"Then why do you have the nerve to come to me for help now?"

Mera knew in her heart that Batman was right, but as a woman, she had lost her family, her lover, and most of her citizens, and now she had to hide with her remaining clan members to avoid being hunted by the demon-like army. She is more qualified than anyone else to complain and be angry

"Mera, listen to me, I know your anger and your hatred. If you want to take revenge on Apokolips and Darkseid, you should help us, because now only we can help you realize this wish.

Mera directly showed a sarcastic expression after hearing this:"Just you?""

Her red hair was flowing, and even with such an expression, she still couldn't hide her stunning look.

But Batman and Cyborg are both men who don't understand the charm. They are only thinking about how to solve the current situation.

Batman thought Thinking that in order to win Mera's trust, he decided to reveal the Flash's affairs to her. They also needed Atlantis technology to create a harmonic instrument that could lead to Barry Allen's world.

But before Batman could After describing the matter to Mera, she suddenly waved her trident, and the surrounding seawater suddenly seemed to come alive, sucking Batman and Cyborg into it.

"Batman!"Cyborg thought that Mera wanted to take action against them.

But that was not the case. Batman discovered that the current was just pushing them to a certain place and had no intention of harming them.

He gave Cyborg a calm word. gesture, signaling him not to act rashly

"I'm not doing this because I believe you."

Cyborg was still confused, but Mera's voice came right after him. He turned his head and looked in the direction of the sound, and found that Mera was following them like a fish.

Her eyes were radiating. It's as blue as water, that's the light color of water magic

"This is for Arthur's sake!"

The current is like a high-speed channel under the sea, sending Batman and Cyborg into the magical barrier of Atlantis, allowing them to enter this underwater kingdom.

Here, they can temporarily breathe a sigh of relief, even if Superman knows They are hiding in the city of Atlantis. With his weakness of not knowing magic at all, he will never find it here, unless he can borrow the Mother Box from Apokolips...

DeSaad rejected Superman's offer to borrow the Mother Box again. ask

""Why?" Superman roared loudly at DeSaad's manifestation.

"Because this is the second time you've borrowed a Mother Box, Kryptonian."

Desard is different from Steppenwolf. He is a close servant who serves Darkseid and has always been loyal.

So he doesn't need to fawn over Superman like Steppenwolf does, and he doesn't need to abandon him."

"You use the Mother Box too frequently. It is used to transform the planet, not for you to conduct parallel space-time experiments!"

You fart!

Superman almost cursed these words. The sonic blast channel of the Mother Box is clearly the main way for the people of Apokolips to access various worlds. Why does it seem like he is not doing his job properly when he uses it?

Superman said with a sullen face." Where is Steppenwolf? I have something to do with him!"

"It's no use looking for him. He has a mission now, a mission issued by Darkseid himself."

This time Superman had no choice. He could only give up the idea of ​​borrowing the Mother Box for the time being.

Just when he was about to cut off the communication with DeSaad, the other party suddenly said:"Wait a minute, Darkseid has a new one. The task is entrusted to you"


Superman was stunned for a moment, and then he saw a sonic blast tunnel appearing next to him. From the white light of the tunnel, the figure of Speedmaster appeared.

"Darkseid said that if you are in need, Speedmaster can help you…"

"But he can't appear in the sun!"Superman said with some dissatisfaction.

At this time, Superboy looked up at the ceiling and found that it was night outside and the city was dark. Only the mining spacecraft of Apokolips was absorbing geocentric energy from the core of the earth.

He couldn't help but grinned widely. With a smile on his face, it was time for him to show off again. The Superboy was very swollen at this time.

Superman seemed to see his thoughts and couldn't help but sneered in his heart. When

Desard heard Superman's words, he simply said directly:"Krypton Starman, are you questioning Darkseid?.?"

Superman could only grit his teeth and said:"No!"

Desaad sneered:"This is Darkseid's order, do you have any questions?"

