After listening to her story, Dane's expression was a little subtle.

A war between Rann and Senagan? Isn't this the prelude to Infinite Crisis?

Speaking of the reason why these two civilizations went to war, it seems that this is the only reason

"Shayera, what is the real reason for your war with Rann?"

In Infinite Crisis, the cause of the war between these two worlds was Superboy-Prime pushing the planet Rann into Senagon's orbit, causing Senagon to fall towards the sun.

Senagon must fight Rann in order to survive.

Facing Dai En asked, but Shayera shook her head:"I'm not very clear about this."

Obviously Shayera's status in Senagang is not high enough to touch such secrets.

Dane pinched his brows, and the waves were rising again....

But you have to be optimistic. This is the DC world after all. It’s just a world-ending disaster. It’s very common.

Just deal with it one by one.

So he patted Shayera on the shoulder:"Don't think too much, let's finish solving Darkseid's matter first."

Hearing him mention this name, Shayera put on a worried expression again:" Dane, do you really want to deal with Darkseid?"

"how? Even you have heard of his reputation? Dane smiled.

Shayera quietly rolled her eyes:"We are not primitive people, and Darkseid is a very famous god in the universe. Even our civilization did not dare to do it at its peak." Provoke him, so Dane you..."

Dane saw Shayera's worried look and comforted her again:"It's okay. I have found some ways to solve this problem. You should have more confidence in me."

Shayera saw that he didn't care. She seemed to be really confident. Although she still felt a little worried, she could only choose to believe, so she lay back in his arms again.

Doomsday nightmare world, the royal city of Atlantis.

Although the technology tree of the people under the sea is somewhat different from that of the people on the surface, in the final analysis, it is still the use of objective laws. With the abilities of Batman and Cyborg, it did not take long to deconstruct the vital water ion technology of the people under the sea..

They then quickly set about assembling the time shuttle.

Although The Flash is not here, the red suit he once used is still in Batman's hands, and in the past, in order to study the speedster's abilities, Batman quietly removed a piece of Barry's hair and obtained enough genetic information from it..

In the comics, Reverse-Flash once reverse-engineered and copied his Speed ​​Force using a suit worn by Barry Allen. Although Batman was not so heaven-defying, he also found another way to connect to the Speed ​​Force.

Now, it is time for them to verify the feasibility of this method.

But the result was not as smooth as they imagined.

"The 11th experiment begins!"Cyborg heard this and pulled down the hand valve.

His hands have been repaired with Poseidon steel, and other metal parts of his body have also been upgraded with this magical metal. He is much stronger than before and should be able to Withstand Superman's punches for a few more times.

After Cyborg pulled the hand valve, a huge sphere rose under the impact of the water's energy and rotated at high speed.

Under its disturbance, the surrounding water was pushed away, and suddenly in the void Clusters of lightning were generated and absorbed by the sphere, which was the manifestation of the Speed ​​Force.

However, the sphere only focused on absorbing, but did not happen what Batman and Cyborg expected.

In their design, it should have opened The barrier between worlds created a space-time wormhole large enough for people to pass through, but this did not happen.

"What went wrong?"Cyborg was about to doubt his life. He was sure that his calculations would not be wrong.

But after experiencing the 11th failure, Batman discovered the problem.

"It's the timeline. The approaching change of the timeline has caused the space-time barrier between the two worlds to change. It's not that there's a problem with our calculations, but that we can't calculate it at all."

Due to the assimilation of the time axis, the two parallel worlds begin to change their space-time positions. Before they complete this synchronization, any calculation is useless. The amount of calculations it requires is astronomical, I'm afraid Only a celestial computer can calculate it clearly

"Is there nothing we can do?"Cyborg said with some reluctance.

Batman comforted:"At this stage, we really can't do anything. Unless Barry cooperates with us on the other side, there may be a chance...."

But this Cyborg also knows that he can only rely on luck. They are completely blind here and have no idea what happened to Barry.

"Maybe there's a way to take the plunge."Batman said pointedly.

"any solution?"Cyborg asked curiously. He was involved in the whole process of this plan. Why didn't he know that there was another way to think of it?

"If we could get the ball to draw more of the Speed ​​Force, maybe we wouldn't need Barry to do it."

Cyborg frowned slightly when he heard this. The method Batman said is actually to make the energy-gathering sphere absorb a larger amount of the Speed ​​Force, so much that it can absorb the Speed ​​Force at the same level as the Flash.

