After Cortana leaves, Dane and Superman move on.

As Apokolips falls deeper and deeper into the dream, the surrounding space rules become more and more weird.

Sometimes they were walking on the sand, and suddenly they were in the jungle, the next moment they were suddenly in the city, and the next moment they were in the battlefield.

The dream of Apokolips vividly displays the distortion of space. Even though Dane has the power of dreams, he is still a little troubled. The place they want to go is much further than the normal distance.

Besides, Dane was a little suspicious. Apokolips seemed to be deliberately preventing him from going to that location.

Dane and Superman once again penetrated a layer of space and came to another realm.

In this complex spatial structure, even Superman's perspective and far-sightedness are of no use. He can only follow Dane's intuition.

"The space begins to change again."Superman couldn't help but sigh.

Since they started walking again, the space has changed hundreds of times. If Dane hadn't said they were approaching there, Superman wouldn't even know how to continue walking.

"Um? Someone came in front again-"

Along the way they came, except for no man's land, almost every place with people they encountered was fighting. And every time Dane and Superman appeared on that kind of battlefield, they would be dragged into the battle by the people inside.

Some of these people are real people, and some are fake people derived from the dream world. In the ambiguous world of dreams, the boundaries between truth and falsehood have begun to blur.

Without the power of dreams, it would be difficult to discern the essence of those living beings.

But whether those people are real or fake, they are trying to draw Dane and Superman into the battle.

Dane could feel that Apokolips seemed to be deliberately spreading this kind of warlike atmosphere, but he had no interest in cooperating with it.

So every time they encounter this kind of situation, they will solve it quickly. Once they encounter a place that may delay their time, they will directly escape to other dimensions.

This time, the person coming towards him was obviously another heavily armed soldier. As usual, Superman flew up directly.

Dane looked at the person opposite and thought in his mind. This person was dressed like a peace messenger, but the aircraft he stepped on was very recognizable, and it made people think of a character.

Not everyone can ride an interstellar electric donkey so vigorously.

Orion had just escaped Kalibak's pursuit, and before he could breathe a sigh of relief, he saw a strong man flying towards him, seemingly wanting to attack him.

Like Dane and his entourage, Orion was also troubled by the war fanaticism here and encountered a lot of harassment. Therefore, when faced with the oncoming fists, he could only respond positively except to say bad luck.

Superman's speed broke the sound barrier. He clenched his hands into fists and straightened his arms forward. He used his fists as cone heads to form a cone-shaped sonic boom cloud in the air, with the cone tip pointed directly at Orion.

Orion felt the terrifying power of the opposite side, and immediately used the power of the stars to spray the energy light waves formed by the power of the stars at Superman.

Superman collided with the energy wave head-on, and a huge force seemed to push his body back, but Superman withstood the pressure and continued to fly towards Orion against the power of the stars.

"How can this be?"

It was the first time that Orion met such a fierce guy, and he was shocked to the point of losing his mind for a moment.

As an ability given to him by Heavenly Father, the power of stars has always been the power Orion relies on most, and he can usually deal with any opponent. It was the final word.

Even Kalibak was seriously injured after being hit, but his recovery was unusually fast. But

Superman's body was unscathed by the impact of the power of the stars, which really made Orion feel It's puzzling.

Just when Orion was lost in Superman's amazing defense, Superman had already approached Orion, and the dangerous situation made him wake up instantly.

Orion subconsciously concentrated the power of the stars in his hands, and used the star skateboard to give him His propulsion collided with Superman's fist.

In an instant, a loud bang exploded in the sky. The already chaotic space environment of Apokolips once again deteriorated. Countless space cracks suddenly appeared in the void, and the interior was filled with nothingness. There was an aura of destruction.

The high-pressure airflow generated by the impact of the two people seemed to have found an outlet, and rushed into the crack with great force, forming a rising storm.

Countless people on the battlefield were swept into the crack by the storm like ants. In the midst of it, he was torn into pieces by the power of space.

Dane used the power of dreams and passed his palm through the void, smoothing and eliminating the cracks in the surrounding space.

He turned around and found that Superman was okay. He was The reaction force directly pushed him to the ground, and his body was very hard. He recovered in just a few breaths.

But Orion was more dangerous. He was obviously more seriously injured in this fight. Now he was caught in the storm involuntarily and was about to fly into the gap in space.

Dane thought about it and decided to save this guy. With the help of his speed, he easily caught Orion in his hand. Then it returned to the ground.

