
This name sounds like it's against The Flash.

Not only was Doomsday Batman not reassured by Reverse Flash's words, but he became even more vigilant.

Reverse Flash looked at Doomsday Batman and showed an evil smile:"I should thank you. If it weren't for you, the cosmic treadmill would not have brought me to this world."

Reverse Flash, formerly known as Albert Swann, was born In the 25th century, from a future earth with advanced technology.

He was originally an extremely obsessed fan of superheroes, especially the Flash in Justice League. For this reason, when he grew up, he even joined the Flash Museum in order to study the Speed ​​Force. He was once known for his outstanding research results. It's called"Professor Speed".

But even with his tireless research, Swann still couldn't touch the essence of the Speed ​​Force, but everything changed completely that day.

On a very ordinary day in 2463, Albert Swann accidentally discovered the red treasure left by the original Justice League hero The Flash.Battle clothes.

He used his own technology to extract the Speed ​​Force elements from the suit, and obtained the Speed ​​Force by recreating the events of the Flash's birth (being struck by lightning and being doused with chemicals at the same time).

From then on, he put on the yellow suit and transformed into the reverse lightning...

Of course, something happened before becoming Reverse-Flash. Swann once wanted to become The Flash, but the evil nature of his nature and unstable mental state made him eventually become a villain.

In the 25th century that Swann lived in, there was no trace of the hero. Although Swann possessed the speed force, this ability could only be used to bully ordinary people, which made him gradually no longer satisfied with the status quo.

One day, he accidentally discovered a strange-looking treadmill in the Flash Museum. After Swann's research, he determined that this machine was the legendary cosmic treadmill that could travel through the world and even time. He was ecstatic.

He immediately repaired the cosmic treadmill and used it to travel through time and space.

In those numerous parallel worlds, he met countless Flashes, but every time he met them, Swann could feel the gap between himself and this hero, and he realized that he could never change. Heroes like The Flash.

The discovery of this fact drove Swann's spirit deeper into madness, and he began to hate the Flash for letting him discover what a terrible guy Albord Swann was.

Turning from love to hatred, Swann changed his name to Reverse-Flash and began hunting the Flash.

He did it very successfully. As a hero, The Flash always leaves room for the enemy every time he attacks, but Reverse-Flash is an unscrupulous guy. As long as he takes advantage of the Flash's kind weakness, he can always easily kill the opponent..

Reverse Flash also discovered something during the process of killing Barry Allen. As he killed more Flashes, his speed force began to produce some new changes. Later, he was even able to rob other speedsters of their speed. force.

This gave him another reason to hunt down the Flash and rob them of their abilities.

There is not just one Flash, it is a name. Since Barry Allen retired, many speedsters have inherited the name of Flash.

In addition to Barry Allen, Wally West, Bart Allen, Avery He, etc. have all served as The Flash, and have also been assassinated by Reverse Flash. This also makes Reverse Flash's speed force state even more bizarre. It even derives many special abilities.

But among all the people the Reverse Flash has killed, to say which one gave him the greatest sense of accomplishment, he must name that woman: Nora Allen. Flash Barry

Allen's mother.

Nora Allen is just a very ordinary woman, and Reverse Flash does not have any superpowers in her, except pleasure.

When he killed this kind woman and watched the young Barry Allen wailing in grief, Reverse-Flash had to admit that he was happy, more happy than killing more Flashes.

So he kept killing Nora Allen again and again, successfully making her death an inseparable point in the timeline. She was the source of the Flash's life's pain, and was also an important incentive for him to become the Flash..

The Reverse-Flash ensured that even if The Flash had the ability to travel through time, he would never be able to save his mother.

Of course, Reverse Flash's actions are not always successful. In some worlds, he has been defeated, lost to the Flash, and was exiled by him, isolated from the Flash's world.

Normally at this time, Reverse Flash would find a new world and a new target to continue his hunting operations.

When he thought of countless Flashes in countless parallel worlds, his desire to kill was completely uncontrollable.

Just when Reverse Flash had just finished his"work" and was looking for a new goal, the cosmic treadmill suddenly gave him a new coordinate. Reverse Flash ran towards this goal without hesitation and came to the doomsday earth.

"You're a little different from the Batmans I've seen in the past."

