After taking a heat sight from the front, Kalibak only felt slight pain. If it were Darkseid's Omega rays, he would be dead by now.

And in fact, Kalibak has died under Omega rays more than once. Although he is absolutely loyal to Darkseid and is a very brave warrior, he is not liked by Darkseid.

However, Kalibak has a reckless personality, lacks great wisdom, and often fails to handle the details of things, so he often causes trouble for Darkseid.

The thing that makes Darkseid the most intolerable is that Kalibak is not very smart but prefers to"have an idea" and do something that he thinks is good for Darkseid, thereby inexplicably messing up his situation.

Especially when facing the new Founding Star, Kalibak's self-assertion often made Darkseid passive.

For this reason, Darkseid would often use Omega rays to kill him when he was extremely angry, but not long after, he would be resurrected using the Omega effect.

No matter how angry Darkseid was at his self-righteousness, he still valued his strength after all.

According to the ability values ​​in DC, Kalibak's combat power can be compared to normal Kryptonians, and under special circumstances can even be comparable to Superman. He is a type with a high starting point and amazing explosive power.

Therefore, after being shot by the heat vision, he only suffered a little skin trauma, and this skin trauma quickly recovered due to the super physique of the New Protoss.

Kalibak got up from the ground, glanced at the burn marks on his chest, and smiled ferociously at Superman:"Is this your attack? It doesn't hurt!"

He heard from Jeska that Darkseid wanted to His cause of conquest specifically controlled a Kryptonian, who seemed to be used to replace Kalibak as Darkseid's new Vanguard.

Kalibak didn't dare to blame Darkseid for his decision, but he didn't think anyone could replace him, especially the Kryptonian in front of him.

"Let me see what else you can do!"

Kalibak let out a high war cry again and launched a 507 charge towards Superman.

Superman was not to be outdone and flew towards Kalibak. Although he came from behind, he hit him one step ahead of Kalibak. Flying away with Kalibak's body.

From a distance, the two of them looked like bullets drilling into the earth in a straight line.

The rocks of Apokolips are much harder than the earth, so the damage to Kalibak is also very serious. Big, even if he has the best physique of the New Protoss, he can't stop such continuous destruction!

But Kalibak was not bare-handed. He took out a weapon shaped like a bat from somewhere, filled with the power of Apokolips It has a unique sense of technology.

This object is called the"Beta Trophy" and is a deadly weapon that can emit neural laser waves. Once the enemy is hit by this object, he will immediately fall into an unbearable and extreme pain. The Super Queen's submission rope has the same effect.

He held the Beta Trophy and mustered up the strength to hit Superman on the head.

The moment he was hit by the trophy, Superman immediately noticed an unsuppressible pain that spread throughout his body. This pain was indescribable. Where did it come from? Where did it start? In short, this abnormal pain spread quickly throughout his body, making him miserable.

He couldn't help but let go of Kalibak, allowing the Apokolips man to escape.

Then Kalibak took the Beta Trophy The top was pointed at Superman, and a fatal red light suddenly flashed from the central nozzle. The body of that light was the neural laser wave. It hit Superman and made him more painful.

"ah——!"Superman held his head in his hands, and the intense pain surged through his body like a raging wave, making him almost unable to think.

Kalibak easily grabbed Superman's ankle and lifted him upside down.

He is 236cm tall, a head taller than Superman, so he lifts Superman like an adult lifting a bbad child.

Kalibak threw Superman upwards and swung the Beta Trophy. The weapon collided with the Man of Steel, making a huge noise, like a muffled thunder from deep underground. Superman flew out in response, and his body was hit by a huge The earth was broken open by the bombardment of power.

Kalibak chased after him. He stared at Superman's position and shot Superman with nerve laser waves from time to time to keep him in a state of mental torture at all times.

Kalibak could pinch him like a soft persimmon. Sometimes he waved the Beta Trophy, sometimes punched, and sometimes raised his legs, sending Superman flying everywhere.

But even so, Kalibak failed to break through Superman's physical defense.

"This guy is so fucking hard!"

Kalibak just wanted to curse. Superman's defense is indestructible. His strength can easily crush an armored vehicle into an iron ball, but he can't do anything with the opponent's body. What did this guy eat to grow up?

But Kalibak What he doesn't know is that he has been firing laser waves at Superman, and Superman has been adapting to this energy. The experience of being controlled for several years has tempered his strong mind. Although his resistance to Darkseid is still lacking, it is just A little nerve trauma was enough for him to endure.

Just when Kalibak once again used the Beta Trophy to attack Superman, Superman found an opportunity to capture the trophy, and the power spreading from this weapon once again gave him great power. It was painful, but Superman gritted his teeth and persevered!

The Beta Trophy did not play its intended role. Even Kalibak was surprised, but he soon had no time to sigh anymore.

