When the suction disappeared and the surrounding atmosphere returned to calm, the Super Queen tore open the plant and walked out of it with Poison Ivy.

"What happened just now?"Poison Ivy looked at the messy battlefield and frowned slightly.

The thing just looked like a sonic blast tunnel, but it didn't seem like it was aimed at them.

However, the Super Queen had a thoughtful expression. , which made Poison Ivy notice

"how? Do you have a clue?"

"I seem to have seen this kind of scene, but on a smaller scale..." The Super Queen said. Suddenly, she tentatively shouted to the void:"Is it you? Dane?"

A beam of white light only as thick as a person suddenly appeared, sending a person here, it was Dane.

In his hand, he was playing with a mother box that had shrunk to the size of a Rubik's Cube. It looked very much like some kind of exquisite handicraft.

The mother box As a special artifact, it can change its form according to the user's will. It is not easy to make it obey, but Dane still did it.

"It's really you..."

The Super Queen said that the scene just now seemed familiar. Thinking back, didn't Dane do the same thing when he was in Atlantis?

"How do you know we have a situation here?"She was a little curious, because when other Zhenglian members were busy working, he was the most idle and didn't know what he was doing all day long.

"My work has been done, now I can directly eliminate the demons in a centralized manner"

"You haven't answered my question yet, dear."The Super Queen took the initiative to hug Dane's neck and spoke to him in a very ambiguous manner.

Poison Ivy stood aside and frowned. She felt inexplicably uncomfortable, but she didn't know the source of her feeling. From where.

Could it be that he has been single for too long?

In response to the Super Queen's question, Dane could only tell the truth.

"The bracelet I gave you can identify the danger you are experiencing and send a distress signal to me."

"I just know you care about me, you duplicitous man!"The Super Queen kissed Dane hard on the face.

Poison Ivy felt more and more strange in her heart. She always felt as if her beloved potted plant had been taken away by Harley.

"By the way, you said you could solve Superman's problem after you finish your work. Is it solved now?"Poison Ivy asked.

Dane did say this before, because once he can use the power of power, he has the ability to dissolve the Anti-Life Equation

"Yes, yes, I said that and I tried it."At this point, Dane sighed.

The power of this universe has been opened to him, and he has been able to do everything the power allows him to do. Therefore, he can put the power of the devil into the world here. The same goes for the Mother Box. Because I felt the power of the devil, I became as well-behaved as I am now.

There is also the ability to control souls, which can be used to release Darkseid from controlling the consciousness of Doomsday Superman.

Yes, he has checked, and the blackened Superman is indeed affected by Due to the influence of the Anti-Life Equation.

Dane tried to lift it, but failed.

The reason for the failure had nothing to do with the power of power. It did not fail, but the blackened Superman himself was unwilling to regain consciousness.

Dane wanted to find out what he was doing. Thoughts, and specifically read his thoughts, it was not a good experience.

The blackened Superman has too much regret in his heart, and those negative emotions have made him feel despair, and Darkseid's control over him To some extent, it is the result of Superman's own connivance.

When his consciousness is controlled by others, it will make him ignore the terrible mistakes he once made against Lois, allowing him to escape the pain caused by killing his wife and children with his own hands.

"What a coward~!"Super Queen said with emotion.

Dane's expression was a little subtle. If Super Queen said that to the blackened Superman with such a face, he might die suddenly on the spot.

Poison Ivy raised her eyebrows:"We must Want to help that Kryptonian regain his sanity?"She is actually not keen on this matter.

"Can't we just kill him and be done with it?"

You must know that when the blackened Superman was under control, he killed many innocent people. He even killed some heroes in the Justice League with his own hands.

According to Poison Ivy's wishes, just let him be punished and it would be over. Why bother?

What's more, with Batman's suspicious thoughts, it may be difficult to trust Superman anymore.

However, Dane told her:"Actually, this is exactly Batman's request. I mean, the Batman of your world."

Poison Ivy was really surprised now. She thought Batman never liked Superman.

"Apparently you don't understand their relationship well enough."

Batman and Superman, that's a relationship that even the Joker would be jealous of.

"In that case, why don't you let her pretend to be Lois Lane? Maybe that would be of some use to him."Poison Ivy looked at Super Queen and said with a smile.

Super Queen immediately showed a disgusted expression:"You want me to pretend to be another person? Don’t even think about it! I will always be and can only be the super queen!"

However, Dane felt something in his heart:"Although I don't agree with your idea, you gave me a good idea."

