The moment it hit the Omega ray, the First Fallen's physical body was completely destroyed.

But it does not matter!

A demon like him can only destroy a mere body, but it is impossible to completely eliminate him.......That's how it should be.

However, after the physical body was destroyed, the soul of the First Fallen was immediately attacked by another kind of power. This attack was truly fatal to him.

"No! Anti-life equation!"

The soul of the First Fallen let out a deafening wail. The anti-life equation did not destroy his soul, but it deleted his consciousness. When his consciousness was completely deleted, all that was left was an empty soul.

Continue After coming down, the first-fallen person can be reincarnated directly, and his personality and everything in the past will cease to exist and disappear.

This is the power of the Omega effect and the anti-life equation.

Belial and Beelzebub, who are watching the battle from a distance, are completely They had no intention of coming to help. They just wanted the First Fallen to die.

And the First Fallen regretted it now. If he had known this, he might as well have fought Darkseid with the God-killing Spear from the beginning. They won’t be slaughtered like dogs like they are now.

"The Dark Lord has arrived, why is it so popular?"

The First Fallen has never felt like today that Lucifer's voice can be so beautiful.

After Lucifer's voice appeared, the power of the anti-life equation was eliminated.

Darkseid immediately frowned, this kind of strength...

He looked up, and a white light suddenly appeared in the sky of hell. It was holy, pure, and perfect. It seemed to contain the ultimate beauty of life, which was the equation of life.

If it were it, it would certainly be able to neutralize the power of the Anti-Life Equation.

And Lucifer, holding the equation of life in his hand, waved his white wings and descended from the sky.

Although he is the destined Lord of Hell, you can't see any trace of the devil on him. He is clearly the most holy angel. This is the true posture of Lucifer, the Hand of God.

And once he appears in such a posture, it means that he is likely to get serious about it next.

Darkseid sneered:"What? You want to save this waste?"

Just as the First Fallen looked down on Darkseid at first, Darkseid also looked down on this old guy who was old but had no ability.

The development of science and technology always gets stronger and stronger with the passage of time, but these old guys are clinging to the past, always thinking that the older the thing, the stronger it is. He has killed countless old gods, but how can a First Fallen be able to do so? how?

Just losers

"Please forgive him for his rudeness. For my sake, can you let him go?"

Although Lucifer's tone was gentle, the ubiquitous sense of crisis reminded Darkseid that the opponent was ready to fight.

Although Darkseid is not afraid of a battle, this kind of battle is not suitable for His original purpose, so he thought about it, and finally let the First Fallen go.

In his eyes, Lucifer is a strong man on the same level as him, and he still has to give him this face.

Out of the scope of the Omega Effect After that, the First Fallen tried to escape in a flash, but his soul was fished out by Lucifer and caught in his hands.

When he ran out in the state of his soul, Belial and Beelzebub were not vegetarians. How could they watch helplessly? Did he escape?

Lucifer still needs the First Fall as Satan for the time being, so he needs to save his life.

Seeing this, Belial and Beelzebub in the distance also knew what Lucifer meant, so although they were very unwilling, they They left quietly.

They were very worried. What happened next was no longer something they could participate in, and they were not even qualified to attend.

"The Dark Lord is here just to teach my men a lesson, right?..?"

When the First Fallen heard Lucifer say this, he felt a ball of anger in his stomach, but he did not dare to spit it out.

"I have something to ask you."

Darkseid put his hands behind his back again, but his eyes suddenly shot two laser beams at Lucifer.

Lucifer's movements were actually faster than light. He reached out and grabbed the laser directly in his hand. With a brief perception, one can detect that there is a deeply hidden abyss power in this energy.

This divine power seemed to trigger something. Lucifer immediately lost consciousness, and his thinking seemed to have entered another dimension.

His consciousness began to Communicated with Lucifer from other parallel universes and gathered information.

Darkseid did not take the opportunity to do anything, but waited patiently.

Lucifer did not let him wait long. After a while, he recovered after collecting the information.

Immediately, he secretly murmured bad luck and crushed the soul of the First Fallen in his hand into a"deaf-mute".

Lucifer in this world originally did not know where this abyssal power came from, and could only feel that it was related to Hell is closely related.

But after sharing the memories with other parallel universes, he immediately connected with the memories of other Lucifers and knew that this divine power came from Dane. The first demon god in Hell for countless years

"I can feel that this power has the breath of hell. Darkseid said expressionlessly,"Don't tell me you know nothing about this.""

As the highest-tech crystallization of Apokolips, there are not many beings that can influence the Mother Box, but they are at least the same level of gods as Darkseid.

