Dane did not speak, but grabbed the tomahawk on the ground. Although there was no other action, there was a chilling atmosphere that filled the scene.

Darkseid was not angry, but nodded slightly:"Right."

Then his eyes suddenly fired two red rays, aiming directly at Dane!

Dane's body fell backwards. He was still incredibly flexible despite the huge body of Steppenwolf.

What's even more incredible is that he fell backward slightly, but suddenly he disappeared.

Darkseid frowned slightly, but the Omega Ray did not stop. It turned a corner in the air and continued to fly towards the void.

Although Darkseid is a user of Omega rays, his line of sight cannot move at the speed of light like rays. It is entirely automatically tracked by the Omega effect.

From Darkseid's own sight level, he could only vaguely see the enemy's shadow in the air, and the omega rays seemed to slow the opponent down a step every time.

This is something that has never happened before.

While the two sides were chasing each other, Dane was also quickly adapting to his new abilities.

He didn't have black runner skis and didn't need one.

The reason why DeSaad equipped Scott Free with a pair of skis was because he had a relatively low starting point, so he needed some auxiliary tools so that he could adapt to the"five-zero" ability given by the power of death as quickly as possible.

Just like when the Flash obtained the Speed ​​Force, he also needed a suit to help him control the Speed ​​Force.

But Dane himself is a god of death. He has already had deep experience in using the power of death, so he does not need auxiliary equipment to help him adapt. During the battle, he almost adapted to this alternative"speed force".

Although he is not a user of the Speed ​​Force, he can now be regarded as a speedster. Of course, he cannot run faster than light like the Flash.

But he can cheat. Using this newfound speed ability, he can open a space-time gate in front of his movement path like space movement, and achieve a speed faster than light by reducing the distance in space.

This is not the same as teleportation. Many people don't realize this. Teleportation has a forward movement. It requires a thought. The teleporter must first think about his landing point before he can transfer.

In most cases, teleportation can avoid enemy pursuit, but who is faster, the speed of thought or the speed of light?

For long-distance teleportation, teleportation is naturally faster, but for short-distance movement on the battlefield, the advantage of teleportation is not very obvious.

Moreover, this method also has conditions for use. In order to avoid light-speed attacks such as Omega rays, the advance amount of teleportation must be calculated accurately enough.

However, there is no forward motion at the extreme speed of death. During the extreme speed movement, you can move in space anytime and anywhere, and even run directly in the cracks of space. That is an area that cannot be reached by the speed of light.

After all, the speed of light is a fixed speed, it has a limit, and the Omega ray is actually slowing down when it turns, and it will drop from the speed of light.

And the greater the angle of the turn, the greater the decrease in the speed of light.

But after completing the turn and starting to walk in a straight line again, its speed will return to the speed of light.

Therefore, as long as Dane's foothold is outside its straight-line attack direction every time, the moment the Omega Ray is forced to turn in order to pursue him, it will be unable to catch up with him due to the speed of light.

This may sound simple, but to avoid being tracked by the speed of light, one needs to be bold, careful, and meticulous. If there is a slight deviation, the light will catch up.

Batman also tried to predict the advance of the light path and avoid Omega rays, and he succeeded, proving this small flaw of Omega rays.

Dane took advantage of this flaw, keeping himself outside the ray's path.

Dane didn't know how much harm Omega could do to him. After all, he had never experienced it and couldn't make a comparison.

But if you can avoid being caught up, no one will be hit innocently, right?

Therefore, Darkseid found that his Omega ray seemed to be a little bit close to touching the opponent every time, but it was always just a little bit short.

As a result, he became somewhat interested in the enemy in front of him

"who are you?"

Darkseid took the initiative to put away the Omega ray and asked with interest.

Dane stopped and his appearance was finally seen clearly by Darkseid. This time, Dane restored his own appearance.

"Old gods?"Darkseid was a little surprised.

Even Desaad could feel the strong power of the old gods in Dane, and of course Darkseid could sense it without exception.

"I think what you are taking should be mine.

Dane smiled and said,"Then you should get it yourself. I can give you a fair fight.""

After he said that, he threw Steppenwolf's battle ax on the ground, using his bare hands like Darkseid.

Darkseid could see that the battle ax in the opponent's hand was not a fake, it was indeed the weapon that Steppenwolf usually used.

So he can roughly guess that Steppenwolf has probably fallen into the opponent's hands.

Darkseid has no feelings about Steppenwolf's death. Apokolips is a world where the jungle eats the strong. As long as you are strong enough, you can rely on your strength. Get anything you want, even the location of Darkseid.

But if you are not strong enough and die at the hands of others, you can only blame yourself for not living up to expectations. No one will avenge you.

Don't say that it is only Steppenwolf who dies. , even if the person who died was Darkseid's own son, he would not frown because of it. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Interesting, since you want to play, I accept your challenge."

