enough! Let me go please! As long as you let me go, I'll do anything!"

Superman just wanted to kill him directly, but these words made his raised fist suddenly stop. He thought that he really needed a useful subordinate.

He had almost killed all the original Justice League, and only a few were left. They are incompetent guys who wave flags and do administrative work. They can't be expected to play any role on some big battlefields.

"Are you a Kryptonian? Superman asked coldly.

After hearing the question, Superman quickly replied:"Yes, I am the last remnant of Krypton."..."

Superman punched Superboy in the abdomen, blocking his next words.

He said indifferently:"I am the last remnant of Krypton!"

Speedmaster said that now that your fist is as big as yours, everything you say is right.[]

Superman then asked:"Why are you immune to the influence of the red sun and kryptonite?"

To save his life, Superboy did not dare to hide it, so he could only tell everything about his characteristics.

When Superman heard that the other party actually relied on sucking kryptonite to maintain his abilities, he couldn't help but narrow his eyes and reveal a trace of murderous intent.

His flaws are actually Speedmaster's strengths, and this guy has to be eliminated.

Just when he was about to strangle the opponent's neck directly, a blast of sonic tunnel instantly brought the two of them to the observation tower base.

Steppenwolf is already waiting there

"You can't kill him."

Steppenwolf said this to Superman just after they met, which made him a little unhappy.

"You have no right to order me around, Steppenwolf."

In front of the Kryptonians, the current Steppenwolf is just a scumbag, a character who can be easily killed instantly. Of course Superman cannot be obedient.

But this sentence is not an order from Steppenwolf. He said:"This is the Lord of Darkness's command. Xaid's order."

Superman's expression changed. Darkseid's order? How did he know about this and so quickly?

Then he saw the Mother Box flying obediently into Steppenwolf's hands. Yes, the Mother Box was Apocalypse. Star technology, so of course it is also under Darkseid's control.

Everything the Mother Box saw might be seen by Darkseid now.

Superman cannot resist Darkseid's will,... It was the influence of the anti-life equation, so he could only throw Speedmaster reluctantly on the floor.

In this watchtower, because the sunlight had been blocked, Speedmaster felt better.

But he was a little confused now, and he didn't know that he where are you

"Maybe Darkseid can turn this guy into a demon-like creature, he doesn't look like he will be honest and obedient."Superman looked at Speedmaster and made this malicious suggestion.

But Steppenwolf did not adopt it. He just said:"This requires the great Darkseid to make his own decision."

"Will he come here?"Superman frowned.

Although he has been loyal to Darkseid, his subconscious does not want Darkseid to come to Earth.

Fortunately, Steppenwolf gave him a negative answer:"He will meet Darkseid on Apokolips. Virtue!"

Superman nodded and said nothing more.

Of course, Steppenwolf needs to personally escort Speedy to Apokolips. If he leaves, the Mother Box must go with him and will not leave it on the earth.

The Mother Box is here There is also a very precious artifact on Apokolips. Even Superman doesn't have the dignity to keep it now.

So he can only watch Steppenwolf take the Mother Box and Speedmaster and disappear through the sonic tunnel. Watchtower.

As for Speedmaster’s opinion, no one cared about it.

So he was taken away by Steppenwolf without understanding what was happening.

In fact, Speedmaster is now stronger than Steppenwolf, but he has some He didn't know the situation, so he didn't dare to act rashly.

It wasn't until he was teleported to Apokolips that Supermaster remembered that he had to resist!.

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