Maybe now we can try to let Louise's soul talk to the blackened Superman?

How can fake things really work?

The reason why Dane wants to find a way to remove the control of the anti-life equation on the blackened Superman is to study this force. The working principle of power can be used to counter Darkseid at some point in the future.

Even in the future, he may be able to use this experience to subdue the anti-life equation on their earth.

"Where did you throw those women and demonoids?"

"Still the same old place."

The center of the earth and the sea are a very good garbage dump.

"those women...Why not just kill them?"The Super Queen is a little confused.

Without the support of demonoids, the Nemesis team is simply vulnerable.

"I need them to help me lead the way."

There are experts on Apokolips. Originally, Dane planned to use the Mother Box to teleport to Apokolips, but the entrance was blocked. The power of the blockade happened to be the Mother Box. The power of the Mother Box can only be dealt with by using the Mother Box. But there were two on the opposite side, and Dane only had one in his hand, so he still let the other side succeed.

But as long as the opposite side still cares about the Nemesis Team, they may try to bring them out of the Earth's Core Hidden Sea again, and then the opponent's blockade will appear The flaw allowed Dane to find an opportunity to take advantage of it.

Dane also had to admire it. Even though Apokolips was so crazy about conquering the universe, it was obvious that they were still very confident. They hid their home planet very well.

He wondered Well, when he was reading the comics, he didn’t think Apokolips was so difficult to enter! (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

But what Dane didn’t know was that Apokolips had its own judgment on intruders. Method, this is not designed by anyone, but the self-protection mechanism of Apokolips.

Dane's body, the body of the Hell Demon, is essentially a god on the same level as Darkseid and Lucifer. Once it comes on Apokolips, the light will The existence itself may cause great damage to Apokolips.

In the fourth dimension, Dane does not have to care about the agreement with God and can exert his strength 100%.

If he and Darkseid fight, Apocalypse will The star itself may be directly destroyed.

In order to avoid this, the self-defense of Apokolips Star will close the door to Dane and prevent him from entering.

All it needs now is: Don't come over!

DeSaad is not Understand this, he is not qualified to know this, but his ignorance gave Dane a chance to pry open the door of Apokolips

"`By the way, aren't you here to catch the Penguin? What about others? Dane asked.

Poison Ivy reminded him:"Strictly speaking, we are here to save him!""

"Okay, what about the people you saved?"

Super Queen and Poison Ivy looked at each other.

Poison Ivy was a little annoyed:"You just made such a big noise, how could he survive? Dane said hypocritically:"Well, that's such a pity..."

The Super Queen couldn't help but smile and said:"Yes, it's a pity, but your world is about to return to normal. Penguin's Ability seems to only cause you trouble, doesn't it?"

Poison Ivy was stunned for a moment, and then said in disbelief:"Could it be that...you did it on purpose?"[]

Of course Dane refused to admit it:"What are you talking about? What did I do on purpose?"

Poison Ivy said thoughtfully:"You and those superheroes...how can I put it, are very different."

Dane did not want to continue this topic. :"Now that the Penguin is dead and the base has been destroyed, there is no point in staying here anymore. Let's go back now." As soon as he finished speaking, the mother box began to respond to his order, a beam of sonic boom. The tunnel teleports them back to another base. (Hello, King Qian).........

The world hidden in the center of the earth.

Karason is no longer sleeping, and has found an activity more interesting than sleeping.

It discovered that someone seems to have been putting food into the hidden sea in the center of the earth recently, the same small black flying insects as last time.

Although these bugs don’t look great, they actually taste pretty good!

And the energy of each little bug is higher than that of other creatures of the same size. This gives Karason, who has not had enough to eat for thousands of years, finally seeing hope of filling his stomach.

When King Atlan was still alive, he specifically ordered it not to eat as much as it wanted, otherwise it would be a huge ecological disaster for the entire ocean.

Fortunately, Karason is not completely a natural creature. It has some blood of Leviathan and can survive on magic power.

Otherwise, if you don’t have enough to eat for thousands of years, you will still be malnourished even if you don’t die.

So let alone the taste of demon-like food, even if it doesn't taste good, Karason will never give up this opportunity to fill his stomach.

So now it doesn't sleep at all in the Hidden Sea in the center of the earth. It watches the arrival of those demons every day, and then it has a good meal.

The hunger accumulated over thousands of years is very terrifying. Its stomach is like a bottomless pit, seemingly able to accommodate those demonoids indefinitely.

But today, it discovered that snacks with different"flavors" fell in..

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