"Tell me what you think first."Doomsday Batman is unmoved.

Reverse Flash can't, he can't put his life in the hands of others, even the members of the Justice League.

He has fought countless Justice Leaguers in parallel worlds, and knows that these heroes In fact, there are many disgraceful sides hidden secretly.

Therefore, under the threat of Batman, he could only choose to bow his head temporarily.

He didn't say it before because he felt that Batman might not agree with this method, but if it is the current situation, gun batman words...

"In fact, the cosmic treadmill can only function as it should under the influence of the Speed ​​Force. We have no way to completely destroy it, but we can destroy the people who use the treadmill! Batman thought thoughtfully:"

You mean......flash?"

This is indeed a good idea, but why didn't Batman choose to do this in the first place?

It's because it simply couldn't be done. It would be okay if there was only one Flash, but now there are two Flashes, unless they all are killed at once Die, otherwise the one left behind will become a trouble.

Batman's strategy also has limits, because as the person who implements the strategy, he himself has limits.

In view of Reverse Flash's current situation, Batman wants to see him If he had any good ideas, he selectively told him the current situation.

"You said there are two Flashes here!"

Reverse Flash's reaction was beyond Batman's expectations. He did not flinch, but showed a ferocious expression.

"That's how they keep killing, isn't it? No matter how many times you kill them, these guys will keep popping up like ants."

Doomsday Batman is very sensitive to other people's emotional changes. He can now feel that Reverse Flash's hatred for The Flash is not disguised.

This makes him feel a move in his heart. Maybe this person can be used, but he needs someone who can control him. Otherwise, he would not rest assured.

At this moment, Darkseid used the Mother Box to speak to his heart, revealing in his words that he had found a helper for him and would soon come to Earth.

Batman thought of this How to control reverse lightning

"Master, I got a new chess piece here......"

Batman directly informed Darkseid of the information about Reverse Flash, which indeed aroused the interest of the Dark Lord. He was very interested in all powerful people who could use him.

"Put your hands on his brain, Batman."

The reason why Batman can be remotely controlled by Darkseid is because Darkseid manipulated both Superman and Batman at the same time when Apokolips invaded the Earth.

It's just that Superman was controlled on the spot, and Bat The arrangement on Batman's body is a layer of backhand. This backhand will remain dormant until it is actually activated, until Darkseid activates it when necessary, just like now.

Batman follows Darkseid's instructions As De said, he put his hands close to the reverse lightning, which made the reverse lightning, which had lost its speed, feel a little uncomfortable.

"What do you want to do?"

"This won't last, I promise."Batman said casually.

The moment his hands were placed on Reverse Flash's left and right temples, Reverse Flash instantly felt a strong impact on his brain, and a voice whispered in his ear, as if It's like chanting a mantra

"No, what is this?"Reverse Flash's eyes became confused, and his consciousness was filled with too many noises that were not his own. What made him feel powerless was that he could not stop those noises from entering his brain and disrupting his thoughts. Maybe it was Because he traveled through too many parallel worlds and killed too many Flashes, Reverse Flash even nearly destroyed the Justice League in some worlds, which made his mentality somewhat wandering. This was when he accidentally He suffered a big loss at the hands of Batman.

Sure enough, as Batman said, within a few minutes, Darkseid successfully used Batman as a medium to plant the mark of"obedience" in Reverse Flash's heart.

Now. Only then could Batman feel free to hand the antidote to Reverse-Flash and let him detoxify.

"So, where did we talk before?"Reverse Flash didn't show anything strange after being controlled by the Anti-Life Equation, but his goals of action have completely changed.

"By the way, Flash, you don't have to worry about how to kill them, I have plenty of experience with that."

The Flash has so many weaknesses that it's not difficult to kill him, even if there are two of him.

Batman looked at the cosmic treadmill again:"So, what you said before is true that this thing cannot be destroyed?"

"it is true."Reverse Flash nodded,"When I get it in the future, it will be like this now, so even if the cosmic treadmill is destroyed, it will definitely not be now."

"In this case, there is no point in staying here anymore, you must leave here immediately!"Batman said coldly

"Darkseid's order is to try to keep the Justice League in this world, but I think those who stay don't need to be all living people, right?"

They have all had their consciousness modified by Darkseid, and therefore can know some of Darkseid's abilities, including resurrection.

Since Darkseid can resurrect others at any time and at any time, then give him dead or People who are alive don't matter.

Batman didn't refute and acquiesced.

