Dane couldn't help but frown.

He imagined many scenarios for the two of them to meet, but he did not expect that the other party would actually know him.

Especially since Darkseid can still call him by his full name. You should know that under normal circumstances, the name he leaves behind is either Shazam or Zamsha, and he never says his real name.

The real name contains magic. If it is in the hands of someone who knows black magic, it may become a target of exploitation, so Dane has always paid attention to it.

"You know me?"

Darkseid didn't hide it, he sold Lucifer directly.

"Lucifer told me your news......"

Speaking of this, Darkseid suddenly thought, was the death power given to him by Lucifer really given to him?

Although he and Lucifer seemed to have reached some cooperation on the matter of Dane Davis, there was no such thing as a basis of trust between them from the beginning, although at that time Lucifer transferred his power just to win his trust. Gave it to Darkseid.

But now, Darkseid vaguely felt as if he was being calculated.

But he didn't care. No matter what kind of conspiracy he faced, he was confident that he could solve it with his own strength and wisdom.

It’s this shit stirrer again!

Dane secretly thought, since he and Lucifer met, it seems that there is this guy's shadow behind every incident. Is he so idle?

It would be great to have time to create your own world and have fun, you must give him eye drops

"Actually you and I can work together."Darkseid suddenly extended an olive branch to Dane.

This was beyond Dane's expectation. I have killed so many of your men, but you want to cooperate with me? You are indeed a hero, and he is really cruel.

Dane found it very interesting, so he asked:"How do you plan to cooperate?"

"If you are willing to stay, I can forgive you for what you have done before, and you will become the person with the highest status in Apokolips besides me.

Dane raised his eyebrows:"Like Disad?""

"Better than him!"

"But still beneath you. Dane nodded,"So you want to conquer me and make me your subordinate.""

Darkseid is very confident. It can be seen from his words that he never really put Dane on the same level as himself from the beginning.

Dane is not angry at all. He has never really competed with him. Before, no one could say who was stronger.

As for Darkseid, he did not believe everything Lucifer said, just as Lucifer calculated against him before. No one could say what Lucifer said before. The thing is not made up.

So Lucifer’s reminder to him cannot really make him take it seriously. Moreover, Lucifer designed this to send the power of death to Dane.

In a sense, Doesn’t it prove that Dane’s own strength is insufficient and he needs to be strengthened in this way to be able to face Darkseid?

If this is the case, Darkseid’s kind words have indeed given Dane enough face..

In the beginning, when he was looking for his subordinates, he would directly force them to surrender by force. Those who refused to surrender have now had several choices.

Now that he can be so kind to Dane, firstly, he still has some expectations for the ability to escape fate. The second is that Dane has gained power, and no one in Apokolips can match it in terms of speed. If nothing else, the conditions given by Darkseid are actually pretty good.

The bargaining chip he gave is Apokolips The second-in-command, in fact, the scope of power is not only Apokolips, but also the hundreds of thousands of planets ruled by Apokolips.

Darkseid generally will not go to the worlds he has conquered, unless there is a rebellion there.

So in fact, Dane is the most powerful person in those places.

As long as Dane nods, hundreds of thousands of worlds are at his fingertips, which is much more powerful than the companies he ran in the original world.

But as an aspiring multiverse person Faced with the bait handed over by Darkseid, Dane decisively said"no"

"That's such a shame."Darkseid said this, but Dane did not see any expression of regret on the other person's face.

Then, Darkseid suddenly took action, and a fist about the same size as Dane's head hit his head.

With the speed he just gained, Dane easily avoided Darkseid.

"oh? Is this about to start?"

As he said that, Dane turned around and punched in the direction of Darkseid.

Darkseid, as if he had eyes behind his back, suddenly grabbed Dane's fist with his big hand. The speed that exploded in that moment was unexpectedly... Not slow at all!

Just like Dane dealt with Omega rays before, Darkseid can also predict the attack of speed-based enemies by calculating the lead time. After all, he is an experienced god of war.

"I got you!"

After grabbing Dane, Darkseid squeezed his hand tightly and never let go for a moment. He raised his other hand high and hit Dane directly in the face.

Dane stretched out his hand to block it. Block, a huge force bombarded his arm, like a bomb exploding on his arm. The huge wind pressure tore the wizard robe behind him, and the air pressed his hair back and flew wildly.

Blocking this After a punch, Dane grabbed Darkseid's hand with both hands, and stepped heavily on the ground with the soles of his feet. The ground cracked instantly under the huge force, spreading outward like a dense spider web. (Read the Baoshuang novel, Just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Darkseid's huge body was lifted up by Dane's power and fell heavily to the ground.

