Orion had already anticipated the request from his Heavenly Father, so he was not surprised.

Although the two worlds are very wary of each other, making it extremely difficult for both sides to sneak into the other's world, Orion was born on Apokolips, and he will not be rejected by this planet if he enters.

Orion thought quickly. If there was anyone else on the New Founding Planet who could figure out Darkseid's thoughts and complete the reconnaissance mission perfectly, then this person could only be him.

So he said without hesitation:"I know, Heavenly Father, I will complete this task!"

Heavenly Father looked very pleased:"Very good, son, but you should be very clear that no one else can sneak in quietly except you. That world, so you won’t get any support for this operation..."

"I know."There was no fear on Orion's face.

Although Vaila was worried, she could only wish him well at this time:"I hope everything goes well for you, child."

Orian acted resolutely, and he set off immediately after accepting the order.

His star skateboard was a gift given to him by a very mysterious new god. It can help Orion move in space in the fourth dimension, that is to say, the stars The skateboard could help him enter Apokolips directly.

Originally, he thought it would not be that easy. He thought Apokolips was heavily guarded and it might take some effort to get in.

But in fact, when he decided to go to Apokolips, he didn't. No obstacles were encountered, just as Heavenly Father said, Apokolips did not reject him

"What is going on here?"15 Orion's impression of Apokolips is still in the past. Although the Apokolips was covered with flames at that time, it was still an orderly world. The hierarchy was strict to a certain extreme, reflecting an extremely repressive order. The order maintained under absolute power.

But what appeared in front of him now was clearly a world of endless war. Could anyone dare to start a war on Apokolips?

Countless demon-like armies and squads composed of new gods fought with each other, and various energies Rays and physical missiles were flying everywhere, destroying the land of Apokolips over and over again.

Orion couldn't believe what he saw before his eyes. He was like a time traveler who mistakenly entered the battlefield of a world war. He didn't understand How could Darkseid allow what happened on Apokolips?

Orion tried to find out the reason for this situation, so he drove a star skateboard close to the battlefield

"That's interesting. You look unfamiliar. Who are you?"

Olian looked in the direction of the sound and found that it was a tall man with a thick beard all over his face. Please forgive Orian for describing him this way. The other person was too tall. Orian suspected that he was almost three meters tall. , in the eyes of ordinary people, he is like a little giant.

He has never seen such a warrior. The opponent looks very strong, but he is not wearing any armor and is using his bare hands.

Who dares to be so arrogant on the battlefield and still survive? All are ruthless people

"I'm Orion."Orian didn't hide his name because he didn't think anyone on Apokolips knew him except Darkseid.

But he was wrong.

The giant was silent for a moment after hearing Orion's self-reported name, and a pair of scary eyes His eyes were fixed on Orion, and then his face suddenly turned ferocious.

"Orion, ah, I remember that disgusting name."

The giant said as he quickly stretched out his hand and tried to catch him.

Fortunately, Orion reacted quickly. He quickly pulled the star skateboard and flew upwards, avoiding the giant's attack.

"Why are you attacking me?"

"Little guy, you are on the battlefield now, don't you look too stupid to ask such a question?"

The giant laughed wildly, and he jumped up, like a mountain rushing towards Orion.

Orion frowned slightly, unhappy with the other party's attitude, so he moved his fingers and activated the button on the star skateboard.

The jet in the center of the star skateboard instantly ejected a beam of energy rays, hitting the giant's chest directly. In less than a moment, the opponent's chest was burned to black.

But the giant did not stop moving because of your physical pain. Instead, he became even crazier because of it


Orion was directly pressed by the giant's huge body, and fell to the ground along with the star skateboard.

"Your little toy does have some power."The injury on the giant's chest is recovering rapidly, and granulation is growing in the bone seams.

"But without that thing, you can't do anything, right?"

Although Orion was over 1.8 meters tall, he was still too"small" compared to the giant. He was picked up like a rag doll.

The giant shrank his palms, as if he wanted to crush him to death.

Orion even He could feel his bones creaking. He couldn't sit still and wait for death!

He bulged his muscles so hard that the giant couldn't close his hands. Then he grabbed the giant's palm with two hands, one left and one right. Although his strength gradually increased, Lift up, open the giant's palm little by little

"I don't know who you are, but you obviously have the wrong opponent!"

The wristbands of Orion's hands lit up with divine light, which was the brilliance of the power of stars. He opened the giant's hands, causing the opponent's middle door to open wide, and then kicked the opponent's chest. The giant's body fell like a meteor in an instant. , fell into the melee battlefield, and the dust he exploded on the ground set off waves of people, flying in all directions on the ground.

