Hell, Happy Hotel

"So, you want us to help you subdue the Superman of your world?"

The Flash nodded quickly.

But Dane frowned at this time:"But I'm a little busy here...."

His great cause of conquering hell has just begun, how can he give up halfway?

But then he thought, this might be an opportunity to incorporate the Injustice World into the Justice League Unlimited plan.

But if they want to do it, they will face many problems. The world is in dire straits, and even if they defeat Superman's dictatorship, they still need to face Apokolips, who is eyeing him.

However, at this time, it seems that this incomplete world can no longer rely on anyone else except the power of the Justice League.

But the Justice League is not Dane's word, so he said to the Flash:"I need to discuss this matter with other Justice League teammates. By the way, as a representative of another world, you should join me."

"Well, that means I will see another self, right?"The Flash's expression was a little subtle.

Dane smiled:"What? I thought you were used to this kind of thing. Is this the first parallel world you have traveled to?"

He quietly probed the Flash for information, and the Flash answered all his questions without any hesitation.

"Yes, plus this time, I have only broken through the limitations of time and space three times."

The Flash had no idea that he had received Dane's magical suggestion. Although Dane did not have the power to use as easily as the Anti-Life Equation, as a demon, his voice could subtly make people obey.

Especially in a situation like this. In the hell environment, this kind of power is easier to manifest. This kind of suggestive power does not require Dane to take the initiative, it is completely emanating naturally from him. The

Flash, who knows nothing about magic, was not surprised to be tricked. In this regard, He is as insensitive as Barry in Dane's world.

The Flash started counting his time-breaking events on his fingers.

"The first time was when I fought against Steppenwolf. In order to stop the Mother Box Trinity, I had to run faster than light, so I reversed time by 22 seconds....

This is why Bruce thinks I can stop the whole thing from happening by reversing time...."

Dane thought thoughtfully:"But actually you didn't reverse time at that time, but created a new timeline, right?"

The incident mentioned by The Flash happened in the director's cut version of"Justice League."

When fighting against Steppenwolf, Barry used the Speed ​​Force to reverse time and reshape a future in order to save the world destroyed by the Mother Box.

But now that Dane has his own understanding of time, he knows that this interpretation is wrong.

In fact, what has happened cannot be changed, so after the mother box trinity was unified, the earth was destroyed and the Justice League was completely annihilated.

But Barry entered the Speed ​​Force, and thus he escaped the unified field's destruction of him.

Immediately afterwards, he ran to the upper reaches of time and space through the Speed ​​Force. In just a few seconds, he opened a new branch of time when the Mother Box was about to destroy everything, and rewrote the ending.

So in essence, the Flash's behavior of traveling through time is not overwriting the timeline, but creating a new branch of time.

When he reversed time and touched Cyborg, that world actually turned into two timelines. One was a timeline in which the earth had been destroyed and reshaped into a living hell like Apokolips.

The other is the ending of the director's cut version of"Justice League". The Flash didn't realize this at first, so he thought he traveled to the past, but in fact he just traveled to another branch of time.

Does this also mean that Batman has reached the end of his rope?

Even the Joker can probably see such a simple truth. With Batman's wisdom, it's impossible that he can't analyze it.

No, if it is assumed that he has anticipated the current situation, then Batman may be multi-prepared.

If everything could be like Barry said, reversing time and modifying history, that would be a good thing.

But if not, the parallel world may be able to give their world on the verge of being broken a little hope. What they lack most at this moment is hope.

The Flash's eyes dimmed when he heard Dane's words. He only discovered this problem when he broke through the time and space barrier for the second time.

This means that the reversal of time and space that he originally thought did not actually save those lost comrades, but only opened up a new branch of time for them.

But what has passed away has passed away after all.

This is also the price that the Speed ​​Force family must bear. If the peers on each timeline are treated as independent individuals, they will naturally feel pain because they failed to save the other timeline.

Barry should be very clear that among the countless branches of time, there must be a world where his mother will not die, but this does not change the fact that his mother is dead in his timeline.

Such pain will always accompany him, tormenting his kind heart

"You can't save everything, Barry. Dane comforted:"You are a hero, but not a god. You cannot save everyone and all timelines. Seizing the moment and doing what you can do now is the most important thing.""

The Flash gathered his mood and continued:"The second time we traveled was when we first met. It was also through that time that I realized the nature of the speed force traveling through time, and now it is the third time."

"The shuttle seems to be stable this time around."

The last time the Flash came, he could only stay for a short period of time, but he would still be dragged back to the original world by time and space.

But this time, he seems to be able to stay here for a long time.

The Speed ​​Force is really a good thing.

Dane I thought to myself, with the Speed ​​Force, he can basically travel through any parallel universe as long as he wants.

Johnny Quick in the Syndicate seems to be a user of the Speed ​​Force, why not just kill him and take the power away?

This time Will it not damage his glorious image as the leader of Zhenglian?

"Since you are already here, don't leave in a hurry."

No matter how long the Flash stays here, they can choose a suitable time to re-enter the Injustice Universe.

The Flash also understands this, and he can finally relax for a while. In his world, their spirits are always there. He was very nervous. Sometimes he suspected that his nerves were about to fail.

"By the way, I wanted to ask before, what exactly is this place? Is this your Justice Building?"

The Flash wondered. The layout of this building gave people a very strange feeling, and it felt a little unknown. It felt very different from the last time he came here!

"This is hell. Dane wrote lightly.

But the Flash froze instantly:"Hell, is it the hell I understand?""

"You can see for yourself. Isn't there a window there?"

