Dane snapped his fingers, and the crisp sound seemed to be a signal, waking up Lois Lane in her soul body from her confusion.

Although it is difficult for a person from a parallel world to exist stably in another world, it would be easier if it was just a soul.

The soul is different from other substances. Its quantum characteristics are more obvious. Its superposition state of both existence and non-existence can directly"cheat" the rules of the world.

"Clark...Me, what's wrong with me?"

Louise raised her hands, they were so transparent that she could clearly observe the scenery on the other side.

"Lois Lane, why is your soul still lingering in the world?"Dane asked.

Judging from Louise's performance during her lifetime on earth, there is no doubt that she is qualified to ascend to heaven.

"There is a goddess, she, she helps me to stay in the world."

Dane nodded. As expected, it was the goddess of death who gave Boston Brand, the"dead man", the ability. At this time, Superman standing aside couldn't help but ask:"Why, why do you want to Drag Louise into such a dangerous world?"

If it were anyone else, Superman would definitely be very angry, but the"culprit" in front of him is Lois, which makes him unable to escape.

Lois' eyes darkened:"Clark...I mean, I have a lot of responsibility for the Clark of our world turning into what he is today...."

"That's not your responsibility. Superman frowned,"Even if someone must be found to take responsibility, it should be the Joker, Darkseid, or another Superman. You are innocent!" Louise

"Wu Qiqi" just shook her head when she heard this:"The only person who can stop Clark now is me, but I am already dead."...So, I thought, if the other me could persuade Clark, I might be able to bring him back."

But Superman's brows furrowed even more tightly. You want my wife to have a heart-to-heart talk with the other me, and I'm going to have sex with myself?

Besides, that Superman is a tyrant, and we can't rule out that the other person will lose control again in the process. He can't let his wife take this risk

"Sorry, Louise, I understand how you feel, but my Louise must never meet that man. I think you must understand the meaning of what I do."

Lois, the soul body, nodded silently, but she still showed a pleading expression and said to Superman:"If Lois can't help Clark regain his sanity, he may never be able to get rid of Darkseid's control.

Clark, can you help him? He has lost everything. He was once a child of hope and should become a child of hope. He should not have fallen like this."

Seeing such an expression on this face like Louise, Clark felt very uncomfortable, and the balance in his heart was gradually tilting.

The conversation between him and Louise a few minutes ago seemed to still linger in his ears. If he decided If he wants to intervene in this matter, then even if he sacrifices there, it is not impossible. Does he want Louise and the child to lose their husband and father and stay alone in this world?

He turned his head and wanted to ask Dai En asked for advice, but the other person was watching the show with a smile on his face, which made him very angry.

"You’ve been reading this for so long, don’t you have any suggestions? Dane calmed down his expression and returned to his serious look just now:"I don't have any suggestions. No matter you choose to do it or not, I have a way to connect or cut off the channel between the two worlds.""

"Do you have a way to deal with Darkseid?"Superman asked with a hint of hope.

"I have no idea. Dane rarely used this uncertain tone,"I have never played against him, or even met him. I cannot estimate the opponent's strength based on mere speculation.""

Darkseid's strength in the parallel universe is often erratic, but most of the time, his strength is in the first echelon of the current universe. Not to mention whether he can beat him, even if he can, it will take a lot of effort. A lot of power.

Especially his Omega ray, which is a reverse entropy force that corresponds to the origin of creativity, and has the power to erase everything.

Omega rays are the power of power that exists in Apokolips, and Apokolips is the birthplace of Its world is also the place where the Omega Rays were stored during the Masterless Period.

Therefore, in order to weaken the Omega Rays, you must first destroy Apokolips, but this difficulty is no less difficult than defeating Darkseid himself.

Let alone the ones over there. Darkseid still has the anti-life equation, and Dane can't tell whether he will be affected by it. If he really plans to attack another world, he must find a way to deal with it. Yes. The only thing that can fight against the anti-life equation is the life equation, but the life equation is scattered throughout the universe and is the foundation for the birth of all life.

However, the fragments of the life equation have complete equation information. It is like a human body. Even if it is scattered throughout the universe, Every cell has the complete genetic information of the human body and can still be used.

How to extract the complete information of the life equation from it is a difficult problem.

But Dane knows that if the spirit of existence is willing to take action, it can resist Anti-life equation.

But it is very difficult to make the spirit of existence take action. In the DC universe, it only appeared once in the Lantern Festival incident. Countless parallel universes have destroyed countless earths due to various disasters. The spirit of existence can be said to be countless. It rarely does anything.

And this thing is very difficult to find. If it doesn't want to appear on its own, it can't be found even if it digs three feet into the core of the earth.

Therefore, if they want to fight against the power of the Anti-Life Equation, they She can only think about whether she can find a way through magic or technology.

Louise doesn't know who Dane is, but she knows that it is this hero who brought her soul to this world, and she has some hope in her heart.

"I understand even if you don't want to help us, but I have a request."Lois begged.

Superman had some bad thoughts in his mind.

"can you guys let me meet clark..."

"I advise you to give up on this idea. Before Superman could say anything, Dane interrupted her rudely:"Even if you can see Superman, so what?""

This cannot change the fact that Superman killed his wife and children with his own hands, and Lois' forgiveness cannot redeem him.

If it were another world, maybe"love" could really change everything, but Dane knew,"Love" is the key factor in the anti-life equation. Blind"love" is a powerful weapon that can deprive people of their sense of freedom. It was precisely because of the love for Lois in his heart that Superman in the doomsday world He has turned so completely dark, and if he sees the evil he has done with his own hands again, he is afraid that he will become darker and darker.

"That..."Louise was a little anxious, but she didn't expect that this trip would yield no results.

