"Where is Barry now? Steel frame"

"Did you think I would tell you?"Cyborg simply threw down the Vulcan cannon, and the mechanical body flew directly towards Superman.

"You know you are no match for me, Victor, why are you still resisting?"Facing the impact of Cyborg, Superman stood still, impartial and allowed Cyborg to hit him.

But as they expected, even if they are both men of steel, there are differences. Cyborg is completely Unable to shake Superman's body, he had used the maximum propulsion power, but could not shake Superman.

Superman was tired of it, he grabbed Cyborg with both hands, tore it left and right, and removed one of Cyborg's hands.

"Stop, or I'll destroy your other hand."

However, Cyborg did not accept his threat. He punched Superman in the face with his other hand without causing any ripples.

Superman fulfilled his promise just now and removed Cyborg's other hand. Come down.

Now, Cyborg has no hands at all.

"Is this what you want?"Superman was very angry. Why did everyone want to resist him? He obviously just wanted to do something right.

Cyborg raised his head. Although there was very little expression on his face, Superman could see the unyieldingness in it.

"Why don't you just kill me, Clark Kent"

"Maybe I really will!"

Superman almost couldn't help but kill him, but at the moment he was about to take action, the figure of Lois seemed to flash before his eyes.


Superman stopped. He looked down and saw the blood in his hands. Lois would be very disappointed if she saw him like this.

He suddenly lost interest. Even if he killed more people, what was the point? Louise could not come back.

Superman glanced at Cyborg coldly:"You saved a life, Victor."

After that, he grabbed Cyborg, took him into the sky, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Minutes later, in the dungeon where Batman was imprisoned, Superman hung Cyborg on the other side of Bruce


Bruce's lips were a little white at this time. He hadn't eaten for a while and was very lacking in nutrition.

"Bruce? Are you okay?"Cyborg was very surprised to see Batman. He thought he had been killed.

"You will have more time to catch up on old times in the future."Superman said expressionlessly.

Batman seemed to hear something. He stared at Superman in front of him with wide eyes.

"Yes, Bruce, I know about those little plans you and Barry had. Do you think you can hide those things from me?"

Perhaps for the first time, Superman felt that he had defeated Batman in terms of IQ, and couldn't help but smile proudly.

"Parallel world is such a whimsical idea. You have proved your theory and it is right."

Batman's face darkened when he heard this.

Superman smiled:"And this theory can be used by me now, but I need some help."

"Help you locate another parallel world so that you and the master behind you can invade it? Batman sneered:"Clark, no matter how hard you try, Lois is already dead. Even if you can find her peer, so what?""

The smile on Superman's lips froze.

"She'll just think you're a monster..."

Superman arrived in front of Batman instantly at super speed. He squeezed Batman's ribs with five fingers. At this time, Bruce, who was a little weak, suddenly sweated on his forehead. The pain made it impossible for him to say a complete sentence.

"That's enough, stop it, you will kill him if this continues!"Cyborg couldn't help but speak out to stop Superman's behavior.

Superman loosened his fingers after hearing this, and said expressionlessly:"You should be more careful what you say Bruce, I almost couldn't help but kill you."

With his clairvoyant eyes, he could see that one of Batman's ribs was slightly out of position, so he straightened it back out with his hands. This almost made Bruce faint on the spot.

"I won't let you die before I get what I want, Bruce."

After saying these words, the body left.

Cyborg and Batman could still hear the sonic boom when Superman took off.

"How are you? Bruce?"

Batman raised his head after hearing this. Although his face was pale and his energy was low, his eyes were still as sharp as before.

"your hands..."

"It was torn off by Superman. It's okay. You know these mechanical organs don't actually feel pain."

"Where's Barry? Cyborg felt relieved, and then replied:"The Flash has gone to another world, and he hopes to ask them for help.""

Batman nodded silently. Since his plan failed, there was only this last solution left.

But then his expression changed:"During the time you were captured, Barry never showed up?"

Cyborg shook his head. Batman could naturally think of any question he could think of, but the key question is, can the Flash think of it?

If he still thinks he has enough time, then the time advantage is likely to He became on Superman's side.

Batman didn't see the Joker and Deathstroke, and he didn't ask. He also knew that with Superman's hatred of criminals, these two people would not be able to survive.

Especially the Joker, if Deathstroke still has If there was even a chance of survival, the Joker would be doomed to die as soon as he met Superman.

"They've been killed by Superman."Although Batman didn't ask, Cyborg still said it.

Batman nodded silently. He was in a complicated mood. The clown who had been fighting with him all his life was finally dead.

He calmed down and immediately said to Cyborg:" We have to get out of here right away and find out what happened in Barry.

Then he looked at Cyborg:"Is that thing still on you?""

Cyborg nodded. He has always kept the things that Batman gave him very well, and even Superman didn't find out.

"He never found out."

This is also because Superman was too conceited. He did not check Cyborg with his clairvoyant eyes immediately.

From his point of view, Cyborg was so embarrassed that he could only use weapons like Vulcan cannons to attack him. What other important things could he hide? What about the thing?

But he didn't know that Cyborg really hid an artifact, and he didn't hide it with lead.

Cyborg's chest opened like a movable metal plate, revealing the mechanical chest cavity, with a touch of green The light flickered in it.

But his whole body was trapped by the iron rope. The green thing was inside, but it was blocked by the iron rope.

"I brought it. Cyborg was a little helpless at this time,"But how are you going to get it?""

Both of them are now hanging. Batman can't move his hands. Even if he wants to use his feet, the distance between the two is a bit far and he can't reach it.