Darkseid said, finally freeing his hands that had been behind his back and clenching them into fists.

Dane put away the smile on his face and became serious. Darkseid is by no means an easy enemy to deal with. , he may become the first powerful enemy worthy of all his strength since Dane came to this world.

No one needs to give orders, Dane takes the lead in launching the attack!

He just got the ability of divine speed and used it directly on Dak Seid launched a quick attack. Although he did not use weapons, he did not say that he would not use powers!

When he was tracked by the Omega ray just now, he discovered that Darkseid himself did not seem to be able to keep up with his speed.

Perhaps he was concentrating on it. Under such circumstances, he can roughly keep up with Dane's speed and rhythm, but just keeping up with the rhythm requires so much energy, how can he continue to fight?

Darkseid gave the answer, although he looked like he was clenching his fists with both hands. Just like he was going to engage in hand-to-hand combat with Dane, the moment Dane launched a quick attack, he started to use the Omega ray again.

This time, he directly let the Omega effect enter the conceptual state, and the red ray suddenly lost its trace, but A strong sense of crisis arose in Dane's heart, and that sense of crisis seemed inevitable.

Without any hesitation, he broke through the time and space barrier at top speed, but the Omega Effect followed him closely, and he seemed not to let it go. He.

After losing the specific material basis, the speed of the Omega Effect was no longer limited by the speed of light. Dane found that he could not outrun the opponent's speed.

But at the moment when the Omega Effect was about to hit him, Dane suddenly disappeared. , this time, not even the Omega Effect could find his specific location.

So after lingering for a breath, the Omega Effect had no choice but to return to Darkseid's body. 0.........

However, at the moment when the Omega Effect returned to his body, Dane's figure suddenly appeared from the void and hit Darkseid with a punch.

Darkseid tilted his head and flew out, scraping the ground and lifting up hundreds of feet of ground.[]

This injury is not painful at all to Darkseid, but it makes him very puzzled. How did the opponent escape the tracking of the Omega Effect?

This is a transformation in thinking. Since this divine power can enable Dane to break through the current time and space barrier, he can also use it in reverse to superimpose the time and space barrier on himself.

When the Omega Effect attacked Dane before, he didn't disappear. Instead, he had too many layers of space superimposed on him. He was like a kaleidoscope, hiding his true body in the cracks of multiple layers of space. This was a kind of use. The Omega Effect cannot recognize the deception cast by space.

In terms of the Omega Effect's instantaneous ability, if it can discover Dane's hiding place immediately, it can hit him instantly.

Although this power has some basic intelligent characteristics, it is obvious that it cannot think like a real intelligent life, otherwise it would not be fooled by Dane's trick.

Although Darkseid didn't figure out the reason, he was not the kind of person who insisted on getting to the bottom of it. He immediately got up from the ground, faced Dane's fist and started to fight head-on with him.

Dane deliberately wanted to test Darkseid's strength, so he fought against him in his divine body.

At the moment when the fists of the two sides exchanged, a huge shock wave spread out, and the pure destructive power turned into a hurricane, shattering the hard ground.

This hurricane rapidly expanded with the center where the two gods met, producing more energy than the previous laboratory explosion. The air was pushed by the pressure in the center to expand far away, and the outermost part almost condensed into a solid state.

This nearly solid wall of air seems to be made of invisible diamond, destroying everything in its path.

The ultra-high speed and ultra-high pressure caused friction and ultra-high temperatures wherever the air wall passed. Under the squeeze of the air wall, most of the ground turned into unknown crystals, and a few incompletely reacted substances turned into pitch-black scorched earth.

This hurricane is still blowing outward. Although the farther away from the center, the weaker the power of the hurricane, but the aftermath is enough to easily destroy the buildings along the 5.9 route, let alone the people on the ground.

Many of the guards who came were taken off by the sudden hurricane, and were cut into pieces by other high-speed materials in the air.

And the movement here can be easily felt even from more than ten kilometers away.

Big Barda and the black-robed Superman saw the aftermath from the center of the battle at the same time. The strong wind carried the bloody smell and fell on them, guiding them in the direction.

"Don't you mean to keep a low profile?"The black-robed Superman was full of questions.

Big Barda continued to move towards the set goal. He and the black-robed Superman both had missions, but there was no time to continue watching the fun.

Dane and Darkseid flew backwards in the direction of the force. Compared to the force they exerted on each other, their weight was like light dandelions, blown away by the strong wind caused by the shock wave.

Dane recovered from the paralysis of his limbs shortly after flying upside down. Good guy, Daksay De is really powerful! It can actually make him temporarily free of power. This power is worthy of being the master of Apokolips.

Little did he know that Darkseid was no less surprised than Dane. For many years, there has not been anyone who can give him such power as Dane. The enemy of trauma.

He couldn't help but have a guess in his mind.

"If I guess correctly, you must be the human who gained the power of the old gods"

"Dane Davis!".

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