A world longing for chaos and war will eventually give birth to a new tyrant.

So will this tyrant continue to make the same mistakes as Darkseid? What decision will he make about the world that defeated Darkseid - Earth?

No matter how I think about it, I feel that even if I defeat Darkseid, I still can't feel completely at ease.

Apokolips, which has lost Darkseid, may still develop a hostile relationship with the Earth even if Big Barda is there to mediate it. The Earth's current semi-disabled state at the end of the world cannot withstand a tentative attack by Apokolips..

From a more realistic perspective, if we want to completely solve this problem, we can only achieve very little by removing the culprits or through dialogue. So the best approach is to...

It is to make Apokolips as disabled as the Earth and make them lose the ability to attack the Earth. In Dane's view, this approach is the safest.

This plan is already very mild compared to Dane's original idea of ​​destroying Apokolips.

But Big Barda found it difficult to accept this

"So, this was your plan from the beginning, right?"Big Barda's expression was serious.

Dane saw that she had taken out the short staff, and she was obviously ready for battle. It is normal for such a thing to happen, and it is different from the official history. At this time, Big Barda He has not been completely disappointed with Apokolips, nor has he established a very deep friendship with the Justice League. It is normal for his position to be biased towards Apokolips. Superman is completely confused now. What is going on? Their team is about to start splitting now. ?

"Tell me, Dane, you...Or how did you arrange the fate of this planet?"

"This matter is none of anyone else's business, and the Justice League has no idea what I'm planning."

Although Dane knows that if he confesses his thoughts to Batman, this old Yinbi will most likely support his actions. They are both the kind of people who can be cruel at critical moments.

In the animated movie"Superman and the Bat" In"Apocalypse", Batman once threatened Darkseid by releasing Doomsday spores on Apokolips and forced him to cease fighting. This approach was actually no different from Dane. The only difference is that

Batman It's just a threat, and Dane is already doing this.

Dane still doesn't know that Batman has secretly made a quantum bomb on the earth, otherwise he would have to consider him a confidant

"You know, there's no way I'm letting you do this!"

Big Barda said, already lowering his body and making a real fighting stance towards Dane.

Superman also became serious and prepared to step forward to stop Big Barda, but was stopped by Dane.

"I understand you. Your emphasis on Apokolips proves that you are indeed different from other Apokolips people. Even if you choose to go against me, I respect your choice."

Big Barda squeezed the short staff in his hand, as if he was about to attack at the next moment.

Dane opened his arms, as if not making any resistance.

Superman looked on, but his whole body was tense, and his mind was very clear. , his position is firmly on the side of the earth, so he must be on the side of Dane.

After careful consideration of Dane's plan, it is indeed the most beneficial plan for the earth.

After experiencing what happened on the earth , , Superman no longer adheres to idealism as naively as before, he has become more pragmatic, and his thinking is more like Batman.

If sacrifices must be made between the earth and Apokolips, he will not hesitate to choose to sacrifice Apokolips. His hands have been stained with countless blood, including Apokolips.

At the same time, Big Barda is also having a war between heaven and man in her heart. In fact, she has not really thought about whether to turn against the Justice League.

But She knew that if Dane's goal was to weaken Apokolips in this way, she could no longer continue to follow him.

As for fighting Dane? She had never thought about such a thing, not only because she knew that she It was impossible to be the opponent's opponent, and it was also because there seemed to be an intuition in the dark that always prevented her from being hostile to Dane.

In fact, she could not be hostile to Dane.

So after a stalemate for a few seconds, Big Barda put away own fighting stance

"You have been kind to me, I can't take action against you, but I can't continue to help you harm my home planet. Dane immediately understood what she meant:"You're ready to leave, aren't you?""

Big Barda nodded silently.

Dane was not surprised, he just said:"If we meet again on the battlefield, I will keep you alive."

"And I will kill you without hesitation!"

Dane's words made Big Barda a little angry. Although she knew that she was not as strong as him, there was no need to speak so directly!

After saying the harsh words, Big Barda turned around and left. Neither Dane nor Superman stopped her.

"She knows a lot of our plans, and she knows what's going on on Apokolips. Superman was a little worried that Big Barda might do something bad.

Dane looked at the uncertain sky and smiled silently:"Some things, even if you know them, are powerless to change.""

Then he called to Superman again:"Don't worry about her, let's move forward."

