Although Darkseid was temporarily suppressed, this also made him certain that the man in front of him was definitely not his father.

"I thought you would be more powerful."

Dakseid's eyes emitted red light, and the huge recoil force will push out Jia Khan's huge body.

Jia Khan's body is much taller than Darkseid due to the deformation, but Darkseid~ Feeling unafraid, he flew forward, grabbed one of Yujia Khan's horns with one big hand, and made a fist with the other hand to hit Yujia Khan fiercely in the face.

"I wanted to do this a long time ago -, my father!"

Dakseid punched down, and the surging Omega power gathered in his hand, forming a blow that could penetrate the continent.

This punch fell on Yuga Khan, and the force came out from his back, pushing the air through the earth , leaving a bottomless pit.

Yuga Khan's body was restrained and could only passively withstand attacks, but he was not the only one to be beaten. Taking advantage of Darkseid's ability to move forward, , his whole body suddenly erupted with a powerful energy radiation field, sending him flying.

When Darkseid was about to fly out, Yuga Khan shaped his energy into a whip and caught Darkseid again. come over

"You seem to rely on this power, Uxas."


Darkseid was very angry. He knew that the person opposite him was not Yuga Khan at all, but his demeanor, tone, and even his arrogant temperament were so similar that he even doubted himself. Is the judgment correct?

The Omega ray flashed past and was cut off by Yuga Khan's energy whip. Darkseid flew forward and struck Yuga Khan, and Yuga Khan's body was immediately penetrated. Through the buildings, mountains, and finally buried deep underground.

But at this time, Darkseid suddenly felt that something was not right about the surrounding environment. In the nearby area, he clearly remembered that it had been destroyed by the aftermath of Dane's attack. , but now it appeared in front of him intact.

Looking carefully, Darkseid could also find that the style of these buildings seemed to be older, closer to what it looked like before Darkseid ascended the throne.

"What exactly is going on?"Darkseid had countless questions in his mind.

He was still on guard against Yuga Khan, but he didn't know that there was an attack coming from behind. The Omega energy field automatically protected him and enveloped him in the shield.

It was a one-sided battle. The ax hit Darkseid's shield, causing some cracks.

Darkseid looked back and was surprised to find that the person who attacked him was also an old friend.


The person who attacked Darkseid was Steppenwolf, and he was Steppenwolf in his prime. He was completely different from the half-remnant who died some time ago.

"We meet again, the great Darkseid."Steppenwolf called his name in a mocking tone.

Darkseid was surprised that he dared to talk to him like this.

But Steppenwolf proved to him with actual actions that he not only dared to say it, but even dared to do it

"You and I both know very well that I am the god who most deserves to sit on the throne. You are just a young new god. It is not your turn to dominate this world yet!"

After that, Steppenwolf's battle ax was wrapped with a beam of lightning. The surge of energy suddenly gave the battle ax huge explosive power. The ax blade penetrated Darkseid's protective shield, forcing him to raise his hand. Use your own body to resist the edge of the battle ax.

None of this should have happened. According to Darkseid's strength, even if he stood and let Steppenwolf chop him, the opponent would not be able to chop him. But it is different now, Darkseid The power in Said's body is rapidly draining away

"Now, I am Darkseid!"Steppenwolf roared, holding the ax with both hands and slashing.

Darkseid was hit by the ax blade, and he fell from the sky like a meteor and hit the earth, changing the terrain again. The Science and Technology City was shattered into pieces under his impact.

He and the ground The dust generated by the impact rushed into the sky, almost completely blocking the sky within several kilometers.

Darkseid himself was unscathed, but he had deeper doubts. Forget about Yuga Khan, what happened to Steppenwolf? What happened?

It couldn’t be that Yuga Khan was resurrected, right? I’d never heard of him having such an ability before.

"You're confused, right?"

The ground rumbled with an ear-splitting noise, and a huge bulge grew from the ground. After a moment, the bulge burst, and Yuga Khan emerged from the ground bathed in magma. At the same time,

Steppenwolf's body also landed on the ground.

"You have to know, Uxas, if you want to secure this position, you need to face more challenges.

Darkseid stood up expressionlessly,"Challenge?" You mean you two?"

What a joke! They are just two outdated antiques.

Darkseid no longer restrains his strength and fully releases the divine power in his body. In addition to the Omega effect and the power of Apokolips, Darkseid has more power from The divine power plundered from countless old gods

"I don't know who you are and why you do this."There was a sneer on his rock-like face.

