Just when chaos appeared on Apokolips, the new founding star, an old rival, first discovered the anomaly.

The new gods responsible for observing Apokolips immediately reported everything that happened on Apokolips to Heavenly Father.

The main god of the new founding star, Heavenly Father, is a middle-aged man with white hair and beard, holding a scepter like a question mark.

The lifespan of the new god is unlimited. The reason why Heavenly Father shows himself in this image is because it makes him look more approachable. No matter which world it is, wise elders are generally more likely to gain the trust of the people.

"Something abnormal happened on Apokolips?"The Heavenly Father frowned slightly when he listened to his subordinate's report.

Some time ago, when Darkseid suddenly said that he wanted to marry the New Founding Star, the Heavenly Father didn't believe it. Based on his understanding of the Dark Lord, this was probably Another trick of Darkseid.

As for the purpose, it is easy to imagine that it must be to invade the new founding star while the two parties are holding a wedding.

This plan is not subtle, even rough, but the trouble is that he cannot refuse.

Now the two worlds are nominally at peace, and the peace agreement between the two sides has been going on for a long time. Many of the newly born New Gods have long forgotten how dangerous Apokolips is. Although the

New God"213" tribe generally has a lifespan They are all very long, but compared with the immortal New Gods, the ordinary New Gods still have a lifespan limit, which also means that the New Gods will also go through iterations, and the timing of Darkseid's choice of marriage happened to be on the New Founding Planet. The time after the New Protoss went through an iteration.

Most of the young New Protoss have established a firm foothold on the New Founding Star, have a certain social status, and have been able to participate in the politics of the New Founding Star.

Because they have lived in peace for a long time , some new gods who have never been out have a naive illusion about Apokolips. They actually think that Darkseid really chose to marry in order to continue to maintain peace and friendship between the two worlds.

Can't they see Has Apokolips never stopped engaging in foreign wars over the years?

New Founder is different from Apokolips in that it is not a complete monarchy society, and the civilian parliament is also a strong political force.

With the tacit approval of most of the New Protoss Next, the New Founding Star finally accepted the marriage of the two worlds.

There must be very complicated political games and interest entanglements. In order to maintain the order of civilization, the Heavenly Father did not interfere in the outcome.

He is the master of the New Founding Star. , is also a god, but gods should not directly interfere in human politics, otherwise the old gods of Olympus will be doomed. What's more, Scott Free, his son, the heavenly father has not seen him for a long time.

Just While Heavenly Father was thinking silently, his wife Waila came over

"What happened? Makes you so worried?"

She gently held Heavenly Father's hand, immediately soothing the worries in his heart.


As the second wife of Heavenly Father, Waila is a good listener, and Heavenly Father tells her his worries.

When talking about that marriage, Waila can't help but feel a little sad.

"Scott Free, he is your child after all and we have left him with Darkseid for too long.."

"This is him as the new founding star...It's my son's responsibility."Although he said this, the Heavenly Father held the scepter in his hand very tightly.

If possible, he also hoped to keep his children by his side.

But at that time, exchanging protons was the only way for New Founding Star and Apokolips to conclude a peace treaty. Method, as the main god of the new founding star, Heavenly Father must put the overall situation first.

But he has never dared to imagine what kind of character Scott Free would develop in the hands of the tyrant Darkseid. What kind of character would he develop? Will he become another Darkseid?

Since Heavenly Father can train Darkseid’s son Orion into a righteous warrior, no one can say whether Scott Free will become his opposite.

"I don't understand, even if Darkseid's conspiracy can succeed, why does he think he will be able to defeat us?"

The two worlds have been at war for many years before the peace agreement, and they have always hurt each other. No one can have the absolute upper hand.

This is mainly because the main gods of the two worlds are almost the same in strength, and the quality of the New Protoss warriors is also different. Not big. As for things like demons, there are endless drones on the New Founding Planet that can compete with them.

Heavenly Father also didn't think clearly for a while, what was going on with Darkseid? He was so confident. Can they completely defeat the New Founding Star this time?

Although the young people on their side are a little short-sighted and lack understanding of the enemy, their strength is not something to be chosen. Heavenly Father himself has been checking this aspect, so Heavenly Father believes that in In terms of the strength of the new generation, the new founding star has not been left behind.

Especially Orion, he is now the strongest new protoss in the new generation. Heavenly Father even believes that he has the potential to compete with Darkseid for the position of main god.

