After the Justice League determined its course of action, its efficiency was very fast. Even Batman, who was opposed at first, began to think about ways to break the situation after the general direction was determined, and he was not dissatisfied at all.

"If we're going to deal with Darkseid, we have to deal with his two trickiest powers, the Omega Effect and the Anti-Life Equation, but I don't know much about them."Batman only heard Dane mention these two names, but did not understand them in depth.

In fact, not only him, but even Batman who lives in the doomsday world actually lacks more understanding of Darkseid's abilities. Darkseid

's time on Earth was too short, so short that the Doomsday Batman didn't have time to collect intelligence, so he was naturally helpless against the culprit. At this time, Dane needed to step forward and complete it. After all, He always seems to know a lot.

And this time he didn't disappoint Batman either

"The Omega Effect, from a magical point of view, is a special kind of divine power. It was born in the Apokolips Star and only serves qualified gods.

I believe it is supposed to be the opposite of the creative force of origin, as a symbol of pure destructive energy, so that it can destroy almost everything it touches."

Only heroes who are on the magic side can understand the meaning of this. The Omega Effect has little effect. In fact, Superman's heat vision and Dane's thunder are also sure-fire tricks as long as they are willing to increase the power.

But the power of magic can defend against such attacks, especially mages like Zatanna or Constantine, who can cast a magic shield that can defend against strong energy attacks at a relatively small cost.

This is because in magic In the eyes of a mage, energy attacks are actually a type of physical attack, and what a mage is best at is twisting the laws of physics. But the Omega effect is different. As the opposite of the origin of creativity, this positioning will elevate its own conceptual level, and magic cannot. Defeating conceptual-level power, that is the realm of power.

Dane continued:"From a scientific point of view, the Omega effect can be regarded as a material harmonic interference mechanism, which can destroy the stability of the material itself and scatter it. Make an irregular mass of atoms."

In the field of quantum mechanics, particles are not particles, not the"small balls" that ordinary people imagine, but"wave packets" formed by the gathering of"waves". In the universe,"waves" are everywhere, and they can Infinitely extending to the edge of the universe.

This is why quantum communication can achieve real-time communication at any location without delay, because for waves, speaking at the beginning of the universe is no different from speaking at the end.

But although waves can Extending infinitely, the energy of the wave tends to gather on a fixed spatial scale, thus forming a wave packet. The more gathered the wave packet is, the more it resembles a particle. The

Omega effect takes advantage of this characteristic of particles to interfere with harmonics. This method destroys the aggregation of wave packets. The more the energy of the wave packets is dispersed, the less particles resemble particles, and finally disperse into the form of waves again.

From a macro perspective, objects touched by omega rays naturally become It will turn into nothingness, because its particle nature disappears and becomes a wave nature.

Dane’s interpretation angle instantly killed many scumbags. People who don’t understand quantum mechanics can’t possibly know what’s hidden in his sentence. The amount of information.

Even the most knowledgeable Barry Allen was confused. He is not in this professional direction, so it is normal for him to not understand.

Aquaman Arthur has given up thinking. He and Superman and Blue Beetle , Plastic Man and others jointly formed the Student Alliance. It was like sleepwalking. They didn't even understand the meaning of those proper nouns in physics.

Blue Beetle felt a little wronged. He was studying law! He was a liberal arts student.!

Can you please stop insulting him with science knowledge? He is also a top student, okay!

Only a few heroes with true top level of academics can understand what Dane means, such as Batman, Cyborg, and Martian Manhunter.

Don't Doubtful, after all, many of Martian Manhunter's superpowers come from scientific experiments, so it's normal for him to know some technological knowledge.

As for other half-understood superheroes, they remain silent. Anyway, this Omega effect is very interesting!

"The particularity of the Omega Effect makes it difficult to play a proper defensive role against it, whether on the magic or technological side."

If the magic side wants to resist it, it must use the power corresponding to it (CGAF). Since Dane has said before that the Omega Effect is the opposite of Origin Creativity, do they want to use Origin Creativity to fight against the Omega Effect? ?

This is outrageous!

If the technology side wants to resist it, it must find ways to suppress harmonic interference, but the Omega effect is presented in the form of rays. It has no generating device, so it cannot target the source. Moreover, even if the Justice League can find The method of suppressing harmonic interference and building the machine will also be destroyed by the Omega effect. Isn't this funny?

Just the first question stumped all the members of Zhenglian. Yeyi couldn't help complaining:"Listening to what you said, I feel like fighting against him is like committing suicide. Doesn't this Omega Effect have any weaknesses? Dane thought for a while and said,"I don't know if it is a weakness. The Omega Effect is a divine power bred by Apokolips, so its existence actually relies on Apokolips."

If we could sever this connection, the power of the Omega Effect would be diminished and reduced to ordinary energy rays like heat vision."

Once it becomes a normal energy attack, then it is defendable, and superheroes no longer have to worry about dying next to it.

"What should we do?"The Flash in the doomsday world asked impatiently.

However, Batman seemed to have thought of something, and his expression was a little subtle.

Dane wrote lightly:"We can blow up Apokolips."

The Flash was immediately stunned. Not only him, but other members of the Zhenglian were also stunned when they heard this.

Blue Beetle subconsciously repeated:"Blow it up, I mean, blow up a planet. ?"

Dane nodded. This should be the fastest and most direct way. It can not only weaken the power of the Omega Effect, but also effectively weaken the power of Darkseid and other new gods.

Although Apokolips must be very strong, As the residence of the New Gods, its strength should be far superior to that of ordinary planets, but there is a limit. Otherwise, how can the race living on it transform it?