This is equivalent to creating a new The"Flash" personally uses the Speed ​​Force to open the space-time gate here. It is theoretically feasible.

But the problem is that in order for the energy-gathering sphere to reach this point, it must increase its rotation speed. The higher the rotation speed, the more efficient it is in absorbing the Speed ​​Force. The faster.

However, they have tried it before. There is a threshold for the speed that the energy-gathering sphere can reach. After exceeding this threshold, the speed of the sphere will remain unchanged and it will not be able to continue to absorb more speed force. (Watch it cool.) For novels, just go to Feilu Novel Network!) and cannot absorb the Speed ​​Force, the speed will not increase even more. This is a vicious circle. Cyborg can't think of how to solve this problem.

But I heard Batman say:"The speed of the sphere The reason why it can't go up is not because of its own properties or materials. This sphere made of Poseidon steel can also withstand higher rotation speeds.

It has the problem that its speed cannot be increased. Ultimately, it is because the connection channel between it and the Speed ​​Force is blocked by another energy.

Cyborg reacted now,"You mean, Atlantis's magic shield?""

Batman nodded. The protective shield of Atlantis was put up by Poseidon and contained the rich power of the old gods. Although it could not stop Darkseid, it could stop the uncontrolled Speed ​​Force. The power of the old gods and the speed force are essentially the first-level derivative energy of the god wave. Although the power of the old gods has gradually become inferior to the speed force due to the decline of the old gods , the residual power is still there, so it still prevents the energy-gathering sphere from absorbing the speed force. Efficiency.

But there is no way around it. After all, the protective shield is used to protect Atlantis. This is a sacrifice that must be made and a necessary price.

But Batman's meaning made Cyborg feel uncomfortable. A good guess, the next moment, that guess comes true

"Cyborg, if we remove that protective shield, more Speed ​​Force will enter here, and the energy-concentrated ball can also absorb more energy and reach the energy critical point...."

"You must be crazy! Cyborg looked at Batman in shock,"You know that Superman is outside looking for us like crazy, and you still come up with such an idea?""

"If Superman could borrow the Mother BoxesThen Atlantis's shield cannot protect us."

It can be seen that Mera's behavior of protecting them really took a big risk. If he is not careful, he may ruin the few remaining members of his tribe. The current Superman is extremely cold and ruthless, but he just took them by surprise. Extermination is not impossible.

Cyborg was very angry:"What you do is unfair to those Atlanteans who are still alive!""

"Victor, we must survive before we can talk about fairness."Batman's expression is very cold, and his words are also very ruthless.

"Even if Superman never sees Atlantis in his lifetime, the transformation of the earth by Apokolips will eventually affect this place. The fate of everyone in 573 has already been determined from the beginning. Doing nothing is just committing suicide slowly. It will do everything. Can't change."

Even if the Atlanteans can hide here without being discovered by supermen and demons, or temporarily hide in the sea in the center of the earth, the transformation of the earth by Apokolips will sooner or later completely change the climate and environment of the planet.

" Seidon once transformed the Atlanteans thousands of years ago so that they could breathe underwater, but can he again use his divine power to adapt Atlantis to the climate of the living hell?

If not, Then the people under the sea will eventually be exterminated. Even if the time is slowed down, it will only increase the pain.

It is better to give it a try! Bet on the chance of the success of the time shuttle. Besides, even if the protective shield is temporarily released, Superman will He doesn't necessarily happen to be monitoring the entire world. As far as Batman knows, he doesn't have that much time.

"This matter cannot be decided by you and me. Mera and other undersea people must make the decision."

Batman frowned slightly. Cyborg's suggestion cannot be said to be wrong. On the contrary, he is too right, but he cannot be allowed to do it.

Ask yourself, if Batman were standing in Mera's perspective, it would be difficult for him to make this decision. A rational choice. After all, it is always easier to decide to sacrifice others than to decide to sacrifice oneself.

So once Mera knows their plan, not only is it impossible to agree, but she may also fall out with them on the spot. For a person who just lost his family and lover not long ago, Nowadays, you can't ask a woman who can only hug each other for warmth with the remaining tribesmen to make such a rational and almost cold decision.

So Batman can't let Cyborg do this either.

"Sorry, Victor, I can't let you do this."

Batman quietly reached out his hand to his belt, and his thumb seemed to press some button.

Cyborg instantly felt that he had lost control of his whole body, and only his head could move normally.

He looked at Batman in disbelief:"What are you doing? I got an electronic virus!"[]

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