"I just wanted to ask, now that our task has been completed, what should we do next? Dane explained:"This dream verified my guess about Apokolips, but the most fundamental problem is still unresolved.""

First, Darkseid still possesses the Anti-Life Equation. Except for Dane himself, anyone who encounters him will be mind-controlled. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Second, the Omega Effect still resides in With this thing on Darkseid, he is still very powerful and can be resurrected at any time. Ordinary methods cannot kill him at all.

By making Apokolips fall into his dream, Dane verified the relationship between Darkseid and this thing. The connection between planets can be weakened. Now he wants to continue to verify whether he can cut off this connection more thoroughly.

If he can......When Dane kills Darkseid, there might be a chance to seize the Omega Effect through the power of Zantha

"If the connection between Darkseid and the Omega Effect can be completely stripped away, he will no longer be immortal. Although it is important to weaken Apokolips, the most important thing is to kill Darkseid. He is the key."

Not long after Big Barda and Dane parted ways, when she was still confused and didn't know where she was going, a voice suddenly sounded in her ears.

"What a wonderful world, the way Apokolips should be, don’t you think?"

Big Barda turned her head suddenly, and she saw the woman who was speaking. She had gray rock-like skin, long black hair, red eyes, and was about the same height as a normal human being. For some reason, this strange woman always seemed Gives Grand Barta an oddly familiar feel.


Big Barda turned her attention to the weapon in the opponent's hand. If her memory was correct, the long weapon with five halberd points was a commonly used weapon by the Atlanteans.

The gray-skinned woman smiled at Big Barda:"Dear Big Barda, could you please tell me what is happening on Apokolips now? The time I came back seems to be a bit wrong."

Big Barda didn't listen at all. She didn't understand what the other party meant, but the warrior's strong sixth sense told her that the woman in front of her was very dangerous!

".Who are you? I have never heard of a new race of gods like you on Apokolips."

"Oh, come on, Big Barda, can you recognize all the new gods on this planet? I even doubt that you even know the real names of the Furies."

Big Barda was shocked. The other party's tone sounded like he knew them well.

"Big Barda, can you tell me what happened here now? This is still very important to me."The strange woman continued to ask her with a smile.

Although the other party's tone was very polite, Big Barda could still hear the deep disdain and condescending attitude hidden in it.

Not to mention that Big Barda actually had little understanding of the current situation, even if she If you really know everything, you won’t tell an unknown person what you know.

"I have nothing to say to you, and who are you?"

Intuition told Da Barda that the woman in front of her was definitely not simple. She had never felt such a strong intuition before, as if something big was about to happen to the person in front of her.

"No matter who you are, I'm afraid you will be with me for the next time.

The woman smiled and said,"I really like how you are now. You are full of pride and arrogance. It is very different from you later."..."

What she said made it increasingly difficult for Big Barda to understand, but the inexplicable premonition became stronger.

This prompted Big Barda to continue saying (Qianhaohao):"Hey! You......"

"My name is Greer, Big Barda, you should remember this name."

After the woman named Greer finished speaking, she suddenly waved the five-dented sword in her hand and launched an attack on Big Barda!

Big Barda had been on guard against this attack for a long time, and the short staff in her hand was instantly raised to her chest. In front of him, two weapons clashed, making a huge explosion, and Big Barda flew upside down.

The strength of the opponent was beyond Big Barda's expectation. You must know that Big Barda is two meters tall. Among the goddesses of revenge, she is Her strength is not even inferior to that of this muscular woman, but now she is beaten away by a person whose physique is not as good as hers!

Greer spun the five-dented sword in his hand, and his body picked up speed instantly, in the blink of an eye. He caught up to Big Barda, holding a halberd in one hand and chopping bitter.

Big Barda let out a deafening war cry, and held the short staff tightly with both hands. A dazzling white light lit up on the top of the staff, and a strong energy gathered on it.

She made a posture of wanting to confront Greer head-on, but when the critical moment came, she took a step back, turned sideways to pass the five-dented weapon, and then slammed the short staff on Greer.

White light flashed and spread out. Under the huge shock wave, Greer's body was blown away, just like Big Barda just now.

Big Barda also withstood the reaction force. She gritted her teeth to bear the huge force and continued to move towards Greer. Chase in the direction of Leer's landing point...

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