The Super Queen is not a one-minded person. When she saw that the other party had clearly planned it, she immediately wanted to shake him off.

"Women who play with plants, can you connect with others?"

A woman who plays with plants?

Poison Ivy almost attacked the Super Queen, but finally endured it, and then said in a bad tone:"They blocked my signal, and now no messages can be sent."

Think about it. The Super Queen has already predicted it. With the technology of Apokolips, it is easy to punish the half-disabled human technology.

"We have to get out of here right now!"

There are more and more monsters in the sky. If we continue to fight, the Super Queen will probably die of exhaustion."

"Want to leave? Have you asked us?"

Zhongtai suddenly appeared from the demonoid group and punched the Super Queen hard.

The Super Queen reacted surprisingly quickly and caught her fist. The ground under her feet sank under the force, pulling the Super Queen's feet away. buried in the ground

"You know you are no match for me!"After Super Queen caught Zhongtao's fist, she grabbed her fist with her backhand, opened the opponent's boxing frame, and prepared to give her a fatal blow.

But at this moment, a shadow suddenly appeared behind Super Queen. She Unexpectedly, she didn't notice it.

It was Bernard among the Furies!

Although the Super Queen didn't notice it for a moment, she instinctively felt that there was danger. She was about to follow her instincts to avoid it, but on the other side of her, another swift blast rushed out. The figure is none other than Crazy Harriet, the fastest among the Furies!

The Super Queen can only temporarily ignore the prompts of her intuition and deal with Crazy Harriet first. She lifts the heavy pedal with both hands and points it towards Harriet's body. It fell in the opposite direction.

This attack successfully shattered Crazy Harriet's attack, but because of the force just applied, it was still in the forward swing stage.

And Bernard on the other side had this opportunity that he had been waiting for for a long time!

She had a dagger that could penetrate Penetrating the hard skin of the new gods can also penetrate the defenses of the old gods.

She has observed it for a long time, and now she is basically sure that the super queen's power belongs to the old gods, so her skin will never be able to block her dagger.!

And the dagger in Bernard's hand is not just as sharp. Once stabbed by the dagger, the wound will start to burn from the inside until the enemy is burned to ashes from the inside out!

This is an extremely powerful weapon. A vicious weapon, Bernard had used this dagger to kill many enemies more powerful than her.

But just when she was about to succeed, her feet suddenly stagnated, as if she was tripped by something.

Bernard De looked down and saw that it was a very inconspicuous vine that happened to trip her on the way she had to pass.

This time was very short, and Bernard quickly adjusted his posture, but the super queen's reaction speed was also Superhuman, only for a short moment, some opportunities are lost when they are lost.

In the short period of time when Bernard was tripped and lowered his head to check, the Super Queen's attention had already discovered her.

She immediately spun her body, Under the influence of inertia, he directly gave Bernard an elbow blow, almost denting the opponent's entire face.

With a soft sound of bone shattering, Bernard flew backwards and fell into the densely packed demonoid. Among the crowd.

After the Super Queen defused the attack against her, she turned her attention to Poison Ivy not far away.

"I apologize for my previous attitude towards you."

What happened just now was naturally arranged by Poison Ivy. Although it is difficult for her to catalyze plants into giant biological forms in this barren world, it is not a problem to catalyze their growth.

And the Nemesis team obviously made some mistakes. , they didn’t seem to take Poison Ivy to heart, which led to them not knowing Poison Ivy’s abilities at all.

Among the Furies, Gilotino was the one responsible for killing Poison Ivy, but she had just entered the Poison Ivy League. A strange aroma was smelled five meters away from Ivy.

It was the pheromone that Poison Ivy used to try to control the demonoids, but the demonoids were not tricked, and their physiological mechanisms had been permanently changed.

However, the flowers did not bloom but the willows were unintentionally planted. Instead, Gilotino fell for it!

The charm of Poison Ivy is not only irresistible to men, but also to women.

As a user of pheromones, Poison Ivy immediately Upon discovering this situation, she immediately asked Gilotino to order the demonoids besieging her to disperse. Gilotino, who was controlled by pheromones, obeyed the instructions. The other Furies did not notice the situation here, but After Bernard was knocked out by the Super Queen, Lashina, the only one in the audience who did not take action, glanced in the direction of Gilotino.

According to the plan, Gilotino was supposed to finish killing the green skinned man. The woman later participated in the attack here, but she made no move

"Gilotino!"Lashina shouted, and Gilotino turned back, but with a strange expression.

Poison Ivy pointed her finger at Lashina and shouted:"Kill her!"

Gilotino immediately rushed out obediently.

"What the hell are you doing!"Lashina immediately yelled.

But Gilotino pulled out his swords with both hands and slashed. The air blade formed almost cut Lashina in half!

