"You put an electronic virus on me! When did this happen?

Batman said expressionlessly:"Do you still remember the transformation of your hands and body?" I helped a little bit at that time."

You call this helping?

Cyborg almost couldn't hold back the curse, why do you have to mix something with every hand? Are you addicted?

He knew that Batman had always been wary of everyone in the Justice League, but he didn't expect it. We have come to this point today, and he can still hold on to something!

You are so fucking awesome!

"Don't worry Victor, this won't kill you, it will just paralyze you for a while."

I'm so worried!

"Do you know what you are doing Bruce, once you do this, no matter what the outcome, you will become the common enemy of all Atlanteans! You will be hunted and will not stop until the moment you die!"

Batman's only answer to Cyborg's words is:"I.Know."

Then he started operating the machine again in front of Cyborg, and the energy-concentrated ball released the previously accumulated Speed ​​Force in one breath.

However, the energy-concentrated ball was still rotating at a high speed, which meant that it was releasing the Speed ​​Force while They are also absorbing the Speed ​​Force, and they should close together on both sides of the protective shield.

Therefore, in a very short period of time, the Speed ​​Force is concentrated at one point, constantly impacting Poseidon's divine power.

Although the Speed ​​Force is not a very destructive force , but it will release energy in the form of lightning. Such a large amount of electric energy gathered immediately broke through the divine power shield set by Poseidon's divine power.

Cyborg did not expect that Batman would break through the shield in this way. For a moment, he was completely stunned

"This is faster."Batman explained this way.

And it can avoid unnecessary complications. If you use other methods to waste time slowly and let alone talk about it, it will be easily discovered by other underwater people.

So Batman considered this when designing this machine. Possibly, and some arrangements were made.

Cyborg is an honest kid. Although he saw the whole process, he thought it was necessary work to overload the energy-containing ball to absorb the speed force.

But even so, the divine power shield The brokenness still attracted the attention of one person, and that was Mera.

Now she is in charge of Atlantis, so all the movements here are under her observation, and this is naturally the case with Batman's experiments.

But Mera is impossible He kept an eye on his experiment 24 hours a day, so he seized the opportunity.

Batman was right to prepare in advance, because once he chooses to destroy the protective shield later, it is very likely that he will be killed before he can find the control platform. If she was caught by Mera, she would not be distracted for too long.

As soon as he broke through the protective barrier with his front foot, Mera had already killed him with his back foot.

"How dare you do such a thing! Mera was so furious that she held a trident, the tip of which was pointed directly at Batman, and controlled the surrounding water to accelerate her.

This made her rush directly towards Batman like an arrow from a string.

"I.Am. Sorry, Mera, but this is necessary."

After breaking through the protective shield, the energy-gathering ball absorbed the speed force much more efficiently as he calculated.

However, because breaking through the divine power shield consumed a lot of the previously accumulated speed force, it now takes some time to replenish it.

But It was obviously impossible for Mera to cooperate with him and wait for the concentrated ball to replenish its energy first.

Batman took out a small grenade from his tactical pocket and threw it out.

The grenade exploded in the water, and the material inside looked like octopus ink. The same spread, polluting nearby waters and affecting vision.

But Mera is a warlock who is proficient in water control. She immediately moved the polluted water to other waters, exposing the place where Batman had just been.

But what was there? None, this is Batman's best trick, he can always find a way to disappear in front of your eyes.

Mera was feeling strange, and suddenly, a big green net covered her, and she was captured.

Green On the other end of the big net is Batman, who uses the ring in his hand to manifest this thing.

Not only that, Batman can also control the green light to split into parts, transform into pliers, and snatch the trident from Mera's hand. Walk

"By the gods, you will be punished!"Mela grabbed the green light-changing net with both hands and said fiercely.

"If the gods are watching here, why don't they come to save you?"

If Poseidon is here, he will definitely be embarrassed by Batman's words. If he doesn't come, isn't it because he can't stop Darkseid at all?

Not to mention the Dark Lord, even Superman, at this time It’s hard to say that Poseidon can win.

The gods of Olympus are very wise and will never force themselves when it’s time to give in. That’s why Darkseid killed Arthur and massacred the Atlanteans. , he didn't even dare to fart.

Although Batman didn't know who Poseidon was, he despised all gods equally.

It was difficult for him to feel respect for a group of gods who were useless at critical moments.

Mera She was so angry that her lungs were about to explode. The other party not only destroyed their protective shield, but also blasphemed their beliefs. She had never seen such an arrogant guy! At this moment, she couldn't help but regret that she shouldn't have taken them in out of temporary compassion. , people on the surface are indeed bastards!

Batman turned his head and stared at the energy-packed ball that was spinning faster and faster, and couldn't help but feel a little hope.

Just as he calculated, the energy-packed ball quickly broke through the previous speed. There is a barrier that cannot be broken through, and the surrounding space is slightly distorted.

