Desaad was unable to detect the situation on the other side of the Mother Box, and because Big Barda moved so fast, he had no idea where she had teleported herself to.

Logically speaking, Big Barda doesn't know much about the outside world, and the places she can go are limited.

Disad thought that some time ago, Big Barda had said that she wanted to go to the Earth, and thought that she would not go to the Earth, right?

But if that was the case, why didn't the Kryptonians report it to him?

It is impossible for Desaad to go to Earth in person. First, he is quite proud of his identity and will not leave Apokolips at will.

The second is that he is not stupid. The Kryptonians have not responded to his call for a long time. It is very likely that something happened on the earth. Thinking of the incident with Supermaster, he thought that maybe the Justice League from the parallel world is really coming. He I don't want to come and kill someone.

Although Desaad is also a new god who has lived for a long time, he is not a god of war. He is better at using strategies and making inventions.

So he found the kind grandmother. He knew that this mortal always wanted to prove his worth, and her vengeances could just serve as cannon fodder to explore the way.

And the reason is also ready

"Big Barda is your subordinate, now she does such a thing, you should be responsible for it!"

Desade Yin"607" looked at the kind grandma with a threatening tone.

"I believe you also know that Big Barda is related to Darkseid's plan. Before he returns to Apokolips, if you can't solve this problem……"

Grandma Xiang is a native of Apokolips, but she is not a member of the New Gods. According to Disad, she is just a mortal.

But she possesses two very powerful weapons, one is"cunning" and the other is"manipulating people's hearts".

As a mortal who survived and still held a high position among a group of gods, she understood Disad's subtext almost instantly.

You are responsible for your people, it has nothing to do with me!

If this matter really needs to be investigated, Disad's dereliction of duty is actually greater, but the kind grandmother can't care about that now.

As a close associate of Darkseid, she certainly knew what the Dark Lord's intentions were for Big Barda.

Scott Free was the proton exchanged between New Founding Star and Apokolips in order to maintain the armistice agreement. He is the son of Heavenly Father.

So when Darkseid married Big Barda to Scott Free, he was actually going to New Founder Star. The peace between Apokolips and New Founder Star has lasted for too long, and Darkseid has already waited. Impatient.

What's more, he has now gained new strength and is confident that he can defeat the Heavenly Father in one fell swoop. All he needs now is an excuse.

So when he said that Big Barda and Scott Free would get married to complete the marriage of the two worlds, he didn't care about Heavenly Father's answer at all. Whether he agreed or disagreed, he had already got this excuse to attack..

Heavenly Father agreed, and he broke the contract right then and there at the wedding banquet and launched an attack.

If he didn't agree, he would look down on Apokolips and just start a fight.

As long as Darkseid's bottom line is low enough, it will be useless no matter how Heavenly Father responds, unless he is willing to abandon his son.

But the big barta is still useful. If you say you want to get married, you can't possibly not even see the ghost of the bride, right?

You should also be more thorough when acting!

Moreover, in order to seize the new founding star at the minimum cost, Darkseid also needs Big Barda to help him deceive the door to the new founding star.

It is difficult for the Mother Box to forcefully break into the New Founding Star. As a remnant of the previous world, the New Founding Star is different from the ordinary world and is extremely difficult to intervene.

Unless the three strongest mother boxes use Trinity.

But coincidentally, the one Big Barda stole was one of them, so it became very important to find Big Barda.

Otherwise, even if Darkseid finally decides to attack the New Founding Star, he won't be able to touch his opponent's door. What a slap in the face!

And once Darkseid discovers this, Desaad will definitely be ripped off by his boss and light a lantern in the sky.

Even veteran new gods like Desaad feel in danger, and kind grandmother is even more in danger. Therefore, whether it is to befriend Desaad or for her own life, she must accept this kind of hard work.

"Let me handle this matter, but my girls still need adults to help us open the passage to the earth."

Of course it is impossible for the kindly grandmother to carry out the mission herself. She is preparing to throw other Furies into the battlefield. She has learned some information about the Justice League.

Although she thinks that the Furies should not be the opponent of the Zhenglian, but that It is based on the situation where there is only the Nemesis. Once there is the support of the demon-like army, the situation will be different.

With the support of the demon-like army, the Nemesis team is not without a chance. This is also to prove itself to Darkseid. Good opportunity.

Desard did not refuse the request made by the kind grandmother.

Although one of the mother boxes was taken away by Big Barda, there are two other mother boxes on Apokolips, and they also have the ability to teleport.