Superman Whale took a breath and faced Kalibak Suddenly blowing out, a cold wind directly froze Kalibak's body and turned it into an ice sculpture.

But Superman could hear that the enemy in front of him still had a heartbeat, even still very strong.

He snatched the weapon from Kalibak's hand. Come down, at this time, the ice sealing the opponent happened to crack, and Kalibak seemed to want to break out.

But how could Superman give the opponent a chance?

He hit the ice with the Beta Trophy with his backhand, smashing the ice. At the same time, it also knocked Kalibak upside down. The power of the Beta Trophy acted on Kalibak, bringing him great pain, as if he was undergoing mental torture.

Superman weighed his hands. Guys, it feels pretty handy. Although it's not very heavy, it feels good when used to hit people.

"Now, it's my turn!"

In order to retaliate to Kalibak's attack just now, Superman imitated the opponent's previous operation and pointed the Beta Trophy at him. The nerve laser wave shot at Kalibak, making him howl.

Superman flew forward and struck a blow. Pounded into Kalibak's belly. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

In the previous battle, Superman knew that this guy was also a thick-skinned superhuman, so he attacked without any mercy. The punch directly knocked out all the blood and gastric juice in Kalibak's stomach.

Although Kalibak's strength is about the same as Superman's, his physique is slightly worse than Superman's, and the same force can directly seriously injure him. A person who is hit by a huge force Attacking, Kalibak was pulled backward by the inertia of power, but was soon caught up by Superman. Every time he tried to fight back, he would be shot with a Beta Trophy by the opponent and fall into uncontrollable pain.

Superman was taking advantage of the card just now The discovery of the fact that Kalibak had been dealt with the same way Lipak had dealt with him made Kalibak furious, but unable to fight back.

"Now, let's talkWhat else can you do?"Superman deliberately used the other person's words to mock him, pretending that he was still the darkened Superman.

Kalibak stared at Superman with fierce eyes:"You have the guts to confront me head-on!"

Superman couldn't help but sneered. Why didn't you say that when you beat me just now?

After being controlled by Darkseid for several years, he is no longer the same person as he used to be. He is more competitive than before.

"I don't know who you are, but that doesn't matter. He held both ends of the Beta Trophy with both hands, pressed his knees against the middle, and with great force, broke the Beta Trophy into two pieces."If you want to lose more thoroughly, I will grant your wish!""

Kalibak roared and rushed forward, and Superman followed suit at the same time. He threw out a punch and the earth was broken again. Along with it, Kalibak's hand bones and fractures all over his body were broken.

But this Darkseid's The eldest son is a war demon. The more seriously injured he is, the stronger his power becomes and the crazier his fighting spirit becomes.

When he completely forgets about his injuries, those wounds, large and small, heal at an extremely fast speed. The wounds Superman caused one second ago were healed the next second.

And every time he healed, Kalibak became more powerful than the previous second!

"You can't destroy mine! Kryptonian!"Kalibak laughed wildly.

But Superman just attacked, dodged, and counterattacked calmly, ignoring his opponent's trash talk.[]

They fought from the ground to the sky, from the sky to the bottom of the earth, all the way to the core of Apokolips, and fought in the river of molten metal.

Kalibak's skin burned by the high temperature here quickly grew an epidermis that was more resistant to high temperatures, like a war weapon that was constantly evolving.

When Superman faced any danger, he used his body that could be called an absolute defense to bear it, and the damage he caused to Kalibak gradually decreased.

At the beginning, he could directly break Kalibak's limbs, but now, he could only leave non-fatal injuries on Kalibak.

This is not only because Kalibak has been adapting his body to his blows, but also because Superman's strength is waning.

There is no sunlight on Apokolips, and Superman's lost energy cannot be replenished here.

In order to save energy, he even stopped using his heat vision and fought Kalibak with only his physical strength.

But now it seems that physical power can cause less and less damage to the enemy.

But there's not no chance, and Superman has found that chance!

Near the core area of ​​Apokolips, Superman pushed Kalibak's body to fall deeper. The chain reaction of the earth's core caused huge damage to Kalibak. It was completely different from lava and was a more serious Destructive power.

Kalibak's skin is festering and melting under the high temperature. Even Superman's body surface is baked red by the high temperature.

"Do you want to die with me?"

"No, it will only be you who will die!"

After Superman finished speaking, he used the maximum power of heat vision to push Kalibak to the core and heat the core.


Kalibak roared, instantly overwhelmed by the stimulated core energy.

Superman turned back upwards, being chased by the expanding core behind him. The surrounding rocks were affected by the temperature and squeezed toward the center. After a while, Superman was buried deep in the core of the earth.

And the surface of Apokolips was once again hit by a violent earthquake, and the entire planet was shaking.

After being continuously devastated, Apokolips trembled like a doomsday volcano erupting..

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