Morpheus's expression is very unkind

"Since you know so much, you must have no questions to ask me. Go back!"

Is this a breach of defense?

Dane shook his head. He didn't know how this guy could maintain such a mentality in the past so many years. For a well-known ancient god, Morpheus's temperament was actually very lively, and his performance was very different. The indifference that comes out is very contrasting

"Morpheus, you should know that hell is under my jurisdiction now, right?"

Morpheus paused.

The mention of Nada was not because Dane was too busy, but because this woman was actually a weakness in Morpheus.

Don't look at this titanium alloy man who imprisoned her in hell. He has been indifferent for tens of thousands of years, but he actually loves this woman deeply...

Whose love do you think you are accepting.jpg is completely suffocating.

Dane has only been a god for a short time, so he doesn't quite understand how their gods express their love. method.

But he just needs to know that he can use this to make a deal with Morpheus. Originally this was Lucifer's plan. He seemed to want to use Nada's affairs to blackmail Morpheus into becoming the Lord of Hell, and use this The job was left to him.

However, this matter was stopped by Dane. Lucifer hid Nada in a safe place in hell.

Dane used the eyes of the devil to find the corner.

Morpheus turned his head sharply:"Are you threatening me?"

The kingdom of dreams shook because of his anger. The earth rolled like waves, the sky cracked like land, and all natural landscapes were being decomposed and reconstructed in an upside-down way. The changes in the dream reflected Morpheus's mood, But his performance will only further expose his weakness"Nine Nine Zero".

Dane stepped forward and patted him on the shoulder

"You've lived for so long, why don't you understand women?"

The vision of the Kingdom of Dreams suddenly stopped, and Morpheus was silent for a moment before asking:"Is she okay?"

"Wouldn't you know if she's okay if you confirm it yourself?"

Does this mean that you are ready to return Nada to him directly?

Morpheus was a little surprised. If it were Lucifer, he would definitely try to embarrass him at this time.

Dane has already given his sincerity, and this sincerity is ink Fez still had to accept it

"Come in with me."After saying that, Morpheus walked into the weird castle on his own.

Dane smiled silently and followed in.

The inside of the castle looked as weird as the outside, always giving people a feeling that it was not real. Dreamlike, but once you want to verify them, they are all real.

This fits the characteristics of dreams, which are weird and bizarre, but also give people who are immersed in them such a real feeling

"I still think your taste is weird. Dane commented like this. Veins popped up on Morpheus's forehead. If it weren't for Nada, he would really want to kick Dane out right now.

Don't be angry, don't be angry, this vulgar guy knows nothing!

He calmed down a little bit In the mood, he brought Dane to the living room and asked him to sit down.

Morpheus's loyal servant Lucien presented them with black tea and snacks.

"Tell us about your problems."Morpheus took a sip of tea and said

"How much do you know about the Anti-Life Equation? Morpheus curled his lips:"I was born earlier than that thing. Of course I know what it is. What do you want to do?" I advise you not to touch the one on earth, it will erode your will"

"Is it alive?"

"Of course not, but it will show active characteristics similar to life forms. The anti-life equation will try to control you and make you take it as your own responsibility to deprive life of free will."

"Why is Darkseid immune to its influence? And since the Anti-Life Equation is engraved on the surface of the Earth, why can living things on Earth live unaffected?"

"There is a misunderstanding in your thinking. Morpheus raised a finger and said,"The purpose of the anti-life equation is to correspond to the life equation. It tries to prove that life is meaningless."

But harming life itself does not prove that life is meaningless, and death is also meaningful, so the anti-life equation cannot directly harm living bodies."

"As for why Darkseid is immune to the invasion of the Anti-Life Equation, it is because his own purpose is consistent with this force, and he is also trying to prove that the free will of life does not exist.

As long as this can be proven, his brutal rule will become a natural and reasonable law. This is why he must obtain the anti-life equation. They can complement each other."

