"No! I have nothing to do with him!"Olian strongly denied that

"Don't rush to deny it. There are some things that I can see directly and do not need to be confirmed through words."

There is a huge power hidden in Orion's body. That power goes towards the void and is connected to an unimaginable huge existence. Dane suspects that it is the Wall of Origin.

Orion became nervous after hearing Dane's words. To be honest, he didn't have the confidence to escape from Dane. After all, what happened to Kalibak was happening right in front of him.

But Dane had no intention of taking his life.

"Don't be nervous, I think you have some unnecessary hostility towards me."Dane saw that Orion was still very wary, so he took the initiative to introduce himself.

"My name is Shazam, this is my friend, Superman, we come from the third world of Earth. Orion looked at Superman with strange eyes:"

Has anyone ever told you that your name is a bit deliberate?"..."

"That's obviously just a code name!"Superman feels quite unjust. He didn't give this name by himself.......Well, it was Louise.

Superman suppressed the next words.

Orion could see that the two people in front of him didn't seem to have any ill intentions towards him, and when he almost fell into the gap in space,"633" was Dane who saved him. He thought he should be able to give a little trust.

"Orion, my name is Orion."

Dane thought secretly. Sure enough, although he had made a guess just now, he was now completely sure.

Orion only said his name, but did not mention his relationship with Darkseid. It seems that he still cares. Dane did not point this out,"The equipment on your body is very different from Apokolips. Are you from another world?""

"I'm from New Founding Star. Superman didn't know why, so he could only tilt his head and look at Dane:"The new founding star is......"

"All you need to know is that they have no dealings with Apokolips.

Orion retorted:"In fact, we have been at peace with Apokolips for a long time, so it cannot be considered a hostile relationship."......"

By saying this, does he completely regard himself as the new founding star?

"Then you came to this world......"

Orion said vaguely:"I'm here to complete a mission."

Dane smiled and said:"Let me guess, you want to investigate what happened on this planet, right?"

Orion's body shook when he heard this. Shocked, he realized that Dane might know something, so he said calmly:"Do you know?"

Dane did not answer, but changed the subject:"What are you going to do now? Let me remind you, here The changes in space are very strange, and you can't find the correct direction without navigation."

Orion could have navigated through the star skateboard, but his skateboard had been sucked into the space crack in the storm just now.

He raised his wrist and tried to summon the skateboard through the star wristband, but it showed that the skateboard was outside the service area. He had never encountered this kind of thing before.

This means that Star Skateboard is probably no longer in the fourth dimension, but he doesn't know which world it has gone to.

At this time, Dane gave a suggestion:"If you want to find the top management of Apokolips or Darkseid himself, you can choose to cooperate with us, and our Justice League will be happy to accept you."

"Justice League? You said you are the Justice League?"

Like the original world, the Justice League also has a certain reputation here, especially for Orion.

Although he doesn't want to admit the relationship between himself and Apokolips, he can't help but want to pay attention to Apokolips. Curiosity.

Orion is also concerned about Steppenwolf, the new god exiled by Darkseid.

Most of the other planets ruled by the new founding star are in the third world, the mortal universe.

Since Steppenwolf was After being exiled, he invaded some primitive planets in the third world, and sometimes faced off against Orion.

At that time, Orion did not reveal his real name to Steppenwolf, and he also used the power of the stars given by Heavenly Father, so the wasteland The wolf did not recognize him.

At that time, Steppenwolf had just been exiled, and the power of the New God in his body was still at its peak. At that time, Orion was just a fledgling recruit. The first battle between them ended with Orion's It ended in failure. After that, Orion doubled his training and worked hard to hone his star power, planning to find Steppenwolf one day and wash away his shame.

But just when he felt that he had achieved something, he heard the news of Steppenwolf's defeat, and The one who defeated him was an organization called the"Justice League".

Orion didn't even remember where this organization came from, but he remembered the name of the organization.

"It turns out to be you!"

Orian was relieved. Although he didn't remember which planet the Justice League came from, he still remembered that it was a league from the original world, a remote world that no one cared about.

If it weren't for the people in it, he wouldn't know about this world. , so the possibility of being impersonated is relatively small

"I heard that a Kryptonian once defeated Steppenwolf, and I thought it must be you."

Judging from the actions of Superman and Dane, Orion judged that Dane was obviously stronger.

