DeSaad was surprised by Darkseid's decision.

Summoning the New Gods to join the war means an escalation of the war. Do we actually need the power of the New Gods to deal with a technologically backward planet like Earth?

But Darkseid's order cannot be ignored, and Desaad can only execute it

"By the way, what is Scott Free doing?"

"Training as usual, my master.

A playful smile appeared on Darkseid's face:"Does he know about Big Barda?"

Disad quickly replied:"He doesn't know that I have given a special order to block this news.""

If Scott Free knew about this, wouldn't Darkseid's plan for the new founding star be ruined?

But Darkseid gave him an incredible order.

"Now, I need him to know this."

Desaad didn't understand his intention and was still secretly guessing.

But the kind grandmother lying on the side found a chance to make up for her fault. She quickly got up and said to Darkseid:"Master, this matter Please leave it to me!"

She thought quickly. No matter what Darkseid thought, their biggest task as subordinates was to complete it.

Desaad knew that the kind grandmother was eager to redeem herself, so she didn't say much.

Darkseid Said thought for a while, Big Barda was her subordinate, and it might be better to let her handle this matter, so he agreed.

Then he turned to look at Disad

"Although the Mother Box was stolen by Big Barda, it was in your hands before that, and you obviously failed to protect it. Disad bowed his head deeply:"Yes, this is my fault, great master, I have no way to defend myself.""

DeSaad's attitude of simply admitting his mistake satisfied Darkseid, but the questions he asked next made DeSaad break out in a cold sweat.

"I asked you to study the energy in the Mother Box. Do you have any results? Disad lowered his head again:"

I'm very sorry, Master.""

Dakseid knew that with Desaad's ability, he was still unable to face a demon, but he still felt dissatisfied.

"I have a new task to give you. If you can't complete it... I will have to re-estimate your value."

Seeing the change in Desaad's face, the kind grandma felt happy, but her face remained calm.

This incident itself was Desaad's fault. There is no reason why she was the only one who was punished, and Desaad's fault Isn't it?

Fortunately, the master is still wise...

Desarde thought to himself:"The task assigned by the master must be completed perfectly, and this shame must never happen again."

The thoughts of both of them are all seen by Darkseid. With the Anti-Life Equation, he can easily read people's hearts, which is more conducive to his control of his subordinates.

Let Desaad and Kindness Grandma go down After doing the work, Darkseid opened his palms, and an unknown power emerged from his hands. This is a special power that he got from Lucifer.

This is a power related to death, Lucifer As the Lord of Hell and a multiverse boss, under normal circumstances, the relationship between him and death is relatively friendly, so it is not surprising that he can obtain part of the power of death.

But I don’t know what Darkseid is doing with him What kind of deal could make Lucifer hand over this power to him?

Darkseid himself is the owner of the power of Apokolips, and he disdains other powers, but the power of death in his hand can create a The new evil god.

And he has found a host for this death power.

He is indeed very interested in Dane Davis, especially his ability to escape from the trajectory of fate.

But this does not mean that Dark Seid will focus all his energy on Dane Davis.

His established strategy for the new founding star will not change because of Dane's appearance or Big Barda's betrayal. Instead, he wants to combine the two Things were done together.

The kind grandmother was very efficient. After accepting Darkseid's order, she quickly found Scott Free and told him about Big Barda.

And she didn't know whether it was intentional or not. Still unintentionally revealed that Big Barda was trying to escape from marriage.

Sure enough, this incident caused a great mental blow to Scott Free.

Scott Free had met Big Barda and was very interested in this independent and independent person. He is very fond of the confident and powerful female warrior, but it is impossible to say how deep his feelings for Big Barda are.

But as a man, it is also a big deal to be dumped directly by a woman he likes. It's a sad thing.

In addition, Scott Free is new to the world, so he mistook this feeling for love, so he is a little more unwilling to the whole thing, especially to himself.

The kind grandmother is still there. fan the flames

"Big Barda is a child who worships the strong, so she is very keen to challenge those strong people. Recently, a new team appeared on the earth, and they captured her using despicable means..." The kind grandma has no idea that Big Barda The specific situation on earth, but this did not prevent her from deceiving the young man Scott Free.