The Flash kept his stiff body and moved little by little to the floor-to-ceiling windows. Seeing countless strange-looking demons on the street, he felt numb.

He turned his head and looked at Dane, hesitating to speak, but in the end Still made up his mind to speak:"You...Are you already dead?"

Dian raised his eyebrows, your mouth is really filled with honey, it's so sweet.

"So are you dead too? It's such a pity that you are so young"To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network! )

The Flash then realized, yes, he is still alive, but he is also here.

He couldn't help but exclaimed:"It turns out that you can come to hell without dying...."The Flash seems to have gained a lot of knowledge.

Then he reacted like he was belatedly asking,"Why are you in hell?"

When he came, he followed the road sign of Dane, so he ran to wherever Dane was, but he couldn't. I didn’t expect that the other party was actually in hell

"This thing is a bit complicated...But it's not important. The most important thing for you now is to find a way to convince my teammates.

While I personally don't mind helping you, others may not, especially Batman. You should know his character. He is not an easy person to persuade."

Batman always prioritizes preserving his own world, so he may not necessarily participate in it. The Flash knows this, and he also has some headaches. He must convince the Batman of this world to let him help him.

But the Flash is He has absolutely no confidence in his eloquence. He is afraid of being beaten to death by Batman.

"Don't worry, we will find a way."Dane said with relief.


After deciding what to do next, Dane first summoned Sinestro and Fiora and explained some things to them.

"The exchange continues to open and pay close attention to the situation on the noble side. Also, I guess traders with such a profitable business like Meimeng will not come to share the pie and wait for them to come. If they are here to steal business secrets, directly Kill on the spot!

But if you are here to seek cooperation, put it aside for now and wait until I come back to deal with it. There are also those sinners from OA. Keep an eye on them. They are no longer needed to cause chaos. Stability is the only thing they need to achieve."

Fiora and Sinestro nodded, indicating that they remembered.

The Flash's eyes widened. Although he did not participate in Superman's battle against General Zod, he had seen the news, so he could Recognize Fiora, Zod's lieutenant[]

His head was a little dazed. Could this Kryptonian be alive?

The Flash remembers that she was eventually sucked into the phantom zone. Could it be that in this world, her experience has also been modified?

Immediately afterwards, Dane took the Flash to one of the doors in the Happy Hotel.

The Flash was still a little confused, not only because of Fiora's appearance, but also because the breath of hell made him a little uneasy.

"How do we leave hell?"

You know, hell is a world in another dimension, so the Flash asked this question.

But Dane just held the handle and unscrewed an ordinary wooden door. Behind the door was a sunny world.

He stepped When he walked out, the Flash followed closely behind him.

When he stepped out of the door, the Flash's mind suddenly became clear, and his hazy state disappeared. He found that there was busy traffic in front of him, no red sky, no strange-looking demons, and here were human beings. world.

Dane noticed his state and thought that the Happy Hotel still needed to be renovated. Humans seemed to be unable to adapt to the air inside.

"Cortana, the network that takes over the world"


After Cortana received the order, she quickly connected to the global network, associated with global servers, and finally uploaded her information body to the satellite, controlling all communication satellites in the blink of an eye.

Just a few seconds after saying"Okay", Cortana Na then said,"It’s done."

This speed of 690 is so fast that even the Flash can't catch up.

Dane ordered again:"Contact all members of the Zhenglian, we need to hold a meeting"


At the same time, heroes all over the world received the message sent by Cortana. No matter what work was at hand, they temporarily stopped it.

"It's just been a few days of leisure, don't tell me another disaster is about to happen."

The plastic man lying on the beach in Miami couldn't help complaining. He now feels that being a hero is not an easy job. As long as necessary, he can do it almost all year round.

But there is no way, who makes this path his own? What choice?

So he had no choice but to break away from the beautiful beach life and rush to Alcatraz Island immediately.

Although Plastic Man does not have the superpower of flying, he can transform into a helicopter and fly. This is the helicopter. The shapes are often weird and funny, making people laugh or cry.

Most of them, such as Vixen, Dr. Light, and Green Lantern, have the ability to fly, and they can fly directly to Alcatraz Island.

And like Batman, Red Hood, Tim, and Lee Mortal superheroes such as Judik flew to Alcatraz Island in a fighter plane, but no matter what the method, they quickly went to Alcatraz Island through their own methods to gather.

Dane and the Flash waited for a while, but they were not the first ones to arrive at Alcatraz Island. Diana and the Super Queen who stayed on the island were Barry Allen, their Flash.

As soon as this young man arrived, he saw a Flash who looked almost exactly like him.


Barry was stunned immediately, but then he became suspicious:"Plastic Man? Is that you?"

"No, I'm not Plastic Man, I'm The Flash."The Flash replied

"You are the Flash, then who am I?"Barry said stupidly, but he was not really stupid after all, so he quickly reacted.

"Wait, you're not the Barry Allen of this world, are you?"When he talked about this, his expression was very excited.

Dane knew what he was excited about, but the Flash was confused by him. He subconsciously asked:"Shouldn't you be the Flash in this world?"

"What's the meaning?"Barry said strangely,"Of course I'm not."

The Flash's mind was completely confused. He suspected that the other party was talking incoherently.

Only then did Dane tell him:"This is not the earth you came to last time, it is another one."

"Have you mastered the method of traveling through parallel worlds?"The Flash was a little shaken in his heart. How long has it been since?

Although he knew that the other party could interfere with time and space last time, he didn't expect that the other party could already do it to this extent. Did he not need the speed force to do it?.

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