
Big Barda swaggered into Disad's confidential research room. Because of her special status, no guard dared to stop her.

The guards all thought that Big Barda was here to find Disad.

But in fact, Big Barda had long known that Disad was out for something, so the purpose of her trip was not for him, but for a sacred object, the Mother Box.

When she walked into the laboratory, she saw the mother box protected inside through a force field shield.

This mother box was exactly the one that Dane had exerted a trace of demonic power on at that time. Desaad was studying the characteristics of that power under Darkseid's orders.

This is Big Barda's opportunity. Normally, she wouldn't even have the chance to touch the Mother Box, and Desaad would look at it even more closely.

But now she had the chance to see it up close, and even get it!

When Big Barda saw the Mother Box, she couldn't help but walked forward, but was blocked by the force field and couldn't get closer.

She looked around and found that the switch that controlled the force field was inside the force field, and she could not turn it off from the outside.

It's really strange, how did Desaad get in?

But no matter how Desaad got in, now Big Barda had to find a way to break through it.

As a qualified female barbarian, the only solution that Big Barda can think of is to crush it with absolute force!

So she took out her megaton short staff. Under her control, the top of the short staff flashed with dazzling white light, and a destructive energy quickly began to gather.

Dabarda held the short staff tightly with both hands and swung it downwards. The white light came into contact with the force field, and the energy wave quickly began to expand.

Since the energy level of the short staff is higher than that of the force field, the force field immediately collapses under the attack of the short staff.

But this also made a huge noise. The Apokolips guards outside heard the noise and rushed in directly. However, the intruder in front of 373 was Big Barda, which made them not know what to do for a moment. Is good.

They were stunned, but Big Barda would not be stunned. Seeing that the force field had been broken, Big Barda rushed in and grabbed the mother box.

"not good! She wants to take away the mother box!"

The guards were shocked when they saw this. They no longer cared about Big Barda's identity, and began to shoot her with laser guns.

However, the control of the Mother Box only requires a thought, and Big Barda is also a new protoss, and her orders were immediately ignored. The Mother Box accepted it and executed it.

The lasers came, but they were blocked by the high-tech armor on Big Barda's body and could not hurt her at all.

At this time, a beam of sonic blast channel enveloped Big Barda's body, and it carried She went to the world she hoped to reach, Earth.

The strong wind generated by the sonic blast channel blew away the surrounding guards. When they reorganized their team, Big Barda had long disappeared.

"quick! Tell Lord Disad about this!"

Big Barda followed the guidance of the sonic tunnel and entered another world, but unlike what she imagined, she actually came to a body of water. The high-tech suit on her body quickly adapted to the water pressure and temperature here, but It is impossible to eliminate the ubiquitous water resistance around her.

Although Big Barda is a new protoss with great strength, this feeling of being blocked everywhere still makes her feel uncomfortable.

Big Barda is still wondering why the Mother Box When she was brought here, she heard the sound of fighting nearby.

The propagation speed of underwater sound is very fast, so Big Barda was able to roughly judge the distance of the battlefield, and she swam directly towards the source of the sound.

Dai Barda When En stepped out of the wormhole, his body began to bear the pressure of the deep sea from all directions.

Although this pressure had no effect on him, it was a big obstacle to other people in Zhenglian, except of course Neptune.

But at this time The magical power of Poseidon in Dane's body began to take effect. The seawater quickly retreated around him with him as the center of the ball. The empty part was immediately filled with air. These gases were separated from the seawater and the seabed..

He directly propped up a completely waterless space in the seabed. When he finished these things, a bolt of lightning appeared in the middle of the field. When the lightning stopped, it turned into a figure that was familiar to both Batman and Cyborg. people


"No, he's not our Barry."Batman frowned.

Not only because the opponent's suit was different, but also because the opponent looked younger than the Barry Allen they knew.

"Batman? Cyborg?"Barry said in surprise, especially when he saw that Batman was actually flashing with the power of lust that only the Green Lantern had.

Batman was inexplicably relieved. When he saw the Flash, he had already guessed that Barry The action should have been successful.

The next second, gates of time and space appeared one after another, bringing heroes from another world to this underwater kingdom.

Including that person, a person who made everyone feel familiar, with broad shoulders, as if A sunny smile that cannot be covered by any darkness, he is Superman

"Stop it, Clark."Superman looked at Doomsday Superman hovering above and tried to persuade him.

But he didn't know how jealous Doomsday Superman was of him at this time because his Lois was still alive.

"You don't know anything at all!"Doomsday Superman roared and dived directly towards Superman.

"With a loud bang, the two supermen entangled each other and broke into the depths of the sea. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Dane glanced at it, and there were quite a lot of supermen in this world.

