
Doomsday Batman entered the Watchtower Space Station through the teleportation device. Now there are only Doomsday's Cyborg and a person he doesn't know at all.

The stranger wore a uniform very similar to Firestorm, but it had a skull head, and the top of his head was also burning with flames.

"Batman?"Cyborg said in surprise.

The two Batmans are easy to identify. The armor on Justice League's Batman has a very smooth industrial feel, while Doomsday Batman's batsuit is just a sophisticated body armor, and Cyborg doesn't. admit mistake

"Cyborg, who is this?"Doomsday Batman frowned a little. This new guy doesn't look like a good guy!

Cyborg explained to him:"This one is the helper brought back by the Flash from another world, Death Storm, uh...His abilities are very similar to Firestorm's."

Deathstorm ignored them completely. In his heart, apart from scientific research, only Dane and Batman from the Justice League were worthy of his distraction. The former was his boss and the latter was the financial backer. This time, he should also Batman's invitation came to this world, and he still didn't know what the other party wanted him to do.

However, Deathstorm still raised his head and observed"Two Ninety-Seven" a little bit about the Batman in this world. They were indeed like other people. What he said was almost exactly the same.

Doomsday Batman thought,"He came through the cosmic treadmill?""

Although The Flash can travel through time and space wearing a shuttle suit, the shuttle suit itself is a consumable item, and its durability is much inferior to that of the cosmic treadmill.

Moreover, the cosmic treadmill itself has the function of locating the universe. It is usually difficult for him to distinguish the different universes or parallel worlds he has visited at first glance.

Moreover, The Flash needs a beacon to find a specific world, otherwise the world he runs into will be completely random and countless. Once the parallel universe becomes a random time travel, he is likely to lose his way during a certain run and then be trapped in a parallel world that he himself does not know.

But the cosmic treadmill can help the Flash record the current time he travels through. world, and establish spatial coordinates and location files.

In this way, the world that has traveled in the past is equivalent to being inserted into a position by it. The Flash does not need to search again, and can directly set the position on the cosmic treadmill. Run back to the parallel world that he has recorded.

The reason why The Flash can travel back and forth between two different parallel worlds at will without running the wrong way depends on the recording function of the cosmic treadmill.

And this is also the goal of Doomsday Batman, if He destroyed the treadmill, making it difficult for the Justice League to leave this world in a short time.

This gave his master Darkseid enough time to slowly deal with these superheroes.

Cyborg has something strange about Batman. question, but he still nodded:"Yes, this thing is really convenient. I think instead of calling it a treadmill, it is more appropriate to call it a cosmic elevator. It can directly transport people point-to-point."

Cyborg was full of praise for the design idea of ​​the cosmic treadmill. With this thing, Barry Allen's speed force is a completely controllable ability, and can be used to build communication bridges between different worlds.

He He is already beginning to imagine the possibility of establishing a multiverse alliance. He is not as paranoid as Batman, so he hopes to establish more in-depth communication with the Justice League. The cosmic treadmill is a very important tool in this communication.

"But is it safe? Cyborg, have you checked that machine?"

"certainly."Batman's paranoia didn't arouse Cyborg's suspicion,"I checked that treadmill with another Batman to make sure it would be perfectly safe in the watchtower."

That thing is in the watchtower!

Doomsday Batman got this very useful information, and all that's left is to find its specific location, which is not difficult for him.

So he nodded to Cyborg and entered Inside the watchtower.

Cyborg felt a little strange, but he couldn't tell where the strangeness came from. Under the urging of Death Storm, he could only temporarily put aside the little doubts in his heart and get back to work.

Doomsday Bat After Xia walked into the watchtower, he began to search for the whereabouts of the cosmic treadmill.

Unlike the other world, this watchtower space station was actually a product of the Wayne Group in the beginning. Although it was later transformed by Apokolips' technology, it was basically In fact, the layout of the space has not changed.

Therefore, the original functional cabins are basically still there. As long as you deduce what will be placed in each cabin based on its function, you can easily deduce the location of the cosmic treadmill. In the end, the doomsday Batman discovered in the energy room He entered the cosmic treadmill, and in order not to be discovered by Cyborg, he also deliberately activated the electronic virus on the other party.

Cyborg thought that Atlantis had completely eliminated the virus that time, but he did not know that Batman actually put a virus on him. There are more than one kind of bugs, and some can be used in combination. He even used some technological achievements of the Mother Box just in case.

