When the Justice League began its operation to regain the Earth, Darkseid, the master of Apokolips, entered a world he had never set foot in before.

His arrival caused turmoil in the whole hell.

In the entire fourth dimensional space, only hell has no restrictions on any world, so gods from other worlds in the fourth dimension can enter hell as long as they are willing.

The gates of hell only prohibit demons from escaping and humans from entering, but they do not prohibit gods.

Darkseid's Omega Effect is not only a weapon, it can also be used as a teleportation skill. In other words, Darkseid himself can travel between worlds without the need for a mother box.

Even so, there are still some places in the entire universe that he cannot go to.

For example, the new divine realm where the old gods are located, or the new founding star where the Heavenly Father is located, the respective worlds of the Endless Family, etc.

These places are protected by powerful barriers, and the Omega effect is not powerful enough to allow Darkseid to ignore these barriers.

But hell has no limits, so he can come and go as he pleases.

When Darkseid came to hell, as the supreme ruling group of hell, the trinity of Satan went out together.

At this time, the candidates for Satan in Hell have changed. The contemporary Trinity are Belial (the father of the demon Etrigan and the wizard Merlin), Beelzebub, and the First Fallen.

Lucifer, who originally held the greatest power, is missing

"It's you, Darkseid!"

The First Fallen has lived for too long, even much older than Lucifer, so of course he knows Darkseid. In his eyes, this dark lord is just a young new god.

Darkseid 02 He doesn't know the First Fallen. Of course, maybe it's just him in this parallel universe.

But he can see that the energy in the First Fallen's body is much stronger than the other two demons.

"This is really a rare visitor. How can the famous Dark Lord have time to come to Hell as a guest?"

In a place like hell, only the souls of sinners, fallen ones and demons will be attracted to it, but other gods do not like this place full of primitive barbarism and sinful atmosphere.

Darkseid put his hands behind his back, very The aura of a boss, his eyes were slightly red, and a rich voice came from his mouth

"Where is Lucifer? I want to see him now."

When he said this, he was not only arrogant, but even an old senior like the First Fallen couldn't get a trace of respect from him. The

First Fallen was almost laughed out of anger. It's just a new god who was born less than ten thousand years ago. , How dare you be so arrogant? Do you think you are your father!

If it were the one hanging on the wall of origin, the First Fallen could only think about it in his heart, but Darkseid? The First Fallen could not Not very respectable.

What value can a dark monarch feared by mortals have?

So the First Fallen waved his hands, and the majestic magic erupted from his body, and the whole hell was shaken by the operation of his magic.

Belial and Beel Xibu immediately hid far away, but did not leave, just watching the show.

As one of the Satans, the First Fallen enjoys one-third of the power of hell. With the magic power he has accumulated for countless years, he can make a move , it was an earth-shaking scene.

Darkseid immediately felt the hostility from the entire hell. Every inch of land and every breath of air seemed to repel him.

This made him raise his eyebrows slightly.


And the First Fallen's attack was hidden in this ubiquitous hostility.

Suddenly there was an explosion in the air, and even Darkseid's body was blown away by the explosion.

Although the First Fallen was confident, he was not He's not stupid. He's a god after all. He won't be stupid enough to fight a giant nearly three meters tall. His strength is magic. As soon as

Darkseid's body stood firm on the ground, the ground beneath his feet Suddenly it rose and pushed him into the sky.

When he raised his head, countless firelights were generated in mid-air. Each firelight flashed like a laser flying out and hitting Darkseid. The laser contained It refers to the"sin power" of hell, which Buddhism calls"karma" and the like.

Its physical damage is not worth mentioning to Darkseid, but the additional magical damage can directly hit the soul.

This kind of The energy can inflict equal pain on the attacked person depending on the sin of the other party, which is a kind of hell torture. The first fallen person holds one-third of the power of hell, so he inflicts one-third of the"sin" of the entire hell on On Darkseid.

Since the creation of the world, how many souls of sinners has been accommodated in Hell, and how many sins has it absorbed? That is something that is difficult to describe numerically.

Although Darkseid was unscathed on his body, his soul endured One third of the pain of hell, but he still remained calm!

The pain caused by sin was like a breeze blowing on his face.

The aftermath of the air blast pushed Beelzebub and Belial, who were watching the battle, further away from the battlefield. The demon was in a heavy heart.

The First Fallen revealed that their control over the power of hell was obviously greater than theirs.

