On Apokolips, Dane and his team flew to the other end of the planet and stopped. This was their last stop.

"This is the end, right? At this point, can you tell me the meaning of doing this?"

Big Barda watched Dane throw out a handful of sand in his hand. She and Superman had done the same thing before, but they never knew what it was for.

After Dane threw out the sand in his hand , , then explained:"This thing is called Dream Sand, and it can make any living body enter the dream world."

After gaining the power of this world, Dane searched for the Rock of Eternity here. Thank God, that place has not been destroyed by other people, and there is still a lot of magic materials left in it.

Since it is used in this world, it is best to use it in this world. It's best to use the raw materials that exist in this world to make it.

As for dream sand, Morpheus can do it, and Dane, as a secondary dream god, can naturally make it. It's nothing more than turning"dream" into something. The power can be transferred to physical matter, as long as there are magical materials with suitable properties.

Apokolips is an extraordinary planet. To make such a planet enter a dream, the dream power required must be very high. Huge, Dane and Cortana's dream power may not be enough.

After design, he and Cortana agreed that if they can use the power of Apokolips itself to maintain the existence of dreams, then even if their dream power is not It is enough to make Apokolips sleep.

But the prerequisite is that they must make Apokolips"sleep" first.

As for the method of making Apokolips fall asleep, Dane chose to take"sleeping pills", and Dream Sand was the sleeping pill.

Put the Dream Sand If the sand is spread all over the main key nodes of Apokolips, it will flow along the veins of Apokolips, bringing the dream sand to every corner of the planet, just like sleeping pills entering the human body's circulatory system. Even if it is only a small amount, it is enough to 527 make the human body Enter the sleep state.

The ley lines are equivalent to the blood circulation system of Apokolips. Even if Dane cannot find where the"brain" of Apokolips is, the ley lines will automatically find the target.

"What does this do?"Big Barda didn't know why. She knew too little about the power of"dreams".

"You'll see it soon."

Dane calculated the time. Apokolips suffered two heavy blows. Although it was suppressed under Darkseid's auspices, this also caused it to fall asleep faster than normal.

In order to restore the state of the planet, The earth veins will run faster than usual, and the dream sand should soon be sent to the center of the planet, where the"brain" is located.

Suddenly, Dane's heart moved

"here we go!"

A breeze blew from a distance, and the air flow crossed the skin of the three people and flew into the distance.

Big Barda and Superman couldn't feel it, but Dane, as the dream god, could feel that the power of dreams was in this heart. The planet sprouts, and Apokolips begins to fall asleep.

Now it has just fallen asleep, so everything is still normal.

Once Apokolips falls asleep, it will actually enter the dream state, but because this is Apokolips' own dream, not Dane weaved it, so he cannot dominate this dream.

But the same is true for Darkseid. He is not the master of the dream, so he cannot interfere with the dream of Apokolips.

Most importantly, Darkseid He is just the current master of Apokolips, but he is not necessarily the most impressive master of Apokolips. Darkseid is not the only master of this planet.

But Dane knows that Darkseid is strictly here. It's not dead yet.

Once Apokolips spreads its thoughts in its sleep, causing some people who shouldn't appear to appear, it is likely to weaken the authority granted to Darkseid by Apokolips.

This is far away from the other side of the planet. Darkseid has realized

"My strength is weakening!"This surprised Darkseid, and he realized that something was emerging in this world.

In order to prove the reason, Darkseid used the Omega Effect and the Mother Box to resurrect Desaad.

No wonder He was so calm about Dane's invasion. No matter how many people he killed, it was just something that Darkseid could recover with a snap of his fingers.

DeSaad also knew this very well, so he didn't care about it after his resurrection. Not surprisingly, he faced Darkseid respectfully:"My Lord"

"DeSaad, my control over Apokolips is declining, and I want you to figure out why!"Dakseid gave the order to Desaad unceremoniously.

Desaad was surprised. He tried:"Master, may I ask about the intruder who killed me?......"

Darkseid waved his hand:"That old god is a bit tricky. He is still on this planet. He has a mother box in his hand, which makes it impossible for me to locate his exact location.

I suspect that what happened to me is probably It was his handwriting."

Disad's expression became serious after hearing this. He lowered his head and stretched out his hand to Darkseid:"Excuse me, Master, can I..."

To figure out what happened to the link between Darkseid and Apokolips, DeSaad needs to have direct contact with Darkseid and Apokolips.

He is now standing on the surface of Apokolips, so all he needs is Darkseid himself.

