
After nearly half a month of hard work, the watchtower finally moved around the entire earth, and the power of the Mother Box finally completely covered the entire planet, sending most of the demonoids to the hidden sea in the center of the earth.

Karason has even been a little overstuffed recently. For the first time in his life, he feels that he is powerless.

Nowadays, the entire hidden sea in the center of the earth is basically full of demon-like figures. Karason stands on the ground, and the surrounding demon-like creatures are flying around like a group of headless flies.

If anyone knew about King Atlan, I don’t know what he would think when he saw his burial place turned into this style of painting.

After most of the demonoids were eliminated, members of the resistance began to become increasingly busy. In order to repair the order after the end of the world, both Doomsday Batman and Cyborg need to lead the remaining humans to rebuild civilization.

But when they heard that Dane said that he wanted to take action on Apokolips, they still put down their work and came to the Hall of Justice in the Watchtower.

When Doomsday Batman walked into the familiar meeting hall and saw those familiar people standing around the round table, he even felt like he was in another world.

The Justice League before him was once what they should be.

Cyborg was the first to speak:"I heard that you are planning to attack Apokolips?"

Dane originally did not want to discuss this matter. He was actually ready to secretly go to Apokolips without telling the Justice League.

But Big Barda is not a person who can hide her worries. She saw some clues in the process of getting along with Diana, and accidentally revealed Dane's plan under Diana's temptation.

This is what led to today's meeting

"Yes, I also want to hear, what are your plans for this matter?"

There was some dissatisfaction in Diana's tone. She was dissatisfied that Dane was preparing to act alone again.

Dane could only explain:"Darkseid is different from previous opponents. Apokolips is his home ground. Once there, If a battle breaks out, we, being on the away team, do not have the advantage....It should be said that you are not at an advantage."

Hawkeye and Diana both know what he means. On Apokolips, Dane can use the power of hell, but the Justice League may fall into a sea of ​​demons.

"Even so, we can't leave everything to you and then have nothing to do, right?

Constantine immediately raised his hand:"I can!""

But no one paid attention to him.

Clark said:"I think so too. This is not your business alone, Dane. Sometimes you have to learn to rely on your teammates."

The Doomsday Batman has adjusted his mood and also said at this time:"We must participate in this matter!"

It's enough to rely on the Justice League in the parallel world to help them solve the problem of Superman's regime. You can't rely on others for everything, right?

Although their Justice League has ceased to exist in name only, they still have self-respect!

"Does anyone else think so?"

"Let's vote by a show of hands."Batman suggested, gaining unanimous approval from the alliance.

But Dane didn't need this formalism at all. He waved his hand directly:"No, I understand what you mean. In this case, let's discuss what to do. Deal with Darkseid.

After thinking for a while, he added:"Of course, all of us together.""

Diana and Superman nodded with satisfaction.

Dane was about to speak when the mother box in his hand suddenly became restless. He raised his hand and everyone fell silent.

After carefully sensing it for a while, Dane accepted it. The news from the Mother Box came from Apokolips.

After a while, Dane raised his head seriously:"New news, it seems that Darkseid has returned to Apokolips. If our plan is to continue, now is the best time. opportunity."

He said this to Big Barda, and the other party nodded knowingly.

"But we haven’t reached a conclusion yet!"The Flash scratched his head and said

"There is no such time now. While we are still planning here, we are also giving each other time to plan."

Batman can understand the principle of speed and speed.

"It is undeniable that even if the earth is temporarily liberated, our power is still far inferior to Apokolips. This war must not break out on the earth!"

In addition to the ecological disasters that occur everywhere and the difficulties in rebuilding civilization, the energy deficit in the earth's core is difficult to make up for. Doomsday Batman has racked his brains for this but still can't think of a good way.

If the world were to come again After the war, he didn’t even know whether the earth would still be suitable for human survival by then.

"Since time waits for no one, I suggest that you should act according to my previous plan first, and all of you will stay here for the time being."Dane said this.

Diana and Superman cannot enter Apokolips rashly when the situation on the other side is unknown. After so many battles, they also understand the importance of early detection.

Therefore, Dane Anna could only accept Dane's arrangement, and she asked:"Apart from you and Big Barda, who else will go with you?

Dane said:"Superman, come back if you can hear me.""

Clark was still wondering. Dane rarely called him"Superman" and usually called him by his first name.

