Soon, the other heroes who stayed in this world also arrived at the Justice Building in Khandak.

"You are finally back, it has been quite a while."

Constantine said, turning his attention to the Flashes who were very conspicuous on the field, like twins, and a very special person, Super Queen Louise.

"It seems like you brought back some specialties from another world..."

Superman was the most surprised. He stared blankly at the Super Queen who was almost the same as Lois, feeling a little weird in his heart.

Although Louise is a very self-reliant woman, her temperament is far from as strong as the lady in front of her looks.

Perhaps he stared for too long, which made the Super Queen a little displeased. She turned her head and said to Dane.

"Why is this stupid guy staring at me like this?"

She has heard from Dane that there is a peer here who looks the same as Superboy.

I don't know, but Super Queen herself thinks that the other person looks nothing like Superboy, and Superman looks like , like the kind of guy who must be a good guy

"He is completely different from Speedmaster."Super Queen said to Dane

"Because of this, he is Superman. Dane just laughed and then he turned his attention to the meeting

"Everyone, let me introduce you to this woman, who comes from the antimatter universe pointed to by Pandora's Box. She was once a member of the Syndicate and is now on our side."

Everyone's expressions were subtle. This Super Queen was not a good person at first glance.

Especially Hawkwoman, her scrutinizing eyes at this time were more like hostility. Her sharp eyes were like a knife, and she seemed to be aiming at the Super Queen. It was as if a hole had been poked out.

Faced with these strange looks, the super queen did not feel embarrassed at all. Instead, she raised her head high, proudly like a real queen.

"I don't like this guy."Batgirl Barbara said secretly.

Wonder Woman, Zatanna, Hawkwoman and other female superheroes present nodded silently, and so did we!

Dane didn't seem to notice, and he then said: Everyone introduces The Flash, another Flash

"This person shouldn’t need to be introduced. He is Barry Allen. I need to remind you that this Flash is not from another world connected to Pandora’s Box. He and Super Queen come from 360 different worlds."

"So, which world is this incident related to?"Mars Manhunter asked.

The Flash raised his hand like a primary school student, and then said embarrassedly in front of everyone watching:"This is our world."

"What enemy has your world encountered? Don't tell me it's an alien again?"Ye Yi complained.

They were fighting the aliens together so hard that they almost vomited. Can they change the enemy?

Plastic Man looked like he was watching a good show. He just wanted to see what Night Wing would do after he knew the truth. What an expression.

Then, the Flash hesitated to name the enemy this time.

"Our enemy is Superman."

Yeyi opened his mouth wide, and the confused expression made the plastic man overjoyed.

But not only Yeyi, but other Zhenglian members who didn't know this moment also showed shocked expressions.

To a certain extent, Nightwing was still right.

Then they moved very neatly and looked in the direction of Superman.

"Uh, is there some misunderstanding? Clark looked innocent.

Blue Beetle said at this time:"What did your Superman do?""

The Flash counted on his fingers:"He killed most of the members of our alliance, led the demonoids from Apokolips to rule the world, and established a superhuman regime to implement dictatorship...."

As everyone listened, they looked at Superman with strange eyes.

Blue Beetle couldn't help but interrupt him:"Man, are you really sure that's Superman? And not some guy pretending to be Superman?"

The Flash replied firmly:"No, that's Superman, me and Bat. Xia has repeatedly confirmed this"

"Then your Superman must be controlled by someone!"Neptune said in a very determined tone at this time,"Otherwise, I can't imagine why Clark would do this."

The Flash is envious of them. This Justice League has deep trust in their members, which is something their desperate world lacks.

He calmed down and told everyone his and Batman's guesses

"In fact, Batman and I also speculated that Superman might be controlled by Darkseid...."


The expressions of all the members on the field began to become solemn, especially Hawkwoman. As a senior spy on Nagaon, she has a deeper understanding of Darkseid, the dark monarch who is keen on conquering and destroying.

That was not a human being at all, but a god!

Even during the most prosperous period in the history of Nagaon, they did not dare to provoke this dark monarch. His omega rays were a nightmare for countless lives.

Hawkwoman secretly made up her mind that after the meeting, she would find Dane and tell him not to mess with Darkseid.

Having the courage to show your sword is certainly worthy of admiration, but you cannot seek death even though you know you will die. That is definitely not the behavior of a wise man.

Although the other members have not seen Darkseid, they have learned about the dark lord in the battle against Steppenwolf.

Just an exiled sinner can cause such a big storm on the earth. If he were to come in person, it would be even more fierce.

The Flash continued:"When Steppenwolf first invaded the Earth, we had actually repelled it, but Superman had just been resurrected at that time, so we don't know whether the Mother Box left anything in his mind.…"

"Guys, wait a minute!"Constantine quickly stopped him.

The Flash was a little confused:"Is there any problem?"

"What did you mean when you said Superman was resurrected? When did he die?"

Don’t you have a Superman?"The Flash was even more surprised than them,"You haven't encountered the Doomsday?"

Everyone looked at each other.

Superman scratched his head:"Although Doomsday is indeed very strong, he was able to kill me. This is something I didn't expect..."

The Flash then reacted:"You met Doomsday, but successfully defeated him. No one was killed or injured, right?"

"They are indeed very difficult enemies, but fortunately we responded in time and the damage caused was not expanded."Diana explained a little bit.

"You are in luck."The Flash is really admired.

"In our world, Superman died in order to completely eliminate Doomsday. After his sacrifice, Steppenwolf suddenly invaded our world."