Reverse Flash showed an evil smile on his lips:"In that case, just leave it to me. You are just a mortal, so you should leave here first."

Batman didn't talk nonsense to him at all, and turned around to leave. The crisp and neat look made Reverse Flash a little surprised.

But no matter what, what Reverse Flash wanted to do would not change. He spun on the spot. Circle, the whole person turned into a whirlwind, and when he stopped again, he had completely changed his appearance.

The Flash, he disguised himself into his most familiar appearance.

Reverse Flash has done this more than once, Although this little trick can't be hidden from the Justice League for too long, it always works well the first time it is used.

Therefore, he walked directly into other parts of the watchtower wearing Barry Allen's appearance, and in the main control room Found Cyborg


Cyborg turned around, a little surprised:"Barry?" I thought you and the other you were working, wait a minute, you're our Flash, right?"

Ever since The Flash shaved off his beard, it's been hard to tell the two of them apart.

"Of course it's me, I'm here to tell you something..."

"What..."Cyborg was a little confused.

Reverse Flash walked forward with a smile. Suddenly, his right hand shook violently, and only the afterimage of his palm could be seen.

Cyborg didn't react at all, but the electronic consciousness in his body sensed the enemy's malice ahead of him, and immediately prepared to launch a self-defense attack.

But his speed was too slow in the eyes of Reverse Flash. Reverse Flash inserted the vibrating hand knife directly into Cyborg's chest and grabbed the heart inside!

Cyborg is still complete except for a brain, and only a heart is left to prove that he is a human being, so this is also his biggest weakness, and Reverse Flash understands this very well.

"you...You're not Barry!"

Killing a Zhenglian member with ease, Reverse Flash revealed his true face with great satisfaction.

"You may not know me, but I think you should know who the person who killed you is before you die. Remember my name, Reverse Flash!"

After that, Reverse Lightning directly crushed Cyborg's heart. Cyborg immediately became stiff as if the electricity had been cut off.

Reverse Lightning sneered and tried to take out his hand, but found that it was a little hindered.


In surprise, Reverse Lightning suddenly found Cyborg's"corpse" moving, and his arm was grabbed by Cyborg.

At the same time, Cyborg's voice also echoed in Reverse Lightning's ears:"You seem to be using a The ability of matter to resonate is very similar to the Flash's ability, so as long as it is at the same resonance frequency as your palm, I can catch you."

Cyborg's voice sounds emotionless, just like artificial intelligence, which is almost the same in fact.

After his heart was broken, Cyborg's human consciousness has fallen into silence, but his electronic consciousness continues to operate.

In the past, he did not The two cannot be distinguished well, but after studying the Mother Box not long ago, he has been able to consciously separate the two, so that his physical consciousness can still maintain short-term mobility after death..but


"What's the point of having only one machine alive?"Reverse Flash sneered, intending to use brute force to pull his hand out.

But Cyborg imprisoned him not to do useless work, but to provide another person present with an opportunity to attack.

Death Storm suddenly appeared behind Reverse Flash appeared and launched an attack.

His doubleEmitting a strong shock wave, the Speed ​​Force can help Reverse-Flash dodge most physical attacks, but the wave's attack is not one of them.

Since in most cases Reverse Lightning relies on wave-particle form transformation (good Zhao's) to avoid attacks, Death Storm's energy wave attack is particularly damaging to him.

What's more, now that he was imprisoned by the steel frame, he almost completely absorbed the attack. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The reverse lightning was hit hard with just one strike, but Cyborg was also hit hard at the same time.

Deathstorm was once a member of the Criminal Syndicate. He didn't know what gentleness meant and acted without scruples, so this attack almost took away Cyborg.

Fortunately, most of the energy damage was absorbed by the reverse lightning. When he was seriously injured, he only had time to pull out his palm in a hurry, and then he escaped directly into the Speed ​​Force and disappeared.

Deathstorm was cautiously on guard for a while before approaching Cyborg

"It's incredible that you survived!"

Although Cyborg's heart is ruptured, with the help of the mechanical body's life-support device, his brain still maintains basic activity. He is not completely brain dead yet.

"Consider yourself lucky to have met me."

No other hero can save him in this situation, but Deathstorm can. His ability is to sort atoms at will. Although there are restrictions on non-living bodies, most of Cyborg's body is mechanical, which just meets this condition.

"But from now on, you can only decide whether he is a human or a machine."

"Just do it."Cyborg replied.

Deathstorm nodded and activated his ability.......

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