"It worked!"Batman waved his arms vigorously and couldn't help but relax.

Although he just looked like he would succeed if he didn't succeed, he was still very eager to succeed this time.

His methods may have been a little extreme, but All this is to get better results.

But what he doesn't know is that not only is he waiting for this opportunity, but there is also someone who has been waiting for this opportunity for a long time.

That is Superman!

He has been staring at this sea area for a long time After a long time, after the divine shield disappeared this time, Superman's super vision immediately observed the location of Atlantis, and he immediately rushed towards the sea as fast as possible!

He was like an indestructible bullet , easily penetrated the sea water, and the steel body regarded the water pressure as nothing, and was close to Atlantis in the blink of an eye.

Mera immediately felt that there was an invader on the border of the kingdom, and she said anxiously:"He is coming!"

Batman raised his head suddenly, and a fist as big as a casserole appeared in front of him. It was Superman's fist!

He made a block move and was punched away by Superman.

Superman was a little surprised, although he restrained some of his strength. But this force was enough to kill Batman, but Batman blocked it without any injuries or even a broken skin.

"Are you surprised?"Batman said this deliberately, and it really aroused Superman's curiosity. (To read cool novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Batman must find a way to divert Superman's attention and make him ignore the sphere that is absorbing the Speed ​​Force..

Then he raised his hand towards Superman, with a green ring on it eye-catching:"You should still remember this!"

After that, a beam of green light lit up. Superman's speed was not faster than the speed of light, but after the attenuation of the water, the speed of the green beam was still slower, giving Superman some reaction time.

However, it was of no use. Although he He turned his head in time, but he was still hit in the face by the beam.

Fortunately, he had a steel-skinned skin and it didn't hurt at all.

But it made him feel very annoyed.

"It's Howl's ring!"

"You don't deserve to be called that name now!"Batman said, emitting a green light all over his body and wrestling with Superman.

The light ring gave Batman the power to temporarily resist the Kryptonians, coupled with his already better fighting skills than Superman and unparalleled strength. With strong willpower, he was evenly matched with Superman for a while.

But this situation could not last for long. The Green Lantern Ring was not an infinite energy source. After resisting several heavy fists from the Kryptonians, the Green Lantern Ring's The energy is consumed quickly.

Generally, under this situation, you either start charging immediately or make a quick decision, but obviously a quick decision is impossible.

But fortunately, Batman is not fighting alone.

Cyborg has already After the electronic virus took effect, he immediately came to support.

He was tricked, but his teammates still had to save him.

Mera also picked up her trident and launched an attack on Superman.[]

She hates Batman, but she hates Superman, Darkseid's lackey, even more.

"Die for me!"

Mera forcibly controlled the water flow, causing Superman to withstand greater resistance and consume more energy every time he moved.

But this consumption was nothing to him.

Cyborg and Superman's ears began to send ultrasonic waves again Cannon, this time because it was underwater, the ultrasonic waves felt more harsh to Superman, making his brain hurt.

He suddenly fired his heat vision, and Cyborg turned his hands into shields in time, finally blocking the blow.

Mera took the opportunity. Hold the halberd and stab it. This trident is a magical weapon. It can pierce even a Kryptonian!

But Superman was keenly aware of the danger, reached out and grabbed the trident pole in his hand.

"Don't even think about it!"

Seeing that Superman was about to fire his heat vision at Mera. If the blow was successful, Mera would die on the spot.

At this critical moment, Superman's expression suddenly changed and he hurriedly Turning his head to one side, a new trident passed by his cheek.

Although he avoided the vital point, his face was cut open by the tip of the trident.

The focused ball turned to extreme speed. , suddenly seemed to have stopped, but this was just a visual error. In fact, this proved that the rotation speed of the sphere had reached a level that could not be observed by the naked eye. The space around the sphere suddenly distorted greatly, and it began to swallow all the light like a black hole.

But in its center, what appeared in front of everyone on the field was a familiar bolt of lightning. It was Shazam's lightning.

Dane walked out of the distorted void of time and space.

"Are you really in a hurry? Are you going to start a group on your own without waiting for us to come?"

Superman's whole body tensed up, and his sixth sense was telling him that the man in front of him was extremely dangerous.

To talk about why Dane appeared here, we have to talk about the cosmic treadmill.

After him, Batman and Steel With the joint efforts of the people and bones, and countless repeated tests in the dream world, this artifact that can allow the Flash to restart the universe was finally created.

But the Doomsday Flash just went up and tried it out, and he didn't expect to get it soon. Resonating with the Speed ​​Force, there was a force trying to drag him into the realm of time and space.

Dane, who was standing on the sidelines at the time, immediately noticed something, so he grabbed the trident in Mera's hand and threw it into the space that Barry had just opened. Space-time wormhole ratio..

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