Although Darkseid seems to be a god of war, he is a serious person. The strategist of Bajing prefers to use his brain than his fists.

Therefore, before confronting the"mastermind" behind the mother box, he must first understand who or what his opponent is.

Road Xifa had no intention of hiding anything for Dane. Although he was not a vengeful person, he had nothing to do with Dadu.

Dane used the power of hell to make a knife and slashed him, but he still remembered this grudge. Here!

Now it's just adding trouble to the opponent.

So he told Darkseid everything he knew about Dane, which also meant that Dane's strongest power was known to Darkseid.

"A god born from hell......"

All Darkseid is thinking.

This means that the opponent can use the power of the entire hell. Darkseid is a little unsure, but he knows that if the opponent has the identity of the Lord of Hell, then it will be difficult for him to kill the opponent, even with the power of the Anti-Life Equation. Same thing.

Apokolips is a planet formed from the remains of the ancient god's world. Relying on its existence, Darkseid, as the master of Apokolips, can gain a very huge increase in strength. The same is true for Dane.

Don't look at the ease with which he just wanted to kill the First Fallen. The reason for this is more because the First Fallen does not have complete authority over hell at all. If he were a real Lord of Hell, the result would not be the same. so.

I'm afraid that Darkseid's battle with his opponent will be as protracted as Ragnarok.

But what does it matter?

Not only did Darkseid not flinch, he became even more interested. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Do you think that god would come to this universe for the sake of the earth here?"

Darkseid is not a fool. He heard that Lucifer was so familiar with each other, and he had already guessed that they might have had direct contact.

Think about it, hell has always been Lucifer's territory, even in a parallel universe. If you want to become the Lord of Hell, Lucifer is also a figure that you absolutely cannot get around.

So of course the devil is familiar with Lucifer, and maybe the two have some more in-depth contacts.

"I'm not sure about Dane Davis. His mind is not easy to grasp, but I can tell you clearly that his thirst for power is no less than yours.

And although I don’t know what his choice is, the choice of the Justice League is easy to guess. They will definitely come. If they come, Dane Davis will probably come too."

"very good!"But when Darkseid heard this, he nodded with satisfaction.

"'He will be my most shining medal on the way to conquer the world!"

"I advise you not to underestimate him. Lucifer reminded,"Once he adapts to the laws of this universe, his power will spread to this universe. You should know what this means.""

Darkseid pondered for a moment, and then said:"Multiverse......"

There are many multiverse-level bosses in the DC worldview, but most multiverse-level beings are born at this level.

Like Darkseid, like Lucifer, even Zeus, Odin, and even God, they have been at this level since their birth.

In the beginning, these great gods were actually the only one. There was no such thing as avatars, and there was only one main world universe in the universe.

But since forces such as the Speed ​​Force appeared in the universe, the universe began to evolve in different timelines, gradually giving birth to the prototype of the multiverse.

And the above-mentioned original unique existences have therefore split into different parts.[]

But unlike ordinary people who are ignorant, great gods such as God, Lucifer, and Darkseid are able to perceive the existence of other parallel universes and can unify the consciousness of all separate bodies. This has formed what we have today. Talk about the multiverse level.

So they actually did not advance to this level step by step, but stood in this position from the beginning.

As for other people who were promoted to this level due to accidents, most of them were actually catalyzed by more energy from the divine wave. The luck component is relatively large, and they cannot be considered as true multiverse levels.

Some of these (Qian's) people are destined by destiny, such as Superman, and some of their peers have reached the level of the multiverse because they were protected by the origin.

But even so, he cannot fully gather the power of all parallel time and space entities, and his multiverse level is incomplete.

Some multiverse levels involve the intervention of outsiders, and Dr. Manhattan is a typical representative.

Before he entered the parallel universe under the DC worldview, there was no such person as Dr. Manhattan in DC. It was only after he entered that the"Watchmen" timeline was created.

Dr. Manhattan is therefore able to extend his existence from point to point, spreading his self to other timelines and other parallel universes.

However, even so, it is impossible for Dr. Manhattan to spread himself to all parallel universes. As an outsider, his existence is naturally limited by the multiverse, so his multiverse level is incomplete.

At least in this universe, Lucifer knows that there is no separate body of Doctor Manhattan.

But incompleteness does not mean that it is not strong. This is also a characteristic of the multi-level. This level cannot be achieved by simply stacking energy. It also does not mean that one is absolutely invincible after reaching this level.

Reaching the level of the multiverse is just a jump in the level of life. It means that before all parallel universes are destroyed, the great gods at this level will never die.

As for the native life forms that have been promoted to this level step by step through their own efforts, Darkseid has not heard of them so far..

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