Just because of Lucifer's words, he had a not-so-splendid interaction with a future multiverse level for no reason. Darkseid instantly felt that he had been fooled.

Therefore, the Omega Effect and Anti-Life Equation in his body are ready to take action. Although the multiverse master himself cannot be eliminated, the clone does not have that ability.

With Darkseid's power, it is not impossible to destroy Lucifer's clone.

After all, he has the support of Apokolips behind him. After he became the main god, the authority of Apokolips was completely in his hands.

But Lucifer is different, because he does not like hell, so he does not control the authority of hell according to God's ideas. Although not all Lucifers are like this, this one is clearly one of them.

Power must be fought with the power of power. Unless Lucifer shamelessly uses the power of his body, in the entire multiverse, even he must follow this universal law.

Therefore, if Darkseid is determined to have sex with him, Lucifer may have to abandon this incarnation.

But Lu Xixi smiled indifferently

"Are you sure you want to do this? Darkseid, after your fight with me, are you still strong enough to fight Dane Davis?"

Darkseid's movements stopped. Although it is just a clone, it cannot be abandoned pointlessly.

The strength of the multiverse level itself depends on the aggregate power of each clone. The stronger the clone's power, the greater the aggregate power. The power of the subsequent body will naturally become stronger.

Therefore, each clone seems insignificant, but it is also very important. After weighing the pros and cons, Darkseid decided to let Lucifer go.

In fact, he did not care that he had established another great master. I just don’t like the feeling of being plotted.

Lucifer smiled slightly:"I just said it, this is not a bad thing for you."

Darkseid is all ears.

"The particularity of Dane Davis means that his own destiny is not within the destined trajectory at all. His participation in the future has produced unpredictable changes. This is what we have been looking for...."

At this point, Lucifer's expression became serious and his voice deepened:"Variable!"

Even as a multiverse level, there is something that cannot be controlled by oneself, and that is fate.

As popular characters in the DC worldview, their fate has been scripted from the very beginning, and they can only act according to the established script.

And there is a force in the universe, the ultimate crisis that even the Supreme God cannot prevent - the restart of the universe, which is an irresistible disaster for all existence.

Once the universe is restarted, their origins will even be changed. What about even the multiverse level?

They are still just puppets of some higher being

"Death has thrown a chip on him, which I only thought of not long ago."

As a member of the Endless Family, Death does whatever she wants. It's hard to tell whether something she does has a specific purpose.

At first, Lucifer thought that Death gave Dane the power just because he liked it, but recently he Only then did he realize that even so, this"gift" was a bit too heavy.

But thinking of Dane's special nature, Lucifer had to consider the possibility of death betting on Dane.

In this case, of course he also He 's coming in to take a hand!

Because of the constraints of his origin, he cannot disobey the constraints set by the Supreme God.

In order to get rid of this fate, Lucifer also needs"variables". As long as he participates in Dane's fate, then his Destiny will also be infected by the"unknown".

Compared with possible dangers, Lucifer chooses to believe in hope!

But Lucifer himself and death are probably the same, there is no way, the power of"death" is really very important, as long as Lucifer If there is a possibility of death, then he dare not say that he can definitely defeat death.

And even if he kills Death's current personality, she can still be reborn. The concept of"death" itself is immortal unless the multiverse comes to an end. , when all things are destroyed, death will be the real death.

What's more, it is still unknown whether the endless family behind death will participate in the game between them, even if death is just a personal behavior.

What about the Supreme God?

He will watch Lucifer break away from himself Is it possible to control it?

I think it is impossible.

So Lucifer needs to muddy the water and let more beings notice the abnormality in Dane.

As far as he knows, some old gods have seen some clues, and it is very likely that in Secretly planned.

The power of Shazam is so docile in Dane's hands. If you say that the old gods have no reaction at all, Lucifer will never believe it.

As a god with supreme wisdom, Darkseid can naturally see that Lucifer Some plans.

If, as Lucifer said, Dane's own existence is a variable, he must treat this matter from another angle.

"But you still haven't told me, how will he be promoted to the multiverse level?"

Darkseid is very curious. As a born multiverse master, he has never seen a mortal try to do this.

"As was the case with the time we were at this level, it was clear to me from my probing that Dane Davis must know what the multiverse levels meant.

