Instead of finding his Lois, Superman falls into a deeper nightmare.

When he rushed out of the door of the Lex Group office, a very familiar scene suddenly appeared in front of him.

That was the scene where he and the pregnant Louise were joking and chatting.

Superman remembered this scene clearly, so he also knew what was about to happen next. He ran forward desperately, but he could not get close to that area no matter what.

On the other side of the warm two people, the clown was hiding in the corner with a sinister smile, pressing a button that looked like a toy with his finger.

An unknown gas suddenly emitted from the surrounding room. Another superman immediately protected Lois behind him. Worried that the gas would harm Lois and the child, he opened his mouth and inhaled all the poisonous gas. in one's own lungs

"No--! You idiot!"Superman, who was trying to get close to them, yelled angrily.

Superman thought the poison gas would hurt Lois, but he didn't know that the target of the poison gas was actually him.

After absorbing all the poison gas, Superman's expression changed instantly. He no longer recognized Lois, and Think of her as some terrible villain

"Who are you? Where is Louise?"

"Clark? What’s wrong with you? Facing Superman

's questioning, Lois was very worried. She stretched out her hand and tried to touch her lover's face.

But Superman dodged and grabbed Lois' hand.

"You hurt me, Clark, what's wrong with you?"

"Where did you take Louise?"Superman's questioning became more and more terrifying. As a pillow person, Lois could clearly feel his changes.

But the Joker hiding in the corner looked excited.


For a moment, Louise saw a strange light shining in Superman's eyes. Under the guidance of that light, Superman became even more violent.

"If you don't tell me, I'll have to take some drastic measures"

"You won't do this, Clark, that's not who you are."Louis couldn't help but say this. If it was the man in her impression, of course it would be.

But unfortunately, the man in front of her seemed to be no longer the Superman.

"It seems like you are going to be stubborn to the end."Superman said with a cold tone and an expressionless face.

At the same time, Superman's eyes lit up red.

"No——!"The other Superman watched this scene helplessly but was unable to stop it, not even his heat vision could reach that area.

At that moment, Louise seemed to have foreseen her own death, but her mood was incredibly calm.

She could tell that someone must have controlled Superman's mind.

Even at this time, what Louise is worried about is not her own life, but how Superman will live in the future if he has an accident.

Therefore, she hopes that her voice can reach Superman's heart.

She held Superman's face with her hands:"It's okay, Clark, everything will be fine...."

Superman's heat vision erupts from his eyes, killing Lois in a very brief moment, and also their child.

And Superman, who had experienced all this, witnessed this scene again, his heart shattered like glass, and scattered in the wind like Lois' corpse.

And the clown's laughter in the distance was so harsh that it made him so angry that his chest was about to explode.


Intense beams of energy erupted from his eyes, and the world shattered under the cutting of heat vision.

In the real world, Superman woke up suddenly, and the ceiling in front of him had been ablated by his heat vision to create a huge hole.

Only then did he realize that everything was just a dream.

But this is not a simple dream, it reproduces Superman's past experiences.

The action of killing Luthor was the first time Superman chose to take a person's life with his own will after losing Lois. He knew that humans are fragile, but he had never felt it so clearly as that day. a little.

Including the voice that secretly persuaded him to use violence to establish a more reasonable order, also appeared in his mind.

He later learned that the voice was actually Darkseid's, and he had been watching here.

And that scene that he couldn't bear to look back on, the clown's trap, and Louise...

But Superman noticed at this time that the voice, the voice that appeared after he killed Luthor, Lois's voice, was not in his memory.

He was a little confused, why did this sound appear in his dream?

If he had not been controlled at that time, if he had not completely destroyed Louise's body with heat vision, but kept it intact, maybe the power of the Mother Box could have saved her.

After all, he himself is the best example

"Louise, is that you? You came back to me..."Superman sat blankly on his bed, staring blankly into space.

He didn't know that there was indeed an illusory consciousness where he could see it. She was Louise from another world.

At this time, Louise looked at the lost Superman with pity. She finally saw what happened in the other person's dream.

"This shouldn't be like this, this shouldn't be like this."

But as time goes by, the time that Louise can stay is not long. Although she seemed to be able to speak a few words with Superman in the dream just now, she still cannot meet.

And this method is not without danger. Yes, in Superman's dream, she is easily assimilated by Lois in the dream, which means that she may endure the same painful experience as the other Lois.

That will hurt her spirit, and even this This kind of damage is likely to spread to her body.

When the time is up, Louise's consciousness is once again pulled away by some force.

When Louise opens her eyes again, there is a familiar scene in front of her. Superman has been waiting for a long time..

Louise couldn't help but feel warm in her heart, this is her Clark.

Clark said worriedly:"It takes longer and longer every time you fall asleep, which is a great burden on your spirit."

This kind of thing can be seen from the dense sweat on Louise's forehead.

"But my gains are getting bigger and bigger!"Louis retorted, and then she quickly told Clark what she saw in her dream.

But what Louise didn't know was that Clark had actually heard this information once at the Justice League meeting.

At the end of the meeting , Dane asked the members for their opinions on whether to go to another world and save the earth that was on the verge of destruction.

The superheroes headed by Wonder Woman certainly support action. They firmly believe in simple principles of justice. As long as necessary, As long as they can do it, they think they should help.

The main members who agree are Wonder Woman herself, Vixen, Dr. Light, Zatanna, Green Lantern and other heroes. The heroes headed by Batman are opposed, He believed that they did not need to get involved in this matter at all.