This is consistent with Dane's previous speculation. The existence of the Anti-Life Equation can give Darkseid legal recognition of his rule. In terms of the prehistoric world, the existence of the Anti-Life Equation is to give Darkseid the legal authority to rule. Obtained a layer of Destiny Buff, proving that he is destined to rule the entire universe.

"Another more realistic reason is that Darkseid's Omega Effect can be used in conjunction with the Anti-Life Equation.

You already know that the Omega Effect can destroy the physical body of living beings, but some special beings, such as you and me, can still continue to exist even if their bodies are destroyed.

For us, the body is just a piece of clothing, a skin, which can be changed at will."

Dane nodded. It is true. He had told Diana this before.

Morpheus then said:"But once the Omega effect is superimposed on the anti-life equation, it will not only destroy the material structure, but also destroy it. The structure of consciousness can also be wiped out!"

Dane frowned slightly. This was something he didn't expect.

The most important thing for a normal person is nothing more than these two things, material exchange and consciousness exchange. The former relies on the body, and the latter relies on the soul.

And the Omega effect superimposes the anti-life After the equation, both of them can be destroyed at the same time!

This means that Darkseid doesn't have to do anything, just put his hands behind his back and shoot Omega rays from his eyes, he can destroy 99% of the enemies, and even make the opponent's bones broken. The ashes are thrown away and the soul is scattered.

This is simply cruel!

"Well, I want to know how to restrain his power"

"You must first separate his two forces."

Dane was speechless at that time. Aren't you talking nonsense? I understand the principle, but what about the specific method?

Morpheus saw Dane's thoughts, smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth, turned to look out the window, the dream world outside the window was like It was like a fairy tale, but it changed in the blink of an eye and began to gradually move closer to the real world.

In the end, the dream world had become the same as the real world.

An idea flashed in Dane's mind, and he understood what Morpheus meant.

It was a dream.

Deal with it. Darkseid, he needs the power of dreams.

In dreams, Dane can freely control Darkseid's five senses...well, maybe not that freely, but it should be able to weaken his relationship with the Omega Effect or the Anti-Life Equation. The connection between Darkseid and Apokolips.

Dane continued to think divergently. He even wondered whether it would be possible for the entire Apokolips to have a dream, which would fundamentally weaken the connection between Darkseid and Apokolips.

Compared with the strong-willed Darkseid , Virtue, Apokolips should be more likely to fall into dreams.

He is also dizzy. He often uses the power of dreams, but forgets this ability at critical moments!

Perhaps because the power of dreams does not have an intuitive attack ability, it is easy to It shouldn't be ignored. I didn't expect that he would make such a mistake.

Sure enough, it was the right thing to come to Morpheus this time, but the breakthrough he provided turned out to be a dream. Should this be said to be confidence or arrogance? ?

Dane stood up:"Thank you for your help, I know what to do."

Before leaving, he suddenly thought of something and said:"I have left a door for you in hell, which leads directly to Nada's residence. If you want, you can take her away at any time.

Of course, if she doesn't want to leave, she can continue to live there. As long as I am still in hell, I will ensure her safety."

Morpheus didn't speak, and Dane didn't wait for his response. Some things were tacitly understood.

Opening his eyes, Dane returned to the present world, and the Hawkgirl Shayera was sleeping next to him.

Although the other person had his eyes closed. , but Dane knew that she was not asleep, as if she had something on her mind.

He couldn't help but be curious:"Shayera, what's wrong with you?"(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

After hearing this, Shayera opened her eyes. Her eyes were very beautiful. They were a little green and looked like emeralds.

"Dane, there's something I want to tell you...."

Dane felt strange at first, but then something moved in his mind. He had always known that Shayera's purpose in coming to Earth was not simple, and she should have a mission.

He has been waiting for Shayera to take the initiative to say it out, and now she seems to be saying it out as he thought, but is this timing a bit of a coincidence?