"No."Superman could only reply like this. The power of the Anti-Life Equation is terrifying. Superman was controlled to death, with no intention of resisting at all.

At this time, Desaad nodded with satisfaction and disconnected the communication.

When When he turned his head, he found an unexpected person standing behind him

"Big Barda?"

This Desard doesn't dare to offend. He has already heard that Big Barda will marry Scott Free.

That Scott is a big shot. He is the biological son of the New Creation Star Lord God Heavenly Father. Da The adopted son of Darkseid has a noble status.

Whether it is Heavenly Father or Darkseid, they are all Disad's masters, and he must respect them.

Therefore, Disad must also be polite to Big Barda.

"DeSaad, were you talking to a Kryptonian just now?"

"Yes, Big Barda, he wants to borrow the Mother Box and use it to travel to a parallel world"


"I heard that there is a person in the resistance there who has discovered a way to travel to and from the parallel world, and it is possible to bring back a new Justice League from there. Big

Barda's eyes lit up and she couldn't help but said:"Is it the team that defeated Steppenwolf?""

Although Steppenwolf has been exiled for many years, he is after all a member of the royal family of Apokolips, and he is also an ancient new god. His reputation has not been broken by his defeat to the Justice League. Listening to old people like Big Barda The Nemesis, who has grown up with a generation of stories, will only think that the Justice League is a very powerful team, otherwise it would not need Darkseid to conquer it personally. Moreover,

Big Barda also heard a rumor that in thousands of years Not long ago, the newly born Dark Lord once visited the Earth, but was repelled by the guardians there.

You must know that a new god like Darkseid is already a mature body just after he is born, and his strength starts from the moment he is born. He was very powerful from the beginning, and before conquering the earth, he had conquered many worlds, but only failed on the earth.

Therefore, there must be something extraordinary about this world. After hearing these stories, Big Barda had a deep understanding of the earth. She has longed for it.

She is tired of training all day and fighting with the Furies who are too familiar with her. She is eager to leave here.

Of course, she has another reason, she does not want to marry Scott Free.She has trained her skills hard for so many years, but in the end she just wants to be a man's vassal?

She will never accept it!

"Desaad, I want you to send me to Earth."

When Big Barda said this, Disad was stunned and had a headache.

"Big Barda, I can't make the decision on my own in this matter.…"

"You just opened a teleport for that Kryptonian!"Dabarda asked

"That's because Darkseid ordered... Big Barda, if you want to go anywhere, you have to get Darkseid's permission."

Big Barda frowned slightly, feeling a little uncomfortable.

But she knew the rules of Apokolips. Everything here must obey Darkseid's will, even her.

So even though she didn't want to marry Scott Free , but she still can only follow the arrangements.

She is obviously used to this kind of life, but sometimes she can't help but wonder, why can't she make her own choice?

"I will go to Grandma Xiang first about this matter!"Having said that, Big Barda turned around and left.

She is the most outstanding of the Furies. Since the kind grandmother has trained her, she cannot just hope that she will become a man's wife. She must do great things.

She thought that her kind grandmother would agree with her choice.

Seeing Big Barda leave, Disad was relieved. He knew that Darkseid would never let her go at this time, at least until she He has to get married to Scott Free.

Grandma Xiang is a smart person, and she knows exactly what to do. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

And the fact is just as he thought, Grandma Xiang refused Da Barda accepted Da Barda's request, and persuaded Da Barda with words, hoping that she could stay on Apokolips safely and wait for her marriage.

Da Barda agreed to the kind grandmother on the surface, but secretly she was secretly brewing a plan. , she will never be willing to be manipulated like this!

Dane's world line.

The Justice League gathers together again

"Everyone should have received the news. Due to quantum disturbances between the two worlds, the timelines of the two worlds have begun to intertwine and assimilate. Our time and their time are no longer so abundant."

Neptune raised his hand at this time. Barry Allen, who was sitting next to him, was a little speechless. He bet that Arthur would definitely ask some strange questions.

Sure enough, Neptune then spoke:"That quantum thing or something... is it? What's the meaning?"

