Dane didn't think there was anything to hide about the Flash's problem, so he admitted it simply.

"Wait, what are you talking about? Dane, isn’t he the Barry Allen of this world?"

"Obviously I'm not."The Flash smiled.

At this time, Barry looked at the Flash in front of him carefully. He found that the other person's face was slightly weathered compared to his own, and the stubble on his chin seemed to have not been trimmed for a long time.

"God, man, you look a lot older than me...."

The Flash's face darkened. Why is his mouth so unpleasant?

At this time, two figures descended from the sky, namely Diana and the Super Queen.

"wonder woman and...Louise?"

The Flash rubbed his eyes, confirmed repeatedly, and then widened his eyes:"Wait, are you really Lois Lane?"

Although the face is that face, the expression is too different, and...If Flash saw it correctly just now, she seemed to have flown down.

When will Louise fly?

The Super Queen blinked and glanced back and forth between the Flash and Barry, quickly understanding the situation.

"Where did you find a Flash? Have you found a new parallel world? Want to conquer it?"

Speaking, the Super Queen tugged on her submission rope and crackled it.

The Flash trembled at the sight. This Louise looked terrible. Moreover, was she really not a villain?

Fortunately, Miraculous The heroine was not much different from what he remembered. She snatched the submission rope from the Super Queen's hand.

"Hey!"Super Queen said dissatisfied, even if I can't beat you, you can't grab it forcefully, right?

"This thing is not for you to show off your power!"Diana said coldly.

Wonder Woman seemed to have transformed into an iron-blooded instructor. Even though she was not targeting the Flash, it still made him shudder.

"Did something happen when we were summoned this time? Dane nodded:"Yes, but it's not our world, nor is it the current world.""

Diana turned her gaze to the Flash, whose face was full of vicissitudes of life:"You must have experienced a lot."

The Flash almost burst into tears when he heard this. In his world, Wonder Woman and Aquaman had been killed when Darkseid invaded the earth. Even Hal, his willpower was gone. Unable to withstand the erosion of the Anti-Life Equation, he was also killed.

If Batman hadn't seized the opportunity at that time, let the remaining members retreat in time, and saved Cyborg who was almost dismembered, the Justice League would have been completely destroyed. The army was destroyed

"diana...You have no idea how bad our world has become, and you are already our last hope...."

Wonder Woman doesn't know what happened to him, but she can empathize

"Don't worry, we will definitely help you if we can!"

"Let's go back to the royal city first. It will probably take some time for the other members to come back."

A few more hours later, Plastic Man, Vixen, Dr. Light and the Bat Family also rushed back to Alcatraz Island.

"So what happened this time?"Batman got straight to the point.

Every time he needs to convene a meeting of all staff, it usually means that something big has happened, and this matter is usually very troublesome.

Dane sat on the main seat and introduced the Flash of the Doomsday Universe to everyone.

"What? Is this Barry's peer?"The plastic man said strangely:"Didn't it mean that he has no peers in this world?"

Because the real Barry Allen is sitting in his seat right now

"This Flash comes from another world, a world on the verge of death, and he comes to us for help in the hope that we can save their world."

The Flash has expectations in his eyes, which makes people unable to refuse.

At least Plastic Man, Vixen, Dr. Light, Wonder Woman, etc. will not hesitate, probably because it is a familiar face.

But Batman Very cautious:"Who is the enemy~?"

The Flash hesitated for a while, but he also knew that this matter could not be concealed, so he still said it.

"is superman"

"What did you say?"The plastic man took out his ears, his face blank:"Who are you talking about?"

"Superman? Is it the Superman we know?"Now even Barry Allen couldn't help but ask more.

"Is the Superman of your world a villain?"The vixen frowned. If that's the case, that would be troublesome.

Although Superman has turned traitor, he was once a member of the Justice League after all. The Flash of the Doomsday Universe couldn't help but defend him.

"You don't know what terrible things happened to Clark, he...That was never his intention, he was framed by the Joker and Darkseid!"

"clown?"Red Hood raised his eyebrows. It seems that the other party's clown has lived for a long time.

Jason couldn't help but look at Batman, wanting to see the expression on his face, but unfortunately, the poker face remained the same as before. , nothing could be seen.

Batman turned his head and looked at Dane. Although he did not speak, Dane miraculously understood what he meant.

Is Superman over there out of control? Just like he has always been As worried.

Dane nodded slightly, but then shook his head slightly, which made Batman confused.

"Let me explain."

Even the Flash, who has experienced everything personally, is actually in the game and doesn't necessarily know more than Dane. With a wave of Dane's hand

, the power of magic extinguished all the lights in the conference hall and transformed the starry sky. Embellishing it, he seemed to have created the universe with his bare hands, and then he began to tell a secret history

"In the boundless universe, there exists a powerful dark force called the Anti-Life Equation."

Dane told the story while tracing the pattern of the anti-life equation with his fingers.

He had seen the movie and knew what that thing looked like, but the anti-life equation in the movie was just a corner of the complete equation. In fact, it was engraved all over the earth.

But even just the tip of the iceberg that emerged from his hands was enough to surprise the Flash. He didn't know that Dane could actually know so much, even part of the anti-life equation. Know

"So, what can this thing called the Anti-Life Equation do? Green Lantern was confused,"There is no information about this thing in my lantern ring.""

"The Guardians keep it from you Green Lanterns because it is so dangerous that it must be completely hidden and the equation must not be known to any living being.

As for its function, the Anti-Life Equation enables the person who masters it to control the will of any life. Regardless of whether the other party is a human, a god, a demon, or a ghost, as long as the power of the Anti-Life Equation is radiated, he will become its master. puppet." If I have to describe it, the person who gets the Anti-Life Equation is an enhanced version of Professor

At that time, this kind of deadly thing was probably inseparable from the earth.