Orion did not want to tangle with the opponent anymore, and after getting rid of the giant, he immediately stepped on the star skateboard and flew away.

Wait until When the giant took off from the ground, only Orion's retreating back was left in the sky.

"I won't let you escape, my brother......"The giant grinned.

At this time, his identity has been revealed. He is Kalibak, the eldest son of Darkseid, a new protoss who came back from the dead after a battle with Superman.

After he killed Jeska on Darkseid's order, he encountered the dream of Apokolips. In the dream world, countless powerful new gods from the past timeline reappeared on this land.

Some of them were old acquaintances of Kalibak, many of whom he had killed with his own hands, and obviously, those people still remembered this incident.

Kalibak wanted to go to Earth as soon as possible according to Darkseid's request, but these people blocked his steps.

For him, the only way to solve this problem was to kill these defeated men again, but he killed these guys again and again, endlessly.

No matter how many times Kalibak kills them, these guys who were resurrected one second ago will come back to life and fight him again the next second.

And Kalibak did not hesitate to fight the opponent again. He did not believe that the opponent could be resurrected indefinitely, and thought that he only needed to kill the opponent until he could no longer be resurrected.

By the time Orion arrived, Kalibak had killed them hundreds of times. Even the physique of the new protoss made him feel a little tired.

Of course he was familiar with the name Orion. Kalibak had already been famous for a long time when Darkseid sent the protons. He knew that Orion was sent to the New Founding Planet and was raised by his heavenly father.

At this time, Orion suddenly returned to Apokolips. Although Kalibak's brainIt's so easy, but he is not mentally retarded. He knows that Orion's return this time is probably due to the order of the new founding star, and he is here to spy on information.

But this is not a good opportunity. Even on Apokolips, there are rules prohibiting siblings from killing each other. Although Darkseid rose to power by assassinating his brothers, he also retained the law prohibiting siblings from killing each other..

Kalibak hated Orion because he could feel that Darkseid seemed to value Orion as his younger son more than him, and he would never allow this to happen.

As for the mission assigned to him by Darkseid, given the current situation of Tianqi Star, he could not go to Earth with peace of mind, so he might as well focus on the immediate matters first.

What's more, Orion's behavior itself is very suspicious, and Kalibak has enough reasons for his actions.

After convincing himself, Kalibak chased Orion in the direction he left without hesitation. When those who were originally entangled with him saw it, they also followed the direction he moved and expanded the area of ​​​​the field as Apokolips fell into a dream. As the situation gets deeper and deeper, the time and space on this planet also begins to undergo changes that go against common sense. If Dane hadn't led the way, Big Barda and Superman might not have gone anywhere.

Along the way, Big Barda has discovered that the stratification and integration phenomena of the Apokolips 200 era are becoming more and more common, and many things from the past that have long been eliminated are making a comeback.

Those new things that appeared in the dream of Apokolips are gradually encroaching on the space that originally belonged to the existing ones. The resulting violence and wars are countless. Guangda Barda himself can see hundreds of battlefields, including many battles like Superman's. can destroy the existence of the city.

Everything she saw in front of her was torturing Da Barda's heart, and she began to doubt whether everything she did was right.

And her thoughts were written on her face, and Dane could see it clearly.

"what are you worried about?"

Big Barda hesitated to speak. Dane followed her line of sight and saw battlefields filled with gunpowder and smoke everywhere.

"I thought you were used to this kind of scene."

Big Barda pursed her lips, and then said:"That's true, but in the past, this kind of thing only happened in other worlds."

"So don't you think this is the consequence you should bear?"

Apocalypse has been using violent means to forcefully conquer other worlds. Although Big Barda doesn't like it, it is undeniable that she was once a participant.

But when the same thing happened to herself, she couldn't stand it. ? (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"It is precisely because I know the consequences of this kind of thing that I choose to turn from darkness to light and choose to help you, but now all this...This is not what I want to see. Did I make the wrong choice?"

Big Barda stopped:"Your target is not just Darkseid, but also this planet, this world, right?"

The black-robed Superman was a little confused. He couldn't say anything, so he could only watch.

Dane stopped, and Big Barda hit on part of his thoughts.

So what if Darkseid is eliminated? As Apokolips As long as there is no new heir, he may still be resurrected.

Even if there is an heir, the heir is not necessarily better than Darkseid.

This is the dream of Apokolips. This dream should reflect the star of Apokolips. Their own desires, what do they see now?

Apokolips is longing for war! It is longing for chaos!.

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