But before Speedmaster's resistance began, he felt a force as heavy as an abyss pressing on his body, making him tremble and unable to move.

He looked up and saw a tall giant appearing in front of him at some point. He had his hands behind his back, and there seemed to be lava hidden in his eyes. This iron-gray-skinned giant had an indescribable domineering aura about him.

"So, is this the Kryptonian from the parallel universe?"

There was a sense of oppression in this giant's voice that was hard to disobey. The courage that Speedmaster tried to resist dissipated in an instant, leaving only heartfelt obedience.

"Yes, great Darkseid, I am Kal-El, the last son of Krypton."

When Steppenwolf saw Supermaster's appearance, he quickly lowered his head, not daring to look directly into Darkseid's eyes.

He knew that Darkseid must have used the ability of the Anti-Life Equation on Supermaster, and that thing could do whatever he wanted. Tamper with people's self-awareness and turn those who are tricked into becoming their fans in an instant.

Superman was captured by this method.

Steppenwolf is not afraid of Darkseid's own power, because he believes that as long as he is in Apocalypse, If Xing stays long enough, sooner or later he will become stronger than Darkseid. After all, he is the new god that is older than his opponent.

So even if the Omega Ray chooses Darkseid in the end, he doesn't think there is anything wrong with it. , at worst, it would be over if we just take it back.

Few people know that the Omega rays that no one can escape from will actually give those who have the qualifications to become gods a chance to survive.

In the history of DC comics, more than one People have successfully escaped the pursuit of Omega rays. Batman and Alexander Luthor have both successfully escaped.

However, the anti-life equation is a force that even Steppenwolf cannot resist. He is very afraid of this power."Zero Five-0" once His free will was taken away, and he might become his plaything and puppet like other beings controlled by Darkseid.

At that time, it was meaningless to talk about ambition or not.

And what made him feel uneasy the most However, he still doesn't know whether Darkseid has used the power of the Anti-Life Equation on him.

He doesn't even know whether his fear of Darkseid comes from his own rational judgment or because he has been The Anti-Life Equation takes control, and this is a chain of suspicion that can never be solved.

Even if Steppenwolf has doubts about this, he does not dare to test Darkseid because he cannot bear the price of failure....

What Steppenwolf didn't know was that Darkseid was well aware of his inner thoughts. Of course, he did not use the Anti-Life Equation on this former betrayer because he wanted Steppenwolf to be immersed in his thoughts with a clear consciousness. In fear.

This is his punishment for what Steppenwolf has done, and it is also Darkseid's way of controlling him.

But for creatures like Kryptonians, it is easier to control them directly with abilities, especially when Darkseid sees that Kal-El still has ambitions hidden in his heart.

The reason why he took this Kryptonian under his command was not only because he was interested in the opponent's strength and hoped to use him to check and balance Superman, but Darkseid was also interested in the world where Super Man lived.

He is interested in conquering any world.

So he ordered Speedmaster:"Tell me everything you know, especially the Justice League you met!"

Speedmaster did not dare to disobey the order, so he could only tell everything he knew in detail. Come out, Darkseid has a funny look on his face when he talks about"Shazam"

"Shazam, I remember there is news about him on Earth here?"

He was asking Steppenwolf, and the other party responded quickly.

In the matter of controlling Superman, Steppenwolf also made great efforts. He secretly investigated the information of all the members of the Zhenglian, so he can basically Said that he cherished every important member of their family

"Shazam, I remember, is a guardian who uses the power of the ancient gods. His body is an immature human who can obtain the power and body of the ancient gods through a spell."

"You said he is a child?"Superman couldn't help but ask after hearing this.

Steppenwolf didn't want to pay attention to him at first, but in front of Darkseid, he had to give this prisoner some face.

"Yes, as far as I know, Shazam's true form is a human larvae."

Steppenwolf nodded. His statement seemed to treat human beings as some kind of lower animals.

"But this is impossible! Speedmaster frowned and objected to Steppenwolf's remarks.

Although his free consciousness was changed by the anti-life equation, it did not affect his personality and wisdom.

