In the DC worldview, except for the cultivation system that existed on the eastern land where Heaven once ruled, there is basically no similar systematic promotion method in other places.

If you want to transcend your current strength level, there are two methods that are most commonly used.

The first is to find ways to obtain more energy, which is also the main way for most superhumans and gods to increase their strength.

For example, when Superman is basking in the sun, the way to advance is to accumulate the energy of the sun. Whether it is a golden superman or a five-dimensional superman, those who have reached this level of strength are trying to figure out how to accommodate more solar energy in their bodies.

Another example is Hal Jordan. The fusion form with the lamp beast is essentially absorbing more power of colored light, and quantitative changes produce qualitative changes.

Another example is Barry Allen. The strength of his abilities basically depends on the amount of the Speed ​​Force.

Since the source of special powers such as super powers, divine power, and magic can basically be traced back to the"divine wave", the competition for energy is also a competition for the divine wave.

The divine wave has differentiated into many completely different forms of energy, and some energies even have conflicting properties.

Therefore, in the DC worldview, it is difficult to compare strength by classification, and there is no such thing as planetary level, star level, single universe level, single universe Dzogchen, etc. Even the mutant next door, the race is divided into The classification is in Greek alphabetical order, but incidents of low-level cars overturning high-level mutants still happen from time to time. Battles are not a competition of abilities, nor are they simply a competition of lethality. Otherwise, how would Professor X judge?

When he is fierce, he can forcefully control the minds of humans around the world, but as long as he wears a mind-shielding helmet, he can be stabbed to death with a knife.

What level should he be?

To put it bluntly, the above grading form is just a division of energy levels. Most people like to judge the level based on the destructive power produced in the form of energy release.

But some forces can ignore this energy level gap.

For example, Superman can use the Eurasian continent as a dumbbell to do clean and jerks, but he can't touch the hem of The Flash's clothes despite his life, and the Flash has trouble lifting a car.

However, The Flash is so fast that he can theoretically take down most enemies before they can react.

But most Flashes can't fly, so even the slowest opponent can only stare blankly once he gains a height advantage and the Flash has no foothold.

At this time, it is not objective to judge the strength of both parties based only on energy level, because high-level players will also be defeated by low-level weird abilities or suitable tactics.

The Flash can't defeat Darkseid, but if he pushes him hard, he will restart the world and start everything from scratch.

At that time, what if Darkseid's body is multiverse level? There was nothing he could do to stop the process.

But the power-up is still important because not everyone is as favored by the Speed ​​Force as Barry Allen.

The strength of strength and the amount of energy can still be barely linked in most cases.

Darkseid once launched a massive attack on the world of the old gods thousands of years ago (they had not yet established the New God Realm at that time), with the purpose of plundering the divine wave energy from the old gods.

The accumulation of this energy will allow the absorber to comprehensively improve its panel attributes. As long as enough divine wave energy is accumulated, the life essence of even the humblest creature will gradually approach that of"god".

At this time, these life forms may be involved in the second way of promotion, the power of power.

The power of power is not a concrete thing in essence, it is a concept. Generally speaking, this kind of power cannot be grasped.

Beings who wield power are often the embodiment of this concept of power.

Gods who control the power of time are usually gods derived from the concept of time. Like the seven brothers and sisters of the Endless Family, they themselves are the materialization of the concept, so they naturally control the power derived from their own concepts.

In other words, at the beginning of the birth of the universe, only gods derived from concepts had the power of authority. This was the original origin of the old gods.

Uranus, the god of the sky, himself is the embodiment of the concept of"sky", so he can use various abilities derived from the concept of"sky", such as calling wind and rain, lightning and thunder, flying, etc.

When the concept is embodied, the concept itself has a material entity, and the power of power has the possibility to flow under the outer packaging of magic.

The direct descendants of Uranus can therefore inherit the power of this power.

As the universe evolves, the more existences similar to Ouranos become, the more power begins to be stripped away from the conceptual level and becomes an entity that can be inherited, transferred, or even plundered.

The Anti-Life Equation is one such entity, which is why Darkseid is able to access this power.

As long as the power of power exists in the world in a certain way, then it can be controlled by humans. The speed force, emotional spectrum, old god godhead, etc. that involve the rules of the universe can also be controlled by mortals.

Even Dane is actually using the above two methods to improve his life essence.

But even so, wanting to advance to the level of the multiverse is a fanciful idea.

A normal multiverse level naturally splits itself when the universe splits, allowing its existence to spread to countless parallel universes.

This is why most great gods have similar origin legends in various parallel universes. They are essentially extensions of a certain source.

It can be said that the multiverse level is inherently complete, and the infinite number of parallel time and space homotopes are essentially a part of them, and the collection of all homotopes is the real ontology.

