After Dane recorded the location of Apokolips, he stopped temporarily. He planned to solve the problem of blackening Superman first.

It can be seen from the recent incident that Darkseid is most likely not on Apokolips recently, otherwise he would have sent more capable guys over instead of a team like the Nemesis Team.

Taking advantage of this little time, Dane planned to do some research on the power of the Anti-Life Equation. Just listening to Morpheus would definitely not be enough.

So he once again entered the Red Sun Prison where the blackened Superman was imprisoned, which could effectively limit his power.

Speedmaster was imprisoned in the sun room on the other side, and once again endured the pain of being exposed to the sun.

The blackened Superman just raised his head and glanced at Dane, then continued to lower his head.

"Haven't you given up yet? I thought only Clark would be obsessed with this kind of thing."There is no ups and downs in the words of the blackened Superman.

"In fact, he is indeed obsessed with this matter, but in terms of shaping and transforming consciousness, I am obviously more professional than him."

The blackened Superman sneered:"To be honest, I thought only Martian Manhunter could read my mind. And based on what I know about him, he rarely peeks into other people's hearts without their permission. This doesn't seem like it should be the case. What the Justice League can do~"

"When things are urgent, follow the authority. Dane shrugged,"When necessary, my approach will be more flexible." The blackened Superman was silent and then said,"Your tone doesn't sound like a superhero, but rather like some villains." Dane smiled and stabbed the blackened Superman in the heart:"Maybe this is the reason why you lost to the Joker. You were too upright before......."

"Don't mention that guy's name!"The blackened Superman roared angrily.

Although he killed the Joker with his own hands, even if he could kill the Joker hundreds of times, he still couldn't get rid of the hatred in his heart.

Dane followed the good example:"Okay, since you don't want to mention him , then let’s mention another person you care about, Lois Lane."

The blackened Superman's body shook, and he fell silent again.

Dane could sense that the other person's negative emotions were growing. If he was given a red light ring at this time, he would probably join the group on the spot.

However, Dane was still stimulating him:"It's so pitiful that you only want to capture Clark's Lois, but you don't know that your Lois has been by your side all along."

The blackened Superman suddenly raised his head:"What do you mean?"

Dane felt that it would be clearer to let him experience it personally than to talk about it, and also to prevent him from thinking that he was lying to him.

So he hooked his fingers, and the blackened Superman's body suddenly floated out of his control. He stood up and was pulled close to Dane.

However, the blackened Superman did not show any panic expression on his face. Instead, he said easily:"What? You finally figured it out, would it be better to kill me directly?"

"You expected this?"As soon as Dane finished speaking, he answered himself,"Of course you expect this, because you think death is the end of the world, but that's not the case Clark."

After that, he clapped his palm and punched out the soul of the blackened Superman.

Does it feel familiar?

This is the Supreme Mage's favorite"Three Views Reshaping Palm". At Dane's level, if you want to recover, It's not difficult to engrave this

"what did you do to me?"

The blackened Superman felt that his body was as light as nothing and appeared translucent.

The most important thing was that he saw another self in front of him, standing still in a posture like being slapped by a palm.

"Welcome to the world of spirits, Clark Kent."Dane said with a smile.

But now the black Superman can only think about what Dane just said.

You are only thinking about capturing Clark's Lois, but you don't know that your Lois has been by your side all along.

This sentence What do you mean?...

"Could it be that......Impossible, Louise should go to heaven......"If Louise had always been by his side as Dane said, my God, what had he been doing all this time!

The regret caused by the blackening of Superman allowed the power of the Anti-Life Equation to manifest itself in the world of souls.

Between his soul and body, many dense red thin threads suddenly appeared. Those threads were connected to the blackened Superman's soul, and were entangled with something inside the soul.

Those are all information-based consciousness entities. The red thin line is the embodiment of the power of the anti-life equation. In this way, it affects Superman's"self".

Regarding the issue of self, only if the person being manipulated has the will to escape, can it be possible to escape with the help of external forces.

Just like a doctor treating a terminal illness, the patient also needs to have a sense of survival so that the treatment can produce the best results.

The actions of the blackened Superman are closely related to the death of Lois, so the only thing that can shake his consciousness is the news of Lois.

"What happened to her?"

The blackened Superman tried to move his soul, but unfortunately with his almost zero magical literacy, he couldn't do such a simple thing, so he could only let Dane slaughter him.