"I have communicated and fought with him, and there is no way he is a child! Darkseid said thoughtfully at this time:"Since it is a parallel world there, it is normal for it to be different from the world here.""

Parallel worlds can produce countless possibilities, and it is impossible for Darkseid, whose body has reached the level of the multiverse, not to know it.

Even Darkseid himself has countless completely different personalities in countless parallel universes.

Although In most universes, he is a cosmic overlord who is keen to conquer, but there are also some parallel worlds where he is a pacifist.

In the animated movie"Gods and Monsters", Darkseid is a good guy, the New Creation Star On the contrary, he is the villain.

You must know that under normal circumstances, the role positioning between them should be reversed.

And here Darkseid was actually killed by the Father God on the New Creation Star, which shows that parallel time and space can Countless possibilities have been derived.

Of course, the existence of these parallel worlds also shows that Darkseid's body does not care about the death of one or two clones, let alone interfere with their historical process.

"You are right."Steppenwolf said with a hint of flattery.

"How strong is Shazam? Darkseid was only curious about this.

Superpower could only say:"Very strong, very strong!""But as for what kind of strong spell, I'm sorry, he was basically killed with one move, so he can't see clearly at all.

"So how does he compare to Superman?"

Superman thought to himself, Superman is just a weak chicken. If it weren't for Huang Taiyang, he could beat the opponent ten times!

Darkseid realized it later, and then got the incomplete and complete version of Superboy from the Mother Box. Superman fought

"You guys over there, has anyone else touched the mother box?"Darkseid noticed an abnormality from the Mother Box.

Steppenwolf and Speedmaster looked at each other and shook their heads.

Darkseid's eyes flashed, and red omega rays were fired at the Mother Box, causing it to quickly start to heat up.

The mother box that absorbed the omega rays disintegrated into countless small squares like a Rubik's Cube. It seemed to be doing something. From the center of the box, red energy radiation was emitted, and it seemed to be fighting something.

If Superpower's knowledge If he has enough reserves, he will be able to recognize that the energy fighting the Mother Box is actually the power of the Box.

When Superman almost broke into hell with the Mother Box, Dane used the power of the Box to blast the Mother Box. An energy was driven into the interior, and that energy carried part of the demon's power, making it impossible for the Mother Box to analyze. If it cannot be analyzed, it naturally cannot counterattack. Therefore, the Mother Box is still being eroded by that power, and Darkseid discovered this

"A very special power, very special, it smells like the old gods"

The so-called old gods refer to gods such as Zeus, Odin, Ra, etc. who were born from human beliefs. In DC's cosmology, they are the second batch of immortal beings after the creation of the world.

Although the old gods were born from human beliefs, because they are always easily exalted in human mythology, they often reverse the effect for the cause, going up against the timeline and being born before the birth of humans.

However, human belief can only give birth to the godhead. In fact, it is difficult to give birth to the personality of gods, because each human being always has a different imagination of God, so it is difficult to unify.

Therefore, there is actually a kind of power involved in the formation of the old gods. Yes, that power is the source of all evil, the power of the Supreme God.

Everything begins when God creates the world, and in the world of American comics, it always starts here.

When the Supreme God created the world, His power formed the first world and the original divine world after shaping the world.

The power in the divine world gradually gathered, and the first batch of immortal beings were born. They are gods.

But these gods are not the old gods that later generations of humans believe in, but some even more ancient gods. We can call these gods ancient gods, which are the oldest gods that can be traced back to the DC universe.

It should be noted here that these ancient gods are different from the old gods believed by humans. They exist objectively.

If we want to describe it, their existence form is similar to that of the Star Gods in Warhammer 40K. They are the embodiment of physical rules and possess powers that future generations cannot even imagine.

When the number of ancient gods in the first world reached saturation, the DC universe entered the second world (God Realm) period, and the power of the ancient gods reached its peak.

But as time went by, the power of"entropy" began to take effect, and the conflicts between the various pantheons deepened day by day. Finally, under the secret planning of Loki (son of the main god Wotan, Lokee in English, not the Nordic god Loki), The first Ragnarok broke out.

After a war broke out that affected the entire universe, its huge power tore apart the second world, and most of the ancient gods perished in the explosion of the world.

