On Apokolips, the sound of the blast channel is very loud, so it is impossible for Dane and others to arrive in a low-key manner.

When they emerged from the sonic tunnel, the surrounding guards also rushed over at the same time.

"Lord Steppenwolf!"

Immediately a guard recognized one of the tall figures and quickly knelt down on one knee to greet him respectfully.

""Steppenwolf" nodded, and then swung his battle ax to kill the guards at the moment they lowered their heads. The real Steppenwolf was already dead, so the current"Steppenwolf" was naturally Dane's disguise.

The black robe Superman and Big Barda turned a blind eye to this. They were both people who were used to life and death.

"According to the plan, let's split up."

""Steppenwolf" said to the other two people. Superman and Big Barda nodded in response, and then they found their way and left.

Dane sprayed lightning fireworks from his hands and burned the surrounding bodyguards to ashes. This could buy some time, but it should not too long

"There's still a lot of work to do"

"There was a meaningful smile on"Steppenwolf"'s face, but he did not go towards Darkseid's palace, which Big Barda pointed to earlier, but found another direction.

He just landed At that moment, he felt that there was a power similar to his attributes summoning him. The identity of Steppenwolf was indeed enough to scare people. Although Desard and others could definitely imagine that he had encountered something unexpected, these guards did not. Knowing this.

So Dane walked on the road wearing the skin of Steppenwolf without being noticed by anyone.

The journey was smooth, and finally Dane came to a laboratory. Although the structure of this laboratory was different from that of the earth, It was completely different from any building on the ground, but Dane could recognize it at a glance.

At such a close distance from 630, Dane finally confirmed that this physical power belonged to the attribute of death. This was too much of a coincidence.

But Dane Still walked in.

As soon as the door opened, the surrounding guards rushed up.

They were all Disad's personal guards. Since the theft of the mother box by Big Barda, Disad had specially adjusted his defense. Now Now, except for DeSaad and Darkseid, no one else is allowed to enter here, including Steppenwolf.

Therefore, even if Dane walked into the laboratory wearing Steppenwolf's skin, he was still blocked by the guards.

Dane did not After talking to these little minions for a long time, he directly raised the tomahawk he had captured from Steppenwolf and knocked back the oncoming guards with one blow.

"enemy attack......!"

Dane raised his ax and struck down, directly cutting the shouting guard in half. The scene was brutal.

Desaad's new guards are all very talented new gods. They are still young, but their strength is already impressive.

However, even so, these new gods could not stop Dane's axe, and they were split in half, leaving broken limbs and bones everywhere.

Dane continued deeper and soon arrived at the core laboratory


Dissade, who was busy at first, immediately turned his head. It seemed that he was too immersed in his research, and he didn't even know that the enemy was coming through the door.

"Who are you......Steppenwolf? wrong! You are not him at all!"

Dane's disguise really deceived DeSaad at first, but he soon realized something was wrong. Isn't Steppenwolf on Earth now? How could he be here?

Dane didn't talk nonsense to him. He said it and struck directly. Disad seemed to be in a weak state, so he was unable to block Dane's attack and was directly struck by the battle ax.

Fortunately, he left a lot of good things for himself, those made with high technology. The Apokolips armor saved his life

"You've built something incredible."

Dane still maintained his persona, speaking to DeSaad in the voice of Steppenwolf.

"who are you! You are definitely not Steppenwolf!" Desaad climbed up with difficulty. He felt that he was very unlucky. Why was it now, when he had lost the most divine power? There was no other way. Even though the debugging had not been completed, the experimental product already had complete abilities. Now it was It was a test in advance!

Desard pressed the button on his suit and started a certain device.

Dane turned his head, and the door to the laboratory in front suddenly opened. He immediately stepped back, and a dark shadow appeared It passed by his eyes and almost hit him.

The shadow suddenly stopped after crossing Dane, seeming to be trapped in some unknown confusion.

Only then did Dane see the other person's appearance clearly.

That shadow His real body is a person, a person whose whole body is wrapped in black armor. He looks as if he has no flesh and blood. Not only is his whole body cold, Dane feels that the other person's emotions are also cold.

That is obvious. The power of death, it changed the opponent's temperament to what it is now. The power that attracted Dane here was on the opponent!

Dane noticed that this man in full armor also had a very conspicuous feature. He stepped on He was holding something like a ski.

He thought about it, and it seemed that the other party had just rushed over like a ski.