But at the moment when his head was about to hit the ground, Darkseid shot out with one hand, When struck on the ground, Dane's power was so great that even a very strong surface like Apokolips was as soft as cotton to him.

Therefore, Darkseid was still smashed into the ground by his huge force..

But the next second, two red lights flew out again. This time, Dane also emitted energy rays from his eyes, which met the Omega rays. Zeus

's lightning should have been on the same level as the Omega effect in terms of level. He was older. He is one of the few main gods among the gods, but now that the faith of the old gods has declined, the power of Zeus's lightning is far less than it used to be.

But it is still okay to help Dane delay the time a little.

The Omega effect was only blocked for a moment and then reappeared. Pushing the blue energy flow up, it almost touched Dane's eyes.

But this moment was enough. Under the influence of his divine speed, Dane quickly stepped on Daksai. On De's face, the huge force immediately kicked him away.

It also allowed Dane to regain his freedom.

Looking at Darkseid's flight trajectory, Dane entered the super speed field while deforming the N metal on his body, and assembled A javelin.

During the movement, Dane gestured with his thumb in the direction of Darkseid's flight with his other hand, roughly measured the direction, and then shot the javelin!

The moment the N-type javelin was released, it After changing its material form, the originally huge javelin suddenly shrank inward, becoming so small that it was almost invisible to the naked eye. The sudden change in volume caused the N type to transform into a degenerate state within a microsecond.

With Darkseid's eyesight, it was also Only the light tail formed by the N metal javelin streaking through the air can be seen, which is an optical phenomenon caused by the intense friction between the degenerate N metal and the air, while the N metal itself is still invisible.

Darkseid tried to use omega rays Intercept it, because the speed of the javelin is still far lower than the speed of light, and the omega ray hits it faster than the speed of the javelin.

But he did not expect that the N genus in the degenerate state could not even reach the photon at this time. capture it[]

The Omega Effect, which was still in the"matter" state, was directly traversed by the degenerate N-type, as if entering an uninhabited land, and then it hit Darkseid before he could think about the next step.

The moment it hit Darkseid, N-type transformed into another form.

In order to enter a degenerate state, it compressed its volume almost infinitely. Now after hitting Darkseid, it went in the opposite direction and rapidly expanded its volume in a very short period of time.

As a result, it contracts and expands, releasing a huge amount of energy. This energy is so large that it even exceeds the largest nuclear bomb on earth.

The energy field caused by the huge explosion far exceeded the shock wave of the previous confrontation between the two sides. The surface of the earth, which had been destroyed once, was directly changed this time. The continental plates of Apokolips shivered under the impact of this explosion.

This time, not only the people near the main temple of Apokolips felt it, but even other people on the other side of Apokolips felt it.

"Something is wrong with this earthquake 650."Darkseid's servant Justin murmured to himself.

This is the other side of Apokolips, and there is a magnificent palace. This type of palace usually houses the most distinguished royal members of Apokolips.

In fact, it is true In this way, there is indeed a noble royal family member living in this tall building, Kalibak. He is the eldest son of Darkseid and the strongest among the young new gods.

But a long time ago, Kalibak He made a mistake and was imprisoned here by his father Darkseid and was not allowed to go out.

Therefore, this palace is Kalibak's prison. Justin is both the servant who takes care of his daily life and his jailer.

In Justin's heart Somewhat uneasy, he thought for a long time and finally decided to do what he had wanted to do before.

Before he came to the palace, he opened the door where the beast was imprisoned.

It was dark behind the door, except for a pair of red eyes. Coming out of the netherworld

"Will my father finally forgive me? Justin?"

"In fact, no, my little master......"

Before Justin could finish speaking, a big hand grasped his neck and lifted him into the air, making it difficult for him to continue speaking.

"Since father didn't give the order, why did you open the door? How dare you open the door!"

In the darkness, Kalibak revealed his true face. He was huge, with bulging muscles, and his thick hair covered his whole big face. He looked like a lion walking upright. His wild aura made Justin almost go crazy. He was almost out of breath.

He quickly patted Kalibak's big hand and said a sentence with difficulty from his throat:"Master needs your power!"

Kalibak immediately let go of his hand, and his two big eyes showed a bit of hope like a child.

"What do you mean?"

Jeska covered his neck and coughed a few times. He had no doubt that after a while, Kalibak could crush his neck directly.

"The master issued an order some time ago that any new protoss must participate in a war. I think you should be among them!".

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