The new"flavor" Karason discovered was the Nemesis team. Due to the Super Queen's attack, the Nemesis team has been reduced to four people, of which Crazy Harriet is still half-disabled.

As soon as the heavy heavy step emerged from the sonic tunnel, she felt a bone-chilling chill. She quickly raised her head to look, and was instantly frightened by Karason's huge size and the abyss's maw, unable to move.

As a member of the Nemesis team, she had participated in many war operations, but she had never faced such a giant beast. She was completely stunned for a moment.

Karason had extremely rich experience in hunting. When it saw that the little thing in front of it was motionless, it immediately took the opportunity to open its abyss-like mouth and swallowed Zhong Tiao into its belly together with the falling demonoids around it in one breath.

Nemesis loses one person again

"Tread hard!"Gilotino lost his voice, but Rashina, who fell nearby with her, quickly covered her mouth and lowered her voice very low.

"Are you crazy? You want to get that guy's attention?"

Gilotino looked up and saw that Karason, who had swallowed Zhongtai in one breath, continued to devour the demonoid.

In fact, Karason couldn't taste the taste of Zhongtai at all. She was too young, but the energy of Zhongtai was better than that of Zhongtai. The demons are much higher, Karason can still tell this clearly.

Therefore, while Karason is devouring the demonoids that appear continuously, it is also looking for other Nemesis. It has just seen those demonoids falling together with the demonoids. Come in

"Who on earth threw us into a place like this!"

Gilotino, who had regained his senses, suddenly said:"Where is Harriet?"

"You'd better leave her alone."Lashina said coldly,"She was seriously injured by that hateful woman. We 477 will be dragged down if we take her with us. Look!"

Gilotino looked in the direction of her finger, and saw that although the super giant beast was devouring demonoids, its pair of blue-light eyes were also patrolling around, as if looking for something.

"That's not a beast, Gilo, that's a very smart monster, and it's looking for us."Lashina said as she walked forward. There were forests here, just enough to cover up the traces of the two of them.

"If you don't want to be noticed, it's better to be quiet and unnoticed."

Gilotino found out helplessly that she was right. Then Harriet could only ask for happiness.

"What should we do now?"

"It's really strange. If Master Desard saw it, he should be able to find us and take us out of here."Lashina said with a frown.

Gilotino raised his head and saw the"sky" filled with luminous crystals, but he doubted:"I doubt this is the real world at all, and it is not even on the earth. uncertain."

Lashina also saw that strange place. If that's true, then they will be in trouble. It will take Desaad a while to find their location.

"Our communications equipment is not working"

"That seems to be the worst kind of situation."

With the technology of Apokolips, in theory, they can receive and transmit the information they want to send out in any corner of the third world.

But it cannot be done here, which only means that this place does not exist with the third world. , but another dimension.

Suddenly, Gilotino and Rashina felt the hairs on their bodies stand up. Looking back, they found that the eyes of the giant beast were staring closely at this side. (agce)

"How can it be!"

But suddenly there was a rustling sound in the jungle, and then a familiar figure rushed out, it was the injured Crazy Harriet.

She was only surprised for a moment when she saw her two colleagues, and then she quickened her pace. Passed by them both


The two goddesses of vengeance reacted immediately and ran away.

"Harriet! You lured that guy over!"

Gilotino looked back, his hands and feet were immediately cold, and his soul was gone. Karason's huge body crushed the forest and boulders, rushing towards their direction.

Looking at it from a distance, he didn't feel that it was... Now when you get closer, you will find that its size is even taller than the mountain. Every step it takes will definitely cause a huge earthquake.

"We're all going to be this guy's meal!"

"Unless we can get someone to attract its attention."Lashina looked at Crazy Harriet with malicious eyes.

Harriet's fingers were spread out, and her sharp claws shone in the reflection of the light.

"Then you can give it a try!"

Although she was injured, it's okay to take one away before she dies.

"enough! Now is not the time to hold each other back. If we don't unite, we will all die. We must find a way to let Desaad see us."

They came in through the sonic blast channel, so they probably can only go out through the sonic blast channel.

"How to do it? This is a primitive world"

"With our blood!"

There is a famous saying in Atlantis: Only blood can reach the gods.

In Apokolips, there is a similar saying. The new gods are also gods. If you can use blood as a guide, you can reach the heavens.

But the new gods who were born in Apokolips disdain to use the methods of the old gods. They think it is foolish, and Darkseid doesn't like his men calling him in this way.