"But I am the master of Apokolips!"

A surging wave of divine power exploded from Darkseid's body, forming an energy wave that spread outward with his body as the center. The energy appeared red, and everything it touched was destroyed. This was a wave of destruction.!

Driven by the energy flow, Yuga Khan and Steppenwolf retreated steadily.

"Ah ha, this is the power of the old gods."(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Darkseid stood in the center of the energy flow and frowned slightly. As he exerted his power, he could feel that Yuga Khan opposite him was also becoming... It is becoming more and more real.

This is not an illusion, nor is it an illusion. Illusion cannot be so realistic.

In such a torrent of energy, Steppenwolf could not hold on at first, but Yuga Khan experienced the initial After his defeat, he gradually adapted to this state and walked towards Darkseid calmly.

His pace was just like what Darkseid had deeply remembered, powerful and unstoppable.

"You know a lot of tricks, but you should not forget that I have been doing this before you were born, seizing the power of the old gods!"

After Yuga Khan said this, he released an energy flow all over his body like Darkseid. This energy appeared black, and soon reached a level that could compete with Darkseid. As time passed, the black energy flow turned out to be... It has a tendency to gradually overwhelm the red energy.

Darkseid had no choice but to use the Anti-Life Equation. He mixed this power into the Omega Effect, and mixed the power of the equation into it during the fight with Yuga Khan.

He planned to directly destroy the opponent's soul. No matter how much energy the opponent had in his body, as long as his soul was destroyed, all power would dissipate like rootless water.

But the result was beyond Darkseid's expectation. Not found.

There is nothing in Yuga Khan's body, no soul, no consciousness, nothingness.

But this is absolutely impossible!

If there is nothing in it, it can only mean that this person who calls himself Yuga Khan The thing is essentially just a puppet, and someone is controlling it behind the scenes.

But in this case, trying to control or erase the other party's consciousness through the anti-life equation becomes a joke. You can't erase something that never existed from the beginning.

"A false life, I have been fighting with a false thing for so long?"[]

This is a deeper shame for Darkseid.

The anger and murderous intent caused the divine power in Darkseid's body to rise to another level again, and the red energy flow pushed back the black energy in the direction of Yuga Khan.

The next second, the energy flow from both sides suddenly exploded, and Apokolips was once again impacted by a strong energy explosion, causing another earthquake that could destroy the ecology.

At the center of the explosion, a beam of flame rushed towards the sky, directly penetrating the dust cloud that Darkseid had spread before. The energy flow spread to all directions, as fast as light. Steppenwolf's body was instantly destroyed by the energy flow. He didn't even leave any last words.

Darkseid and Yuga Khan were also engulfed by the spreading energy at the same time. A light explosion suddenly occurred where they were, just like a sun appeared for a short time on Apokolips, and then the aftermath of destruction continued to destroy them. Spreading around, even the sound was annihilated in the ubiquitous energy flow.

But on the other side of Apokolips, where Dane and his team were, it was calm. There were no earthquakes or changes in the celestial phenomena.

Big Barda was watching in shock what was happening on Apokolips. Under her eyes, the topography of Apokolips was rapidly changing, becoming more ancient and barbaric.

Large tracts of super-technical buildings were rapidly reorganized in a way that she could not understand. Sometimes the scene around her would change dramatically in the blink of an eye.

However, this change is extremely unreasonable, like countless paints spilled on the drawing board, and there is no beauty at all.

Various buildings on Apokolips for countless years have been recombined and superimposed in strange ways to form a unique architectural style.

"What exactly did you do to Apokolips? Dane shrugged:"You shouldn't ask me this. This is Apokolips' dream. I just gave it a little boost.""

"It's like blending together all the buildings from various eras on Apokolips."

Big Barda frowned. Not only that, she even saw many people appearing out of thin air in those buildings. Some she had only seen in history books, and some were completely unknown people.

Those people who appeared out of thin air were uneasy. points, they soon clashed with those real people who were as confused as Big Barda. The conflict quickly evolved into a battle. The newly formed building complex suddenly began to collapse due to the aftermath of the battle of these people.

This sudden appearance The city has been undergoing severe tests since its birth, and Big Barda is very sure that this should not be the only case that happened on Apokolips. Is it possible that the entire Apokolips is in such a chaotic situation?

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