Sure enough, when the other members were still shocked and fearful of the ability of the anti-life equation, Dane suddenly said:"And this power is now engraved on on the earth's surface..."

"Etc., etc!"The plastic man quickly raised his hand. After receiving the signal, he couldn't wait to ask:"Is it this world or...our world?"

"Unfortunately, it’s our world, and that’s what I got from Steppenwolf."Dane sighed. At least so far, he has not found any trace of the anti-life equation in the world of Syndicate, and there is no spirit of existence on this earth.

All the members' faces were not good-looking, and they all thought of a question invariably..After

Steppenwolf was defeated, the conflict between the Earth and Apokolips had already been forged long ago. They didn't know when they would face Darkseid, the terrible enemy.

But there is only one thing that is certain, that is If Darkseid has learned information about the Anti-Life Equation from Steppenwolf, then sooner or later the Dark Lord will come to them to settle the accounts, but it will be sooner or later.

And they must not let Darkseid Germany got the anti-life equation!

This sentence became the common sentiment of all members.

But among the people, only the cute Tim, who had just met all the superheroes, and Dick, who had abandoned the dark and turned to the light, did not understand. A question arose in their minds at the same time:" Who is Superman?"

But no one can answer their questions at this time.

Dane stood up:"This matter cannot be decided by just a few of us. It should be made by all members of the alliance. Therefore, we must return to our world now."

Batman frowned at this time. Dane saw it and asked instead:"Batman, do you have any other problems?"

"I have some things to do in Gotham"

"Now is not the time to play. Let the three young people around you help carry it....Otherwise, you can stay."

Batman's eyelids twitched,"I'm not playing...."

Dane said, ah, yes, yes, everything you said is right.

"So, what's your decision? Batman turned to look at Jason and the others:"I leave Gotham to you. I have something to deal with." Jason sneered:"Do you think of me as a housekeeper?" When you come back again, I guarantee you will see a new, clean Gotham!"

That's what I'm worried about!

Batman is not worried about the safety of the Red Hood. He is only worried that he will be too cruel and kill all the criminals.

So he turned to Tim, the mildest of the three:"Tim , look at the two of them!"

Tim looked around and felt a lot of pressure. Although he had received some training recently, he was not arrogant enough to think that he could stop these two violent maniacs alone.

But at Batman's request, he only Neng nodded, indicating that he would do his best.

Batman was not reassured, but no matter how worried he was, he could only let it go for the time being. Another matter was more important.

Dane and other members waited patiently for him to finish explaining. , then said:"If you have finished explaining, then we can leave"

"Wait, are you planning to take her there with you?"Batman was referring to the Super Queen.

Dane asked,"Then do you think it's appropriate to leave her alone in this world?"

Once the Justice League leaves this world, there are almost no superhumans on earth stronger than the Super Queen. Batman can't imagine what she will do.

So he can only acquiesce to this matter.

Dane curled his lips. , holding the magic box with both hands and activated the magic, the portal opened on the ground in the center, and Dane jumped in immediately. The

Super Queen was more impatient than everyone else, and jumped in immediately.

Then came Diana, Lightning Man, another Flash, Green Lantern, Vixen, Dr. Light, Plastic Man, and finally Batman.

Before leaving, he turned back to look at Red Hood and others again:"Be in control."Then jumped into the portal.

When everyone jumped in, the portal closed and disappeared.

Under the red hood's mask, Jason showed a bloodthirsty smile:"Guys, we can finally have a big fight!"

Claw Dick responded positively:"Yes, you don't have to be restricted anymore.

Tim heard this and said quickly:"Wait a minute, Batman told us to exercise some restraint!""

"Tim, you also said it’s moderation, not inability to do it, right? Jason smiled and asked:"Don't you want those damn little mice to be punished as they deserve?"

The old guy's method is too slow, we should help him speed it up!

Tim hesitated:"Killing is not the final solution."...But under certain circumstances, it can be an effective method."

Jason nodded with pleasure. Sure enough, in such a messed up world, how could he learn from Bruce's Virgin style? Killing and killing is the most efficient way to solve problems.

Even Dick agreed with his style.

Bruce seems to want Tim to take a brighter path, and deliberately prevents him from getting involved in the dirty work. (To read exciting novels, go to Fulu Novel Network!)

But in a place like Gotham, dirty work You can stop doing it, but you can't understand it, so Jason plans to teach him step by step how to do the dirty work. You have to teach by example! No theory is as fast as learning by yourself.

As for Batman's instructions?

On the other side, Dane has already They returned to their world with the new and old team members, and landed at the Hall of Justice.

At this time, there was still a member on duty here, Cyborg Liang.

At this time, the screen lit up, and a mechanical face made of green data lines appeared. on the big screen

"-A visitor has appeared, and the identity of the visitor is being confirmed -"

Then a light scanned everyone back and forth, and the mechanical voice said as if it had no emotion:"-The identity has been confirmed, code name Shazam, code name Wonder Woman, code name Batman, code name Green Lantern, codename The Flash...-"

At this point, the mechanical voice seemed to be stuck, and then it was heard saying:"-Cyborg, my program went wrong, I found two Flashes-"

"You're not wrong, Grid, there are indeed two Flashes. In this case, just question it."

"-Filed -"

Dane walked up with a smile:"It seems you succeeded, you created the grid. Cyborg also stepped forward:"If I guess correctly, one of the Barry Allens comes from another parallel universe, but his heart position is the same as ours.""

"Ah, this matter is a little complicated. I need to summon other members to discuss this issue."

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