The Flash in the doomsday world found that everyone in the meeting was studying and discussing how to deal with Darkseid, and no one seemed to care about how to deal with Superman.

He couldn't help but wonder:"Why didn't you all mention Superman? Shouldn't he be the first opponent we encounter?"

Everyone's discussion stopped, and they looked at the Flash, as if he had said something Like a very strange thing

"How...What's wrong?"The Flash didn't know what he said wrong.

Superman stood aside with an embarrassed look on his face. He couldn't help but look at Dane with a resentful look.

The Flash here quietly pulled the Doomsday Flash:"Barry , you don’t know about this, Dane’s private warehouse is filled with a lot of kryptonite, enough to arm an army!"

The Doomsday Flash was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and blurted out without thinking:"I thought only Batman would do this...."

Batman shows no emotion but uses death stare on both Barry Allens

"Don't worry about Superman's problems, because he's easy to deal with."When Dane finished saying this, Superman's eyes became even more resentful. The

Doomsday Flash understood that if they could each have a kryptonite weapon, no, they wouldn't even need one. Even if the Flash is alone, he can defeat Superman.

Who makes Superman not as fast as himself?

So the Flash stopped talking. He is now full of hope for the future, even though everyone has no idea how to deal with Darkseid. There is still no final plan, but he somehow believes that they can do it.

Diana quietly approached Dane:"Are you sure about Darkseid? Dane also lowered his voice:"If what you want to ask is 100% certainty, then I don't have it, but there is a great chance that we can repel him and prevent him from invading the earth in a short period of time.""

Darkseid has not experienced failure. Although he is very strong, he cannot do everything by himself. There are always things that he cannot take into account.

The number of new gods on Apokolips is too few compared to the infinite universe. , and most of the New Protoss did not leave Apokolips, which resulted in many of the worlds that Darkseid conquered being autonomous by the local leading parties.

Although he reshaped them with Mother Boxes in each world, There are still many indigenous peoples in the world who have been preserved.

Apokolips needs these indigenous people to supplement the servants of Apokolips. It is extremely difficult to survive on this living hell, and the mortality rate is very high. Non-New Gods living on it have even the average life span of the race. Not even one-third of the lifespan can be reached.

But on their own planet, this lifespan can be increased to two-thirds.

In other words, even if their world has been transformed by the Mother Box into an environment similar to Apokolips, but By serving in their own world, those aborigines can live longer.

Therefore, those aborigines are naturally more inclined to live in their own world, even after a few generations, they have adapted to the planet ruled by Apokolips. So.

But for a civilization that has the ability to travel through various worlds to conquer the great cause, the management of Apokolips is too simple and crude. It enslaves each world with violence. There may not be a problem at the beginning, but as time goes by, various places will naturally react against it. Before getting the Anti-Life Equation, rebellions occurred from time to time in various worlds. While Darkseid was busy conquering new worlds, he was also acting as a firefighter, extinguishing the flames of rebellion everywhere in the universe.

Of course, he himself is actually He enjoys this process very much.

Conquest is what he loves, and destruction is also his hobby. Those worlds that do not obey the management of Apokolips just give him an excuse to destroy them as much as he wants.

But in this way, he will inevitably be These chores require energy, and some worlds that cannot be taken care of will eventually let them escape from the control of Apokolips.

Thousands of years ago, the Green Lantern Corps once took advantage of Darkseid's busy time to rescue some planets and let them escape. At that time , the Green Lantern Corps was not actually Darkseid's opponent, but he had other concerns and did not want to start a full-scale war with the Green Lantern Corps just because of a few worlds. The

New Protoss has strong abilities, but their numbers are very few. At least there are not as many as the Green Lantern Corps, and Darkseid is not willing to touch these pots with his own porcelain.

He knows that the Green Lantern Corps is actually using the ring's ability. Even if the person dies, as long as the ring is still there, they can The continuous replenishment of troops highlighted a difficult situation!

Therefore, after weighing the balance, Darkseid chose to let go of the world saved by the Green Lantern Corps, but killed one of the other Green Lanterns to demonstrate.