The explosion of the second world released a huge amount of energy to the entire universe. This energy is called"God Wave"."....

The divine wave sows the entire universe, and human faith goes up the river of time. The formed godhead intersects with the divine wave here, merges and transforms into a new divinity, thus giving birth to a new god, which is the old god.

Gods like Zeus, Odin, and Ra on Earth, the main god of Krypton, Rao, and other planet gods were mostly born during this period.

The Divine Wave also formed the third world in this creation, which is the main living space of the old gods and the location of the Pantheon.

After Ragnarok occurred in the old gods, the third world was occupied by mortal creatures, so the third world is actually the three-dimensional world.

The divine wave generated by the explosion of the divine world not only created gods, but it was also the source of many supernatural powers in later generations. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

For example, the speed force, emotional spectrum, quantum force field, etc. all originated from this divine wave. The divine wave is still reverberating in the universe. When it is completely silent, supernatural Power will also disappear from this universe.

About 480 million years ago, the torn divine world gradually formed two planets, one was the New Creation Star and the other was the Apokolips Star.

Humanoid life was gradually born on the two planets, and under the influence of the divine waves, they gradually acquired divinity. They were the New God Clan.

After the New God gained divinity, the two planets began to form their own fourth world.

The fourth world is actually the fourth dimension. After the power of the gods declined in the mortal world, the new divine world they opened is located in this dimension.

So in fact, the old gods are now in the same dimension as Apokolips and New Creation Star. Not only them, but also Netherworld, the heaven where angels live, and Lucifer's hell are also here.

It's just that each world is not adjacent to each other. They are like planets, separated from each other by the sea of ​​stars.

And since each world is constantly moving at high speed, it is impossible to use coordinates to cross the star sea to reach another world.

But each world has its own unique way to lead to other worlds. Like Apokolips, the Mother Box was invented to communicate between the fourth world and other worlds.

The main god of Apokolips is keen on conquest and destruction, so naturally he must confront the gods who are also located in the fourth world. Therefore, Darkseid is no stranger to the power of the old gods. On the contrary, he understands it very well.

After all, a lot of his power was obtained by plundering the old gods. Regardless of the new gods, old gods, or other superpowers, the source of his abilities can be traced back to the divine waves, and they can naturally be converted into each other.

Apokolips has a special way to plunder the power of the old gods to enhance its own power. It is through constant plunder that Darkseid can quickly grow to the level of the main god in a short period of time.

You know, thousands of years ago on earth, he was still a weakling who would be split open by a planet god like Ares with an axe. He was actually a very junior god in the parallel universe.

Therefore, he was able to judge the accurate information about the power of the old gods, but the breath coming out of the 4.2 Present Magic Box made him a little unsure.

He could tell that this power was related to the old gods because it contained the power of faith, but unlike the general situation, Darkseid could not tell what its godhead was.[]

In terms of divinity, he always felt that it was somewhat similar to Lucifer's hell.

This gave Darkseid a rare headache.

You must know that Apokolips has almost defeated all the invincible opponents in the fourth world, but that is only almost, they still have enemies that they cannot deal with.

For example, Lucifer, the legendary angel who inherited six-sevenths of God's divine power, even has the ability to create the world by himself. His strength is even difficult for Darkseid to fight against.

No one knows what the final result will be before taking action, but Darkseid himself has calculated that even if he can win in the end, it will be meaningless.

Because the aftermath of the battle between the two will destroy the entire world. No matter where the battlefield is, it will be impossible to survive. Such a battle is meaningless.

Because it brings nothing to Darkseid.

And considering that Lucifer's hell has its own special characteristics, not only is it useless, but also has to bear additional responsibilities (looking after sinners), Darkseid is even less interested.

So there has always been peace between Apokolips and Hell.

But this time, there was such a ray of divine power carrying the power of hell inside the mother box, which made Darkseid have to suspect that the god who cast the spell on it was an old god born from hell.

And the interesting part is that, as far as he knows, no gods have ever been born in hell.

Even Lucifer, the current ruler of hell, is actually an angel, originating in the Silver City.

So, what is the origin of this god of hell?.

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