Louise looked unbearable. She wanted to beg for mercy, but she didn't know how to say it for a moment.

As a reporter who had a sense of social responsibility during her lifetime, Louise could have selfish motives, but if you asked her to speak out openly, she was still a little hesitant.

But fortunately, Superman, who has regained his self-awareness, is very rational. He knows that he has made a huge mistake, and atonement can only make up for part of the sin. Even if it takes him a lifetime to make up for the sin he has committed, it is impossible to atone for it..

As long as he accepts this matter, he will be able to face it calmly.

"I understand, I think......If not, those who have been hurt by me will not be relieved."

Ah, this is also a very important reason.

Especially Doomsday Batman, it is absolutely impossible for him to rest assured if Superman is not kept in prison.

When Dane told him about this matter, he behaved better than Dane imagined that he couldn't wait any longer.

Batman couldn't see Lois next to Superman, he could only see Superman. Although he couldn't determine whether the effect of the Anti-Life Equation was stripped from Superman, according to his observation, Superman's There was indeed a change in his temperament.

But just in case, he subconsciously asked Dane:"Are you sure?"

"Are you"Qi San San" questioning my professionalism? Dane raised his eyebrows and asked.

Batman stopped talking. He stared directly at Superman and said tentatively:"Clark?""

"It's me, Bruce, I'm sorry..."

Before Superman finished speaking, Batman suddenly rushed forward and punched Superman directly in the jaw.

"Clark!"Louis, who was floating in the air, called with a worried look on her face.

Superman was immediately knocked down by a punch, and his jaw was hit so hard that his brain was buzzing.

"This is for Hal... and everyone else!"

Superman noticed that there was a green light flashing on Batman's gloves. He was very sure that it was not kryptonite, but it had the energy of kryptonite on it.

"It seems that you have found a new way to deal with me."

Facing Batman's target, Superman smiled instead.

Batman somehow felt that he was not so angry when facing the darkened Superman.

"You should know that even if you regain your sanity, the crimes you committed cannot be washed away, and you still need to pay the price.

Superman nodded:"I know, Shazam from another world has already told me.""

Batman was a little surprised. He turned his head and looked at Dane.

"Do you have other plans for him?"

"Don’t you think he is very suitable to lead us into Apokolips?"

"You want him to be a spy?"Batman frowned.

"In fact, I just wanted him to lead the way."

With Superman's character, if you ask him to pretend to be a spy, he may not be able to perform well.

Dane looked at Superman:"Get ready, I will take you to Apokolips in two days."

Superman was speechless. Isn't this Shazam a little...lively?"

"Are you going to let him out?"Batman frowned again.

Dane said:"If you want to go to Apokolips with me, he must at least recover first.

Then he turned to Superman and said,"Maybe you should go to space to sunbathe or something.""

Superman looked into the void aside. There was an illusory shadow looking at him. It was Lois.

"No, I want to stay with her. Batman couldn't see Lois:"

What are you looking at?""


"Louise? Lois Lane?"Batman said subconsciously, he thought this name was still taboo.

But soon he realized what Superman meant.

"You said Louise was here?"

Then he turned his gaze to Dane. His expression seemed to be asking him, is this guy really normal?

Dane stretched out his finger and gave Batman a vision of the spiritual world, and he could immediately see him floating in the air. reporter man


Doomsday Batman turned around and left without saying a word

"Next, it's your time."The light on Dane's body flashed, and he also left here.

Walking out of the Red Sun Prison, there was a void outside. This is the watchtower space station, which was also transformed by Apokolips.

Ever since the Nemesis team was taken care of by Dane , this watchtower was also remembered by Batman and Cyborg, and then took it back.

Now this space station is not only the temporary residence of the Justice League, but also the main weapon of war.

Since Dane was able to freely control the Mother Box, this space station This artifact became a powerful tool for eliminating demonoids.

After arriving at the watchtower, Dane transformed it with the mother box.

It was really difficult for him to go to every demonoid gathering place in the world to perform"elimination operations" by himself. It was too troublesome, so he made the watchtower use the Mother Box as the core and turned it into a special fort. Wherever its light cannon hit, the demon-like monsters there would be"eliminated.""

"We have uploaded the genes of all demonoids to the system, allowing the mother box to distinguish the demonoids individually.

The watchtower will circle the Earth until it is completely covered, which should teleport most of the demonoids away."