Is there such a figure in the DC universe? To be honest, he doesn’t know much about the New Protoss. (Read Baoshuang novels, just Go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Who are you?

The black figure thought for a while and suddenly said:"Life is a race, and death is the black runner.""

"oh? Dane smiled,"Then are you chasing life or death?""

"Scott Free! Don't talk to him! Kill him quickly!"

Scott Free? Isn't this Mr. Miracle?

The man who called himself the Black Runner struggled for a while and suddenly became quiet.

Dane felt the strong power of death gathering, and his intuition began to alarm his brain again. But this time he failed to avoid the black runner's attack and was hit firmly in the chest by something unknown.

But it didn't hurt or itch.

(aifd) Compared to the opponent's invincible speed, his attacks are weak and unable to actually cause any damage to Dane.

But the opponent's speed......In a physical sense, it is almost the same as The Flash, but this has nothing to do with the Speed ​​Force.

After close contact with the black runner, Dane could clearly feel that the abnormal speed came from a variant of the power of death, which had a conceptual flavor.

No one can escape death, and therefore no one can catch up with death, so nothing can match the speed of death.

This is the power of speed that even Dane has never possessed, but it is a variant of the power of death. Adding this power to his power system can make up for his shortcomings in speed.

Although Dane's physical speed is already very fast thanks to the power of Shazam and other speed superpowers, it is still impossible for him to transcend time and space at pure speed like Barry Allen..

Dane once used Johnny Quick's body to study the Speed ​​Force. He found that the state of the Speed ​​Force has many similarities with living things. In other words, the Speed ​​Force itself can also be regarded as a special life form.[]

Therefore, in order to obtain the Speed ​​Force, one must either obtain the favor of the Speed ​​Force like other Speed ​​Force users, or use the power of Zanza to"kill" the Speed ​​Force and then seize the Speed ​​Force.

But most of the first method has become a puppet of the Speed ​​Force. These speedsters who use the Speed ​​Force become part of the Speed ​​Force after death. It is the tomb of the speedster.

The second method will cause Dane to be assimilated by the Speed ​​Force. As one of the basic powers of the DC universe, Dane will probably involuntarily become something with the same rules after being assimilated into the divine power. Sustain yourself.

Therefore, the Speed ​​Force seems to be very easy to use, but in fact it is a bit tricky to use. Throughout the entire DC universe, almost only Barry Allen has ever reached the level of complete integration with the Speed ​​Force.

Judging from the Speed ​​Force's ability to ignore time and space, it is possible that Barry is the creator of the Speed ​​Force. The question of whether the Speed ​​Force or Barry Allen appeared first does not matter when they become one. significance.

It is precisely because of knowing this that when Dane integrated his superpowers, he deliberately stripped away some of the superpowers related to the Speed ​​Force and streamlined the energy in his body.

It also eliminates the possibility of being assimilated by the Speed ​​Force.

But because of this, his speed inevitably dropped a bit, which was a gain and a loss.

But the speed of the black runner, the power born from death, can just be his supplementary strength.

Dane is not only the Lord of Hell, he is also a formally established God of Death, and he is incompatible with the power of death.

Therefore, after understanding the power attribute of the black runner, he immediately decided to get this power of death!

The absolute speed is not as good as the black runner, so Dane is prepared to be ahead of time and prepare to catch him with faster prediction ability than the opponent.

But the black runner was too fast. Dane almost succeeded every time he tried, but he was always just a little short.

Although the black runner was able to hit Dane countless times, he was unable to break through his defense.

After entering Apokolips, Dane attached the power of the Demon God to himself. The Black Runner attacked not Steppenwolf or Dane's Shazam body, but the Demon God's body.

With the body mass of the Hell Demon God, it would have been impossible to hurt him without a blow that penetrated the continent.

The black runner obviously does not have such physical attack capabilities, so his attack on Dane is not even a scratch.

Therefore, under the guidance of the dark instinct, the black runner decided to use the power of death. The effect of this ability is simple but powerful. Anyone touched by the black runner will fall into death.

But he obviously didn't know the details of Dane, otherwise he wouldn't have used such a hasty method.

When the black runner used his speed advantage to hit Dane again, the power of death was activated, seeming to drag Dane into the place of death.

However, at that moment, an even stronger power of death emerged from Dane's body, and the dark divine power dyed the surrounding area into a realm of death. It was not known what happened to the black runner, but Desaad's vitality was rapidly draining away.

He's sending it soon!.

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