"Damn it! She is being controlled!"

Lashina saw that Gilotino didn't say a word, but continued to attack her, and she quickly figured out her situation.

She was a little shocked. Controlling the mind is a very advanced ability. She didn't expect it. How could such a character appear on a backward planet?

"This time I deserve a fight."The Super Queen smiled and ran away in no hurry.

Because of Poison Ivy's control, Gilotino had ordered the demonoids not to attack them. This was confused with the attack orders of other Furies, causing the demonoids to issue instructions. Conflict.

So the demons in the sky are now in a redundant state, not knowing whether to attack or stop. The

Super Queen took the opportunity to kill the Furies!

She first trampled to death Bernard, who had been seriously injured by her. , and then fired his heat vision at the fastest Crazy Harriet.

Are you capable of running faster than the speed of light!

Obviously Crazy Harriet is not that fast, but the Apokolips armor on her body is quite powerful and blocked the super speed. Part of the power of the Queen's heat vision, but she was still injured.

Heavy Step roared and rushed over like an armored vehicle, trying to knock Super Queen away.

But Super Queen immediately flew upwards, directly avoiding the impact of Heavy Step , came behind her.

She quickly leaned over, grabbed one of Zhongta's feet with one hand, easily picked up the huge Zhongta, and then slammed it to the ground. Lashina, who was about to rush to support, had no choice but to retreat.

Rashina suddenly shouted loudly:"Mr. Disad, please help us!"

Both Super Queen and Poison Ivy heard her voice, and they immediately became vigilant, always paying attention to the appearance of the guy named"Desard".

But of course, it was impossible for the old silver coin Disad to appear, but he directly covered it Nemesis controlled the authority of the demonoids and ordered the demonoids to directly attack the Super Queen and Poison Ivy.

He also used the mother box to discover the pheromones hidden in Gillotino's body and successfully removed it.

Gillotte Norton When she escaped from Poison Ivy's control, a strong sense of shame surged into her heart, making her furious. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"You are so brave!"Gilotino roared and attacked Poison Ivy.

She slashed with both hands, and the two air blasts even cut off the demonoids blocking the way, and rushed straight towards Poison Ivy.

Poison Ivy had no time to dodge, let alone resist, and only She could raise her hands subconsciously.

The Super Queen took the initiative to come to the rescue and used her body to help her block the two air slashes.

If it were the weapon itself, the Super Queen would naturally not dare to be so powerful, but it was impossible to break through just the air slash. her defense

"We're settled!"The Super Queen even had time to turn around and smile at Poison Ivy.

"This is not a time for optimism."

Poison Ivy and Super Queen stood together, throwing some strange seeds outward with their hands. They grew rapidly and turned into a wall to protect the two of them.

"They won't last long!"Poison Ivy said.

Under the non-stop attacks of demonoids, this line of defense will be broken sooner or later. They need to find a way to escape 057.

"Wait, I think I heard something?"The Super Queen suddenly felt something.

A beam of intense white light fell from the sky, and it made a buzzing sound unique to the sonic tunnel.

After the white light appeared like a giant pillar reaching the sky, it suddenly produced a strong attraction. , the powerful suction stirred the air, generated huge air pressure, and quickly formed a strange hurricane around the white light. The wind attracted all the demon-like army flying in the sky, and they flew to no one knows where. The goddess of revenge flew to

The team, Super Queen, and Poison Ivy also feel this attraction. Their weight is simply not worth mentioning compared to this suction.

But fortunately, Poison Ivy's plant roots can penetrate deep into the ground, and it holds firmly The Super Queen's huge power grabbed Poison Ivy and the plant body, finally avoiding the fate of being sucked into the white light.

But the Nemesis team did not have such good luck. Heavy Step was the first The goddess of vengeance was sucked away. She had no way to resist, so she was carried along with countless demonoids and flew into the huge sonic tunnel column.

Lashina tried to use her long whip to nail into the earth, trying to nail herself like an anchor. She could not live there, but the hurricane caused by the attraction also lifted up the ground she had penetrated, taking her into the white light.

Crazy Harriet and Gilotino were smarter. One of them used claws, and the other used double swords. The plant that pierced Poison Ivy, this plant spawned by Poison Ivy, was extremely strong. Although it swayed in the wind, the roots always firmly grasped the ground.

When the Super Queen saw this, how could she let them take advantage of this? Immediately firing heat vision from both eyes, the two enemies of Apokolips could only watch the Super Queen attack without being able to defend themselves.

"mean!"Crazy Harriet was hit by the heat vision in grief and anger, and fell into the white light.

Gilotino was also inevitably thrown into the teleportation array, and all the other involuntary demons were swallowed up by the white light.

After all the things in Apokolips were sucked away, the white light suddenly disappeared...

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