At this time, the cracks in the void were closed again under the action of natural inertia, and the storm stopped.

"You rescued him, do you know him?"

"I'm not sure yet, but if my guess is correct, then this time we may have a more perfect way to solve the problem of Apokolips."

While speaking, Orion had already regained consciousness. He was a little confused about the situation for a while, but as soon as he saw Superman approaching, he subconsciously started to prepare for battle again.

"Wait a minute, let me ask you, what is your name? Orion suddenly became alert. As a spy, how could he tell his real name to a guy of unknown origin?

Kalibak's lesson was still fresh in his mind.

Dane smiled and said,"You look the same as here." There's something different about people. If you weren't Darkseid's subordinate, maybe we could still be friends."

Olian didn't know whether his words were true or false, just like he didn't know whether the strength of the man in front of him was deep or shallow. Anyway, the strong man who just punched him was quite powerful.

At this moment, Superman His ears twitched slightly, and he looked to the sky in surprise. He just heard a familiar voice.

"Where are you? brat!"

Kalibak rushed here from another space

"It's strange, could he still survive in such a situation?"Superman marveled at Kalibak's vitality. It was incredible.

"I see you!"Kalibak saw where Orion was, but at the same time, he also saw Superman

"It's you! Today is such a good day!"

All the old and new grudges were there, Kalibak was simply surprised. Without saying a word, he dived directly towards the location of several people, intending to fight one against two. As for Dane, he ignored it.

Dain En noticed that Orion's expression changed somewhat after seeing Kalibak.

"Is he here to find you?"Olian didn't speak.

Superman walked to Dane and said,"Something is wrong. I think he should have been killed last time. Do you think this one will be......"

Whether it was a fake or not, Superman didn't say clearly because Orion was there.

But Dane shook his head:"He is real. He should have been resurrected by Darkseid. Don't worry, I have a way to kill him."

Orion heard this in confusion, but there was one thing. He understood clearly that the two people in front of him and the beast-like man were enemies.

"wait a second."

After Dane said that, he disappeared in front of the two people in an instant.

Superman had super reflexes, so he quickly caught up with Dane's speed, so when Dane disappeared in front of his eyes, he was not as unaware as Orion. At a loss, he shifted his gaze and looked in the direction of Dane's running.

In Dane's own field of vision, everything around him was at rest. The power he took from the black runner was accompanied by blur, The ability of gravity is ineffective, so he can't feel any air resistance during the action.

Like a non-existent ghost, he quietly came to Kalibak, stretched out his hand towards him and gently grabbed him, and activated his death touch ability. Kalibak had no ability to resist, and his soul was captured by Dane.

When he returned to Superman and Orion, Kalibak's body fell to the ground like a meteor, and he could never stand up again.

Black Run The power of death was given by Darkseid to rule over all the souls of Apokolips. Therefore, this time, Dane successfully obtained the soul of a new god.

Darkseid had no way to resurrect the card without Dane's consent. Libak.

Time began to flow normally. Orion looked blankly at Kalibak's soul buried in the earth, and suddenly felt a deep chill rushing up his spine.

What happened?

He thought about it carefully, and what was in his mind The memory only remembers that Dane suddenly disappeared, and then reappeared the next second, Kalibak turned into a corpse.

Superman looked at it with his clairvoyance eyes. This time Kalibak was completely dead, and his heart stopped beating. Brain activity also stopped

"how did you do it?"

He asked a question that Orion also wanted to know. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Dane opened his palms, and there was a roaring face in his palms. He stood like an illusory shadow. Between Dane's palms, there was no way to escape.

Superman and Orion could see clearly that it was Kalibak's face.

"This is his soul." Before Superman could continue to ask, Dane told the truth about this shadow,"This is the power I took from Darkseid. It allows me to capture the souls of the new gods at will."

When saying this, Dane looked at Orion meaningfully:"You have a huge power deep in your soul."

Olian thought that what Dane saw was the power of the stars, and the secret path was bad. He was worried that his identity from the New Founding Star would be exposed, and he was about to say something to deal with it.

But Dane did not give him this chance and said directly:"You should have something to do with Darkseid, right?"

The power Dane discovered in the depths of Orion's soul was very similar to the energy he felt from Darkseid. As a cosmic master, the source of Darkseid's power as a new god seems to be traceable to its origin.

Or The power hidden in Li An has the potential to compete with Darkseid, but it is also as dark, deep, and full of violent personality as himself.

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