Nowadays, the Justice League...Or for Dane, there are many ways to destroy a planet, let alone magic. As long as he transforms into a demon, he can directly drag Apokolips into a real hell.

Even with technology, he has more than one way to destroy Apokolips.

Whether it is the quantum true bomb design he brought back from the Syndicate world, using Krypton's ghost engine to stimulate the black hole effect, or destroying the core of Apokolips to cause it to self-destruct, it is a very effective method.

They do not lack methods, but this approach may not be agreeable to everyone.

"No, if we do this, what's the difference between us and Darkseid?"Wonder Woman objected strongly,"And this is genocide! It's impossible for all the demonoids on that planet to be there, right?"

That's true. Dane remembers that there seem to be a lot of slaves living in the living hell. They are poor people captured from various worlds by Darkseid's army. There are also some new gods living on it. The specific number is unknown. Well, I'm not sure, but there are dozens of people with names and surnames who have appeared in the comics, so if you zoom in to the entire Apokolips, there should be a lot of new gods. There should also be good people here, like Mr. Miracle, like Big Brother Barda is a new god with a clear conscience, and destroying Apokolips will make them buried together.

Wonder Woman's opinion is agreed by many people. If the Justice League wins, it should be fair, and it cannot be achieved by sacrificing the lives of innocent people. Victory.

But Batman is quietly thinking about the possibility of this matter. If destroying Apokolips can weaken Darkseid's ability as Dane said, then it seems worth trying.

And there is one thing, others Ignored, but Batman did not ignore, that is, where is Sinestro?

He still remembers that the other party came to remind them that OA might attack the earth, but so much time has passed, not only the OA ring bearers have not During the invasion, even he himself has never appeared on the earth.

This has to make Batman wonder whether Dane and Sinestro have done something terrible behind his back, and they can say it so easily Destroying a planet is obviously experienced!

But he did not tell his guess. He planned to ask Dane privately. There was no reason to leave him alone and cooperate with outsiders on this kind of matter.

This proposal was only Batman thinks it can be considered, and other members think this approach is inhumane.

But although Batman thinks it can be considered, he will not publicly agree. When everyone thinks they will not do this, he will suddenly It often works wonders when done

"It seems that everyone does not agree with this method, which is a pity. This should be the method with the highest success rate and the fastest efficiency. Dane said with regret.

But the Super Queen smiled and said:"I think your method is very good. It would be better if you could directly eliminate the guy named Darkseid. In this way, Eliminate the root cause and no longer have to worry about subsequent troubles..."

Listening to the Super Queen talking about this matter, Superman's whole body was numb. He confirmed again that the lady in front of him was definitely not Lois.

He thought of a very interesting thing, that is, including the Super Queen, there are already three"Louises" in this world, but each Louise has a different personality, which makes him curious about the parallel world. What kind of person is Superman?

Back at the meeting, Diana was not surprised at all when she heard that the Super Queen agreed with this suggestion. She sneered:"Fortunately, you are not from the Justice League, and your approval is invalid." The

Super Queen's face darkened, and this Wonder Woman Why do you like going against her so much?

She turned back and glared at Diana, and Diana glared back without hesitation. Sparks seemed to flash between the two women's eyes, and the Super Queen almost actually fired her heat vision.

The surrounding spectators all felt a chill on their bodies, and they all quietly moved their bodies back a little, fearing that the two of them would accidentally injure themselves.

Fortunately, Dane held them down in time

"That's it. Since everyone thinks this method is not good, let's find another way. Although the Omega Effect is tricky, it is not Darkseid's only means of dealing with the enemy. We also have to deal with the Anti-Life Equation."

In fact, although the Anti-Life Equation was described in a ridiculous way, it is actually easier to deal with than the Omega Effect. Later, when Dane was thinking about how to deal with the Anti-Life Equation, he searched it from the dusty memories of his past life. An unpopular hero, Static Man.

Static Man's ability can interfere with the electromagnetic pulses passing through his brain, and the Anti-Life Equation uses this method to control brain activity, so he is immune to the control of the Anti-Life Equation.

But Dane Doubtful about this, if that's all, then they actually only need an electromagnetic pulse generator to interfere with the action of the Anti-Life Equation.

This does not seem to be in line with the positioning of the Anti-Life Equation, allowing Darkseid to try his best to get it. The things obtained should not be just like this.

So Dane is more inclined to believe that this way of controlling the brain is a superficial interference of the anti-life equation on the material level (brain activation interference), and it has not been used to control living bodies. The body of consciousness can be controlled more deeply. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Therefore, even if the method of blocking electromagnetic pulse signals can be effective, it can only be used once. They must race against time. During this period Defeat Darkseid within time.

Otherwise, it will be useless waiting for him to react.

Everyone felt a heavy pressure on themselves after hearing Dane's words.

As the main god of Apokolips, even if Darkseid lost Omega Effect and anti-life equation, his own strength is also extremely powerful.

A conservative estimate is that his own ability alone should not be weaker than the main gods such as Odin and Zeus in their heyday.

In other words, even if they try to weaken Darkseid's power still has to face the peak combat power of a main god, which is not easy.

In order to gain as much advantage as possible, the Justice League must find a way to choose the battlefield on Apokolips.

"Why?"Little Mengxin Blue Beetle is a little confused. Isn't Apokolips the opponent's home court?

"First, in order to minimize the damage of war, you don’t want us to start a war on the earth. With our capabilities, the earth may not be able to bear it. Dane shook his head

"Second, only there can I give full play to my greatest advantages."

Apocalypse and Hell both belong to the fourth dimension. The power of the devil can be used without any scruples, even if the Apokolips is completely shattered."

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