Powers will be compatible with higher-level powers, but powers of the same level will not overwhelm each other due to the gap in strength between the two parties.

Therefore, even if Dane's power is far greater than that of the Black Runner, he has no way to take away the opponent's power just by contact.

However, there is a huge gap in strength between the Black Runner and Dane, and his power cannot take effect on Dane. Therefore, his active attack on Dane caused him to suffer the backlash of his power.

But because the Black Runner himself was born under the influence of the power of death, he himself will not be injured by the power of death, but this inevitably makes his body stiff.

Dane took this opportunity to catch the black runner, and then tore off the black runner's mask. Under the mask was a handsome but pale man's face.

Dane doesn't know Mister Miracle. Compared to other superheroes, he is not an impressive person.

But if Desaad hadn't called him wrong before, then the man in front of him was indeed Mr. Miracle.

It doesn't matter what Mr. Miracle is like, but he is the heavenly father of the new founding planet. Dane doesn't want to create another big enemy for himself after provoking Darkseid just now.

But he really wants the power of the other person, what should he do?

He can't use the level difference of the power itself to rob the black runner, so he can only use the power of Zansha to plunder the black runner?

Dane suddenly thought that he had another artifact that he hadn't used in a long time.

He plunged the battle ax into the ground and grabbed it with his bare hands. Lightning appeared in the void and he grabbed it in his hand, and a scepter was generated in his hand.

It's the wizard's scepter!

Desaad was still breathing, and he keenly felt that the scepter had a strong power of the old gods.

"old gods......"Disad's eyes changed slightly.

Could it be possible that this enemy disguised as Steppenwolf is actually an old god?

Dane didn't hear the question in Desaad's mind. He pointed the scepter at the black runner, intending to see if he could use the scepter to seize the opponent's power.

The crystal of the scepter burst out with a burst of lightning, directly hitting the black runner, making his body, which had finally recovered a little, become stiff again.

But there is no power of death.

The scepter failed to plunder the black runner. This can only explain one problem, that is, the power of the black runner is very advanced, and may even be equivalent to the gift of life possessed by Dane, and this ability is given by death. his!

Death is undoubtedly multiverse-level, and the power she bestows is naturally the same. The use of the Gift of Life will not be limited by the differences in the world.

Even in the normal world without superpowers where Superboy-Prime was born, the powers given by death can still be used.

Do you really want to get it more and more? Why don't you just use the power of Zansha to grab it? Aren't you just a heavenly father? No need to worry about debts.

Although Zansha's power is only a special power in a parallel world, Dane has the same source of death power as the Black Runner. Under the influence of the same source of attraction, Zanza's power can also exert the same effect.

This is equivalent to a special attack against the power of death. If it is targeted at other powers, it may not have such an effect.

Just when the little devil in Dane's heart began to encourage him to kill Scott Free, who had not yet become Mister Miracle, the dying figure of DeSaad came into the corner of his eye.

This gave Dane a new idea.

Dane didn't know how Scott Free obtained the power of death, but this matter was definitely inseparable from DeSaad.

Dane took a bit of N from his body and turned it into a restraint lock to lock the black runner. Then he grabbed Disad and invaded the opponent's brain with his ability.

Fortunately, DeSaad had done this not long ago, so Dane did not have to search his brain deeply to find the memory he wanted.

"I see."Dane looked thoughtful.

Apokolips' technology is indeed very cutting-edge. They can actually use technology to give a person the power to materialize a concept and create a"god".

But Dane I feel that their technology seems to be a little off. In some civilian technologies, they are not even as good as some interstellar civilizations. They are only particularly strong in matters related to the mysterious side.

This is also a special feature of the New Protoss. Their technology seems to be Technology, in fact, is a fantasy.

But Dane quickly mastered this technology, and the equipment was all ready, so he could start it directly.

While Desaad was eroded by the power of death, but still had a chance to breathe, Dane placed him and the Black Runner on the conversion device.

The seat that was originally used as the receiving end of the power now sits on Desaad, and where the Death Power was originally located, the Black Runner is now imprisoned there.

"What do you want to do?"Desad said weakly.

It has to be said that the New Protoss can really handle it. Disaad has been infected by the power of death until now, and he is still hanging on.