Dane thought for a while and said:"In the final analysis, this matter requires the joint efforts of all Zhenglian members. No matter what the final decision is, we will need some time. Before we decide what to do, you first Stay here."

It's not a problem to let Louise's consciousness wander around there all the time.

"But Clark's side..."

"You are just a ghost now. Superman cannot see you or sense you at all. It makes no difference whether you are there or not."

When she said this, Louise immediately went into emo.

Clark glanced at Dane reproachfully, and then comforted her:"It's okay. You should stay with Louise during this period. There should be a good relationship between you two. There is a lot of common language."

Let a ghost accompany your wife, and I have to say that the show is still yours, Clark.

Fortunately, the ghost Louise has divine power to protect her. She can barely be regarded as a Holy Spirit, so it should not harm Louise and her children.

"Clark, I have some bad news for you."

"What?"Clark's heart skipped a beat, but he still said calmly.

"We may not have that much time left. The time of the two worlds has begun to synchronize. That is to say, maybe now, maybe the next moment, the timelines of the two worlds will be consistent."

Dane previously thought they still had time because he thought no one on their side had reached that world yet, so the timelines of the two worlds were not consistent, and they could still choose any time point to enter the doomsday world.

But today He saw the quantum entanglement phenomenon between the two Louises, and suddenly realized that he had ignored Louise. She traveled in and out of the two worlds so frequently that it was impossible not to affect the timeline.

And the ghost Louise came here The world is bound to accelerate the process of assimilation of the timeline, which means that time is no longer on their side.

Superman was silent for a moment, and then spoke:"In other words, we don't have much time, and we need to do it as soon as possible Decide what to do with this, right?"

Dane nodded silently. If the final result of the Justice League's discussion is to give up rescuing another world, he can immediately start building a space-time protection network. Just like the seal of the temple guarded by the Supreme Mage, it can effectively prevent other people from entering the world. A peek into the multiverse......

He believes that even Darkseid himself is absolutely unwilling to share his power with anyone else, even if that person is another Darkseid.

On the other side of the multiverse sea, in the Doomsday Universe, just as Dane expected, due to the close exchanges between the two worlds, the two originally unrelated universes began to intertwine, and the timelines synchronized.

After the Flash leaves, time in the doomsday world continues to flow.

Cyborg waited for a while, but did not see the Flash arriving with the Justice League, and his expression immediately changed.

"not good! We're in trouble!"

Whether The Flash had an accident and failed to come back, or there was an intertwined timeline between the two worlds, it is not a good thing for those of them who are still here.

"Fuck, that guy is already here!"

Deathstroke's one eye was fixed on the sky. He saw the figure cutting across the sky and rushing towards their direction.

Deathstroke immediately took out his favorite gun and pointed the muzzle at the sky.

Cyborg pulled him down. He took off his cape, and it turned out that he had been carrying a Vulcan cannon on his shoulders!

The clown also followed their gazes to the sky. When he saw Superman's ruthless face, he immediately laughed, and he remembered The scene where Superman was set up by him and ended up killing Lois

"What a nightmare."Even Deathstroke, the strongest mercenary who has experienced hundreds of battles, felt his palms sweating at this time,"We have no chance of winning, Cyborg."

Cyborg knew Deathstroke was right, but he didn't intend to surrender. Therefore, when Superman's body got closer, he immediately activated the traps he had arranged around him.

Dozens of holes suddenly opened on the ground. In the center of each pit stands a gleaming sound wave column.

It is an instrument made of steel that can amplify interfering ultrasonic waves hundreds of times. Its sound will make Superman's inner ear equalizer feel very uncomfortable. And destroyed his sense of balance.

But Superman, who was originally diving, suddenly turned and relied on his strong physical fitness to make a sharp turn and fly back into the sky.

Cyborg watched helplessly as his eyes fired heat vision, and patiently turned all the ultrasonic transmitters on. One point exploded.

Deathstroke immediately pulled the trigger. His sniper rifle fired a high-explosive armor-piercing projectile. If it hit Superman's face, it would explode like a bomb.

But for the Kryptonian's Man of Steel, this power It's obviously not painful.

At the same time, Cyborg also activates the Vulcan Cannon, but this weapon is used for surface to air, especiallySuperman is obviously not a wise choice for a superhuman being like Superman.

But Cyborg has no choice. His white noise cannon has been used to create an ultrasonic transmitter, and now it is the only weapon on hand that can be used.

It wasn't until the last ultrasonic transmitter was destroyed that Superman landed back on the ground.

At this moment, the clown suddenly had an idea, smiled and said to Cyborg and Deathstroke:"I'm going to die, please don't let the little bat be too sad, hahahahaha..."

As soon as he finished speaking, Superman appeared behind him and grabbed the Joker's neck with his big hand.

"Superman, don't do this!"Cyborg only had time to say this.

The next moment, Superman closed his palms and directly crushed the Joker's neck. His head and body were separated like two disconnected parts.

Superman coldly threw away the Joker's neck. Corpses, like a pile of trash thrown away

"Shit!" Deathstroke cursed and had to take out the last secret weapon in his collection, which was a kryptonite bullet!

This was the one he stole from Batman's cave before, and now it should be the best in this world. The last bullet.

He quickly finished loading the gun, and then pulled the trigger again. He prayed in his heart, hoping that this Son.Of.Bitch would be able to ignore the threat of bullets like before.

But this time Superman didn't push too hard, he lightly He dodged lightly and avoided the kryptonite bullet.

It's over!

Deathstroke only said this in his mind, and was immediately evaporated by a heat vision.

In the end, only Cyborg was left, and the Vulcan cannon he fired was temporarily damaged due to overheating of the barrel. Unable to use it, he could only watch as Superman approached him.

"Where is Barry? Steel frame"

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