"No! In fact, what we are calling for is not the great Darkseid, but the Mother Boxes."

Gilotino is not stupid. Naturally, it is impossible to hit Darkseid's gun specifically, so she chooses to do the next best thing and seek help from the Mother Box.

As the highest technological crystallization of Apokolips, the Mother Box must be used in the manufacturing process. In fact, it incorporates some mysterious properties of Apokolips itself.

Gilotino didn't know what it was, but he only remembered that kind grandmother once said that it had something to do with the so-called"power".

And the reason why the Mother Box can be called It is an artifact because it possesses some powerful power and can be regarded as a god.

Although only the Trinity can reach the level of"true god", if you just call it and let it take them out of here, you don't need to completely The power of the body.

After all, the Furies are all new gods born from Apokolips. They have a natural connection with the Mother Box. It is easy to establish a communication channel, but they may suffer some punishment.

They have no time to hesitate. , Karasen's footsteps are getting closer and closer.

Although it is huge and slow in movement, it can be like a goddess of revenge at one step and a hundred steps at a time, which is actually not too slow.

"What do you say?"Gilotino asked the two colleagues around him.

"Fuck! No matter what, survive first! Crazy

Harriet agreed, but Lashina wanted to be a little more subtle.

"With the blood of both of you, you shouldn’t need mine, right?"

Gilotino and Harriet stared at her with unkind eyes at the same time:"Of course you don't have to participate, but you don't mind helping us buy some time first, right?"

As for how to fight for this time, Rashina knew very well, so she could only shut her mouth angrily. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Okay, now that we’ve decided, let’s start at the same time!"

After that, Gilotino grabbed the blade with one hand, and blood seeped out from between his fingers.

Their bodies were invulnerable to ordinary soldiers, and only the weapons of Apokolips could easily hurt them.

Neither did Crazy Harriet. Vaguely, they immediately cut their own arms with their claws, and blood also flowed out.

Then they stared at Lashina.

Lashina reluctantly cut her wrist with the small sickle at the end of the whip, and some of the blood flowed out. Lotino mixed the blood of the three people together and drew a strange symbol on his palm. There was actually something on it."Ω"(Omega symbol) sign.

Lashina was a little surprised:"You seem to be very talented as a witch."

Unfortunately, Apokolips pays more attention to the quality of warriors, and it is difficult for mages to develop here.

Gilotino turned a deaf ear, her spell successful.

But the first person to receive the distress message was not Apokolips, but Dane. He also had the Mother Box in his hand, but Gilotino didn't know this.


Dane marked the signal and carried out counter-tracking.

And Gilotino's signal successfully passed through the time and space barrier along the power of blood and arrived at the location of the Apokolips Mother Box.

DeSaad immediately discovered it[]

"A very smart child, yes, she could actually think of using the power of blood to summon the Mother Box."Dessard was full of praise for Gilotino's idea. He likes his subordinates who can use their brains.

However, the kind grandmothers of the group frowned without any trace. As the person who knows how to flatter the most in Apokolips, she It is very clear what kind of warrior Darkseid likes, and magic is not among the master's preferences.

It seems that she should talk to this Nemesis who uses magic to have a good talk about this issue.

Desaad did not create extraneous problems, he collected it through the mother box After receiving the message sent by the goddess of revenge in blood, he immediately activated the sonic tunnel.

The center of the earth hides the sea.

Karason heard the familiar voice again, thinking that someone was feeding him again, and temporarily turned his attention away from the slippery hand. The light moved away from the Furies.

But the beam of light brought nothing. Instead, it directly enveloped the three Furies and teleported them away.

Karason was stunned for a moment, and then roared up to the sky in anger. This was to take it away. What a joke!

At the same time, Dane also traced the source of the signal through the previous mark, and through real-time positioning, discovered that there was a transmission channel passing through the alien space near the earth.

He knew that this was the revenge of Apokolips. The goddess's rescue was successful, but the mother box user of Apokolips must not have expected that his behavior had exposed the location of Apokolips!

After the Furies returned to Apokolips, Desaad discovered that there was something strange about the mother box in his hand. , as if communicating with something.

But besides other Mother Box individuals and the owner, who else will the Mother Box communicate with?

"not good!"After a while, Disad was suddenly startled and had some bad guesses.

He immediately forced the mother box to remain silent, but the mother box still maintained an active state for dozens of seconds before finally stopping and returning to calm.

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