Many parts of Cyborg have been removed and used to build ultrasonic waves. The instrument was installed, and now his deformation ability was greatly weakened. He could not directly transform his body and hand the things in his chest to Batman.

But Batman said:"Don't worry, I know how to make it come over by itself.""After that, he began to recall that passage.

He heard Hal say it once and wrote it down.

"The day is bright and the night is vast.

Demons and demons have no place to hide.

Evil people and alien parties fear my divine light.

The green light is always bright and shines forever!"

After reciting the oath, the green light in Steel Bone's chest suddenly flashed out. It penetrated directly through the iron ropes and floated in mid-air. It was a ring! A green ring.

It floated for a while, and suddenly it seemed to be confirmed. It flew in the direction of Batman with the same target, and put it on his finger in the blink of an eye.

The moment Batman put the ring on, he felt a surge of energy surge through his body, and the green energy turned into green energy in his chest. With the symbol of a green lantern, Green Lantern Batman Bruce was born! (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

He gently broke away, tore off the shackles on his hands, and then raised the ring towards Cyborg's head. Pointing his finger, a beam of green light cut off the iron rope binding Cyborg.

Cyborg staggered and almost fell to the ground, but fortunately Batman caught him in time.

"I lost both hands and had a little trouble balancing."Cyborg said this abruptly, trying to save his respect.

Batman showed no expression and just said:"I know."He didn't dwell on the problem,"We should get out of here as soon as possible."

"But there are many guards outside."Cyborg was a little worried.

Of course Batman knew this, but he said with confidence:"It's just a human guard, he didn't put the demon here."

Perhaps he is afraid that the demonoid will be disobedient and eat Batman?

No matter what Superman's original purpose was, now it has given Batman and Cyborg a good opportunity to escape. Humans are much easier to deal with than demonoids.

Bats Xia showed Cyborg how he dealt with humans on the spot. He used the power of color light to create a small thorn as thin as an ox hair, and controlled it to circle around the guards, and then they started to fight one after another. They fell down one by one.

It was truly a silent killer!

Within a few minutes, all the guards around the prison were wiped out.

"how did you do it?"

Cyborg checked for a while, and he found that these guards were not dead yet, but fell into a temporary coma.

Batman just said:"This is a secret method from the ancient country, they usually use it to treat sick."

Cyborg looked like you're fucking kidding me. Is this how you treat diseases? []

Batman saw his question and explained:"I'm not good at school, so I can't save people. I can only use to subdue the enemy...Let’s not talk about this anymore. Let’s get out of here quickly."

This is a small military base, so of course there will be cars. Their drone reconnaissance will come every two hours. They must take advantage of this time to escape from the sphere of influence of the Superman regime.

Batman hurriedly gave himself and Steel After putting on a layer of guard military uniform and replenishing some guns and ammunition, he drove off-road and left the desert.

By the time the patrol drone noticed the abnormality, Batman and Cyborg had already left for a long time. After leaving this area of ​​influence, Batman controlled the light ring to reveal a fighter jet and wrap up the off-road vehicle. The Superman Guards searched nearby and could not find them no matter how long they were.

When Superman learned the news, he almost became angry. Kill all the guards who stayed here!

Fortunately, he stopped in time, and after calming down, he realized what he might have overlooked.

Cyborg's capture may have given Batman a chance to escape, although Superman didn't understand it at the time How he did it didn't stop him from feeling impressed by his friend's ability

"As expected of you, Bruce, for letting you escape like this. He sneered,"But it doesn't matter. As long as you are still on Earth, you will have to face me sooner or later.""

But thinking that The Flash is likely to bring back a complete Justice League, Superman feels a little uneasy.

He doesn't care about other people, but Superman can't. He alone can't defeat the Justice League with Superman's main tank. He must Trying to find someone to share the pressure.

He thought of Steppenwolf. Even though this guy wasn't very strong in his eyes, it was enough to block other members of the Alliance except Superman.

Then there was Superpower. He experienced it personally. He knew that his power was very close to his own. With his help, it would be much easier to deal with another Superman.

Although this plan was set, Superman did not intend to sit still and wait for death. If possible, he hoped He can take the initiative to invade the other party's world.

He doesn't care about the people in the Justice League, he just wants to see Lois...

On the other side, Batman and Cyborg, who finally escaped, finally hid in Atlantis, which had become a ruin.

Although this place is depressed, the power of Poseidon is still guarding this kingdom, which is invisible to Superman's eyes.

And the one who received them was the Mera of this world.

"You look miserable, Justice League."Mela held a broken trident and looked at the two arriving people indifferently.

"Mera, we need help."

Under the protection of the green light, Batman can breathe normally in the water and move without restriction.

Cyborg has mechanical lungs in his body and is not afraid of water pressure erosion.

"help? Mera opened her hands and asked Batman and Cyborg to look at their surroundings,"Where were you when we needed you?""

After Arthur was defeated and killed, the demon-like army from Apokolips immediately invaded here and slaughtered almost all Atlanteans. In front of the Mother Box, Poseidon's power could not protect his people.

"I'm sorry, Mera, but we just couldn't care less at the time."

At that time, it was not just Atlantis that the demon-like army attacked. Paradise Island, the human world and even the magical world were all attacked by Apokolips.

After Darkseid experienced the failure thousands of years ago, he obviously learned He used the demon-like army to restrain the energy of most members of the alliance so that they could not distract him.

Then when no one was paying attention, he took away the anti-life equation engraved on the surface of the earth and used it to control He became the vanguard of Apokolips to invade the earth.

Although Atlantis is an ally of the Justice League, after all, the Justice League needs to take care of the surface world first, with billions of people and tens of millions of Atlantis. People.

Everyone knows how to make this choice.

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