Desard One of them was activated to send the Furies brought by the kind grandmother to the earth.

The time in the fourth dimension is not consistent with the third world, so when the Furies rushed to the earth, the resistance army was already in full attack on the Superman regime..

The demonoids will not obey the orders of the Superman regime, so when the Superman Guards were defeated by the rebels, the demonoids were completely indifferent and just continued to perform the tasks assigned to them by their masters, extracting energy from the core of the earth.

The Justice League is going to deal with the Superman regime first and then deal with the problem of demonoids.

Previously, the two Flashes had scouted all the Apokolips bases in the world. If they didn't check, they wouldn't know. There were so many demonoids that they couldn't do anything about it. After counting, the conservative estimate is over three billion.

This means that at least three billion humans on earth have died. What a terrible disaster! (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

So As a result, it may be difficult for human civilization to regain its former glory without a hundred years.

The sins committed by Apokolips made all Zhenglian members filled with righteous indignation. Many people even secretly regretted that when Dane proposed to blow up Apokolips , they shouldn't reject it so quickly, and they can reconsider it. If Apokolips is full of demons or careerists, blowing it up may be a way to do justice to heaven.

With the advancement of the resistance, Superman The Guards soon fell into danger.

This group of people was originally a group of weaklings. The reason why they became the devils in the first place was that they essentially succumbed to the violence of Superman, so they had no particularly outstanding talents at all.

And Diana was a real kid. She has been on the battlefield and commanded wars. Therefore, although her intention to hire soldiers was very obvious to Dane, the Superman Guard Army was annihilated every time by simple tactics...

"Rookies pecking each other..."Dane shook his head.

Although Diana's military strategies seemed a bit outdated in his eyes, the entire earth's technology had been cut in half and information warfare was no longer useful. However, Diana's war experience from World War II had adapted to today's environment.

This resulted in relatively good results.

But this situation changed after the arrival of the Furies.

This time, five people came from the Nemesis team, all of whom were the"treasures" in the hands of the kind grandmother at the bottom of the box.

Their strength may not be worth mentioning to the Justice League, but they are obviously not muscular barbarians, but they know how to use the advantages at hand to fight.

The Nemesis team is almost all of the bloodline of the New Gods. Most of them are New Gods synthesized from super genes collected by Darkseid from various channels. Their lives are given by Darkseid, so everyone is interested in them. He is loyal.

Because of this, they have the right to command demon-like combat with Darkseid's permission.

This is somewhat different from Big Barda. Big Barda is not a product of genetic engineering. She was the free love child of Big Brida, the famous goddess of war in Apokolips.

It can be said that Big Barda's desire to escape Darkseid's control is probably destined in her genes.

After the Furies arrived on Earth, they quickly used Apokolips' technology to find the location of Big Barda, but that was the territory of the Justice League.

They had estimated the strength of the alliance and knew that the five of them had little chance of winning.

But fortunately, they still have endless demonoids at their disposal. Therefore, the Justice League soon discovered that the demonoids were acting strangely, and they began to actively attack the resistance.

"what happened? Who is commanding these demonoids?"

In the resistance camp, Diana looked at the demonoids that suddenly appeared on the battlefield, and was very puzzled.

Obviously they had not seen the demonoids in action for so long, so why are you here now?

An army of demonoids. Appearing from the horizon, they were as dark as 1.4 dark clouds, covering the sky and blocking all sunlight.

They seemed to turn into darkness, leaving almost no light on the earth.

Diana frowned, this number was simply exaggerated. Abnormal!

No wonder the Zhenglian in this world cannot win. It would be impossible for them to deal with such a large number of demon-like groups.

"retreat!"She immediately gave the rebels a retreat order.

Although the opportunity to destroy Superman's regime was close at hand, Diana retreated calmly.

She returned to the rebel camp and informed everyone about the incident.

"The demon-like army will only obey the command of the New God, so it should be someone from Apokolips." said Dane[]

He has recently been able to leverage the laws of this world, and it will not be too long before he obtains the true power of this world, and then he will be able to truly face Darkseid.

After Clark heard Dane's words, he immediately scanned the world with clairvoyance and hyperopia, but did not find the new gods from Apokolips.

After Darkseid subdued the blackened Superman, he had of course studied his abilities, so he knew that Kryptonians had blind spots in their vision, and it was easy to block his prying eyes with Apokolips' technology.

Now the situation has reversed once again, the enemy is in the dark and the Justice League is in the open..

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