In the final analysis, this matter was the responsibility of another Justice League and had nothing to do with them. Their duty was only to protect their world.

As for the Syndicate in the antimatter world, if it were not for their possibility Batman originally didn't want to deal with endangering the world here.

His idea was agreed by conservative superheroes such as Martian Manhunter, Cyborg, and Hawkwoman. They all felt that the safety of the world should be the top priority.

Other people's worlds should be left to others to protect. They advocate letting go of helping others and respecting the fate of others.

But Dane? He has no inclination. He has no special desire for another world, so he can go or not.

The Salvation Faction and The conservatives argued with each other at the meeting, but they could not completely convince each other.

When Dane did not express his position, Superman should have made a statement, which might tilt the focus of the debate between the two parties.

But Superman was also hesitant.

If Before changing his life, he would have chosen to help another world without saying a word.

But it is different now. He is no longer just a superman, a farmer's child.

He is about to become a husband and a father, and he must serve Louise and Their children considered it.

The meeting finally chose to be shelved temporarily, and they still had time to think about the matter carefully.

Superman is not difficult to deal with, and the Justice League and others are not worried about Superman. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network! )

The kryptonite in Dane’s inventory is still waiting for promotion. The biggest enemy this time is actually Darkseid, the overlord of Apokolips who is the biggest concern for everyone.

Once they defeat Superman, will it cause Darkseid's attention?

Will it attract the Apokolips?

According to intelligence, Darkseid has obtained the anti-life equation. If they confront him, how should the Justice League deal with the brainwashing of the anti-life equation?

If they choose To help another world, these are the problems they are about to face. They cannot be careless and must consider carefully.

The Flash from the apocalyptic world understands their hesitation, so they are not in a hurry. They still have enough time to think.……

"What are you thinking, Clark?"

Clark's thoughts were interrupted by Lois' question. He thought for a while and told her about the Flash coming to this world for help.

Just as he imagined, Lois didn't do anything after knowing about it. He hesitated and said,"Of course you should help them! Isn’t this the purpose of your Justice League’s existence?"

"But this time the opponent is difficult to deal with. Clark hugged Lois tightly,"I don't know if we can defeat the alien named Darkseid. The worst case scenario is that I may die.""

Hearing this, Louise grabbed his hand.

For a moment, Louise wanted to eat what she just said. If doing the right thing comes at the cost of Clark's life, then this It’s fine if she doesn’t do anything!

But when she thinks of Clark in her dream, he’s also Superman! []

I don’t know if it’s because she has a strong resonance with Lois in his dream, but she can’t leave that Superman alone, and it suddenly makes her She was very entangled in her heart.

Clark noticed her entanglement and pretended to be relaxed:"Okay, you don't have to think about this kind of thing now. Dane said that we have enough time to consider when to go to that world, so there is no rush..

Maybe in the not-too-distant future, we will be able to find a way. Even if it is Darkseid, we will definitely be able to find a way to restrain him..."

After putting Louise to sleep, Superman carefully tucked her in and quietly walked out. Open the door and come to the balcony

"Are you here? Dane?"

Dane's figure emerged from the magical light.

"How about it? Do you see what's wrong?"

The quantum entanglement between Lois and another world has lasted for so long, and Superman has always been uneasy.

This time I just took advantage of Dane's return to invite him to come and have a look. He always has ideas about similar issues, and sure enough, , this time he did not disappoint Clark

"There are signs of soul interaction between Louise and her peers in another world."

Dane was also amazed. He had just seen clearly while Louise's consciousness was wandering outside. This was a phenomenon of"extraordinary spirit" or"astral projection", but it was not dominated by her herself.

If Dane is not mistaken, the"person" who caused Lois'"astral projection" should be Lois Lane who was supposed to be dead in another world.

But she is obviously not a wizard, so why can she do it? What about such a thing?

Dane opened his eyes of death and saw a layer of divine power with"death" wrapped around Louise's soul. This divine power did not come from Louise in this or that world, it came from to another higher-level existence, another god of death.

He carefully searched all the DC characters in his mind and found that there wereAll DC superheroes have similar properties of death.

Deadman, formerly known as Boston Brand, is a superhero who was turned into a"living ghost" by the Indian goddess Rama Kushner after his death.

If it were this goddess, she might be able to give the dead Louise similar abilities.

"Clark, I need to cast a spell on Lois, is that okay?"

Clark nodded. He believed that Dane would not harm Lois and her child. After all, he was the future godfather of their child.

After Dane got Superman's consent, he pinched his hands and pulled it out, pulling out a shimmering golden stick. The silk thread was a metal wire made of pure N metal.

He popped out the golden wire, and one end was directly connected to Louise's soul. Then he flicked the other end in his hand and sank directly into the void.

Since the world over there can use the phenomenon of quantum entanglement to pull Louise's consciousness into there, of course Dane can also use the path they left to pull the"people" over there in reverse. The golden thread is here Under Dane's control, it quickly contracted, like a thread of fate, bringing the two ends of the thread closer to one point.

Superman and Dane stared at the other end of the golden thread together, not letting them wait long, an illusory soul He was pulled here by the golden thread.

As expected by Dane, the soul connected to the other end of the golden thread was Lois Lane who had passed away in another world.

Superman could not see the soul, so Dane cast another spell to make this person Tao's soul can manifest, allowing Clark to see her too

"Louise..." Clark murmured. He couldn't help but turn around and look at Louise who was lying on his bed. She was sleeping soundly at this time.

She did not enter that world again...

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