Cyborg stood in front of the console and connected his electronic consciousness to the watchtower.

His abilities originated from the Mother Box, and therefore, his consciousness can be perfectly linked to the Mother Box. As long as he can keep his true intentions, he will not Just be fooled by the Mother Box.

But the current Mother Box should not have the courage.

Dane nodded:"Very good, in this way, it won't take long for most of the demonoids on the earth to be wiped out, and the remaining ones will be wiped out." Worth mentioning."

Once demons lose their numerical advantage, even ordinary people can destroy them.

"By the way, your Clark is awake."

The movements of Cyborg's hands were chaotic, and it took a moment to recover. He did not mention Superman, but changed the subject. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"This means that you are going to attack Apokolips next. Dane corrected him:"It's not us, it's me. I don't want other people to know about it."

Cyborg frowned and said,"Are you planning to go to Apokolips alone?" This is so foolish. We don't even know what dangers there are on Apokolips."

"But one person knows.

Cyborg thought about it carefully and then suddenly realized:"You mean Big Barda?" She is indeed a good choice, but will she agree to do this?"

If you want Big Barda to get rid of Apokolips' control, she is very willing to do so, but if you want her to betray Apokolips and become the leader, this may not necessarily be the case.

"I can do this."

Big Barda walked in from the door and came to Dane.

"I can take you into Apokolips and find Darkseid's palace, but I can only go so far. You should be able to understand me, right?"

Big Barda doesn't think anyone can defeat Darkseid, but in order to repay the Justice League for taking them in, she is willing to help a little bit.".......

But she reminded:"I am willing to help you go to Apokolips, but do you really understand who you are facing? Darkseid has conquered hundreds of thousands of worlds and has never failed..."

Dane smiled:"Except the earth"

"If you hadn't arrived suddenly, he would have already washed away his shame."

Big Barda shook his head. In fact, Darkseid was born for a very short time, and the real opponents he faced on earth were the old gods.

"Then you should know that if the problem of Darkseid is not solved, the earth will not be truly free, so I must go to Apokolips."

Big Barda understands his determination. As a warrior, although she does not think Dane can defeat Darkseid, she is willing to pay the highest respect to his spirit of daring to challenge.

"That being the case, I'm here to help if you need me."

Big Barda said this, telling Dane that she can help even with battle matters.

"Thank you for saying that, but just leave Darkseid to me alone."

Dane is still smiling like that, neither solemn nor resigned to death.

Big Barda feels a little incredible. The other party should know what kind of terrifying opponent he is facing.

You must know a character like Steppenwolf. , Darkseid is a hundred times better than him. Where does Dane's confidence come from?

Big Barda can't clearly see Dane's strength. Dane's only few shots seem to be unremarkable, and he has a kind of return to nature. The taste of it is still unclear in the current state of Dabarda.

"If you get a chance, you'll see it."Dane just smiled and said to him



After staying in hell for who knows how long, by the time Darkseid returned to Apokolips, the Nemesis team had been reduced to only three people, and everyone was injured.

Contrary to the expectations of DeSaad and the kind grandmother, Darkseid was not angry, but just smiled and said:

"Kind grandma, it seems that the Nemesis you trained is still a little short of the mark."[]

The kind grandmother immediately knelt down with a"pop!"

"Great Master, this is just a small mistake..."

Darkseid immediately changed his face, grabbed hold of her with his big hand, almost wrapped half of the kind grandmother's body, and lifted her directly into the air.

"I can forgive your failure because you don't know what level of character your opponent is.

But I can't forgive you for making excuses for your failure. If you lose, you lose. Just try to win again next time. But your rhetoric is insulting me. Do you understand?"

Grandma Xiang was choked and could hardly breathe. She could only slap Darkseid's palm with both hands and looked at him with pleading eyes.

Darkseid sneered and released his fingers, letting Grandma Xiang fall naturally. Falling to the ground, lying on the ground coughing


DeSaad heard Darkseid's voice and walked forward anxiously.


"I found that the mother box is missing one, where is it?

Desad replied bravely:"It was stolen by Big Barda and brought to the earth." Darkseid sneered:"Earth, Earth again, this is really a magical world. I have conquered so many worlds, and I have never seen such a tenacious planet." He stood up and ordered Disad:"Train the demon-like army and make them ready at any time. Also, summon other new gods. This time, they must also join the battle!"".

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