Returning to the other side of Apokolips, this place has turned into white ground under the expanding energy field of the N type.

It was also the first time for Dane to use this ability of the N attribute. The destructive power was quite considerable. Even he, the user, was blown away by the explosion.

As for Darkseid? Sorry, Dane doesn't know where the guy was bombed now. He can only guess that the other person is probably not dead yet, so he must take this opportunity to do his own thing.

Driven by the explosion wave, Dane flew very far. He was almost in sync with the outer edge of the spreading energy field, so everywhere he looked was a scene of spherical waves swallowing up everything.

Countless guards and demons were burned to ashes by the spreading explosion wave, and were destroyed along with countless towering buildings.

Dane actually hadn't had time to appreciate the architecture here. Those tall spiers and mysterious brilliance gave it a Blade Runner feel.

But now they are entering destruction, a destruction caused by Dane himself.

I don't know how much time passed, but when the power of the explosion wave finally diminished slightly, Dane controlled his body and flew in another direction.

While passing over the scorched earth somewhere, he heard a familiar voice in his ears. He immediately opened his clairvoyance eyes and discovered the owner of the voice from deep underground.

Dane plunged in with a fierce thrust, and the hard earth was separated by brute force like water. After a moment, he flew out with a person in his hand.

"Pooh——!"Big Bada spit out the mud in her mouth, and then she was shocked by what she saw in front of her.

"What happened?

Then she looked up,"Dane?" Why are you here?"

"I just faced off with Darkseid."

Big Barda looked at the surrounding environment that had become a wasteland, and suddenly came up with a ridiculous idea.

"here...Could it be that you did it all?"

When Dane heard this, he smiled and said nothing.

"Have you completed the task I taught you?"

Big Barda came back from her trance and replied subconsciously:"It's done. According to your request, they have been sprinkled in every corner...."

She couldn't help but ask again:"Did you kill Darkseid?"

No wonder Big Barda thought so, the explosion affected such a wide range, it can be said that the military base here has basically been destroyed Completely destroyed.

You must know that when they first came here, thousands of kilometers around here were covered with military facilities, and there were countless demons patrolling the sky, but now there are only a few survivors left lingering.

If such a large-scale attack with widespread impact was targeted at just one person, Big Barda couldn't imagine how that person could survive.

But Dane told her:"Darkseid's ability is very strong. Even with such an attack, he may still survive. Maybe he is not only alive, but even unscathed.""

"How can this be?"

But Dane knows that Darkseid's Omega Effect also has the ability to resurrect. Not to mention that Darkseid is difficult to kill, even if he is really killed, the Omega Effect can revive him.

If you want to completely kill Darkseid, you must first"kill...death" the Omega Effect

"Now that your mission has been completed, don't stay here. I have a hunch that Darkseid will make a comeback soon, and that's when the real war will begin."

In the center of the explosion, two curved red lights suddenly rushed out from deep underground.

The earth instantly cracked with the hole left by the red light as the center, forming a large crack. The large crack further expanded to form a Grand Canyon. Darkseid flew out of the canyon with his hands behind his back. Just as Dane guessed, he was not dead or even injured.

"Interesting." Darkseid looked at the direction where Dane was leaving, the expression on his face was unpredictable.

He raised his hands behind his back to his eyes, with two palms facing each other, two small mother boxes were quietly sitting there. The ground was lying in the palm of his hand.

What Dane didn't know was that although the Mother Box in his hand was always under his control, it was also under Darkseid's surveillance.

Although due to Dane's advance As a precaution, Darkseid cannot use the Mother Box to do anything, but it is enough to transmit a small amount of information.

Long before knowing Dane, Darkseid had already made some arrangements on the earth, and not only Only Superman.

After all, this is a world that once deflated him, and Darkseid attaches great importance to it.

"Mother box display. It's possible that the Kryptonians are out of control, huh?..."

Darkseid thought that since Dane was able to remove Superman's consciousness control, it might be difficult for the Anti-Life Equation to work on him.

In order to control Superman's mind, Darkseid also spent some effort.

Although the ability to control people's hearts is incredible, it is also somewhat difficult to use.

First of all, it is necessary to ensure that the user's own mind will not be assimilated by the anti-life equation before using this ability.

Even for someone like Darkseid, who is extremely consistent with the anti-life equation, his mind is actually often tested by the equation.