Dane even doubts that if he can be expelled in time, With the power of death in his body, will this guy quickly recover like a normal person?

He did not answer Desaad's question, but started the machine directly.

Since it had just been used, the equipment started running well. , the power of death from the black runner was quickly extracted. This process was like peeling off the scales of a fish alive. It was extremely painful. The black runner let out a sharp scream.

But then, Desaad also felt the He was as painful as the Black Runner. The power of death was injected into his body along the machine he designed and manufactured, which accelerated the degree to which he was eroded by death. It was like adding water to a balloon that was already filled with water. Likewise, Disad felt like he was about to explode!

hold onto!"Dane cheered DeSaad, and then continued to cheer, cheer...(If you want to read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Desaad is about to vomit blood, you have the guts to speak with your own face! Don’t use Steppenwolf’s!

Miraculously, although Disad was tortured to the point of death by the power of death in his body, as the power of death became stronger and stronger, the aura on his body became stronger and stronger. The closer he was to death, the more... is powerful.

The power of death is just the energy derived from the power inhabiting the black runner. It is essentially transformed from other energies in Scott Free's body.

As the power of death was drained away, although Scott Free became weaker and weaker, he also gradually broke away from the black runner state and became himself again.

Just like the true body hidden under the water surface is drained away by the river, and its true appearance is gradually revealed.

At this time, the essence of power will become more and more prominent.

Dane's death eyes watched as the power residing in Scott Free's body was gradually transferred to Desaad as the machine worked.

Desaad's vital signs were already minimal, and he now had no strength to wail any more.

But in sharp contrast, his aura has become stronger than ever!

It is completely different for Scott Free to become a black runner and for DeSaad to become a black runner. The difference in basic strength will make the power of death transformed in their bodies qualitatively different.

Under the influence of power, Desaad's strength instantly jumped to a new level.

After his power was completely transferred, even though his whole body was corroded by the power of death and unable to move, Desaad was still able to attack the Steppenwolf transformed by Dane with just a thought!

But he was smarter than Scott Free. He had probably guessed through observation that the power of death would not work for Dane at all, so he did not use the power he had just received from the power at all, but used telekinesis. power.

This is his laboratory, and he knows it very well. Not only does he know the purpose of every piece of equipment and the role of every device, but he also knows how to destroy it!

Telekinesis does not require Desaad to move his body, it only requires a thought, a fleeting thought. Even Dane cannot be faster than the opponent's thought when he does not read the other party's thoughts.!

Therefore, DeSaad successfully detonated the laboratory, and a huge explosion suddenly occurred without warning.

Dane was only fast enough to push the unconscious Scott Free away, keeping him as far away from the explosion as possible, while he himself was overwhelmed by the explosion.

This was not because Dane was willing to sacrifice himself to save him, but because he knew very well that the explosion would not hurt him at all.

But a smart man like Desaad obviously didn't detonate the laboratory for this reason, but he knew that such a movement was enough to attract Darkseid's attention.

"The master will notice you, unknown old god!"

Desad's body burned in the fire. Although his body was decayed,It turned out that the body of the New God was not so easily destroyed by explosions and fires.

Dane stood on the burning field, grabbed Disad's remaining body, pushed his palm forward and directly penetrated the opponent's chest, grabbing out the dark heart.

With a pinch of five fingers, his heart burst instantly. Desaad had already run out of gas and died on the spot after his heart was broken.

At the same time, the power of Zansha also began to activate, and it quickly pulled the power of death into Dane's body at an extremely fast speed.

Disad is so miserable. His body is like a tool, being washed back and forth by the power of death. Fortunately, he is already dead and does not need to feel such pain again.

In the process of absorbing the power of death, Dane's Death Eye saw Desaad's soul emerging from his body.

Just as he was about to grab it, Desaad's soul was taken away by an eternal and mysterious force, causing Dane's hand to flutter away.

He felt in his heart that the ancient power should be Apokolips, and the souls of the new gods born on Apokolips belonged to it.


Dane smiled and didn't care. At this time, he had completely absorbed Disad's power and the power of death.

Looking back, he didn't know when a tall figure also appeared behind him.

"Intruder, show your true face."

Darkseid appeared with his hands behind his back and looked very bossy.

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