Although each had one-third of the power, having it and knowing how to use it were two different things.

Only then could they feel their power. The earliest master of hell, the First Fallen possesses far more than just strength. Even if they are all Satans, they are still strong and weak. The

First Fallen is obviously the best among Satan, and Beelzebub even suspects that his power is second only to Satan. For Lucifer, this made him very afraid.

On the other side, the battle continued.

As the ancients, the First Fallen were very aware of the weaknesses of the New Gods.

Compared with the Old Gods, the New Gods did not delve into magic. They preferred The power of technology, although both are the use of the laws of the objective world, but it has to be admitted that in terms of weirdness, technology is still difficult to match magic.

Darkseid, as a typical representative of the New Gods, is not good at it. Magic. On Apokolips, only the Mother Box is compatible with magic and technology, and uses technology to override magic.

And the First Fallen discovered that Darkseid did not carry the Mother Box, so what are you waiting for? Take this opportunity Let’s fuck him first!

Darkseid is not someone who only takes beatings without fighting back, but before taking action, he must first get rid of the"sinful power" lingering in his soul. Although he can endure it, he can’t fight back. Didn't like it.

So the First Fallen hiding in the dark was surprised to find that Darkseid fired Omega rays at him!

The light emitted from Darkseid's eyes turned around halfway and hit him directly.

The world Everyone thinks that Omega rays are purely offensive energy, but as a power bred from Apokolips, how can it have such a single function? The

Omega effect has the concept of"destruction", but the concept can show different effects depending on its usage.

At this time, Darkseid is using the Omega Effect to destroy the"sin power" in his body and reduce the burden on his soul.

Although he is not good at using magic, he has the Omega Effect in hand. Any magic effect can be"destroyed" by the Omega Effect. This is actually an ability that can break all laws!

The First Fallen immediately saw through this and understood that no magic could have an effect on Darkseid, not even the curse of hell.

It is also the power of power, but the First Fallen only has one-third of it, while Darkseid is complete. This is the First Fallen's disadvantage.

In order to make up for this weakness, the First Fallen must use other means to strengthen it, such as the God-killing Spear.

But why would the First Fall do this? Once Longinus is used, the battle between the two cannot be eased.

He and Darkseid didn't have any deep hatred, it was just that he was unhappy and wanted to teach the juniors who disrespected him a lesson.

Now seeing that Darkseid has such strength, he quickly adjusted his mentality and put Darkseid on the same level as himself.

Therefore, the First Fallen saw that there was nothing he could do against Darkseid, so he was prepared to say a few words and then easily expose the matter.

Didn't the other party come to see Lucifer? Just tell him.

For the demons in hell, these 423 actions of being arrogant and respectful are completely fine. They don't have much moral integrity to begin with.

But the First Fallen wanted to stop, but Darkseid, who had already activated the Omega Effect, was unwilling to stop.

If you want to fight, you can fight, if you want to stop, don't you still look down on me?

Therefore, when the Fallen showed a little aura and was captured by Darkseid, the Omega rays immediately tracked and flew out automatically.

Although the First Fallen cannot run faster than light, he can manipulate time on a small scale. Therefore, he first stagnated the time of the Omega Ray, making it appear as if it had slowed down, and then ran away.

However, Darkseid laughed sarcastically. As a new protoss who is better at using technology, he is not good at magic, but he is good at analyzing objective phenomena.

Time does not exist from a scientific perspective. It is a physical quantity that describes the speed of the movement of objects. Going deep into the microscopic aspect, it is the movement of particles.

The faster the particles move, the faster the time representation; the slower the particles move, the slower the time representation.

The time that the First Fallen was able to stop the Omega rays essentially slowed down the movement speed of the rays, or more specifically, the speed of photons.

The Omega effect itself is not a photon, but it does exhibit the characteristics of a photon when it is emitted in the form of rays, and photons can be affected by the properties of particles.

This is also why the First Fallen's time magic works.

But the essence of the Omega Effect is power, a conceptual thing that can exist in material form and can also eliminate its own materiality.

So Darkseid just had a change of thought, and the stagnant omega ray suddenly resumed its speed. This time its speed even exceeded the speed of light!

After losing its particle nature, the Omega rays were no longer restricted by the physical law of the speed of light. Before the First Fallen escaped, the Omega rays actually arrived at the target location before him.

This caused the First Fallen to run directly into the Omega Ray!.

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