Dane was going to give him a hand Shocking news:"You seem to want to see her, so why don't I fulfill your wish?""

"No!"Although Superman longed in his heart, he suddenly flinched when it was really possible to realize this desire. He was afraid that Lois would see him in his current state.

But Dane observed the fluctuation of the red line and felt that it was still a little bit hot, so he started Cast the magic of time travel.

Although he does not possess the speed force, he found another way to travel.

When the ghost Louise traveled to their world, he left a little pure N element in her body. , the ability to convert material forms at will through N metal was successfully attached to Louise's soul.

Now is the time to use that N metal.

In the dark metal event, Batman was able to use N metal to teleport the Dark Knights, Dane was also able to use the N metal in his hand to establish a space transmission channel with Louise, the ghost from another world, and pull her into this world.

Therefore, without Louis' knowledge, she was pulled back by Dane. Back to the doomsday world

"Clark?"Louis saw the blackened Superman floating in the air with an illusory body. She thought he was dead.

This made Louise couldn't help showing a sad expression.

"No, Louise, it's you, it's really you!"

The blackened Superman's consciousness began to shake violently. The more intense his emotions became, the more obvious the power of the Anti-Life Equation became.

Soon, it reached a level that was enough for Dane to operate it.

He did not interrupt the conversation between the couple and began to study the power of the Anti-Life Equation.

The blackened Superman began to confess to Lois' soul.

"Sorry, Louise, I...I am really sorry..."If he hadn't been in a soul body now, he would have wanted to crash into a neutron star and kill himself.

Dane discovered that the more regretful Superman was and the more eager he was to get rid of control, the weaker the control of the Anti-Life Equation became, making it easier for Dane to separate it.

This is very interesting.

Dane had always thought that the control of the anti-life equation was an absolute force of rules, but now it seems that this may not be the case. It is also capable of resistance and is related to the consciousness of the living body itself. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

It’s just that the power of the Anti-Life Equation is very powerful, and the willpower of ordinary people cannot resist its rewriting of consciousness. In other words, for hackers like the Anti-Life Equation, Ordinary people's firewalls are not strong enough.

The anti-life equation has an elaboration formula, Anti- Life.Equation? 1oneliness loneliness + alienation + fear + despair despair + self-worth my worth mockery laugh condemnation blame misunderstanding misunderstanding guilt shame shame failure failure judgment judgment th death.self self dark.side dark side.

As long as it is an intelligent life, it is impossible not to have the above emotions, which is destined to make it impossible for all living things to stop the invasion of the anti-life equation.

But theoretically, as long as any of the above emotions are taken away, the equation will not hold. But take away those things, is this person still himself?

Emotions are also an important part of consciousness and are difficult to separate.

But in its now visible state, Dane can try to surgically operate on the power of the equation, trying to separate it.

The gift of life he received from death came in handy again.

As a result, Superman was slowly stripped of control of the equation without his knowledge, which also caused his regret to become increasingly difficult to control.

When Dane stripped the last bit of power from his soul, Superman even felt that he should accept the death penalty and apologize to the world.

But Louise persuaded him

"Clark, your life didn't deserve to end so easily...."

Dane rolled his eyes. Those he killed must not have thought much about it. Louise still had her own selfish motives after all.[]

"The damage you have caused to the world, the harm you have caused to people, you should not just die to apologize for it, you should be able to do more. Superman hesitated and said,"You mean... atonement?""

Louis smiled and nodded.

Dane raised his eyebrows. He felt something was wrong. The word"atonement" reminded him of an old guy.

Why, could this matter have something to do with God?

Dane thought After thinking about it, it's not impossible. Superman is DC's top star after all. It's normal for some great gods who are usually invisible to pay attention to him.

"If you ever decide to atone for your actions, I have a target that I can point you to."Dane suddenly interrupted.

"who?"Superman asked subconsciously


Of course it can only be Darkseid. He is the mastermind behind the scenes. Superman was so cruel to him that he gritted his teeth.

"But there is one thing I must tell you in advance."

Superman was attracted by Dane's words and couldn't help but look at him.

"In view of the mistakes you have committed, although you are controlled, you still have to bear the responsibility for it. Just helping to deal with Darkseid is not enough to atone for your sins....In fact, you can never redeem your life, so......

Even if Darkseid's matter is resolved, you will still be detained in Red Sun Prison forever as a prisoner. I think this is what others want from you. You have lost their trust forever, and this is what you have to bear. The true price of one!".

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