Darkseid knew that this was a legitimate request, so he said nothing and stretched out his hand to Desaad.

There are specialties in the field of medicine, and in this regard, he completely trusts Disard's expertise.

Desaad carefully grasped Darkseid's huge and rough palm, and saw the passage between the two with his own soul.

As Darkseid said, the connection between him and Apokolips is indeed weakening, and the weakened part of the power has entered another living body. From the perspective of the soul, Desaad cannot identify that living body very well. face.

But he always felt that the existence looked familiar, as if it was someone he knew.

Just when Disad was about to see clearly who he was, the man suddenly turned his head and glanced in Disad's direction.

With just one glance, De (bdeb) Sade let out a horrifying scream. His body in reality was suddenly severely injured for unknown reasons, his two eyeballs suddenly exploded, and his whole body entered uncontrollable decay. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Even if Darkseid stands by his side, he cannot prevent Desaad from dying.

"It's him! It's him! He is back!!!"Dessad looked like a madman, grabbing his withered face with both hands and screaming loudly

"What do you see!"Darkseid asked with a frown.

But Desaad just looked at Darkseid with empty eyes, and his body turned into fly ash and disappeared.

Naturally, Darkseid didn't get the answer he wanted. Unwilling to be reconciled, he tried to repeat his old tricks and wanted to resurrect Desaad, but this time, Apokolips did not respond to his request.

This was abnormal. As the master of Apokolips, it was impossible for Apokolips to refuse him. Requirements, unless a new Lord God is born!

"This is impossible!"Darkseid couldn't figure it out. None of his sons were qualified to challenge him, at least for now."What's impossible?"

Hearing this voice, Darkseid's body froze, and even his hands that had been behind his back subconsciously took them down. With a gloomy face, he slowly turned his body to face the direction of the voice.

"You can't be real, you should still be above the origin now."

The man in front of him was taller than Darkseid. He wore armor similar to Steppenwolf, but older. The same horns pointed upward ferociously, seeming to pierce the sky.

A pair of red eyes seemed to be burning with eternity. Of violence and nightmares, he is the previous generation’s Lord of Apokolips and the undoubtedly strongest god among the new Protoss - Yuga Khan!

"You have grown up, Uxas, and now you are the main god of Apokolips?"

"My name is Darkseid!"Darkseid knew that the man in front of him was definitely not his father, but he still couldn't suppress the fear of this man in his heart.

It was also at this time that he discovered that he had never faced the strongest person in the history of Apokolips. new god[]

In the impression of Apokolips, the most powerful main god who makes it most satisfied is of course not Darkseid, but Yuga Khan who truly leads Apokolips to become the strongest!

When he was still in charge of Apokolips, even the new founders had to behave with their tail between their legs.

"who are you!"Darkseid's face was ferocious. At this time, an uncontrollable rage arose in his heart.

He was angry that someone dared to pretend to be his father, and he was also angry that he would feel fear in the face of an illusion. The latter's anger Perhaps even more than the former.

There was a hint of sarcasm in the corner of Yuga Khan's mouth:"You are afraid of me, Uxas. You should know that the main god of Apokolips must not be afraid.heart, otherwise, he would not be able to control the demons and would not be qualified to command the new gods."

The demonoids can smell the fear emanating from people's hearts. If they smell that smell, they will pounce on it like a swarm of flies smelling the stench.

Therefore, the people who rule them must not have fear, otherwise the demonoids will not only Will not obey his instructions, but may backfire on his master.

Darkseid calmed down the ups and downs in his heart and tried to stay calm

"Regardless of whether you are that person or not, I am the master of Apokolips now. Do you dare to appear here, are you ready to accept death?"

Yuga Khan stretched out his arms as a greeting.

Darkseid narrowed his eyes, and two Omega rays suddenly emitted, directly hitting the person opposite.

However, Yuga Khan was bathed in the Omega effect and was not injured. Damage, and walked up to him casually as if he was mocking Darkseid.

"Is this your power? Omega effect, nice power, I haven't found it when I was here, but you think this kind of thing can kill me?"

As he spoke, Yuga Khan's body began to swell. He suddenly stretched out his hand, pinched Darkseid's face directly against the Omega rays, and smashed his head and body into the ground.

""Boom!" With a loud noise, the earth shattered, and the surrounding plains were violently squeezed to form hills on both sides. The impact spread out almost shattered the sky together.

Yuga Khan showed Darkseid through his actions, what It’s called pure violence!.

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