This is the instinct of the anti-life equation. It is trying to control people's hearts all the time. It is the same no matter who it is. Even if the Supreme God comes, he will be harassed by it.

Therefore, with Darkseid's will, he can actually only temporarily subdue the Anti-Life Equation, but cannot fully control it.

With such incomplete control, Darkseid would not use it to deal with a difficult enemy like Dane.

That speed, that power derived from the power of death obtained from the bastard Lucifer, is actually a bit restrained by new gods like Darkseid to a certain extent.

Before this power entered Scott Free's body, Darkseid had weighted it so that it could plunder the souls of the new Protoss.

Darkseid's original intention was to create a god who belonged entirely to Apokolips and the New Gods, a god of death who belonged to them and served Darkseid.

As Scott Free, his power as the God of Death may even extend his authority to the New Founding Star and become the God of Death of the New Founding Star.

In this way, when attacking the New Founding Star in the future, Scott Free can serve as the vanguard of Apokolips and bring death to the New Founding Star.

But now it's all cheap on Dane Davis.

Lucifer did not tell Darkseid that the other party had the ability to plunder power, so he must have deliberately hidden this information.

But he is still not sure whether Lucifer knows that Dane Davis will seize this power. If so, he is treating himself as an errand boy.

Darkseid sneered. One day, he will find a chance to fight Lucifer. The main body is not easy to kill, but it is just a clone. If you kill him, you will kill him.

Putting this matter aside for the time being, Darkseid activated the mother box in his hand and muttered to himself to it, as if he was talking about something.

At the same time, far away on the earth at the other end of the universe, Doomsday Batman suddenly heard a whisper from the underworld.

His expression immediately changed and he shouted:"No——!"

It’s the anti-life equation!

Someone recited a complicated formula in his ear. Once he finished reciting it, even Batman would immediately become the opponent's puppet, just like Superman before.

Doomsday Batman does his bestShouting with all his strength, trying to get someone's attention.

But he is a very cautious person, and now he is in his own experimental base, and no one is here except him.

At this time, Doomsday Batman very much hopes that the Superman of the Justice League will be a non-ruler, so that he can discover Batman's current situation through hearing.

But Clark is an upright man, and he has no habit of using his ability to spy on alliance members.

What's more, the bracelet that Dane gave him that can imprison his super senses is now on his hand, and he can't hear it even if he wants to.

At the last moment when the voice in his ear was about to finish reciting the formula, Doomsday Batman relied on his strong willpower to move to the computer and typed out a line of words with difficulty.

But before he could hit Enter, the formula was finally finished.

Doomsday Batman's finger stopped over the Enter key.

Under the mask, his expression was still as solemn as before, as if nothing had changed.

But his finger changed direction and moved to the delete key.

In this empty laboratory where he was the only one, Batman suddenly said in a low voice:".For.Darkseid." On

Apokolips, the black-robed Superman looked at the battlefield in the distance, taking in a panoramic view of the destroyed base..

He performed the same tasks as Big Barda, but his speed was obviously much faster than Big Barda, and he finished things early.

When Dane and Darkseid just started fighting, he witnessed the whole battle. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Superman did not choose to go up to help, not because he was afraid of fighting or unwilling to participate in the battle, but because he was a person who had been controlled, and his consciousness might not be able to block Darkseid. Second invasion.

If he fails to help after he goes up, and instead becomes Darkseid's puppet, then he is not helping, but adding to the chaos.

After seeing Dane successfully get rid of Darkseid, the black-robed Superman breathed a sigh of relief, but his ears suddenly moved, as if he heard some strange sounds.

That's a sonic boom!

Superman turned his head suddenly, and a black shadow approached from the distance. It grew from small to large, from far to near, and quickly approached Superman.

"Intruder! die!"

Kalibak's roaring voice was like an explosion in Superman's ears, shocking him for a moment.

But the opponent took advantage of Superman's moment of confusion to clasp his fists with both hands and muster up all his strength to smash down!

Superman only had time to raise his hands. After blocking, he was shot down by a force that was no less than his, and his body fell into the earth like a meteor.

Another crater was added to the already devastated earth. Kalibak wanted to pursue, but two missiles suddenly shot out from the crater. A ray of light.

This light reminded Kalibak of his father's Omega ray. He was stunned for a moment and made no move to dodge. The heat vision hit Kalibak and knocked his body high into the air. To avenge the attack just now..

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