When Greer landed, she quickly found her balance and stood with her legs on the ground, but the shock wave from her feet raised the land on both sides, forming hills that covered it.

When Big Barda broke through the hill and entered, he found that he could not find the other party's shadow.

In the darkness, Greer's fiery red eyes stared at Big Barda's back, making her shudder.

However, when Big Barda turned his head, he didn't find anyone.

She shook the short staff in her hand, and a white light emitted from the top of the staff, illuminating the area in front of her.

Greer's figure flashed in the darkness, letting out an unpleasant laugh.

"come out!"

"as you wish. Greer suddenly jumped out and stabbed Big Barda with the five-pronged sword, but Big Barda blocked it again with a short staff.

But Big Barda didn't expect that a laser suddenly shot out from the top of the five-pronged weapon, and this laser shot at her. The armor of Atlantis was almost penetrated.

The characteristics of Atlantis are the integration of hot and cold weapons, and this laser is actually more than the power of technology.

Ordinary Atlantis water ion light cannot penetrate Revenge. The armor of the goddess.

While Big Barda was distracted by the damage on the armor, Greer swung the pentadent back, and the huge impact bounced Big Barda away again.

Greer continued to chase, She is a warrior trained by her mother, an Amazon female killer, and her fighting skills are no worse than Big Barda, who is known as the strongest female warrior on Apokolips.

And because she inherited the blood of Darkseid, Greer also has The power of the New God, and she may be the only descendant of all her siblings who has inherited Darkseid's most iconic power.

Big Barda feels increasingly powerless under Greer's attacks. She is not a god, despite her combat skills. Outstanding, but you will still feel tired, and 473 will be injured.

When the tenth round with Greer was reached, due to the huge physical and mental consumption, Big Barda's movements were already a little uncoordinated.

Greer caught Got this opportunity

"I've always heard that you are Darkseid's most outstanding female warrior, but that doesn't seem to be the case."

Up to now, Greer has not used the divine power she inherited from her father. She is only using the physique of the new gods and the combat skills of the Amazons to fight Big Barda.

But this is all, combined with the almost inexhaustible power in her body. Big Barda's energy had already defeated Big Barda.

Big Barda was unwilling to charge at Greer again, but the force of her attack was no longer as powerful as before. Greer just waved the halberd with one hand, and Big Barda Dadu couldn't bear the strength and took out the short staff in her hand.

Before she could get up, the pentagram in Greer's hand was pointed at her throat, making her dare not move rashly.

"It seemed that the outcome was decided."Greier smiled confidently and calmly.

"That’s not necessarily the case!"

In the voice of Big Barda, the short staff that was shot away by Greer automatically flew back like a drone.


The short staff fell back to the two of them, and suddenly a bright light exploded. Greer's vision was instantly taken away, while Big Barda closed her eyes in advance. She had already determined the position and reached out to take the fallen staff. , slamming forward with all her strength.

Just when she was about to succeed, Greer suddenly stretched out her hand and grabbed Big Barda's wrist.

"Seriously, you should just take advantage of the opportunity and run away."

After that, Greer punched Big Barda hard in the abdomen, and the spreading shock wave exploded into sonic boom clouds. Big Barda immediately spat out a mouthful of blood.

This attack was stronger than any previous one. Must be stronger!

"I don't have time to waste time with you here. Big Barda, come on, let me see what's going on here...."

Greer used her fingers to lift Big Barda's bloody face, and used her blood to draw an Omega symbol on Big Barda's forehead.

In an instant, the red light in the other person's eyes instantly occupied all of Big Barda's field of vision. At the same time, she felt as if her brain was open and being read by the person in front of her.

"No! What are you doing"

But Greer didn't answer, and just silently released the divine power in her body.

Gradually, Big Barda's voice became smaller and smaller, until she finally fell into a state of trance, and her memory was also destroyed by Greer at this time. It was obtained by you.

Coincidentally, Big Barda had just talked with Dane not long ago, so the reason for the incident that happened on Apokolips was also learned by Greer.

"It’s so interesting, this is a man that is hard to see through."Greier said it literally.

Although she could hear the conversation between Big Barda and the man in her memory, and could also hear the other person's voice, she could not see the other person's appearance clearly.

Obviously, the other person was in She cast a spell on herself that could confuse people, so she couldn't see the other person's true face.

On the contrary, she could see Superman clearly on the side.

"Maybe he can become a new chess piece in my hands..."