Therefore, if the conditions are suitable, Darkseid Kesaide can actually negotiate, but the bargaining chip must be enough to make him excited.

Dane smiled and said to Diana:"Actually, if you are willing, destroying Apokolips is the way to achieve a success rate of close to 100%.."

Diana rolled her eyes at him, and she whispered:"You clearly know that if there is not much difference in personality between the peers there and the people here, then there must be good people on Apokolips.

If others don't tell you, Big Barda seems to be still on Apokolips. Don't you want to blow her up too? Dane was speechless. He had indeed forgotten this problem, so he had to admit:"You are right.""

Diana raised her head high and pointed at him with her chin, meaning: Of course I am right.

As for how to force Darkseid to negotiate, Dane has an idea that has not yet been formed, but other than that, in fact, They still have an urgent problem that needs to be solved.

As mentioned before, Pandora's Box can only help them travel to and from the world of matter and antimatter, but cannot help them go to other parallel worlds, unless Dane is willing to learn from Night Owl, use technological means to analyze the box, and use There is an exhaustive method to list those worlds, but this is likely to attract the attention of some other beings.

In order to deal with a universe-level opponent, it is too stupid to attract the attention of the multiverse level.

Therefore, they also need someone who can The way to the doomsday world, and the Flash cannot directly take people across the world. This is true no matter which Barry Allen is.

Therefore, they also need to create a machine that can truly travel through time and space to assist the Speed ​​Force. , allowing The Flash to lead them into another universe.

So Dane found Batman and Cyborg, the only two Justice Leaguers who could keep up with his own scientific brains.

"I plan to develop an instrument that can fully develop Barry's abilities, allowing him to travel through the limitations of time and space at speed and reach another timeline."

"Do you have an idea?"

Batman knew as soon as he heard that he wanted to use the Flash's speed force to take them to another world.

They had discussed this possibility before they attacked the Syndicate. If the magic box failed and they were lost in time and space, Barry will be the last resort to solve their dilemma.

"I will send you the design drawings."

Cyborg has an electronic mind, so in less than two seconds after the file was downloaded, he had finished reading the design drawings provided to him by Dane.

"There is no problem with the idea, we just need to verify the feasibility."

Batman, on the other hand, is slower. He transforms the arm armor into a tablet and reads the contents page by page in this traditional way.

"Do you have to design this thing like this?"Batman couldn't help but said speechlessly when he saw the final look of the design drawing.

"Does it have to be designed like a treadmill?"

Yes, the Speed ​​Force extraction instrument designed by Dane is a treadmill. This is a tribute to the artifact in the comics, the cosmic treadmill.

"This is for the Flash, who can only activate the Speed ​​Force when running, and of course it's best to use it on a treadmill."Dane said matter-of-factly.

When the Flash starts running, the other members of the Justice League can't catch up, so it's an impossible task for them to cooperate with the Flash. They can only ask the Flash to cooperate with them.

Dane is especially in the universe. An observation deck is designed around the treadmill. When the Flash runs on the treadmill, they can watch Barry running like a hamster on the observation deck and let him take them through the world. I just do n’t know that the Flash will This will not leave a psychological shadow.

He turned his head and saw that others were still worried about Darkseid's ability. As the leader, Dane immediately said

"Everyone, leave Darkseid’s problem to me first. The Omega Effect is essentially a conceptual power. Only God can crack this kind of power. This is a problem that only I can solve."

Besides him, there was a second god with power present. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Seeing that Zatanna was a little worried, Dane smiled and comforted her:"Don't worry, hell. They are all my possessions, and even if something unexpected happens in the end, it will actually have no impact on me."

He can no longer be considered a human being. His body is actually dispensable to him and can be replaced at any time. He doesn't even need a body. Anyway, the divine body mixed with the power of Shazam and Shazam is composed of divine power. The ontology is not actually important.

The Omega Effect can only eliminate matter, and it is ineffective for life that exists in the form of pure energy, so Dane is not actually worried about this at all. The only thing that is slightly troublesome is the anti-life equation.