Batman explained to him at this time:"This means that our world and their world will be at the same time flow rate. As long as it passes here, how long it will pass there."

"This is the most ideal state. Dane corrected him,"There is another possibility that the flow of time here is slower than that of theirs. While we are still discussing here, hundreds of years have probably passed on the other side.""

When the Flash from another world heard this, he almost activated the Speed ​​Force and wanted to return to his own world.

Fortunately, he suppressed this impulse in time. Even if he went back, he wouldn't be able to do it there with his own strength. Any effect.

Therefore, he was extremely anxious. He was no longer as relaxed as he was a few days ago, and his spirit became extremely tense again.

Superman noticed his mood and patted his shoulder in relief.

"Don't worry, everything will be fine."After speaking, Superman stood up, and the discussion on the scene suddenly became quiet.

"Everyone, I have not expressed any opinions during the meeting a few days ago. I admit, I hesitated."[]

When Dane heard this, he couldn't help but raise his eyebrows. He already knew Superman's choice.

Sure enough, Superman continued talking

"I'm scared, I've never felt more scared than I am now, and as you all know, Louise and I are going to have a baby."

The members nodded. They had already heard the news.

But the Flash from another world was stunned. He had no idea about this, because in his impression, Lois Lane should have another period of time. It takes time to get pregnant.

No wonder he didn't see Lois in the few days he was here. She was a frequent guest in the news before.

It's no wonder Superman hesitates. There are two different types of Superman who has a child and Superman who has no worries. As you can see from Heihua Chao, if something happens to his wife and children, he will go crazy!

Superman continued:"But I have figured it out in the past few days, if I am afraid of doing something because I am afraid of losing my family, The right thing, then my children will lose something more important, justice, and courage.

I'm afraid of leaving my family and my children, but I'm even more afraid that one day my children will discover that his father is a coward.

He will discover that the Justice League once had a chance to save a world, but it failed to do so. This is not a value we should leave to future generations."

Everyone bowed their heads in thought, thinking about Superman's words.

In fact, no matter how nice the words of mobilization are, it will not have as big an impact as Superman's willingness to go to the front line in person. Superman has already expressed his stance that he is willing to do this, even if there are family members behind him. The same goes for concern.

Even Batman couldn't refute him this time, so he remained silent

"It seems that today's meeting should have results."

At this time, Dane suddenly laughed:"Don't look so serious, everyone. Darkseid is indeed very strong, but we (Nono's) do not have no chance of winning."

These words were spoken by the strongest man in the alliance, and everyone felt inexplicably relieved.

Dane stood up at this time, and Superman sat down at the same time.

"Many of the members sitting here know that when I formed the Justice League, it was just because I saw the disasters that were about to happen to the earth in the future. In order to prevent them in advance, I had to gather a group of like-minded comrades to fight together. To put it bluntly, We are just trying to protect ourselves"

"But today, our self-protection organization no longer just limits its activities to our world. We have carried out a series of activities in outer space, in extradimensional spaces, and in parallel universes.

We must admit that we are actually more than just an organization that can only protect ourselves. We can do more. Those who trust us and entrust their lives to us also believe that we can do more."

"They worship us, they admire us, and they regard us as the saviors of the world. Such a role destined us to assume more responsibilities. Only in this way can we deserve the trust of all those who love us."

"We are the Justice League, we are the nemesis of all evil and criminals! We adhere to justice and truth. As an alliance in the name of justice, how can we turn a blind eye to others' requests for help? Just because there is a price to pay for standing up for justice?"

"Tell me, my comrades, when you join the Justice League, are you afraid that you will not do what you all know is right because of injury or sacrifice?"

"of course not!"Blue Beetle couldn't help but speak loudly at this time.

Although the others did not speak, they looked at Dane with burning eyes. He knew that there was no need to raise his hands to vote now.

So he smiled and said:"I announce that the Justice League will participate in the event of saving the parallel world and defeating Darkseid!".

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