Cyborg can't even find them, let alone eliminate them. It's hard to say.

Since the universe is running The machine is installed in an energy power room, so the best way to destroy this machine is naturally to overload it, causing its internal circuits to be scrapped due to overload of electricity.

Although blowing it up is also an option, this is in space, Batman He was not stupid enough to do this.

He stepped forward to start the machine and activated the energy chamber to recharge the cosmic treadmill.

According to the function of the cosmic treadmill, this step could be omitted because the Flash itself is the largest power source. , and he will generate the Speed ​​Force when running on the treadmill. Only when the cosmic treadmill is connected to the Speed ​​Force can it connect to other parallel universes and lead the people above to other worlds. This is how it should be.

At the end of the world, Batman starts After five minutes on the machine, he suddenly felt something was not right, and some lightning generated from the void began to appear around the cosmic treadmill.

Generally speaking, when this phenomenon occurs, it is only possible that the Flash is present, but Doomsday Batman clearly knew before he came It has been repeatedly confirmed that the two Flashes are currently busy on Earth, and there is no way they can appear here.

If not the two of them, then who would it be?

Doomsday Batman backed away slightly, and quietly held three bats in his hand. Dart.

Under his watch, the recharged cosmic treadmill not only did not collapse due to overload, but began to operate normally, as if there was really a Flash running on the treadmill. Although

Doomsday Batman's idea is very good, But it is obvious that he does not fully understand the working principle of the cosmic treadmill, otherwise he would not start it so hastily...

The role of the cosmic treadmill is destined to be a unique machine, which not only exists in the present, but also exists in the past and future.

On the same timeline, if other speedsters use this treadmill, it is possible to travel through time under the influence of the Speed ​​Force.

So even if there is no one on the cosmic treadmill now, it does not mean that no one is using it. For example, if a speedster from the future finds out that no one is using the cosmic treadmill at the current time, but the treadmill is running, there will be Possibly taking this opportunity to occupy an empty spot on the treadmill, allowing him to move from his own point in time into the current time.

In order to prevent this situation from happening, Dane specifically warned everyone in the Alliance when he created the cosmic treadmill that he was not allowed to run the machine when there was no speedster standing on the treadmill, so as not to create a gap in time that others could take advantage of..

Doomsday Batman doesn't know this, and now, with the treadmill idling, speedsters from other points in time have discovered the emptiness of this time, so someone is preparing to use this emptiness to enter the current time.

At some point, a vague figure appeared on the originally empty treadmill. Doomsday Batman narrowed his eyes and felt that this figure was somewhat similar to Barry Allen. Was it the Flash from other worlds or other timelines?

But no matter which one came, Doomsday Batman couldn't expose himself. He took out the batarang from the tactical bag on his waist and threw it with a flick of his hand.

The batarang flies into the cosmic treadmill. The closer it is to the figure in the center of the treadmill, the slower its speed becomes. Until it is very close to that figure, the batarang seems to be stuck in the air.

"That's not friendly at all, Batman."

Doomsday Batman was shocked. This voice definitely did not belong to Barry Allen!

The cosmic treadmill does not limit the identity of the user. As long as he can use the speed force, anyone can use the cosmic treadmill. This is also 3.1. In other words, taking advantage of the loopholes The person who enters the current time may not be the Flash himself, but may also be other extreme beings.By.

But this also shows that in the future, the person using the cosmic treadmill may not necessarily be the Flash.

A yellow hand appeared from the cosmic treadmill, and he gently grabbed the batarang in his hand.

Then, a man wearing a yellow uniform with a lightning bolt tattooed on his chest like the Flash uniform walked out.

In his eyes, the darts thrown by Batman were as slow as standing still, but this man did not underestimate the Batman in front of him because of this. He knew that Batman was a dangerous figure in the Justice League.

"who are you?"The Doomsday Batman took a step back, staring at the person who came. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The uniform worn by this man is almost exactly the same as Barry Allen, but the color scheme is completely reversed. , his whole body is yellow, but the lightning symbol is red, he looks a bit evil

"You don’t know me yet?"The man played with the batarang with his fingers, and then said to Batman calmly:"I have many names. Some people call me Swan, some people call me Professor Speed, but I prefer others to call me......."

"Reverse Flash!".

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