Dane can simulate Static Man's ability is to interfere with the electromagnetic pulse interference from the outside world. Among the superpowers attached to Zangza's power is the ability to control magnetism.

He can also use N metal to shield himself from the erosion of psychic power from the outside world.

But these It is not safe enough. He knows too little about the anti-life equation. Regarding this, he needs to find someone to consult. This person should preferably have enough qualifications to understand the nature of this thing. He thought of an old man who he had not visited for a long time. My friend, Sandman Morpheus.

It’s hard for others to say, but Morpheus must know what the anti-life equation is.

So that night, Dane crossed his dream territory and went to Morpheus’s dream kingdom.

Between dreams and dreams They are connected, just like a bunch of bubbles squeezed together. For a dream master like Dane, traveling through these dreams is like penetrating layers of membranes, which is very easy.

But to find Murphy But Si's position is not easy. He is the embodiment of the dream. On the other hand, the dream is himself. It is impossible to find him by catching people's breath, because he is everywhere. So

Dane travels through the dream and It was not because he found the location of Morpheus, but because he was reminding Morpheus through this rampage behavior.

He is here.

The world of the Dream Kingdom began to change and twist, and the space was torn like a piece of paper. It cracked, and a scene from another world appeared in the crack.

There was a tall castle with a weird style, reflecting the extraordinary aesthetics of Sandman Morpheus.

"You have terrible aesthetic taste!"Dane made such a complaint as soon as he stepped into this land.

The next second, Morpheus's slender figure appeared behind him, still in the same shape, with pale skin, messy hair, and a dead mother. Same poker face

"Do you have a problem with me?"

Dane nodded, not at all embarrassed about saying bad things behind people's backs.

"I have something to ask you. Morpheus sneered:"Mr. Davis, who knows everything, actually still has something he doesn't know?""

"I don’t know everything. You should know this very well. If you have paid attention to the affairs of the earth recently, then you should know what I am looking for you."

"what do you mean? Was it something you did in another hell, or was it something you interfered with in another parallel world?"Sure enough, Morpheus has always been paying attention to the earth.

"Dane, I must remind you that you are messing up various timelines, and their fates are undergoing unknown changes. You should know that fate has been very tolerant to you!

Dane said softly:"Then he should know what I'm looking for, right?""

Morpheus was speechless and stopped talking.

Dane looked around and asked curiously:"You're just talking to me here? Won't you invite me in to sit down?

Seeing that he seemed to have changed his mind, Morpheus said,"Didn't you say that my aesthetics are bad?" If that's the case, then why go in?"[]

"You are so old and still so petty, no wonder your ex-girlfriend can't stand you."

Morpheus's face darkened immediately, thinking that you really don't know how to open the pot. The great Dream God once had a girlfriend, her name was Nada, and she was once a queen.

This young queen He once pursued Morpheus crazily, but when Morpheus was ready to accept her love and be with her forever, Nada, who saw clearly that the"person" she loved was the dream god, ran away from him.

Mortals are not allowed to have endless relationships with each other. Members of the family fall in love, otherwise they will suffer divine punishment. It is this rule that hinders the love between him and Nada.

Guess who wrote this rule?

Or the source of all evil, the Supreme God.

Morpheus is also a titanium alloy A straight man, he saw that Nada did not accept him after knowing that he was a god, so he seduced Nada in his dream and combined with her.

After that, the divine punishment came as promised, and it destroyed Nada's country.

In order to prevent the divine punishment, Nada Da resolutely rejected Morpheus's confession. No matter how much Morpheus begged, she refused to accept his love.

Then Morpheus made a coquettish move. He threw Nada into hell in a fit of anger. Let her be imprisoned in hell for ten thousand years.

Fortunately, Lucifer disobeyed God and also wanted to capture Nada as a handle against the Sandman, so he took special care of her, so Nada was not allowed to be in hell. I was driven crazy.

When Dane mentioned this, it was like a slap in the heart of Morpheus!

PS: There was an exam in the morning, so this chapter is a little late. Sorry, brother!

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