Greer mustered up more power and tried to see clearly what the strange man looked like.

Her attempt had some effect, and the man's blurred face gradually became clear.

But just when Greer was about to fully see the other person's appearance, suddenly, the man's voice stopped, and Greer felt that he seemed to be sizing her up.

This is very strange, because at this time Greer is seeing the perspective of Big Barda, but the other party suddenly behaves as if he does not know her.

"Something strange seems to have happened to you. I can't see clearly. It doesn't seem to have happened at this time.……"

Greer instantly felt a chill rush into her heart. She made a prompt decision and immediately cut off the spiritual connection between herself and Big Barda.

But because she did it in such a hurry, her spirit was not prepared. When she exited Big Barda's brain, the mental backlash instantly hit Greer's heart and caused her some injuries.

At the same time, Dane, who was far away on the other side, suddenly stopped and looked thoughtfully into the distance, which was the direction where Big Barda and Greer were.

"What's wrong?"Superman also stopped.

"Did it turn out that what happened at this time...Cortana?"

Cortana's shadow appeared in mid-air:"I'm"

"How far can you see now?"

"It's about a quarter of this planet, it's too big, and dreams aren't very stable yet."

A quarter? It should be enough.

Then he ordered:"You should keep an eye on Big Barda now. I feel that something interesting may have happened to her."

Cortana nodded and disappeared.

On the other side, Greer covered her head and secretly screamed"bad luck". (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

After the brief confrontation just now, She now fully understands that the man's spiritual attainments are far better than hers.

But she can't figure out the identity of the other man. Could it be that he is Martian Manhunter?

No, Greer made up his own guess.

Although Martian Manhunter's telepathy is very strong, Strong, but not so strong that she can influence herself with just a glance.

You must know that she is Darkseid's daughter. She not only inherited the Omega rays, but even inherited part of the power of the Anti-Life Equation.

Take Mars The strength of the hunter's mind should not be stronger than the power of the anti-life equation.

Greer had some ominous premonitions in her heart. She felt that the water in this world seemed a bit deep, and she already wanted to give up.

But just when she tried to open the time and space channel to travel through , but found that this ability failed

"How can this be?" Greer was shocked.

But after she calmed down, she figured it out. The message she just got from Big Barda's mind showed that Apokolips was entering a weird dream.

From the man's mouth, she could learn that, In this dream, the rules of time and space on Apokolips were disordered and chaotic, so she had no way of leaving as she had come. The change in the rules of time and space made her ability ineffective. Greer bit her own lips anxiously Nails, she still has things to do, she must not stay in this world

"It's really strange. According to the prophecy, I should arrive in the world where the ring is located. Why am I here?"

Grell is not from this world. The reason why she comes here is because she wants to travel to the world where the power ring is. Her goal is the power ring of evil.

She is the relationship between the Amazons and Darkseid. The child has the blood of both the old gods and the new gods in his body, so he can not only use some of the abilities and powers of Apokolips, but also the magic of the old gods.[]

In previous time travels, she had been guiding the way through an ancient prophetic magic, and she had never made a mistake.

Now that she is here, it can only prove that the ring should be somewhere in this corner.

Big Barda moved twice on the ground, seemingly showing signs of waking up.

Greer thought to herself that she was now very weak, and she didn't know what danger she would encounter if she acted alone. She needed help.

The trauma she just suffered in her memory made it impossible for her to continue reading Big Barda's memory, but she could take advantage of Big Barda's injury to plant a mark of obedience on the other person's heart.

"Hope this works."

Big Barda is also a warrior after all. Her spirit is very tough. If it were not for physical fatigue and trauma, Greer would not be able to break through the opponent's spiritual defense. After all, she is not Darkseid, she just has anti-life The power of the equation is just part of it.

Therefore, Greer almost endured the mental trauma to instill his will into Big Barda. This job is hundreds of times more difficult than fighting Big Barda directly. In just the past few minutes, Greer consumed a lot of mental energy.

But fortunately, she succeeded in the end.

At the moment of completion, Big Barda opened her eyes. Greer's mind control was relatively rough, so Big Barda's eyes were dull. , there is no spirituality in it.

This is far from Darkseid. People under the control of Darkseid still maintain their own creativity and spirituality, and they surrender from all aspects of body and mind.

"That's it for now."

Greier said helplessly, she can only do this at the moment.

"Big Barda, take me now to meet my dear brother Kalibak!".

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