This is what is called"all one."

Therefore, for them, the death of one or two clones is just a piece of skin flakes falling off the body, or the normal metabolism of cells, which is not painful or itchy in the eyes of the real body.

Parallel worlds are destroyed every moment, but new parallel worlds are born every moment. They maintain a dynamic balance. Therefore, the multiverse-level ontology does not interfere with the development and destiny of the single universe, which is meaningless.

This is also the reason why clones of multiverse bosses like this always tend to ignore life and death when they are about to die. Would you make a fuss just because one or two cells in your body died?

But this kind of thinking is for existences that have become multiverse level.

Parallel space-time entities are very wonderful things, and their observation angles are also different from different perspectives. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

For every parallel time and space individual (non-multiverse level), they themselves are independent individuals. No matter how similar they appear to their peers in the next universe, they Neither will (addg) confuse themselves with those countless peers.

This is the so-called"self-judgment", which is also the foundation of living beings' self-awareness. Their understanding of themselves is"exclusive".

This is why Darkseid tried every means to get the Anti-Life Equation.

As a multiverse-level existence, his understanding of"self" is completely different from that of mortals. He regards every Darkseid as an integral part of"self", so he is just an anti-life in the world. The equation could not shake his will at all.

However, mortals have a very narrow understanding of"self". They cannot regard peers with different experiences, different memories, and even different personalities in other worlds as"self", so their will is scattered in Darkseid's view.

Therefore, the free consciousness of life does not exist. They cannot even reach a consensus on"self". How can there be free will?

It is precisely because of this belief that Darkseid desires the Anti-Life Equation, and believes that this power is the ultimate power to control the universe.

So, what's different about Dane?

Darkseid doesn't know who Dane Davis is, so he doesn't understand why a character like Lucifer would take him so seriously.

Because in his opinion, it is impossible for a mortal to advance to the multiverse level. Even if this Dane Davis is willing to abandon his narrow"self" and embrace infinity, what about Dane Davis from other parallel universes?

Will they accept such assimilation? Can they dissolve their narrow"self" and embrace the infinite?

Just like Dr. Manhattan, what you see is not the complete him. His identity exists in the entire timeline. Only by knowing the past and future can you clearly see the whole of Dr. Manhattan.

But as long as there is one peer who does not agree with the idea that"others" are"self", then multiverse-level promotion is nonsense. Maybe it will be like Kang's War, where a group of parallel worlds will fight each other..

So mortals want to become multiverse-level unless they can force all parallel time and space mates to unify their thoughts, but is this possible?

Facing Darkseid's doubts, Lucifer remained calm[]

"It would be impossible for an ordinary mortal, but Dane Davis is different. He has no body. He is the only one!"

This is something Lucifer only discovered recently. After being slashed by Dane in the last anti-matter world, he suddenly had a whim while recovering from his injuries and wanted to see what Dane's clones looked like in other worlds.

This is easy for Lucifer. When he hopes to gain multiverse-level vision, he uploads his separate consciousness to the group consciousness network and sees other parallel worlds through the eyes of other Lucifers.

Then He discovered the secret of Dane.

He had no peers, not even one.

Lucifer was very shocked at the time. Since the birth of the universe, almost all life has its own body in different worlds. As long as one life is born, theoretically, according to The different choices of this living body will definitely give birth to infinite time branches in the infinite universe.

In each branch, there will be one of his peers. Even if he dies early, he has already existed.

Therefore, even if some worlds There are very few if there are no peers. Most parallel worlds will automatically derive corresponding peers. Even God is not the only one.

Among the entire multiverse known to Lucifer, only the Endless Family does not have clones. Each of them is the embodiment of the concept of the infinite universe, and every endless family walking in the parallel universe is their ontology.

Because the concept of time is meaningless to them, the endless family can exist in different worlds at the same time in the eyes of outsiders.

However, in the time course of the Endless Family, they have only experienced one timeline, and there is no so-called aggregation of separate bodies.

This is completely opposite to the perception of multiverse levels such as Lucifer and Darkseid, and belongs to the category of"one is all."" situation.

And Darkseid was even more surprised. Lucifer's words subverted his understanding of the multiverse.

Lucifer solemnly said:"Until not long ago, I could still spy some details of him in the downstream of time. But recently I found that I can no longer see, and there is a layer of fog blocking my eyes in the future.

Darkseid, do you now understand what kind of person your opponent is? He is not multiverse level yet, but the sight of the multiverse has probably seen you."

Darkseid's eyes changed at that time.

And Lucifer smiled and said:"You should have thought that after you heard these things, you will no longer be able to escape, and the fate between you and him has already intersected. , but I think this is a good thing."

Darkseid wants to kill people!"

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