Not long after, another Superman wearing a black suit flew in from outside the watchtower. It was the blackened version. Superman.

As soon as he appeared, everyone became nervous, but Constantine just slowly took out the little puppet from his coat.

No matter how awesome Superman is, he still has to accept you when encountering magic. At the mercy of Uncle Kang?

When the black-robed Superman saw this, he raised his hands to show that he had no ill intentions.

Diana looked at Dane, he nodded and said:"I solved his consciousness control."

Wonder Woman immediately put down her attackShe has 100% trust in Dane's words

"So, he is the other person you chose? Dane nodded again:"

Yes, Apokolips probably doesn't know about Superman being captured yet.""

Thanks to Apokolips's previous destruction of Earth's technology, although DeSaad was able to accurately locate the location of the resistance base through the artificial satellites controlled by Apokolips, he was unable to see clearly what was going on inside the base.

Therefore, he did not know the fate of Doomsday Superman and The specific situation of Steppenwolf and Speedmaster.

In the same way, DeSaad's whereabouts of Big Barda are mostly based on speculation. In fact, he or Grandma Xiang don't know what her current situation is.

This is what the Justice League can do now Point of use

"The Mother Box will send us to Apokolips, and Big Barda will point us to Darkseid's location. I'll first explore the layout of Apokolips there, and then decide how we want to act."

"What if you were discovered?"The Flash asked subconsciously

"Then I can only find a way to get out."Dane said something very extraordinary. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Cyborg couldn't help but said:"Is there nothing that we can do?"

He and Doomsday Batman can't just watch here, right?"

"The earth needs you more than counterattacking Apokolips."

Dane said it more tactfully, but the meaning of Doomsday Batman has been understood. Even if the two of them go, it will be useless.

Especially Cyborg, he will almost be restrained by the technology on Apokolips on that planet, especially With all three mother boxes gathered together, no one can tell when he will suddenly be controlled by electronic consciousness and rebel.

And Doomsday Batman......His strength is too weak. Even if he has a mental advantage, he is not stronger than Dane and his Batman.

Although there were some minor twists and turns, the final result still went according to Dane's ideas.

He took Big Barda and the black-robed version of Superman and teleported to Apokolips.

The Super Queen looked at Diana:"He just left like that?"

Poison Ivy stood aside and raised her eyebrows:"What? Do you think he will take you with him?" The

Super Queen clenched her fists:"Be a hero. , may be the strength of your Justice League, but when it comes to killing, your efficiency is too low."

To be honest, if the purpose of this trip is to kill people, there is absolutely nothing wrong with bringing the Super Queen, she loves this job so much.

Batman tilted his head:"Is this why you lost that Penguin guy?"

"He's just unlucky."The super queen shrugged, looking indifferent.

Clark couldn't bear to look at it. Louise actually had such a side.[]

"While he was scouting, we had work to do."

Batman said, summoning the two Flashes together.

Barry and the others walked forward without knowing why, and saw Batman unfolding the workbench behind him, and a new cosmic treadmill appeared on it. It was actually a two-person type..

Batman explained:"I modified the treadmill a little bit so that it could withstand two Flashes working at the same time."(Got it?)

The energy-concentrated ball created by Doomsday Batman here gave him a lot of inspiration. This cosmic treadmill is one of his research results.

"Where do you want us to travel to?"The Flash doesn't quite understand.

"I recorded the energy peak value of the mother box, but our world and Apokolips seem to be not in the same universe. I need you to penetrate the world barrier so that I can accurately locate Apokolips."

It turns out that not only Dane is looking for the location of Apokolips, but Batman is also looking for it. The reason why Apokolips can come and go freely and invade other people's worlds is because of its elusive ability to travel.

And their home planet is hidden It is very good, it can be said that they can advance, attack, retreat or defend, so that others who want to fight back can only be passively beaten. As long as they can't figure out the exact location of Apokolips for a day, they will not be able to counter-threat Apocalypse.

Dai Although the plan originally proposed by En to bomb Apokolips did not pass, Batman became interested in it.

Of course, it is not easy to counter-threat Apokolips. He learned from Dane that Apokolips The strength should be very high.

He had already prepared for this before coming to this world. Although Deathstorm is Dane's royal research assistant, he sometimes does some private work.

Quantum true bomb, Batman also Know how to make it!.

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