While Darkseid was still having a conversation with Lucifer, the battlefield on the Earth's side was already heating up.

Out of fear of the Justice League, the Nemesis team has been hiding in the dark, commanding the demon-like army to carry out activities.

Of course, they themselves do not have such a strategic vision. They have actually become Desaad's puppets, and everything they do is in accordance with Desaad's will.

Desaad himself carefully chose to stay on Apokolips, but that didn't mean that he would not participate in this operation at all. After all, even if he wanted to shirk the responsibility, he knew that some of his responsibilities could not be shied away.

Therefore, in order to balance safety and save his own mistakes, Desaad chose remote control to command the Furies to execute his orders.

Through Apokolips' technology, he easily discovered the resistance's home base. It was said to be a home base, but it was actually one dispersed base after another.

In order to ensure that the rebels would not be discovered by Superman and be eliminated directly, the bases of the rebels were dispersed from the beginning, and the commanding minds would not stay in one of the bases, but would move between the bases.

This approach is troublesome, but in the event of danger, it can ensure the safety of the command system to the greatest extent.

Desaad didn't know which of the"863" was the real command system at first, but he judged based on experience that the base with the richest resources had a higher probability of being the command system, so he ordered the demon-like army to attack Got there.

But what a coincidence, that's where the Penguin is based.

As an ambitious person, Penguin does not follow the practice of changing bases every once in a while. He deliberately chooses a suitable base as his fixed business point. Every time he rotates, he will still secretly communicate with the base. Contact secretly.

His management ability is indeed outstanding. In just a few years, this base has become the one with the richest materials and the largest population resources among all sub-bases.

Moreover, Penguin can see more clearly than Batman. With Superman's ability, even with the effect of Cyborg's ultrasonic jammer, he can still detect the existence of survivors, and the base has actually been unsafe for a long time.

But for some reason, Superman did not attack these bases, nor did he send Superman guards or demon-like armies to occupy these bases.

This made him bolder and gave him the ambition to develop his own power in the last days.

But all these efforts were wiped out by the impact of the demon-like army.

Compared with humans, demon-like individuals can only be regarded as super soldiers, but they can fly, have no humanity and no emotions, and are no match for the resistance forces in the base.

If the Justice League hadn't arrived in time and rescued the Penguin, he might have been buried here along with his ambitions.

"You are really interesting. You have no power, but you dare to operate such a power under the eyes of God."

The Super Queen looked at the base that was burning with fire in the distance, and laughed mercilessly at the Penguin lying on the other side.

"You should be lucky that the degenerate Kryptonian didn't come to trouble you when you were playing house, otherwise you wouldn't have been able to wait for our rescue."

The Penguin lying on the ground recovered from his daze. He tried to stand up. His fat body seemed a little less flexible.

He seemed to have regained his grace and wrote lightly:"You are very similar to the Lois Lane I have met. Not the same, but I gotta say, she looks smarter than you."

The Super Queen couldn't help but sneer when she saw his arrogant words. She threw out the submission rope with her hands, and instantly wrapped the Penguin tightly. The divine power on the rope made the Penguin couldn't help but howl. The submission rope can make people feel Even the Penguin's mind is completely unable to withstand the pain of all kinds of torture.

"Stop! Stop it!"

The Super Queen grabbed one end of the rope and sneered:"I think you should clarify your position. I am not one of those heroes and can tolerate your rude words!"

This is indeed Penguin's carelessness. When he saw that Super Queen and the Justice League seemed to be in the same group, he took it for granted that she was also a superhero.

As we all know, superheroes are always soft-hearted, and Batman even caused all this to happen. The Joker didn't even kill him.

He mistakenly judged that the Super Queen was also that kind of person.

But he didn't know that as long as the Super Queen wanted to, she could break the Penguin's neck without hesitation. Without Dane's restraint, she actually He is a war maniac and a murderer.

Therefore, when Penguin saw the hidden fierce light flashing in the eyes of the Super Queen, he quickly withered and huddled on the ground without even daring to fart.

In the face of life-threatening threats In front of him, Penguin has always been very aware of current affairs.

At this time, Poison Ivy, who was squatting aside and observing the base opposite with a telescope, frowned slightly.

"Under whose orders are these demonoids attacking us?"

The Super Queen shrugged, saying that she didn't know and didn't care.

They were the only two people who came to the base to rescue this time. The other members were not unwilling to come, but they were simply unavailable.

This guy Desaad has no moral ethics at all. , after he found out the staffing of the Justice League, he did not let the demon-like army attack them directly. Instead, he commanded the demon-like army to disperse to attack the surviving humans in other places.