He heard rumors at the time that Steppenwolf seemed to have been completely tortured by the Kryptonians, so he felt that Dane must be the one who defeated Wasteland at that time. wolf kryptonian

"Then you guessed wrong. In fact, the person next to me is a Kryptonian."

Superman crossed his arms and wondered: What? Doesn't he look like the kind of person who can hammer Steppenwolf? That guy is so weak....

"Sorry, my bad."Olian was surprised, but it was easy.

If it was the Justice League, Orion thought he could try to cooperate with the other party.

"I want to figure out what happened here. Apokolips seems to be very different from before?"

"This matter is a bit complicated to talk about, how about it? If you decide to act with us, I can explain the current situation to you. Our target is also Darkseid's palace. Orion thought about it again and again, and decided to accept Dane's suggestion and temporarily form a team with them to explore the reason why Apokolips became like this.

Superman didn't understand why Dane brought Orion with him, but he chose to follow Dane's instructions.

The three of them re-formed a team and flew into another space,


At the end of the day, Batman was wondering about Kalibak not coming to Earth yet. Darkseid clearly said that he would arrive on Earth soon. Help him.

With the power of the Mother Box, Kalibak shouldn't linger for so long. Batman has already guessed that there may be some problems on Apokolips. After all, he watched Dane and the three of them enter Apokolips.........

Now, he can only rely on himself.

Just when Doomsday Batman was studying how to destroy the Justice League in his underground base, Reverse Flash entered his base with a seriously injured body.

"You didn't tell me that Firestorm was there too!"

Reverse Lightning's body was attacked by the energy wave of the storm matrix, and is now in a state of unstable material harmonics. This makes his whole body look blurry. This is a phenomenon that he is vibrating at high speed.

He is trying to use the Speed ​​Force. Healed himself, but the energy of the Storm Matrix kept interfering with his process of absorbing the Speed ​​Force.

Batman picked up a strange-looking machine from the table, turned around, and raised his hand to fire at Reverse Flash before he had time to react. A wave of matter appeared.

Reverse Lightning almost thought that the opponent wanted to take the opportunity to kill him, but after the wave hit him, dozens of yellow lightning suddenly appeared in the void and struck Reverse Lightning.

Soon Reverse Lightning reacted, and this It's the Speed ​​Force!

He immediately absorbed the lightning that struck him. The injuries on his body healed quickly with the help of the Speed ​​Force, and he soon returned to normal.

"Do you still have such ability?"

Batman turned around and continued working on the computer:"I have done in-depth research on the Flash. Although my research on the Speed ​​Force is far less than that of the Justice League, I still have some insights. How did you complete your work?"

"Cyborg is dead, but what happened to Firestorm with the skull head?"

"That was not Firestorm, but another Firestorm peer from another parallel world named Deathstorm. Batman thought about how Reverse Flash had just been injured, and said thoughtfully:"It seems that no matter what he looks like, he obviously has the same ability as Firestorm, which means......"

This means that Deathstorm also has the same storm matrix as Firestorm, which actually makes him easier to deal with.

"That Deathstorm ability is tricky, and the worst part is, he doesn't seem to mind having human life on his hands."

Reverse Lightning discovered it when he was attacked by Death Storm. The opponent seemed to have launched the attack with the purpose of killing him from the beginning. Moreover, this guy also included Cyborg in the attack range. It seemed that he didn't care about Cyborg at all. What would happen to Bones?

If he hadn't been fast enough to escape before the opponent actually released his ultimate move, Reverse Flash doesn't know if he could have escaped alive.

"I already have a way to deal with him."

When the Justice League was destroyed on Earth at the end of the world, Batman collected the equipment and remains of all deceased members, including Firestorm.

Before, he did not desecrate Firestorm's remains out of respect for his teammates, but now Batman is different. At this time, he feels that these remains can also be used as waste.

For example, the Storm Matrix is ​​extracted from the remains of Firestorm.

The Storm Matrix is ​​a very strange ability. It can not only give the user the ability to act like Firestorm. The ability to reorganize matter can also trap enemies inside the matrix, and even capture some superpowers through the matrix.

Batman thought that Firestorm's matrix should be able to fuse with Deathstorm's matrix to capture the opponent's abilities. With two The power of the matrix superposition, even if their side is weak, they have the ability to balance the alliance with justice.

"Before that, we have to get Firestorm's body first!".

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