Her expression was sincere and serious, so that Scott Free had to believe what she said. (Read Baoshuang novels, just Go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Moreover, Grandma Xiang is not only the instructor of the Furies, she is also half of their parents. It is she who raised these female warriors who have no relatives to grow up, so it is not just the Furies, Scott Free also trusted her.

Therefore, he was very anxious when he learned that Big Barda was captured.

"Kind grandma, haven't you thought about how to rescue her?"

The kind grandma sighed,"Of course we arranged the rescue. In fact, I sent the other Furies out. You should know them."

Scott Free thought about it carefully. He still remembered that in addition to Big Barda, there were five Furies in the Nemesis team. Big Barda was the strongest among them and also the captain.

He nodded, although the others The Nemesis team is not as good as Big Barda one-on-one, but the Nemesis team's combat power can soar several times when they fight together. It should be enough for them to rescue Big Barda. However, the kind grandmother said:"But I Of the five good boys sent out, only three returned in the end, and all of them were injured. This shows that the team on Earth is indeed extraordinary."

When the kind grandma said this, she quietly glanced at Scott Free with the corner of her eyes. She noticed that his expression was changing, so she struck while the iron was hot.

"Now that the Furies have failed, the master is going to change someone to rescue Big Barda…"

"I can go!"Scott Free said without hesitation.

The kind grandmother pretended to be pleased and said:"I really did not misjudge you. This kid, Big Barda, is also ungrateful. She doesn't understand how good you are at all."

Although Scott Free knew that the kind grandma was just complimenting him, he was still very happy to hear this.

"However, although it is good that you have this intention, your strength is still lacking."

Scott Free was speechless. Compared with other New Protoss, his combat ability is not outstanding, and even compared with Big Barda, his combat power is a little worse.

But the kind grandmother is eager to get it. Scott Free, the man who rescued Big Barda, shows a clear path[]

"Sri LankaSpecial, if you want to rescue Big Barda, you must greatly increase your power in a short period of time, and only the master on the entire Apokolips can do this kind of thing."

This is the true purpose of the kind grandmother. Although she doesn't know what Darkseid wants to do with this proton, she only needs to guide Scott Free to Darkseid.

"Go, child, don’t be afraid of the master. As long as you put forward your request, the master will satisfy your wishes. You must know that the marriage between you and Big Barda was designated by the master."

Scott Free thought about it carefully. Big Barda was proposed to him by Darkseid, and he must be having a headache because of it. He didn't know Darkseid's intention of marrying him, and he naively thought Darkseid is trying to establish a more permanent peace agreement with the new founding stars.

"Then I'll ask Darkseid!"

After Scott Free made up his mind, he ran towards Darkseid's palace.

Behind him, the kind grandmother smiled meaningfully. She quietly hid her figure and retired. Cotfree walked up the long steps. The closer he got to the palace, the more he could feel the strong pressure coming from the palace. It was dark and deep, as if a pair of eyes were looking down at him from the high sky.

His steps gradually slowed down, and every step he took seemed to be under tremendous pressure. This invisible pressure even made Scott Free shrink back.

But before he could really shrink back, Darkseid's voice rang in his ears

"What are you hesitating about, my adopted son?"

Scott Free looked up. At the end of the steps, Darkseid's figure was as towering as a mountain, as if it covered the sky. This made him feel a lot shorter psychologically.

"The great Darkseid."Scott Free bowed his head deeply.

On Apokolips, Darkseid's status makes it difficult for anyone to look directly at his majesty.

"Why did you come? Darkseid asked knowingly.

Scott Free cheered himself up in his heart and replied:"I long for power, father.""

Darkseid is not only his monarch, but also his adoptive father, but this is the first time that Scott Free calls the Dark Lord his father. He hopes that the other party will take care of the friendship between them.

Darkseid does not It was a pretentious feeling, but Scott Free's unsolicited visit was exactly what he wanted.

So he said:"In that case, come forward."

When Scott Free heard this, he immediately stood up and knelt down in front of Darkseid.

"I will give you power, a new power, but you must prove yourself worthy of it"

"I will prove it, I will prove it to you!"Scott Free said firmly.

Darkseid smiled slightly, and then ordered

"In this case, you immediately go to Desaad's laboratory, he is already waiting for you there"

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