Dane smiled and helped her hold the corner of the quilt that was about to slip off. The silk quilt wrapped around her body to create a beautiful body curve.

Shayera hesitated for a moment and then said:"I'm sorry, Dane, I, I deceived you. In fact, I am not a cosmic detective. I am a spy from Senagang. I am here."...It’s to complete a task........."

Different from Shayera's imagination, Dane's expression did not change at all, he was still smiling like that, as if he was not surprised at all.

"You go on, I'm listening."

This time, Shayera's emotions were completely incoherent. Fortunately, she hesitated so guiltily for so long. Dane's expression was obviously prepared.

She couldn't help but pat Dai En gently. En's chest, said angrily:"You already knew, right?"

Dane grabbed her hand and played with her fingers

"No, in fact I don’t know very well, but I know what kind of girl you are, so I believe you will tell me everything when necessary. Before that, all I need to do is just one more Be patient."

After hearing his words, Shayera couldn't help but be touched. It felt so good to be trusted by her lover.

She sorted out her mood and then told the whole story.

Senagon, also known as the Eagle World, is a major life It is a planet with the Senagan people, but Senagon is actually a multi-racial civilization, but the winged race occupies a dominant position.[]

Senagon is extremely technologically advanced because of its N-type mineral deposits. Their technological level has even developed to the point where their planet can coexist out of phase with the surrounding universe.

This allows Senagon to exist in different locations in the universe at the same time when necessary, which is a special space technology.

Depending on how it is used, the Senagan star can also hide itself so that no one can find its specific location through the star map.

Although Senagan is a powerful civilization, they are not without opponents in the universe. There is an ancient civilization called Lann Planet that also has extremely powerful technological strength. They are Senagan's old rivals.

Dane's heart moved when he heard about Rann Planet. In the comics, there are hints that the race on Rann Planet is probably a branch of the Earthlings. They are likely to be the descendants of the ancient Atlantis colonists. That is possible. This was before the King of Atlantis wiped out Atlantis.

At that time, Atlantis' technology had developed enough to enable interstellar colonization.

Looking at it this way, the current Atlantis is so good that it is simply reversing the course of history.

Hawkwoman continued:"Originally, our protection was indestructible...."

Dane thought to himself, you said so, that"indestructible" protection must have been destroyed.

"But suddenly one day, Lann found a loophole, and they attacked us through that loophole. Of course, we chose to fight back."

Speaking of this, Shayera's face showed an obvious expression of anger, obviously bringing in her own emotions.

"But they quickly stole our technology andIts 5.6 innovation hides Lan En Star out of reach of our troops, leaving us passively vulnerable and struggling to defend ourselves."

"But you figured out a solution, right? Dane mused.

"Yes!"Shayera looked a little proud. She was proud of her home planet.

"Rann's defenses are indeed watertight, but our queen and scientists have figured out a way to bypass their defenses and reach their home planet.

That is to build a super-space-time channel that can directly connect the opponent's empire center and put our troops directly at their core points."

"So, what's the cost? Dane asked in time.

Shayera shook her head:"I don't know the specific situation, but what I know is that some planets are key nodes, and we need these planets to cooperate with us to complete the construction of the nodes.""

"Let me guess, Earth is one of these key nodes, right?"

Shayera nodded with some shame when she heard this.

She used to be a very simple soldier. She would only carry out the orders issued by her superiors without asking any questions.

But the longer she spent with the Justice League, the more she felt that she What the mother planet did seemed to be wrong, so she has been very entangled.

In the last communication with Senagan, she subconsciously concealed the news that Dane and others left this world, so that Senagan did not discover the void of the earth's defense. fact.

It can be seen that she actually has an inclination in her heart, but she is tortured by her own conscience.

Because as a warrior of Senagan Planet, her position should be firmly on the side of the mother planet.

But she seems to have rebelled..

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