Faced with Heavenly Father could not give an answer to Vaila's question, but he had recently heard some rumors that Darkseid had found the ultimate power he had been looking for - the anti-life equation - from a primitive world.

Heavenly Father It is impossible to judge whether this news is true or false, and in the final analysis, the existence of the anti-life equation has not been confirmed.

"Since you have doubts about Darkseid, why did you agree to his marriage?"

The Heavenly Father said helplessly:"This is not my decision, this is the decision made by those children. They don't know what kind of god Darkseid is. Waila held Heavenly Father's hand:"Dear, in fact, if you are willing to stand up and guide them, I believe they will consider this matter carefully."..."

"No, Vaila. Heavenly Father shook his head,"In this way, I am directly interfering with their governance. You know, this is something I have always wanted to avoid.""

The Heavenly Father now intentionally wants to separate the divine power and the royal power, mainly because if the two are confused for a long time, it will not be conducive to the successor's ascendancy in the future.

Different from the cruel ascendance mechanism of Apokolips, Heavenly Father hopes that the transition of the new founding star's government can be Try to proceed as smoothly as possible.

But he is immortal. If the long-term theocratic kingship is seized, then no young person will ever have enough prestige to come forward. In the end, unwilling careerists will inevitably emerge, and it will be difficult for the new founding star to continue to maintain a peaceful situation.

As a lifetime The old man who spent most of his time experiencing war, Heavenly Father was tired of fighting, so he did not allow such a thing to happen.

For this reason, he handed over the work of governing the New Founding Star to the young New Gods, while he only left The position of the Lord God has a meaning of"the Holy Emperor rules from the top".

This model has lasted for hundreds of years and has begun to bear fruit on the New Founding Star. However, because the Heavenly Father is still there, many new gods are facing difficulties. When it comes to really difficult events, he will still be asked for his opinion, which shows that this model has not yet become truly mainstream......

Heavenly Father does not want to destroy the foundation he has finally laid because of Darkseid's conspiracy.

"If you are unwilling to interfere with their decisions, how will they deal with Darkseid then?"

"I have an idea about this......"

After Heavenly Father said this, he looked up at the sky. Where he could see, there was a small black spot gradually approaching.

Vaila also followed his gaze, and then revealed the identity of the person:"It's Orion, he's back?"

"It was I who called him back."The Heavenly Father replied.

Orion, the second son of Darkseid, like his elder brother Kalibak, early inspired the power of blood inherited from his father in his body. The first change brought about is that he is an immortal god like the New God. , but because of the lack of power bonus, he cannot be called a real god.

Orion wears a strange silver helmet, a red uniform, and an aircraft called"Star Skateboard" under his feet. Although he is tall He is tall and tall, but he still looks like a normal human being, not as tall as his father or brothers.

If you just look at his appearance, you might even mistake him for the Messenger of Peace.

"Heavenly Father, are you looking for me?"

Olian landed in front of Heavenly Father and Vaila, bowed deeply first, and then asked

"Orion, my adopted son, I believe you have heard about the upcoming marriage between Apokolips and the New Founding Star."

Since Orion passed the age of thirty, his physical appearance has remained in its current state, and his strength has also entered a steady state of improvement.

Decades ago, Orion passed the assessment and became a member of the New Founding Star's army. , and soon won the title of"Dog of War" because of his outstanding combat skills and noble qualities.

New Founding Star does not love foreign wars like Apokolips, but it will also send out troops. In the world under New Founding Star Carry out peacekeeping operations.

Orion is a fire-fighting role in the army, going wherever needed, so he has been drifting away these years.

But this does not mean that his information is blocked, although he desperately wants to get rid of his identity, but being from Apokolips is an issue he cannot avoid.

There was a heated discussion in the army about the upcoming marriage between New Founding Star and Apokolips, and of course he had heard about it.

Orion could only remain silent about this, In fact, he really hopes that this matter is true. Although he has not met Darkseid, the reputation of the Dark Lord has already been well known. If New Founder and Apokolips start a war again, even Orion himself will not know about it. What choice will he make?

Heavenly Father knows his adopted son too well. Although the next words are a bit cruel, in order to find out what Darkseid is doing, he still has to say

"Orion, today's peace on the New Founding Planet is hard-won, and none of us want to destroy it for any reason. I am a little uneasy about Darkseid's intentions, so...I have a special mission for you."

Olian's face changed. He raised his head, as if he had some guess at the next order.

"I need you to sneak into Apokolips and investigate what happened there!".

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