Reverse Flash looked at Batman in front of him thoughtfully. He has experienced so many worlds and has naturally faced off against the Justice League. He is relatively familiar with the main members of the League.

Although he cannot directly feel the anti-life The equation exists, but his keen intuition can detect some small abnormalities on Batman.

Doomsday Batman quietly moved his hands behind his back, blocking Reverse Flash's vision.

But Reverse Flash sneered:"Are you serious? ? I'm even faster than The Flash!"

Of course Batman knows this, he knew it from the moment he saw the opponent appear on the cosmic treadmill, but he has no less experience in dealing with speedsters than Reverse Flash.

When Reverse Flash thought Batman wanted to take out When he was looking for a new weapon, he suddenly felt a prick on his hand. In pain, Reverse Flash opened his hand, and he found that the thing that pricked his arm was the dart he had just received.

"you are on top...Poisoned?"Reverse Flash said, feeling a little dizzy in his brain.

Damn it! He actually forgot that he couldn't just pick up what Batman handed him.

There is no way, as the only ordinary person among the giants of Zhenglian, once he knew that he had no superpowers, it would be very difficult for him to do so. It's hard for people to take him seriously. Once they develop a contempt for him, it's hard not to fall for his little tricks.

"This is a neurotoxin."Doomsday Batman stood up and cautiously approached Reverse Flash.

"I know that you speedsters can quickly decompose toxins in your body, but this poison is different. It acts on your brain. When you feel dizzy, it means that the toxin has entered your brain."

This area of ​​the brain is a restricted area for all life, especially the nervous area. No matter how awesome the speedsters are, they cannot do anything to their brains while they are unconscious. On the contrary, it may cause them to get closer faster." Death.

Reverse Flash covered his head with both hands, knelt down, and tried hard to stay awake.

But as Batman said, the toxins were attacking his brain, making him unable to think very clearly. (To read the novel, go to (Flu Novel Network!)

He could hardly even hear Batman's voice clearly.

Seeing this, Batman took out a handful from the tactical bag on his waist......pistol. gun?

Reverse Flash felt that there must be something wrong with his brain. How could Batman use a gun?

But the"bang" gunshot made Reverse Flash wake up briefly. It was a real gun!

Under the influence of adrenaline, Reverse Flash rolled quickly and successfully avoided the gunshot. After all, he was still a speedster. He was just dodging bullets, and he could still do it now.

Batman's brows frowned slightly under his mask. He couldn't waste too much time on this person. The situation here would soon be known to Cyborg, and he didn't want to be exposed so soon.

So he moved the muzzle of his gun, preparing to shoot the Reverse-Flash again.

But Reverse Flash, who had regained some consciousness for the time being, quickly said:"Wait! If you want to destroy this cosmic treadmill, you must get my help!"

Batman's 713 fingers stopped on the trigger, he thought After thinking about it, this guy just appeared on the treadmill without any warning. Is it possible that I missed something?

Reverse Flash struck while the iron was hot:"I just took a look. Are you trying to use the energy chamber to overload the cosmic treadmill?"

Batman lowered the gun slightly, but the muzzle was still pointed at Reverse Flash.

He nodded:"Any questions?"

"Of course there is a problem! The space on the cosmic treadmill must not be empty, otherwise speedsters from other worlds or other timelines will occupy this empty space! Batman thought thoughtfully:"Is this what you came for?""[]

Reverse Flash struggled to stay awake,"Yes, no one is luckyThe cosmic treadmill is like inviting those speedsters who see this place, we will rush here to grab this position like a stool.

The most important thing every speedster should do when gaining the ability to travel through time and space is to hide the coordinates of his own time and space, but many newcomers are unable to realize this."

Batman frowned. He is such a newcomer, so now he can only blow it up with a bomb?

"If you are thinking about how to destroy it in other ways, I advise you to give up, because that is impossible."


"Because since I can come to your world through the cosmic treadmill, it means that this machine has at least spread to the point in time where I am. Before that, this machine can never be destroyed for other reasons, otherwise my appearance It's a paradox!"

Batman was silent, thinking about how to deal with this matter.

If the cosmic treadmill cannot be destroyed, the Justice League can still leave here at any time, or bring in foreign aid from other worlds. For Darkseid, this is Very disadvantageous

"I don't know why you want to destroy this machine. Reverse Flash spoke again,"But if you are willing to give me the antidote, I can help you!"".

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