"At that time, the Justice League had just been formed, and we couldn't fight against the powerful Steppenwolf, so I thought of a way…"

"You used the Mother Boxes to resurrect Superman."Cyborg took up Flash's words.

"Is this possible?"Barry is a little confused. He doesn't know much about the Mother Box.

Cyborg definitely has a say in this topic, because he is the first person to be resurrected by the power of the Mother Box.

"The Mother Box is able to reconstruct particles of matter, restoring what has been destroyed to its original state.

Anyone can burn down a house with just a match, but the Mother Box can turn the ashes back into a complete house."

However, magical heroes like Zatanna and Constantine have doubts. Even if the body can be repaired through the Mother Box and the vital signs can be restored, how can the problem of the soul be solved?

Without a soul, only one can be resurrected. It’s just a body!

"We suspect that when the Mother Box resurrected Superman, Apokolips had already made some changes to his brain, which was one of the reasons for his subsequent personality changes."

"one?"Green Lantern said in surprise,"What else is there?"

That involved some very cruel things, and The Flash wasn't sure if he should bring it up in front of Superman. He couldn't help but turn his attention to Dane, the leader of the True Alliance.

Dane turned to him Nodding, he believed that Clark still had the ability to bear this.

The Flash got Dane's approval. For some reason, he felt a little relieved. Facing everyone's curious eyes, he told the cruel incident.

Under the control of the Joker, Superman accidentally killed his wife. Although the Joker later claimed that he was controlled by Darkseid, everyone doubted this. At that time, the angry Superman wanted to tear him to pieces on the spot. But Batman stopped him. At that time, Batman still adhered to the principle that superheroes could not kill anyone.

The Flash believed that this incident was the beginning of a rift between Superman and the League. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Fei Lu Novels Net!)

Later, Superman's appearance in Metropolis became less and less, until one day, when Metropolis was once again tortured by Luthor, Superman did not stand up to stop him. The

Flash did not know that Superman was in that period What happened during the disappeared time, he only knew that when Superman returned again, he was no longer the son of hope, but a god on earth, a cruel god.

He began to use a more intense method than before To deal with those criminals and kill them all, Superman was completely changed in a place unknown to the Justice League.


"who are you? You are not the Superman I know!"

Luthor looked at Superman who broke into the office from outside the building, and felt a sense of solemnity in his heart. Superman gave him the feeling that something was wrong.

He quietly stretched his hand under the table. There was a gun there, and inside was the gun he used. Kryptonite bullets made by special means.

Superman's eyes lit up red, like a demon who had just emerged from hell.

"Maybe you should have stayed in jail, Luther."

After the Doomsday incident, Luthor was supposed to be imprisoned in prison, but after the Steppenwolf incident, he used his cash powers to escape from prison and returned to Metropolis to fight against Superman.

But this will not happen again. He will no longer let this villain continue to harm Metropolis.

Superman's clairvoyant eyes can see Luthor's hands hidden under the table and see his little movements clearly.

Luthor moved the table as fast as he thought he could He pulled out the gun underneath and pulled the trigger.

His movements were very standard and there was no hesitation. Normally Superman should be hit.[]

"You have no idea how tolerant I have been to you in the past."

Superman's eyes flashed, and his red heat vision directly ablated the flying missiles.

Luther was shocked and immediately turned around to escape!

But how could he, a mortal, be faster than a god on earth?

Superman is like a human being. A gust of wind came to him in the blink of an eye.

He reached out and grabbed Luther's chin, lifting him high.

"You see, I could easily crush you like this if I wanted to.

Luther chuckled:"This is your true face, right?" Son of Hope, you finally showed your true colors. I am right. I have always been right...."

Luthor grabbed Superman's wrist with both hands, and no matter how hard he tried, Superman's arm remained motionless.

Perhaps as Superman said, he can easily crush anyone if he wants to

"I never trusted you, Superman? No, you are just an alien hybrid who was lucky enough to survive the planetary disaster. No matter how similar your skin is to a human being, it cannot change this."

Superman's expression darkened.

"I have your life in my hands, Luther, maybe you shouldn't piss me off like this"

"So what are you waiting for? Why not do that?"Luthor had no fear.

He spread his arms like the Son, like a believer about to sacrifice himself.

"I'll watch you in hell, Kal-El..."

Superman's eyes fired thermal time, directly shooting Luthor's heart. The bald man died instantly.

Superman stood still for a long time in front of Luthor's body.

"Am I right to do this?..."

"Of course, my dear child, you should have done this long ago."

There was a voice echoing in Superman's ears.

"In your world, the judicial process is a ridiculous lie that protects your criminals.

The villains you risk your lives to arrest often fail because of a loophole in the law. Have you never thought about how unreasonable all this is?

If you can be more decisive, you will know that people with abilities like you should make a better law and protect those people with your rules..."

"If you could have understood this earlier, maybe your wife and children would not have died unexpectedly...."

"No, don't mention them!"Superman said in pain.

"Do not be afraid of pain, my child. Face it, accept it, and then use your anger to transform the world. This is what your power is for...."

Superman raised his head, the red light in his eyes still lingering, as if he still had murderous intent.

"yes my power...I can also avenge Louise and kill them, kill them all!"


"who is it!"Superman turned his head suddenly, but he didn't see anyone.

He squinted slightly and opened all the senses in his body. In an instant, countless information poured into his brain like a surging tide.

【Clark, Clark, you are not like that! 】

Superman heard the voice, and he seemed a little unbelievable

"Louise, is that you? Louise!"Superman's tone was urgent.

But the voice suddenly disappeared, as if it had never appeared.

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