One is all, all is one, choose one of the two, if Dane is not the only one, he will never be able to reach the multiverse level, and the different opinions between the various entities will cut off his possibility."

If Dane, like other mortals, has countless clones, even if he can be ruthless and force other peers to unite their wills through plunder, how much time will it take? (Read Baoshuang novels, go to the top Feilu Novel Network!)

Moreover, the number of parallel universes is not fixed, they are infinite!

This means that this method is impossible from the beginning. If you pursue the level of the multiverse in this way, what you get in the end will always be infinitely close to this level. , and cannot reach it.

So either it is, or it is not, there is no intermediate transition stage between the multiverse level and the non-multiverse level.

This is why Darkseid believes that no mortal can advance to the multiverse at all. If you are, you Right from the start, if you're not, you never will be

"But Dane Davis is different. His current state is the same as ours during the creation period. He is now the only one and the whole!

So if he wants to reach the multiverse level, he only needs to spread his existence to infinite parallel universes, just like us at the beginning!"

But Darkseid thinks this method is even more incredible, because they have done this kind of thing when all the parallel worlds have split.

And now the infinite multiverse is already in a split state, and Dane Davis is doing it now. Isn’t it already late?

Darkseid is not an old god, and his power does not come from human faith, so for a moment he ignored how the old gods were born.

But after Lucifer’s reminder Next, he quickly realized this.

Just like how the old gods were born, Dane can also use a similar method to return to the beginning of time, before the universe was born and time did not exist before creation. His consciousness is anchored here.

When creation begins, the Big Bang occurs, matter is born, and time begins to flow, he will naturally be able to spread his existence to the entire timeline like other multiverse levels.

But to reach The conditions required for this are very harsh, and he must be as famous as the old gods throughout human history.

How can he achieve this? []

Regarding this question about Darkseid, Lucifer revealed a new piece of information

"Dane Davis also has the ability to dream."

Darkseid suddenly realized.

The old gods originated from dreams. The power of human faith had no support before the gods were born, so they would accumulate in dreams until their quality was enough to give birth to gods.

Dane David Since Si has the power of dreams, he is very likely to design an origin for himself and then force humans to have this dream.

As long as there are enough people who dream this dream, it is indeed possible to rewrite his origin through the Dream of a Thousand Cats.

After Darkseid found out, he couldn't help but admire:"What a genius idea!"

And the other party has almost the same mind as an ancient god. In the process of reshaping his own origin, his personality may even be reshaped, but Dane does not seem to care about this.

In Darkseid's view, Dane Davis's understanding of self is very different from ordinary people.

And according to Lucifer's statement that he can no longer see into the future, Dane Davis is very likely to have succeeded!

This means that Darkseid De and Lucifer can't stop him at all, because they can't stop something that even if it doesn't happen now, will happen in the future.

Although Lucifer and Darkseid are both at the multiverse level, they cannot rewrite the history that has been determined. At most, it is to reopen a new branch of time.

But what does this mean for the existence that has become a multiverse level?


Their purpose is not to prevent Dane from becoming a multiverse level, because there is no relationship between them. There is no fundamental conflict of interest!

In the entire DC world view, the multiverse is very large and can fully accommodate more multiverse levels.

Therefore, what Darkseid and Lucifer value more is that Dane himself can escape the river of destiny. Ability, this is the only thing they both long for.

Lucifer wants to get rid of the fate of becoming the Lord of Hell, while Darkseid wants to get rid of the fate of"physical death".

In the major events of DC, there is a must-have The disaster not mentioned is the"death of Darkseid". The multiverse level is not completely dispersed. Some parts have multiple powers.

If we regard the multiverse level body as a complete human body, then the multiverse level body is not completely dispersed. The body is every component cell of the human body.

Since cells can be regarded as a separate body, what about tissues and organs? Can they be regarded as a more powerful separate body?

"The person who died in"The Death of Darkseid" is such a relatively powerful split. He can also be called an incomplete multiverse level. His death will cause turmoil in the corresponding multiverse and lead to the endangerment of the corresponding universe. It is such a fate that Darkseid wants to prevent, because in the script, this stronger version is destined to die, and it is the key to causing another big event.

But Darkseid does not want to accept the loss.!.

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