In order to protect those humans, the Justice League had to spread out. Each is responsible for an area.

Even the fastest Flashes now wish they could be broken into four.

"Hasn't Dane got the mother box yet? If this continues, I doubt all bases will last long."Poison Ivy said worriedly.

She doesn't care how many human casualties there are, but if Apokolips wins this war, her plants will inevitably be buried with them. She will never allow this kind of thing.

Poison Ivy didn't hear it. The Super Queen answered and couldn't help but look up to see what she was doing.

But she saw the Super Queen looking at the sky and frowning slightly, and her whole body entered a state of wartime alert.

"What’s wrong with you?"

"somebody is coming!"Super Queen shouted. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The next second, a beam of sonic blast tunnel fell from the sky, and five strange women appeared from the tunnel


The Super Queen quickly retracted the rope from the Penguin. She felt a sense of hostility, but it did not make her nervous. Instead, it made her a little excited. The

Amazons were happy to hear the battle, especially the Amazons on Alcatraz Island!

Then The five women were none other than the new protoss from Apokolips, the Nemesis Team. Lashina, who was dressed like a wrestler in the team, suddenly threw a long whip at the Super Queen. The sound of the long whip cutting the air was like a crack in the clear sky. Lightning.

But the Super Queen quickly grabbed the whip and grabbed it in her hand.

Lashina pulled hard, but she didn't pull it!

"Your strength is still a little short of 0...."The super queen smiled.

Lashina smiled maliciously upon hearing this, and suddenly activated the electric shock function on the whip. The high-voltage and strong electricity hit the Super Queen directly through the whip, causing her palms to be slightly numb and painful.

But this pain was nothing to the Super Queen. She pulled the whip with both hands, and the electric current crackled on her body without causing any shock.

The Super Queen suddenly exerted force, pulled the long whip, and directly lifted Lashina up, then threw her heavily to the ground.

Rashina was immediately knocked unconscious.

Upon seeing this, the other Furies immediately stopped watching the battle and attacked the Super Queen together.

Lashina was knocked down after just one encounter. The woman in front of them was definitely not an opponent they could handle alone! []

Then let’s go together!

The largest and most burly Zhongdeng jumped high into the air and launched a"Tarzan Crush" move at the Super Queen.

But the Super Queen was not afraid and punched out directly. The most powerful stomp among the goddesses of vengeance was immediately knocked away by her fist!

Although it is a new god, it is obvious that Zhongtao is still much worse than the old gods such as Super Queen after direct lineage.

Crazy Harriet was as fast as lightning, and when the Super Queen's moves were getting old, she stepped forward and gave her a claw.

Compared to the slightly cumbersome stomp, Crazy Harriet's claws were obviously more threatening. The Super Queen felt the danger from the claws in the opponent's hands, and she did not hesitate to use the gift that Dane had given her not long ago..

The Super Queen raised her wrist, and Crazy Harriet's claws grabbed it, tearing open her arm sleeves, but the bottom of the arm sleeves was not flesh and blood, but a pair of golden bracelets.

It was a bracelet made of secondary N-type metal. Although it was incomparable to artifacts like the Golden Trident, it was more than enough to resist the claws of Crazy Harriet.

The Super Queen knocked her away with her backhand, and when the third Nemesis Gilotino pounced forward, she was directly knocked away with her heat vision.

As for Bernard, the last goddess of vengeance, she was temporarily killed by the plant that Poison Ivy gave birth to.Stopped.

But this is not a good idea.

2.7 Bernard is good at using fire, so he is Poison Ivy's nemesis. With a wave of her spear knife, the flames burned on the plants summoned by Poison Ivy.

This makes Poison Ivy feel bad.

Seeing how ferocious the Super Queen was, Bernard did not attack alone. Instead, he pointed his spear knife upward, and a blast channel opened again, and a group of demon-like troops flew out.

The demonoids flapped their wings and rushed towards the Super Queen and Poison Ivy.

The Super Queen punched one after another, and from time to time she used her heat vision to kill all the demonoids that were approaching, but the demonoids in front of her were endless and there was no way to kill them all!

Moreover, they have no feeling of fear and will not be shaken by the death of their kind.

Poison Ivy tried to control these demonoids by manipulating hormones, but unfortunately it had little effect. These demonoids had obviously lost some of their physiological instincts.

After killing all the demonoids, the Super Queen thought to herself, this is not going to work. Even if these demonoids are vulnerable, she will get tired if this continues.

What made her even more annoyed was that the Furies would always choose some opportunity to suddenly jump out and attack her. Although they couldn't hurt her, they forced her to allocate some energy to deal with them.

As for Penguin, who can care about him now?.

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