He He chose Superman as his opponent, firstly because he knows himself best, and secondly because Superman could not fight him with Kryptonite in hand.

He must have guessed that there must be Kryptonite weapons on their side, so he simply came up and picked the hardest bone to gnaw on. (What he thinks).

Superman in the apocalyptic world is very confident in himself, because although their abilities are the same,He is more ruthless than the Superman opposite him, so he can definitely gain the upper hand.......Although he thought so, the development of things seemed to be different from what he imagined.

Doomsday Superman's (cicg) fist was easily dodged by Clark, and was controlled by the opponent's mid-air joint technique. He pressed his head and smashed directly into the seabed magma.

"How do you know this technique?"Doomsday Superman is shocked.

He has not undergone systematic training, and because no one in the Justice League is qualified to be his sparring partner, so far, he has still been fighting with the king's eight punches. In the past, his physical fitness was very different from that of his opponents. , so even the king's eight punches can easily defeat the opponent. Even a master like Batman, who is proficient in various martial arts and has reached the master level, can only be slightly sustained for a period of time even with the blessing of the light ring.

But Clark can rely on The fighting skills suppressed him, which he had never expected before.

And Clark himself also lamented that although he had learned these skills very early and often sparred with Dane or Wonder Woman, he had never really mastered what he had learned. There are too few opportunities to apply what you have learned.

In the past, most of the opponents were vulnerable. Let alone using their fists and kicks, even a little bit of force could cause death. So Clark has been suppressing himself, but today Facing his other self, he could finally let go.

So Clark gathered enough strength and punched Doomsday Superman in the face. The huge shock wave caused violent turbulence of the seafloor plates, and a submarine seabed that stretched for hundreds of kilometers. The earthquake broke out instantly, and countless fish and shrimps were shaken to death on the spot.

Even the survivors of Atlantis hiding in hidden corners felt the aftermath of this power-like aftermath, and were so frightened that they cowered in the refuge prepared for them by Mera. The prisoner did not dare to go out.

At this time, Dabarda, who had just arrived on Earth from Apokolips, sensed the atmosphere of the battlefield. She followed the induction to the battlefield of the two supermen.

Doomsday Superman's eyes immediately spotted her, and she arrived accurately Said that she found the mother box in her hand[]

Without saying a word, he rushed towards Big Barda. Clark was about to follow him, but he saw Doomsday Superman suddenly turning around, his eyes emitting heat vision, and instantly pushed him back to the depths of the seabed.

Doomsday Superman took this opportunity to approach Big Barda.

"Kryptonian!"Big Barda was immediately shocked when she saw Superman, but she was worthy of being the captain of the Nemesis. She immediately made the fastest combat response and directly took out her megaton staff.

But the staff wanted to have an impact on Superman. A sufficient threat requires a certain amount of time to accumulate power, but Doomsday Superman will not give her such a chance.

He is so fast that it is like teleporting. He does not seem to be resisted by the sea water. On the contrary, the big barda is lifted up when Superman moves. The current made her body unstable.

And just as Big Barda hurriedly controlled her balance, she suddenly felt her hands loosen and something was taken away.

She looked down and saw that it was the Mother Box. She looked up The Mother Box has already been in the hands of the Kryptonian.

After getting the Mother Box again, Doomsday Superman didn't even think about why this thing was here, and opened the sonic blast channel with ease, but he was not trying to escape, but to Summoning his army over.

A beam of white light fell from the sky with circles of light like sound waves, and a large group of demonoids flew out from it, densely packed like a swarm of locusts. They only obeyed the orders of Doomsday Superman.

"Demon-like!"Big Barda was shocked.

But it was not just demons that appeared from the sonic tunnel, but two tall figures also appeared from the tunnel.

"I smell fishy smell."Supermaster frowned and stepped out of the transmission channel.

"Kryptonians, what's going on here?"The other tall figure belonged to Steppenwolf, but as soon as he walked out, he saw a familiar person, and he couldn't help but be surprised.

"Big Barda?"Steppenwolf said in surprise, isn't this woman staying on Apokolips?

However, the next moment, Clark, who was buried under the sea, suddenly rushed out of the ground. He was stunned when he saw Steppenwolf and Speedmaster.

"Another Clark Kent?"He was very puzzled. He had never heard Dane talk about this.

However, Speedmaster had already heard what he said, and he laughed ferociously:"I'm not Clark Kent, I'm Carl Elle!"

Superman then discovered that the symbol on the other person's chest was actually"U" instead of"U"."S"

He is the former chief criminal of the Criminal Syndicate, Speedmaster!.

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